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Most Supports in your final team


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I am looking to make a team that has the most supports across the board between all characters in the team.

So far, I have Alear, Citrinne, Diamont, Alcryst, Yunaka, Timerra, Panette, Merrin, Seadall and Ivy.  Eventually I will add Veyle much later on, but I am not sure who else to add to plug the holes in. Thoughts? Maybe Anna and Zelkov? I am not sure. 

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Well, from what I recall, 14 is the deployment limit in the final chapter, so you probably want to keep your team to that number.

As for who else to put on your team, Alfred definitely comes to mind, with how many of the characters he supports with on your current list. Hortensia also has a fair amount of support compatibility with your current list. As for who to put for the 14th character, I'm not really sure, even with me looking at the SF Engage Support Conversation List. I'm kind of leaning towards Celine or Fogado, due to royals having a fair amount of support compatibility with each other.

A handy tip to remember is all the elder sibling royals support with each other and all the younger sibling royals support with each other.

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8 hours ago, Randoman said:

Alfred definitely comes to mind

I added Alfred, mainly because I did want to use at least 1 dlc character this run as well and he fits with a good amount of supports overall.  My final team will be the following: Alear, Citrinne, Diamont, Alcryst, Yunaka, Timerra, Panette, Merrin, Seadall, Alfred, Ivy, Veyle, Anna and Rafal.  Anna has the least of the supports, but I really like her, so she stays >_<. 


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