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Nerþuz: God of the Land - Mythic Hero Battle


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The aunt of Freyr and Freya, a Goddess of Vanaheimr, and Mythic Hero from Fire Emblem: Heroes is your foe this battle.

Horn of the Land has the Slaying effect and a number of effects that trigger while her HP remains above 25%: All Stats equal to 2 x her Special's max special cooldown (in this case Galeforce grants +8) + 5, accelerated Special Charge per attack, and a full Null Follow-Up effect. Remember that as a Beast weapon, she also inflicts an Atk/Def -4 and follow-up denial effect while transformed.
Fruit of Life also triggers when her HP is above 25%: inflicting Spd/Def -5 on her target, reducing the damage of her foes first attack by 40%, and boosting her own damage by the amount reduced. She also gains a Tempo effect and inflicts Gravity on her target and foes adjacent to target if the number of adjacent allies to herself is 1 or less.

As stated, Galeforce is her Special of choice, enabling her another action when it is fully charged after combat. With Atk/Spd Clash 4 she boosts those two stats as long as someone has moved to initiate combat, as well as neutralizing all penalties inflicted on those stats. Alarm Atk/Spd only asks for 2 or less allies be next to her to give her an Atk/Spd +6 bonus and the [Canto (1)] effect, as well as giving her an extra Atk/Spd +3 if 1 or 0 allies are next to her during combat.
On Abyssal, the Deflect Magic sacred seal ensures that any magical attacks after the first one will be rendered useless with 80% damage reduction.

This lady is not going to make it easy to take her out...

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Wow... Little Lucius is scary when he is allowed to be.

Yune I'm only now remembering is kind of useless against Nerbuz, at least in terms of forcing her Atk down greatly like I intended, but that didn't really affect her ability to take out other units all that much, so she's forgiven.
Santa Ephraim is easy mode. Seriously, all it took was stacking on the Atk and he had Nerbie down FIRST.
Flame Muspell was taken over regular Muspell for having an actual offensive presence.
Little Lucius was taken because... honestly it was just in case I needed healing or needed to bait one of the many magic users on the map. I didn't realize he was a miniature atomic nuke as well...

This is a weird thing to say, but I think this is the first time the boss of a Hero Battle has been in the thumbnail of my video. Probably because Nerbie threw herself into a meat grinder immediately...

Edited by Xenomata
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Thanks for the Alarm Atk/Spd! I'm going to murder you with it now.

Poor Nerþuz had the misfortune of appearing before me as a Blue unit, which means L!Ninian comes off the bench with her fancy new toys. It can't be overstated how great it is for her to use other B skills while retaining Canto functionality, filling a niche as the only dancer with access to Alarm while also hitting hard enough for it to matter. (She didn't use Dragon's Dance here on account of being the primary aggressor, but that time will come.)

This map feels pretty reliant on Nerþuz having the chance to rush you with Galeforce, with the rest of the enemies being annoyances to force you into her range. Aside  from Nerþuz herself and the hella rude Red Cavalier with Keen Rauðrwolf to shit on your Green Cavalry, all the enemies are pretty weak compared to past Abyssal maps and just crumpled before L!Ninian and Olivia. If you've developed ways to deal with Bats, this map is pretty easy compared to most Abyssals.

Edited by Some Jerk
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Pretty easy one, only took a couple tries and the strat barely changed from Lunatic until Abyssal.

The Keen Gronnwolf was actually for the Red Mage Cav, not Nerþuz~

@Some Jerk - Ninian already having Alarm is insane but I expected nothing less from you. Not only does Ninian kill Nerþuz with her own skill, but Olivia basically rampages all by herself on the other side. Nothing here that can stop an Olivia that stacked.

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@Some JerkI didn't know that Ninian's weapon prevented counterattacks. That was a nice clear as usual with Olivia and seeing Ninian was a treat.

@Landmaster Wow, the boss kill in one hit was impressive. It's nice having Gravity on your healers too~


I am way too lazy to figure out anything with the other teams because I don't play FEH that much lately. Seeing Bridal Catria not double someone is usually surprising! Everyone is getting too fast 

Edited by GuiltyLove
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Marth Emblem was not strong enough to defeat Nerþuz in a one-turn clear. Disappointing, I know... So they decided to take a break while another team took the job for the clear.

@Xenomata Winter Ephraim is such a good Savior. The brave effect in enemy phase is very good. I wished his lance was available for OG Ephraim though weapon evolution. And I forgot how cool is Lucius's attacking animation. Well done!

@Some Jerk When I saw that Alarm skills are exclusive to melee cavalry units one of the units I thought would really like it was Legendary Ninian, and here's your video to show how true it is. Not to mention it's not countered by Canto Control, since that skill reduces the canto effect to 1 against melee units and Alarm grants Canto 1 anyway. Ninian Blue Sweep effect came handy against Nerþuz, and you did well dividing the team in this map.

@Landmaster Considering what team I used on my clear, I understand very well how strong is the Gravity effect, and the Elises used it very well. Nice use of the Wolf tome to destroy Nerþus in one hit.

@GuiltyLove Nice of you saving the Moonbow from Bride Catria to deal more damage in a way to counter Nerþuz's Fruit of Life. The Triangle Attack was very handy, considering how fast her is. Vantage Palla is always fun to see. I am still a player without Valentian Palla... If she shows up in the Hall of Forms this month, I will get her for sure.

On 4/29/2023 at 11:37 AM, GuiltyLove said:

I didn't know that Ninian's weapon prevented counterattacks.

Yeah. She has "No Counter" effect if foe has a penalty or if foe is blue. It's very handy when you are using her, but very annoying when facing her.

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Not too hard, being more passive made my life easier this time around, I could enemy phase pretty much every enemy except for Nerthuz herself.


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@Landmaster Oh wow. I haven't seen a wolf tome in quite some time. nice for oneshotting goats though. Also is that Disgaea music? it sounds familair.

@Diovani Bressan Ah shame the Marths did't sucseed, but with how bonkers the recent units are, thats sometimes unavoidable. The Claude squad did really well. All the self healing makes Legendary Claude surprisingly bulky.


I used some other teams in my recent clears, but now the araphen boys are back. This time with Lucius tagging along.


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@Diovani BressanWow, that seemed easy for the Claude team. I definitely needed Triangle Attack for my own units because they're not fast enough. The cavalier Claude didn't do any extra damage with Moonbow!


I got bored yesterday and managed to beat the map with the dragons. It was very hard to survive Nerþuz because she even kept doubling Rearmed Grima!

Edited by GuiltyLove
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@Some Jerk Alarm really does work great on L!Ninian! She really does well against this map it seems. With her Fallen self granting stats and +1 Mov as well it's easy to forget she's a dancer at all. Nice clear!

@Landmaster I see Elise has eaten an Elincia in addition to her Duo self. Those new offensive healer skills are really good for this team! Summer Elise really shined by bringing the cav effectiveness here too. Nice clear! Love the Crystal Colosseum theme.

@GuiltyLove Spd on stuff is indeed getting a bit too insane, the boss on this map effortlessly gets at least 20+ just for existing, and it can easily be more as well. Doing brave hits is definitely a good way to deal with her though! Nice work by the Catrias and her older sister! Nice clear by the dragons too, surviving in enemy phase against Nerþuz is no small feat. Getting her to attack without moving so Clash doesn't activate is definitely the way to do it.

@Diovani Bressan Nice Claude clear! All the Claudes are such solid units now, and since they're mostly colorless they have no trouble working on the same team either. 

@Yggi I liked the music you edited in here, almost wish it played instead of the one that does in-game. Very nice job by the team! A well timed Deadeye to take out Nerþuz. Cool to see some enemy phasing from Reinhardt even though he's running a very player phase based tome.

@Sasori Ooh, Young Lucius makes a great addition to this team! Lugh getting a one-shot on Nerþuz is very impressive considering her damage reduction. The enemies beside her don't really seem to awful to deal with on this map thankfully. Great clear!


This map is super easy except for Nerþuz herself who is just kinda ridiculous. I was honestly kind of surprised I managed to barely double her in the end because even without Clash she's getting such stupidly high amounts of Spd for nothing. Really starting to notice that all the offensive units are getting all their stuff on both phases now, while back in the day they usually had to initiate, which makes dealing with them on one turn clears a lot more annoying. They're also slapping Canto Control on something very often now it seems, which is annoying when I want to get something going with Flame Tana's only support effect.


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@BoaFeroxWow, that was an extremely close battle between Tana and Nerþuz! The enemies weren't too bad for me either. One of these days I'll get Deadeye or another skill like that on the Macedon units... I hoped that Valentia Catria would get some form of piercing Dodge on her Prf, but I was expecting too much haha

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Well, here's Nino and the usual suspects dealing with a goat queen. Shout-outs to using a Chill skill in 2023, lol. And I'd like to thank Rearmed Tana for showing up promptly so Azura could grab Guidance 4.

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