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Imminent Dawn: Callisto


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Seeing Markus almost drop got Leon worried. "Don't push yourself, man!" He called over the comms before he went ahead and swung on a tank. I gotta take more hits here, not him!

Leon moves 21, 24 and Heat Halberds Tank A-4

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"...Thank you." ait was nice to have a second shot at it, especially with how she still felt like she had a score to build. "Back to engaging." The tanks were nothing to worry about, certainly, she had more than enough to deal with.

Esther to (20,24)throw her grenade at tank 2-A.

Things were so much simpler when people followed formation. Still, with more enemies in sight, Bonner was still most fit to be the vanguard. I can trust Park to remain alive while engaging the opposite end, out of anyone here... "Don't lose focus still, their numbers increase."

Bonner to (20,25), rotating slicer vs tank 4-A.

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Kazue unsheathes her halberd and slams it down into down into tank 3A! (24, 50) 14 damage to Tank 3A, (70), and the tank's machine gun spray goes wide! 11XP to Kazue.

Azame's machine sets some of Esther's parts back in place! 9HP to Esther, 9XP to Azame.

The Dawn flies forward, opening a curtain of gunfire against Tank 3A! (57, 46) 6 damage to Tank 3A, 11XP to Sia!
Sia levels up! 83 8 28 26 80 14 89

Markus draws the long cannon from his HEX's back, putting some 180mm heat downrange! (100 to hit, 26) 7 damage to Tank 2A, with the tank uselessly firing back! 11XP to Markus.

Leon won't be left out of the fun, tearing up Tank 2A with his halberd! (20, 34) 8 damage, and he's attacked from Tank 2A's blind spot! 11XP to Leon.

Bonner slides up and rips tank 3A apart! (80, 26) Critical! 33 damage to Tank 3A, destroying it! 4XP to Bonner.

Daeran gets nice and close with Tank 4A! (100 to hit, 85) 11 damage to Tank 4A, with the machine gun firing back - (42) - missing entirely! 11XP to Daeran.

Enemy Phase 7

Tank A4 fires shells in Scylla's direction, catching her out of support range! Scylla chooses Evade. (100) miss, 1XP to Scylla.

Alrenne looked to his side as the captain gave the order to advance. It was... sound, given the circumstances and urgency of the situation, and he silently nodded his assent. She did look to be... flagging, somewhat, though. It could have been fatigue; or perhaps the burden of command for a new captain? Either way, it was not his place to question, but to support.

<<Allllrighty, looords and ladies. You remember the details. Get in there, raise some hell, kill some rich boy if you can pick 'em outta that mess of the same bot. We feelin' it today or what?!>>

<<God, shut up. Who died and made you Scythe 1?>>

<<I dunno, buddy. Maybe you'll figure it out once you get off your ass and get enough contracts to get yourself out of a shabby-ass Lancer, Scythe 4. How old's that thing? They can't still be making them, right? Gotta be at least half a century old...>>

<<...Shut up.>>

<<Haha! Love ya too, Four. It's okay, you can buy my Arde when we get outta here if you live. I'll be upgradin'! ...Oh, shit, is she hailing us? Wow, we get to use the cover story! ...a-hem.>>

<<Hello there, Lieutenant... ah, we are with Avyndor Heavy's security forces, responding to a, eh... major disturbance! That you look to be oh very much so involved in - so, y'know, we're the local authorities, so I gotta say - we're requesting that you lay down your weapons, and ah, maybe we don't use lethal force!. Yep, that'll be it."


Player Phase 8

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Louise was already charging up her rifle. "No codes, no ID, no branch, no squad. Goodbye, terrorist filth." And, fire...

Louise shoots Arde 1-S with her Beam Sniper, H&As to 14,17!

"I highly suggest you all retreat! I will use lethal force." She closed the open channel to the terrorists and hailed the bridge, sighing. "Captain, the incoming squad is a group of radicals masquerading as AHI. We'll have to deal with them appropriately. I'll retreat for the moment; send the squad this way once you've all cleaned up over there."

"Engaging enemy reinforcements!" Now that the squad was around her, she didn't feel upset about rushing in again!

Kazue to 26,27, Heat Halberd into Lancer A-8!

"Woo, boy, that's some damage... Uh, sit still, Special Serpent!"

Azame stays in place and nanofoams Scylla!

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The movements worked perfectly, the tank was not able to return fire, and everyone was able to get inside their range, and either dismantle the targets, or get ready for the new wave. All except Scylla, who very nearly took the tank shell which would have certainly finished the job. Sia breathed a sigh of relief as the shell careened hopelessly wide, leaving them all present to handle the threat in front of them. The closest HEX of the new group was in range of the Dawn's cannon, but before Sia could issue the command, Louise's voice entered her ear, "What? Radicals?" Sia fell into thought; who would be masquerading as AHI? There was certainly good reason to attach one's self to the power and influence the name held, but to embark on a mission like this? Was it someone aligned with AHI, or someone actively trying to stir up trouble? Sia pushed the thoughts to the side for now; there were people who could answer those questions here, and they needed to be dealt with. "Understood, Louise, fall back, also send me the visual on the machines that you saw--I'll send you back some information on what to expect."

Sia bit the inside of her cheek before turning to Alrenne, "Lieutenant Park just informed be that she engaged with an actual person when she hailed their machines. She seems to believe that they may be radicals posing at AHI. If that's the case... there may be considerably more to this than just gross misuse of force." Sia took a deep breath, and fanned herself a little before checking her pocket to make sure that her inhaler was there--she'd been in a hurry, and didn't remember if she brought it with her. "Everyone, the unit behind us may be a larger part of his scenario than recently thought; finish these autonomous units, and we link back up with Lieutenant Park. Keep us in up close on that tank, and prepare the main cannon! Target the forward most HEX!" 

The Dawn remains put, and fires the main cannon at Lancer A-6! Sia also casts Foresee on Louise! 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Well, at least Scylla knows how to dodge. That’s something. Or maybe the tank was a bad shot; either way, she was still standing. And she was patched up somewhat from the added intervention of… okay, she hadn’t entirely been paying attention to the name, but she had to thank her.

”Thanks for the patchwork!” Scylla called out over the comms, before moving back to board the ship for a moment. At the very least, she wasn’t… quite as pissed at her performance as she was last time, although it was still frustrating that she was always the one having to cool off.

She really needed to get better at this whole ‘taking hits’ shit.

Scylla moves to (22,23) and boards the Dawn.

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"Roger." Masquerading radicals made sense. Bonner acknowledged the Captain's hail without sparing much thought. "Give Lieutenant Park enough support. I will be handling the unmanned for now. " That had been a more general call in their comms, as Bonner's HEX dashed towards the opposite direction. He wouldn't allow the radicals to execute a proper pincer.

Bonner to (24,27), use the rotating slicer against Lancer A-7.

The guided blades had done wonders in scrapping metal. It was an elevated feeling to just... make it work as her mind envisioned it. "Hah..." With a deep breath, Esther turned her HEX around. "Manned huh? I'll help." Finally being able to perceive enemy intent was something she needed to familiarize with. Too long had the sims failed to train that side of her.

Esther to (20,19).

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"Mmm... Captain, I'm moving to help Lt Park. She, needs backup." Iskra debarked from the battleship, where she had briefly returned to resupply, and maneuvered towards the lone mech. "Louise... I hope you can manage this..."

Iskra to 20-20

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Louise delivers a beam, express service to Arde S1's cockpit! (82, 25) Critical! 39 damage to Arde 1S, destroying it! 43 XP to Louise, level up!
17    84    52    28    32    90    66

<<What the shit?! Oh, fuck--!>>

<<Serves you right, asshat...>>

<<...This is Scythe Two. I'm taking command. Get that sniper before you end up like One.>>

Kazue, emboldened by her comrades, dashes in with her halberd! (100 to hit, 4) Critical! 48 damage to Lancer 8A, destroying it! 37XP to Kazue, level up!
5    45    18    64    59    88    44

Azame sprays some more nanofoam, healing Scylla for 5HP! 5XP to Azame.

Markus pops Tank A4 with some HE shotgun shells! (100 to hit, 18) Critical! 30 damage to Tank A4, destroying it! 37XP to Markus.

Sia gives the order, and the crew of the Dawn answers! (86, 91) 15 damage to Lancer A6! 11XP to Sia. 

Leon presses the assault, shotgun firing! (10, 91) 6 damage to Lancer A6. A spray of 90mm rifle rounds answers his call! (78) 2 damage to Leon, 11XP.

Bonner takes the lead, Rotating Slicer cutting away! (37, 56) 13 damage to Lancer A7. It switches to its saber, cutting back! (24) The blade makes solid contact, but can't cut through the armor! Bonner takes another swing... (84) Miss! 4XP to Bonner.

Esther and Iskra move south. Iskra is fully repaired and reloaded from turns spent on the ship.

Daeran fires at Lancer A6! (100 to hit, 22) Critical! 27 damage to Lancer A6, destroying it. 37XP to Daeran.

Enemy Phase 8

Arde 2S chases after Louise, shotgun announcing the attack! <<You're not going to get away with that again.>>
(32, 79) It looked like a good shot, but... missed! 1XP to Louise.

The enemy Lancer squad advances behind the lead Ardes!

Lancer 7A shifts over, firing past the lead units at Markus, just slightly behind! Markus chooses to Evade. (69) Miss! 1XP to Markus.

Lancers 4A and 5A maintain their position on the high hills, firing down at Daeran and Kazue!
Lancer 4A's shots land on Kazue as she shields herself! (24, 45) 6 damage to Kazue, 1XP!
Lancer 5A's shots land too - but Bonner shields Daeran, protecting him from damage! 0 damage to Bonner as defends Daeran, 1XP to each.

Alrenne crossed his arms as the Captain gave him the news; this battle was more than just automated units out of control, now - and if it was true that someone was masquerading as AHI security forces, then this did indeed run deeper.

How much, though; that was another question entirely. "...Perhaps it's fortunate that we've identified that these radicals exist before we speak to AHI. This is something we will have to discuss once we arrive at the capital. For now, though... it's time we finished up this battle, I agree. Let's move south to join Lieutenant Park as soon as possible."


Player Phase 9

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"Shit..." Markus assessed the situation of the battle. Things were looking about ready to wrap up on the northern end. The south though...

"Team," He got onto comms, "I'm gonna fire on one of their guys and retreat to the Dawn for repairs. You guys got this. Sorry..." He grit his teeth, as he loaded up, and prepared to fire. He's gotta move to help Louise down south.

Markus Revolver Cannons Lancer 4-A, H&A to 22,23, docking with the Dawn


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Louise swiftly forwarded visual information to the Captain, almost immediately receiving notes on the machines back, eyes wide in how well prepared Sia was. Older models, but not that old, though definitely odd to be on the moon like this... One of them managed to keep with her pace, but despite her lack of ability in dodging, thanks to Sia's information, the standard attack pattern movements were easy enough to program an evade against. She flipped on open comms with a smirk. "Sorry, but only pretty women get to hit on me. Better luck next time, terrorist filth. I do hope you're all confident, because you're rushing to your graves with a serious lack of care..."

Louise keeps moving to 16,20

"How kind of you to join me, Iskra, Esther... Ready to take some lives? I do hope you've got it in you, because as you may have seen... They aren't afraid to fire with purpose." It was sooner than she'd expected, but she was going to see the true colors of the squadron rather soon.

"Hold on there, Evil Eye!" Louise flinched as another woman's voice came over the comms, that Nishimiya that had introduced herself moments ago. "I'm gonna keep your covered-- Junkyard here can take more of a punch than you think!"

"... Do as you see fit."

Azame moves to 17,20

Kazue weathered another hit and took a deep breath. "I am trusting you all to have things dealt with here. Returning to assist with the new enemy force!"

Kazue moves to 21,24

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"Hm!" Using the strong points of the light applique armor, Bonner was able to deflect a saber and a bullet easily enough. Able to prevent Daeran's machine from suffering unecessary damage. "Looks like I still got it. Lieutenants, Ensign, get ready to support the south front, these numbers are more than handled."

Moving to (26,23) Bonner attacks Lancer 7-A with the rotating slicer.


"Hah!" A little chuckle at Louise's warning, Esther swerved to join the two HEXes up front, still in command of those guided blades, that kept turning towards the many targets in her sight. "They'll be mincemeat if they approach me, don't worry." They couldn't do better than unmanned machines she couldn't use her heightened sense on, surely.

Esther moves to (17,19).

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Tristan didn't have much to do aside from monitor the cameras and play backup for any incoming comms, monitor the engines, their route out of here-- He paused on one camera and squinted, staring straight at a spot far away near one of the facilities... Something was shimmering. Something was there. "Captain," he pushed the feed up to her map display, enlarging it and zooming in. It was faint, but the outline couldn't be anything else. "Someone's watching this conflict."

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"I concur with your assessment, XO. It appears as if this side is handled, and if the approaching force is terrorists, then we have every reason to deal with them effectively. Bonner and the others will finish the automated ones, and catch up." That meshed well with the information that Sia had sent Louise--quite helpful as she swiftly evaded the enemy--these were older HEXes that like wouldn't have been here normally. It was entirely plausible that AHI had stockpiles for use, but somehow that didn't strike Sia as the proper explanation. Something was definitely up. 

"Turn the Dawn around, and head back to support Lieutenant Park, and the--" Sia turned as she was prompted by Tristan, oddly, as he sent her the feed from one of their cameras. "What in the..." There certainly was something shimmering in the distance. Sia turned to check the radar, other instruments, but nothing seemed to signal the presence of whatever was watching. "...Have they been researching optic camouflage up here or something? I'm not seeing a signal over in that direction at all..." This was starting to get concerning. Who were these people, and who could have something that advanced? "Can anyone get me a better visual on whatever that is?" 

The Dawn moves to 19, 19!  

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Iskra to 15-20

"Louise... I will do what needs to be done." Iskra moved up next to Louise's machine, face set in a grim frown. There were real people in these machines, real people choosing to fight. They were the aggressors here, rebels, but still, this was the first time she was fighting a real person. She knew her hands were shaking, but she refused to look down at them. Forget everything but the movement of your robot and the aim of your weapons. You can deal with the aftermath later...

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Things appeared to be under control here, between Leon and the Lieutenant Commander, the rest of the AI controlled machines appeared to be handled. "Moving to assist against the unknowns."

Daeran to 22,23.

Almost as if she was aware she was being watched, Alriana stood up and re-enabled her machine's SyNC system. It was time to leave, she was beyond bored. Without knowing at least the target's preferred load out it would be impossible to pick him out amongst the sea of HEXes. She grumbled, her tail swaying behind her and creating an odd shimmering pattern to anyone observing the space she was in. Had she been a bit more proactive she probably could've mauled whoever was playing sniper if she had acted in tandem with the southern squad, but it was too late now; by the time she got over there the entirety of the Dawn's pilots would be done with the southern squad.

"Hmph... Beast, returning to base." 

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Markus sends a cannonade Lancer A4's way! (10, 44), (88) - half is pretty good! 13 damage to Lancer A4, 11XP to Markus. Level up!
94    54    5    72    12    79    95
Markus regains 1 ammo per weapon and 5HP for docking this turn.

Bonner spins up the slicer, (87), but swings wide; (29) taking a pittance of 90mm for the trouble! A second swing (23, 57) finds its mark, but doesn't finish things. 13 damage to Lancer A7, 1 damage to Bonner, 4XP to Bonner.

Leon twirls that halberd forwards, finding the gap in the Lancer's armor! (10, 4) Critical! 27 damage to Lancer A5, destroyed, 37XP.

Enemy Phase 9

Lancer A7 and Lancer A4 fire on Leon from on high! (43) (77, 17) - all the shots find their mark, but with only minor effect! 4 damage to Leon, 2XP.

<<Scythe Two advancing. Keep me covered, we're moving fast here.>>

Arde 2S charges after Louise, managing to stay just enough in range to toss an AP Slug her way! (88) Louise's evasion is too much for the targeting systems to keep up with.

<<This is not happening...!>>

"Here they come... All units, move to support Lt. Park and counterattack. Let's put an end to things swiftly; there are too many mysteries we need to investigate here, and we have no time to get caught up in a battle like this." Alrenne squinted at the display as Tristan brought it on screen, barely catching the shimmer; but it was only a moment till it was off screen - either it had just been a brief fluctuation in whatever new cloaking this was... or they'd all been seeing things. "Ensign Kiria, do another scan. I want to be sure."

"N-Nothing there, XO, sir... it looks like nobody else is coming this way at least, though."

"Hmm. Alright. Lt. Calvin, log that footage. We can analyze it after the battle." Just another on the pile...


Player Phase 10

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Markus assessed his damage after his short time on the boat.

"Minimal damage, do I wait? Ahhh, shit." The most worrying part now. He could wait until he was fully ready to go, or redeploy now. He felt the shaking in his hands now that he's had a minute to collect himself. "C'mon Markus. It's not like you to be so rattled... breathe. Think about... anything else. We owe Viv the salty runback, we got the confidence to talk to Miz. Breathe." He took a few deep breaths.

"It won't be over until I help finish it." And that's what steeled him. Nerves calmed to as best as possible, he relaunched back into the fight.

Markus to 18,19, cast Focus, and fire on Arde 2-S with the Autorifle

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"I suppose 'Goodbye, terrorist filth', wasn't clear enough for them..." Louise continued her focus, rifle up and out, aiming for the one just past the bogey on her tail. In a sudden twist of her HEX, she flipped her machine to face them, still coasting along as the front facing boosters ignited, letting her movement press on, while she aimed down sights... "Yes, focus on following your lead unit, ignore me... There!" The rifle lit up with energy and the concentrated beam of light and fire pierced through the machine trailing behind her assailant, straight through the cockpit. "Pft, hah! Hahah! Some terrorists! Can't even dodge fire from someone in their first live fight... Idiots~" She popped the spent barrel and went about reloading the rifle, taking off her helmet and running a hand through her hair before letting out a loud huff. "I didn't think I'd get this excited... But I'm having the time of my life, and sticking it to all of those stuck up fucks that thought I'd never cut it. Mental problems, pfhah! HAH! Do you SEE any problems here!? They're dead with barely a single finger lifted!" She chuckled quietly, before composing herself somewhat, letting out a sigh, and hailing the bridge.

"Captain, come in... These few won't take long. Thank you for the data... You really saved my skin."

Louise PLASTERS Arde 3-S and H&As to 19,20

Kazue boosted down towards the incoming enemy forces, making sure not to make herself a free target.

Kazue to 20,20

"Hope you don't mind if I back you up, Kleiner Blitz~!"

Azame to 18,20, repair spray Markus

"Already logged, sir. I'll have the ship's computers analyze it while we clean up here. Galatea?"

"Reporting," the AI appeared on his dash, saluting in her odd, Greek dress.

"Right, the footage I just saved, can you run it through image processing and attempt to make sense of that shimmer? Maybe there's a proper shape that can be formulated by the ship's processor."

"Acknowledged... I will have that ready for you as soon as I can."

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