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Imminent Dawn: Callisto


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"AI controlled, huh? Perfect." Looks like Kazue didn't need to hold back in this case, and Leon could feel less bad about himself. So with a smirk on he loaded his shotgun. "Those tanks hit like a truck, keep careful guys. Don't do what I'm about to now!" With gusto behind him, the red haired man charged right for a tank to blow a hole in it. They were durable and tough, but so was he.

Leon moves 18, 14 and uses an explosive shotgun blast on Tank 3.

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Though Kazue had managed to restrain herself prior, her sense of justice still drove her to charge into AHI's tank fleet. The Captain gave the order to protect the independents shortly after so no harm no foul, but it was still something that could've gotten her into serious trouble. He sighed. Hopefully the Captain's orders continue to line up with her actions. For now, orders were orders; not that he needed a reason to protect Callistan citizens. His thrusters roared back to life as charged the tank Kazue had slammed with her blade, unloading burst of explosive ammunition into where the tank's autonomous control system ought to be. "Need some backup, Ensign?"

He followed her lead, using his loudspeakers to address the independents. "You heard her, now get going. You're machines won't last long against cannon fire."

Daeran to 19, 15, Explosive Shotgun Tank 3.

Edited by Ursali
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"Helm, move the dawn closer to the worker machines, if the remaining tanks continue to pursue we'll be in range for covering fire. Tristan, be ready at a moment's notice for evasive action; the Dawn is sturdy, but I'm not interested in figure out how Tank cannons fare against our armor." Or causing myself any issues because of it, this is already a lot. Just remain calm, Sia, this is nothing beyond what you've actually done. You're just in the commander's seat. "Gunnery officer," Sia realized in the middle of the command that she hadn't taken the woman's name down; so much had been happening that she wasn't entirely sure of all of the names on the bridge. She was darker skinned woman, hair in dreads, and looked younger than even herself, "Please prepare the defensive guns, and place the main cannon on standby. We'll need the range to protect ourselves, and the fleeing machines." 

Finally, she strode her way over to the seat that hadn't been there during the simulation; Tristan's request had finished just in time. She took her seat at the tactical display, half remembering why it was here to begin with. An embarrassing thought, but there was no time to be embarrassed; it was time to put it through its paces. A gentle wave of her hand as the display came alive. 

"To the fleeing machines, we'll cover your escape. Please continue to move as you are." 

The Dawn moves to 15, 11! 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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"Yes, ma'am." Tristan readied the ship's port and starboard emergency evasion engines, making sure they were revved up and ready for sudden shifts in momentum to avoid any direct hits. "Alert to the crew and passengers of the Imminent Dawn, we are entering a combat zone. Please be advised. Find secure seating or enter your rooms; incoming fire or sudden evasive maneuvers may shake the ship hard enough to make footing unsteady." Alert reported to the crew and their carry-ons, Tristan kept a part of his screen open for the emergency engines, popping open another screen to monitor incoming radio signals. He wanted to make sure there was two sets of eyes on them in case they stopped being jammed for long enough to get word out to either AHI or Callisto's capital.

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Aegean brushed a single dreadlock behind her ear, the rest of her hair tied up in a ponytail. To say this whole mission held a lot for her would be an understatement, and now they were in live combat, no practice drills or simulations. Her targets were approaching, and her shots mattered a lot. Suddenly her title was called, orders issued. "Yes Captain." Gean gave a nod, flipping her appropriate switches and focusing her reticles. You got this Gean, this is the first step towards everything.

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Well, that was pretty set now. Autonomous units firing at civilians was certainly excessive, from their position, though it certainly brought what these civilians were doing as a curious question to Bonner. "Captain, if I may, we should still try to discern the motives of those piloting the civilian machines." Perhaps a lot to ask in the heat of battle, but Bonner wasn't planning to leave more work for the others.


Bonner to (17,13), shoot Tank 1 with his autorifle.

"Hmm..." Unmanned made sense. Esther couldn't sense intent in the suppressor's movements. "Guess that's free reign to blow them up." Not worrying about the consequences made things simpler. She could focus on trying to emulate the performance she got in sims.

Esther to (18,13).

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Alrenne stood fast on his spot on the bridge, observing the battle through the holoprojector. The Captain's orders were more than reasonable, especially given how one-sided the fight - if you could call it that - had been until their arrival. Still, Bonner raised a good point - the autonomous units were far from berserk. They still appeared to be acting on some kind of logic. "Captain, I agree with the Lt. Commander. Protecting them is important, but if we're going to take an action like this we need to ascertain the situation before they leave. Reed - hail those machines. Let's at least get them identifying themselves."

"Right away, sir."

Kazue takes a couple swings at Tank 4, but not before it fires back! (76, 86) (13, 34) (76, 72) 
The tank's armor is crushed under her blade! Kazue takes 7 damage on the counter. Tank 4 destroyed! 37 XP to Kazue.

Louise takes a long-range shot at Tank 1. 100 to hit. (65)
Tank 1 is rolling along a lot less smoothly! 14 damage to Tank 1. 10 XP to Louise.

Leon boosts forwards and blasts Tank 3 with an explosive shell! (21, 25)
The tank can't counterattack! 7 damage to Tank 3. 10 XP to Leon.

Daeran follows up with another shotgun shell! 100 to hit. (3)
Critical! The tank is little more than a smoking wreck now! Tank 3 destroyed! 33 XP to Daeran.

Bonner rocks up and drills Tank 1 with his Autorifle! (39)
13 damage to Tank 1.
Tank 1 counters with cannon fire! (74) miss. 4XP to Bonner.

Iskra cleans up! (11, 13)
9 damage to Tank 1. Tank 1 destroyed. 33 XP to Iskra.

"Unidentified units, this is Warrant Officer Reed of the Imminent Dawn. We are defending you from the autonomous Avyndor forces at this time. Identify yourselves and state your intent immediately."

Enemy Phase 2


Tank 2 levels its twin barrels and fires on Markus' shiny new HEX! (80)
Miss! 1XP to Markus.

Lancers 1 and 3 advance on Daeran and Leon, rifles blazing! (12) (24, 53)
The two pilots brace against the impact! 5 damage to Daeran, 2 damage to Leon, 1XP each. Discharge is now active on Leon!

"U-Uh... crap. We're, we're from Callisto! We're fed up with how much control Avyndor has! If things keep going the way they are, then-- agh?!"

Lancer 2 interrupts Kim's response with a burst of bullets! (39, 85)
She hastily guards herself, her HEX losing an arm in the process! 5 damage to REM 2.

"Give 'em the ideals crap LATER, run NOW!"

"This is the WORST!"


Player Phase 3

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Tokiwa kicked her legs up on the dash of her Fang, idly watching the security camera she'd tapped into in that rebel facility. A lazy hand clacked a finger into the comms and onto Alriana's channel, the static popping for a second before clearing up. "Heyyyy, Aly, baby, did those AHI folks show up yet? To our 'anonymous' tip? I can see some folks showing up on two different fronts, but these security cameras are pretty shit; can't get a read on who they are. Wanna fill me in? I need to know when to send in the boys."

This was Tokiwa's job; causing distress on Callisto to keep the government in disarray. The rebel groups around the moon were definitely real, and AVI was definitely the work force that kept the peace around here. How better to cause a problem than to lead the AHI forces into a deathtrap? "If those CEN comms are correct, that battleship arrived real recently... Maybe they'll get drawn into this~" Her tail swished idly behind her, the woman arching her back and yawning, her outfit straining against the tape that barely kept it covering her. "Mmmm, get on with the fireworks... I'm so bored."

Alriana had, temporarily, disabled her machine's SyNC system so that she could use her tail as a chair. It was about twice as tall as she was, and more than cabable of supporting the light grey lizard's weight. Her Almydis sat overlooking one of the warehouses, invisible to all but the sharpest perceptions, watching the rebels, they couldn't really be called forces, run from AHI security. "They're here. Should I go smash them? Which side is supposed to win today?"

Her machine turned towards the south, the only hint of movement an impossible to see shimmer, as her scanner suddenly picked up a large influx of heat signatures. Even at this distance there was no mistaking the battleship and the host of military grade HEXes deploying onto the moon's surface. "Looks like you got your wish. CEN's here, battleship and all. That means the target is probably there somewhere. Should I go find it?"

"Hold your horses. Geez, you really don't know how to savor a hunt, do you? If you eat right away it's not gonna taste as good~" Toki clicked her tongue at Alriana's insistence, sighing. The girl was good at what she did, but she was also far, far too feral. It made sense, given her origins, but still... "If you charge in there, you're gonna get shot down, and then they'll kill you, and you'll never get to fight ever again. You want that? I don't think you want that. So just watch. Keep your eyes peeled and mark the target once you see him, but do not engage, no matter what. And if you get engaged on, retreat. These are orders, Aly-- and if you don't like 'em, you're free to try and kill me when you get back. Until you do, you know your master."

Oh right, the mission. "You're getting it all wrong, anyway. It doesn't matter who wins, as long as there's fighting. That's what matters most. Gotta keep the populace scared and the politicians fighting~"

"I feel like you say these things because you know that she's going to try and kill you later." A long sigh over the comms. "So the target's out there, huh? So we're to watch and wait, and just make as much chaos as usual?" An even longer sigh. "Did we ever get a point to all of this? Just make everyone fight, and... what?"

"Is that you Tanvir? How's my favorite cyborg doing?" Toki flipped his comms into the conversation, camera visual coming on since they were so close in their little base. "Beats me. I just take orders. Whatever top brass wants, it starts with causing political unrest on Callisto. Maybe they want to seize AHI! Wouldn't that be crazy? Can't just buy 'em out, or maybe AHI refuses to sell themselves... So they gotta stir up the pot and put the pressure on~ If you wanna ask questions next time the G-Man calls, go for it, but I don't get paid to ask questions, I get paid to play chess." (edited)

The taller, dark skinned man shook his head as soon as his camera clicked on, seeing Toki's smile. "They sure do have a crazy way of getting what they want. Little violence over there, another assassination over there... I guess I shouldn't be surprised that we don't know jack about what's going on." Tanvir baulked at being called her 'favorite cyborg,' firstly, they were not friends, and he disliked being called a cyborg--a fact Toki knew well. That didn't stop the cyborg part from being at least reasonably accurate.

"So what exactly is special about our target, and why the hell are they on a CEN battleship?" Tanvir thought for a moment, and then leaned back in his chair, "I guess you probably don't know that either."

"Mmmmm, doooooon't know why a whole state of the art battleship is here, but... The target is that politician-- what was his fucking name, uuugghhh... That, Vhane guy, whatever. The target is his son. Daeran. I'm personally familiar with him; soon as I saw the name I got all giddy~" She smiled, wider, her eyes squinting a bit, a rather familiar and sinister look that Tanvir was likely very tired of.

"Maybe I'll get to put an end to my old friend myself, but... If not, so it goes. Just hope I get to fight someone strong... I'm so bored...~ You wanna go a few rounds, Tanny?"

"So you say, but I have never experienced any difference in taste from eating out of the fridge or eating something I killed myself." She growled at the implication she'd be stupid enough to run straight into the enemy line, unfortunately without the camera on the threat of her teeth went unseen. "I was going to assassinate him. Wait until the rest of 'AHI' shows up and then attack when they're all distracted. Doesn't matter when he dies so long as he dies. And I was going to try to kill you when I got back anyway."

She rolled her eyes. "Yes but if we weaken AHI and the rebels gain strength then it makes more chaos, more fighting. But fine. Won't engage with them." Unless the opportunity presents itself...

"That's a good girl~ I look forward to your latest attempt." At least Aly knew how to listen. Toki inspected her right arm, the upper forearm basically all metal at this point... Alraina had done an incredible number on her muscles and skin, forcing the necessary changes. Luckily for Toki, being a newtype made her able to handle the lizard. "That battleship will step in for the rebels once we send in our AHI forces, anyway. So don't you worry. The rebels will be fine~"

"Stop firing! Dammit!" Kazue was furious, even if these were autonomous security forces, they still had to have been sent by someone! "Stop! STOP! ちくしょう!!" She could do nothing else but curse and ram her HEX's engines, firing them up and rocketing towards one of the closer enemy models!

Kazue casts Blitz and rockets to 14,19, heavy metal sword into lancer #2!

"Damn ensign... But if they won't stop, then at least she has the right idea. She's not being careful about it, though..." Louise slid the sniper onto her HEX's back, pulling the much smaller auto rifle and boosting to engage with her. "Focus fire on the closer targets," she barked into close range comms, "then brace for the next wave. I don't think they're going to stop any time soon!"

Louise to 16,14, autorifle into Lancer #2!


Edited by Nanami Touko
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Markus grit his teeth and sighed as he was able to dodge the tank shell. He thanked his lucky stars he wasn't hit by one of those. "Gotta be extra careful now..." Every move he made, every shot, he thought he was better prepared for all this. He did everything in his power to push those thoughts out. "No. No, not gonna die today, Markus. Absolutely fucking not."

He took a deep breath, aimed his shotgun, and took charge on the enemy.

Markus fires his shotgun at Lancer #1! Hit and Away to 19,16

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It seemed like, despite being on the front line, the enemy wasn't interested in targeting her just yet. That was good, she could take advantage of that. The enemies were spread out in front of her, leaving an opening for her to try the weapons that she had been slightly dreading. "Focus on them, not on everything else... OK Ion, let's do this. Engaging the remaining tank with the wire-guided cannons." Hopefully this wouldn't backfire. 

Wire-guided cannons tank 2

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Scylla saw an opening, and hell if she wasn’t going to take it. Sliding in after Markus had taken his shot, Scylla brandished her HEX’s sword and took a mighty swing at the bot!

Scylla to (17,16) and attack Lancer 1 with her Heavy Metal Sword!

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The fight had absolutely broken out by now, all Leon could do was focus on what was in front of him. "Eat this!" He lifted his heavy halberd and rushed in to smash it down onto a nearby Lancer!

Leon moves 18. 17 to swing his Heat Halberd at Lancer 3!

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The tanks were getting taken out reasonably slow for their size. "Mmm, AHI doesn't fail to impress with their armor." Bonner readied his HEX's autorifle, thinking on the rebel situation. "Guess that's a bad time to ask them, don't let them get out of sight, if you can."

Bonner to (18,16), autorifle tank 2

"Haah..." Esther wasn't exactly invested in the discussion with the rebels. She was too busy thinking about her own performance. She needed to put a good result for herself, after that simulation. "Got you..."

Esther to (18,15), grenade tank 2

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"Cut off those machines!" Sia called as their correspondence with the fleeing rebels was cut short by a round of bullets. Bonner's call was spot on; they needed to know what was going on here, as quickly as they were able. From the sensors in front of her, she could tell that if they cut off those onrushing machines, they escapees should be safe. That line approaching was a little menacing, "Comms, maintain an open channel with the rebels. XO, continue with your line of questioning, if I have further questions, I'll chime in. Helm, move us in closer, that line of approaching enemies may be an issue, and we may have to assist." She was finding the swing of things now, trepidation still present, but she knew how things worked. If things keep going the way they are... seems like there may be more veracity to the heavy-handed methods. "You should be in the clear past that ridge. We'll continue to cover you until you're out of the area, but if you could continue what you were saying, sir." 

The Dawn moves to 17, 14!

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"Kazue, keep yourself calm!" Daeran let out a stress filled sigh as Kazue rocketed towards one of the Lancers, thankful that it hadn't been straight into the line that was set to crash into them. The rest of the squad handled the rest of close range enemies, save for a single Lancer now in their midst. He was in position to take a shot, but with the damage his HEX had already suffered he wasn't confident he could get through its armor in one exchange, at least not without exposing himself. For now, he held position, time would tell if it was the right call to make.

Daeran holds position with 90mm equipped.

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As the combat raged on, Ensign Kiria squirmed around at her console's seat, anxiously staring as the red and blue dots on her fuzzy screen blipped in and out, only taking breaks to peer out the bridge's windows at the actual events. Ughhh, this is dragging ooooon... this sucks, we're WINNING and it's STILL terrifying why did I sign UP for this...

The rest of the bridge paid little attention to her nerves, until a few moments later, when she promptly practically squeaked, her gaze now transfixed on her screen. Alrenne did a bit of a double take, looking off to the side to check on the commotion.

"...Ensign Kiria? Do you, ah... have something to add?"

Her response - still momentarily stunned - was to point vaguely at the screen, hardly visible from over her shoulder, much less halfway across the bridge; before blinking a little, poking at her console, at which several new red silhouettes appeared on the tactical map to the southwest and northeast. Alrenne winced.

"Er... oh. Hmm. This is problematic."


Kazue blitzes right into Lancer 2, taking a slice out of it; Louise gets a little closer than usual and follows up to finish it off! (73, 85) (100 to hit)
Lancer 2 destroyed, 11XP to Kazue, 37XP to Louise. Louise levels!
36 8 10 84 44 15 72

Markus focuses and puts a slug squarely into Lance 1! It sprays back wildly, somehow missing the entire group. (100 to hit, 75) (48)
10 damage to Lancer 1, 11XP to Markus.

Iskra puts her mind to it and sends her wire-guided cannons to attack! (100 to hit, 27) 8 damage to Tank 2. 
The computations care not for fancy weaponry! An uninvited shell lands on Iskra's HEX. (27) 8 damage to Iskra. 10XP to Iskra.

Scylla takes a schwing and Lancer 1 locks up! (12, 18) Critical! The old HEX is shredded to ribbons. 48 damage to Lancer 1, destroyed, 37XP to Scylla.

Leon is a little unprofessional with his Heat Halberd in front of Lancer 3. (94) Miss, 1XP to Leon.

Bonner grumbles and rumbles, shots landing right on target on Tank 2. (46, 34) 12 damage to Tank 2. 4XP to Bonner. Tank 2 sits there like a sad little box.

Esther pulls a gamer move and steals the kill! (100 to hit, 84) 7 damage to Tank 2, destroying it. 33 XP to Esther.


Enemy Phase 3

Lancers 7 & 8 fire 90mm Autorifles at the exposed Kazue! Kazue cannot counter, choosing to Defend under the withering hail of bullets.
Lancer 7's attack (20) - 5 damage to Kazue!
Lancer 8's attack (44) - 6 damage to Kazue!
2XP to Kazue.

Lancer 5 sprays its rifle at the swordbearing Scylla! Scylla cannot counter, choosing to Evade. (64) - miss! 1XP to Scylla.

Lancer 6 chips at Markus from out of range, his shotgun can't find a target...! Markus chooses to Evade. (90) - miss! 1XP to Markus.

Lancer 3's rifle barks as the Dawn brings its guns to bear! (26, 68) - 8 damage to the Dawn!
Autocannons roar to life! (100 to hit, 37) - 7 damage as Lancer 3 gets clipped! 11XP to Sia.

New enemies have arrived!


Reed furrowed her brow, listening intently through frequency after frequency, letting out a bit of a huff of frustration after a long moment, turning her seat towards the captain's chair.
"Just more automated warnings from the northeast group, ma'am. I can't make out anything from the southwestern group, though... I'm not sure what that means."

Kiria let out another noise, this time jabbing at her touchscreen more eagerly, and a new contact appeared on the tactical map; this time, the IFF reading out friendly - and a very old model number; some kind of custom CEN C-HEX-1. "Oh! U-Um, there's, that's an ally, over there! By that... fuel depot, thing? Sir- um, ma'am!"


Player Phase 4

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"And, here, we, go... Boosters on, systems running... Stay together for me, Junkyard! Hiiiiii~!" Azame opened short range comms, trying to hail the battleship. "Ensign Azame Nishimiya, reporting for duty! On assignment, but prepared to assist with the pilots of the Imminent Dawn! Speaking of..." One of the nearby pilots-- the closest one, looked about ready to fall apart! "That's bad! Gotta tackle that..."

"Gh!" Kazue grunted as her machine was rocked with incoming solid ammunition, managing to survive the barrage, but once again, all systems were red. "Not yet... まだ、まだだ!!!" The warnings could be ignored, so long as the machine was still going to move! "一撃必殺!!"

Kazue drives her broken machine to 13,23, Heat Halberd into Lancer #7!

"Heyyyy! Your machine's gonna fall apart if you keep pushing it, like... Whoa..." Despite the state of the HEX, she'd managed, not only to charge in, but handily deal with the enemy model. "Uh... Still gonna fix that! Being cool doesn't keep you together!"

Azame to 11,23, Trust on Kazue and Nanofoam Repair Spray!

"Phew... Better than nothing~!"

"Ensign Nishimiya, keep our loose cannon alive! You're getting one damn long talking to once we're done here..." Louise could vent her frustrations later, there were targets to deal with, ones in perfect range. "Got you in my sights..."

Louise ignores Lancer #3 and fires her Beam Sniper at Lancer #6!
Hit & Away to 17,17

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"Ensign Fuji--" Bonner leaned back against his seat, exhaling a long sigh as Kazue decided to just keep trudging on despite her mech's condition. This is impossible. Why does she keep charging to where we can't provide cover? Does she have a death wish?

Slow breaths. Bonner knew he couldn't get agitated, they had live ammunition pointed at them from several sides. This was no time to spread his thoughts lest his HEX became a prime target. That's how the dominoes fell.

Hands on the controller. Thrusters on. Move the HEX forward, don't stop the momentum, don't let the AI reassess. "More signals. Be on guard." His voice was neutral, restrained. "We've become the prime target, don't risk yourself without reason."

Bonner to (16,20), autorifle on Lancer 8.

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Iskra flinched as she got hit in return. Lucky shot... These stupid weapons have me all shaken. The overload... Need to get used to them though. She took aim again, headache starting to fray at her attention as she released the weapons.

Hold still, wire guided cannons Lancer #5

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Sia turned to Kiria as new arrivals appeared on her shared screen, two large groups of enemy units arrived both in front and behind them. Sia clicked her tongue; a pincer attack, while also having to protect the rebels was not an ideal situation. This amount of force was excessive before, but this was approaching wasteful levels. Or perhaps... there's more to this. Even if these are autonomous, there has to be some level of threat assessment for situations like this... Either the rebels were after something deemed important enough to protect with this amount of force, or it really is just a case of brutal retaliation. Her musing was cut short by the rattling of bullets against the Dawn's hull, and the new seat performed perfectly, allowing her to brace, and not be thrown about in surprise like before. She took a deep breath, "Thank you, Tristan..." She shook her head, "Gunnery officer, return fire!" 

The fact of the matter was that they needed to act, and quickly--a pincer had to be broken before it encircled them. "You're not getting anything from the southeastern group? Nothing, not even the automated message from the original unit?" That was concerning, it could be any number of things. Then a bubbly voice came across the intercom, announcing herself as Ensign Nishimiya--the name sounded familiar, it may have been on the mission dossier--and quickly launched into action as their other ensign, Kazue launched off into further combat away from the others, and with a badly damaged machine, "Ensign Fujiwaru, don't break formation further! Sorry to throw you into the mix so haphazardly, Ensign Nishimiya, but please support Ensign Fujiwaru." Sia couldn't let this one go, the Ensign was placing herself, and the unit in dangerous territory. Yet, just like before, her combat sense was leading her to victory. 

There was originally a question of which side to handle first, but Kazue's headlong rush decided that for her, "Lieutenant Calvin, be ready at a moment's notice for evasive action. I don't like that we're not receiving anything from the Southeastern group, we're going to press forward, and handle the group we can confirm as autonomous, and double back to handle the southeastern group. Ensign Kiria, if anything changes on what you're receiving from the southeastern group notify me at a moment's notice, and keep an eye on their movements. For now, Helmsmen, get us out of the range of that nearby HEX and place us reasonably in range for the main gun for the approaching assailants. Everyone else, continue disabling the units in this clearing!" 

Sia then turned her focus to the growing elephant in the room, "If you're still listening, Callistan rebels, what exactly where you planning to do here that would cause AHI to mount this kind of force to put an end to it?" 

The Dawn moves to 20, 18, and uses Alert! 

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Gean frown and jostled in her seat as one of the enemy forces darted in to smack the Dawn. "Not so fast there!" Switching over to the canons, Gean took quick ain to return fire with a parting gift per captain's orders.

More folks were joining the party, and Gean clicked her tongue, this would much easier if she had a spread option at her disposal. Perhaps the dev team could whip something up for the Dawn, or the big girl as Gean referred to the ship as in her head. For now they were heading forward, and Gean was getting ready to use the big gun.


Edited by Bluemask 96
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"Aye aye, Captain. Emergency evasion thrusters set and ready for use. To all bridge and occupants of the Dawn, prepare for a sudden lurch!" Thrusters were set on all sides for a swift and heavy shift in their placement, Tristan knowing it would be quite the feeling for many on board.

As the CEN HEXes immediately jumped to defend the fleeing rebels, Alriana stood up straight and reactivated her Almydis' SyNC system. The machine now mimicked the fast majority of her movements, including the slow swaying of her tail. Watching the rebels flee, and with clear intent to communicate on the Dawn's front, she was reminded of another of their objectives. "Toki, should I go deal with the rebels? Dawn wants to talk to them."

"Huh?" Toki had nodded off slightly, blinking several times as she came back awake. Getting her rest while Alriana was out was one of her favorite past times. "Muh, no. Leave 'em. Doesn't matter what the rebels say, they don't know we orchestrated this. Let 'em fill the Dawn with lies about AHI coming after them and trying to wipe them out when it was, us~" She yawned, sitting up so she wouldn't pass out again. "Just keep watching. It'd be way worse for us if the Dawn saw you."

"Mrrr... Fine." Her displeasure with Tokiwa's answer was obvious, Alriana audibly growling as she just as quickly disabled the SyNC system. Her one chance at a break in this boredom denied so quickly, she returned to sitting on her tail. No one knew she was here, no one would even know to look for her when she left.

"You'll live, geez. Never met anymore more bloodthirsty than me... You'll get your chance to fight them soon enough~ And then you can kill as many of them as you want to get to Daeran, got that? No restrictions. Isn't that exciting?"

"I'm kind of surprised that you manage to keep the mission in mind with how bloodthirsty you tend to be." Tanvir stretched out his arms, and rolled his neck, "Is Alriana going to be enough to deal with the target? Or do I also need to roll out there? Could even be an insurance policy if Alriana gets too violent. We do need that ship mostly intact, don't we?"

"You stay put. She's not meant to engage today... Honestly, I should've sent you out instead, but I wanted a break from her constant harassment." Tokiwa yawned again and crossed her legs on her machine's dashboard. "Today is reconnaissance and making sure the plan with the rebels comes to fruition. And the plan is the Dawn intervening successfully... Gotta get AHI in their line of fire."

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