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Fighter Concept: Chun-Li


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I will admit that I think we should get a character from another Capcom franchise before another Street Fighter character, but I wanted to at least indulge myself with the idea of Chun-Li joining the battle. Keep in mind that I'm going to be basing most of what you see on another concept video I saw recently, so I advise you watch this for some of the more finer details because .

Main attributes


Chun-Li in Smash is primarily based on her 3rd Strike incarnation, right down to her hit sounds being taken from 3rd Strike as opposed to Ryu and Ken's SFII sound effects. What makes her stand out compared to the two Shotos is the Hyakuretsukyaku, Chun-Li's signature attack. By mashing A or B after most of her attacks (which technically makes this a fifth special move), Chun-Li attacks with a series of rapid kicks. You can mash this move indefinitely, but it gets weaker over time and it briefly keeps going when you stop mashing, leaving Chun-Li open to attack.

Alternate costumes


For Chun-Li's alts, I'm going to think outside the box and give her 16 alts, which was only previously seen with Little Mac in Sm4sh.

Chun-Li as she appears in 3rd Strike

  1. Default
  2. LK (purple)
  3. Start + LP (turquoise/red)
  4. Start + HP (red)
  5. Start + HK (black/red)
  6. SSF2 Punch (gray)
  7. SSF2 Kick (orange)
  8. Shadow Lady

Chun-Li as she appears in the Alpha series

  1. Default
  2. Alpha Strong (gray)
  3. Alpha Fierce (slate blue)
  4. Alpha Short (green/red)
  5. Alpha Forward (pink)
  6. Alpha Roundhouse (orange)
  7. V-Ism Punch (red/white)
  8. ICPO bomber jacket (special costume)



Intro: Chun-Li’s battle intro from 3rd Strike.

Stance/Idle 1: Chun-Li’s stance from SFIV onwards
Idle 2: Chun-Li’s secondary idle animation from SFIV onwards.
Idle 3: Chun-Li rolls her head from left to right.

Walk: Her walk animation from 3rd Strike.
Dash: Her run animation from 3rd Strike.
Damage: Her damage animation from 3rd Strike.
Jump: Her jump animation from 3rd Strike; unlike Ryu and Ken, Chun-Li can triple jump.
Crouch: Her crouch animation from 3rd Strike.

Normal Attacks

  • Light: LP, LK, Yokusenkyaku (9%, OK knockback)
  • Heavy: Standing Roundhouse (11%, OK knockback)
  • Heavy Close: Hakkei (11%, OK knockback)


  • Light: Standing MK (8%, small knockback)
  • Light Close: Close Standing HK (9%, OK knockback)
  • Heavy: Standing HP (11%, OK knockback)


  • Light: Standing LK (5%, small knockback)
  • Heavy: Far Standing MK (9%, OK knockback)


  • Light: Crouching LK (3%, small knockback)
  • Heavy: Crouching HK (11%, OK knockback)
  • Heavy Close: Crouching MK (9%, OK knockback)

Aerial Attacks
Air+A: Jumping HP -> HP (6% -> 5%, small knockback)
Air Forward+A: Jumping MK (10%, OK knockback)
Air Back + A: Jumping HK (14%, OK knockback)
Air Up+A: Jumping LK (6%, small knockback)
Air Down+A: Yousoukyaku (4% each hit with a footstool effect, small knockback)

Dash Attack: Souseikyaku (12%, OK knockback)
Edge Attack: Sweeping Blow (6%, small knockback)
Get-Up Attack: Spinning Kick (5%, small knockback)

Smash Attacks
Forward+A: Kikosho; Chun-Li thrusts forward and generates a wave of energy in front of her, as it appears in 3rd Strike (18%, medium knockback). When fully charged, it becomes an orb of energy, similar to its appearance in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (27%, medium knockback). However, Chun-Li tires after the attack no matter the charge, so you can’t follow up with Hyakuretskyaku.
Up+A: Tenkukyaku (22%, medium knockback)
Down+A: Hazanshu (25%, medium knockback)

Grab Game
Grab: Her grab animation from the games.
Pummel: Chun-Li knees the opponent (2%)
Forwards+Throw: Koshuutou (11%, OK knockback)
Back+Throw: Tenshin Shushu (14%, OK knockback)
Up+Throw: Chun-Li performs a two-hit rising kick that launches opponents upwards (10%, small knockback)
Down+Throw: Sen’en Shu (10%, OK knockback)

Special Moves
B : Kikoken; Chun-Li shoots a fireball from a single hand (12%, small knockback)
B + Forwards : Spinning Bird Kick; Chun-Li performs a spinning kick that hits opponents multiple times (14%, OK knockback)
B + Up : Tenshoukyaku; Chun-Li launches into the air with a series of powerful rising kicks (13%, OK knockback)
B + Down : Parry; Chun-Li braces herself for an attack. When hit, she successfully blocks it without taking any damage whatsoever, after which you can either follow up with a counterattack (no, this doesn’t work like your run-of-the-mill counter specials) or safely move out of the enemy’s way. The timing window becomes more strict with successive use, and it can't save you from Final Smashes.

Final Smash: Senretsukyaku / Shichisei Senkukyaku

  • If Chun-Li is close to an opponent, she will perform a destructive series of rapid kicks, finishing by kicking the enemy right into the air (64%, devastating knockback)
  • If Chun-Li is further from an opponent, she dashes forward while kicking. If it connects, Chun-Li performs an especially powerful kick that launches a single opponent backwards (50%, far knockback). If that opponent’s damage is 50% or higher, they are instantly K.O.’d.

Up: “Are you serious?” Chun-Li’s taunt from SFV.
Side:Chun-Li performs her famous “Gomen ne!” taunt; it can also damage nearby opponents (3%).
Down: Chun-Li’s taunt from 3rd Strike.

1: Chun-Li’s “Yatta!” victory animation from SFII.
2: Chun-Li’s victory animation from Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
3: Chun-Li’s victory animation from SFIV.

Applause: Chun-Li respectfully claps for the winner
Icon: SF
Boxing Ring Title: The Strongest Woman in the World
Star K.O.: A variation of her K.O. scream from SFII.
Victory Music: Victory! Street Fighter
Kirby Hat: Chun-Li’s hair, the appearance of which changes depending on which of Chun-Li’s alts is being used

Palutena's Guidance


3rd Strike Chun-Li
Pit: Hey, it’s Chun-Li!
Palutena: That’s right, the self-proclaimed “Strongest Woman in the World!”
Viridi: Maybe she and Samus can give Peach some pointers.
Palutena: The idea of so many people from different worlds and eras coming together is overstimulating for most people. But for her and Ryu…it’s Tuesday.
Pit: Either way, pretty sure we’re all familiar with how she fights by now, right?
Viridi: Yep, legs and all! Though I wouldn’t really say that to her face. (How does she look so young after all these years, though?)
Palutena: Regardless of whether or not you discuss her legs, they still pack a mean punch-er, kick. Chun-Li can follow up most of her attacks with a flurry of rapid kicks, so there’s a chance she’ll catch you off guard when you think there’s an opening.
Pit: And that’s not even going into her parrying skills…one wrong move, and I’m gonna be on the receiving end of her techniques.
Palutena: For now, you’ll just have to settle with Perfect Shieling, Pit. I hear it helps Ken out in Smash, even without proper parrying techniques.
Viridi: Maybe we can also tickle her when she’s not looking! I hear it did wonders for Mario when he fought the World Warriors before.
Pit: Wait, before?!
Viridi: Well, most of them, anyway.

Alpha Chun-Li
Pit: Hey, it’s Chun-Li!
Palutena: That’s right, the self-proclaimed “Strongest Woman in the World!”
Viridi: Something seems different, though…she genuinely looks younger! And her outfit’s different, too!
Palutena: Ah, yes, this is a younger Chun-Li from the Alpha series! Right now, she’s in pursuit of M. Bison, the leader of Shadaloo, to avenge her father’s death.
Pit: Then it looks like she has something else in common with Samus!
Palutena: Just make sure your sympathy doesn’t get in the way, Pit. This may be a younger Chun-Li from the past, but she’s less no capable than she is in the present.

Stage: Volcanic Rim


This stage is a central platform with lava erupting on either side every once in a while. Whenever a fighter is K.O.’d, the volcano in the background will erupt and molten rocks will fall occasionally.



For the music, I wanted to branch out to Street Fighter games other than SFII, since one of the aspects I don't like about SF in Ultimate is the fact that they only pulled music from II. That being said, I will be pulling a few songs from II that didn't make the cut. (Bold indicates a new remix)

  1. Street Fighter II Medley
  2. Chun-Li Stage
  3. Akuma Stage
  4. Akuma Stage Type A
  5. Akuma Stage Type B
  6. Joe Stage - Fighting Street
  7. Birdie Stage - Fighting Street
  8. Sagat Stage - Fighting Street
  9. Nash Stage
  10. Rose Stage
  11. Guy Stage (SSF4 ver.)
  12. Adon Stage (SSF4 ver.)
  13. Dan Stage
  14. Sakura Stage
  15. Brave or Grave
  16. Jazzy NYC ‘99
  17. Nile / Judgement Day
  18. Nile ~Afro Edit~
  19. China Vox
  20. You Blow My Mind (SSF4 ver.)
  21. Beats in my Head
  22. Spunky (SSF4 ver.)
  23. Snowland
  24. Killing Moon
  25. Psyche Out
  26. Volcanic Rim
  27. C. Viper Stage
  28. Juri Stage
  29. Rolento Stage
  30. Street Fighter V
  31. Rashid Stage
  32. Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
  33. Spinning Bird
  34. Precious Heart
  35. Heartwarming Feelings

Classic Mode: World Warrior EX


This Classic Mode route is based on the Original Mode from Street Fighter EX3. All battles are stamina battles on Ω form stages, and Chun-Li has 150HP at all times.

Round 1: Ryu, Ken & Chun-Li (70HP each) on Gerudo Valley Ω (Spinning Bird)
Round 2: Mega Man & Sonic (100HP each) on Distant Planet Ω (Street Fighter II Medley); Ryu (100HP) appears as a CPU ally
Round 3: Cloud (150HP) on Suzaku Castle Ω (Killing Moon); Mega Man (100HP) appears as a CPU ally
Round 4: Pit & Dark Pit (100HP each) on Arena Ferox Ω (Nile ~Urien~); Ken (100HP) appears as a CPU ally
Round 5: Captain Falcon (150HP) on Great Plateau Tower Ω (Sagat Stage - Fighting Street)
Round 6: Mario, Peach & Bowser (150HP each) on Battlefield (Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition); Ryu & Ken (150HP each) all appear as CPU allies
Final Round: Ganondorf (350HP) on Final Destination (Brave or Grave), then Master Hand & Crazy Hand (Heartwarming Feelings); Ryu, Ken & Mega Man (150HP each) all appear as CPU allies

Credits: Precious Heart



You can see this page for a more in-depth Spirit Board, but TL;DR

  1. Chun-Li (Fighter)
  2. Alpha Chun-Li (Fighter)
  3. E. Honda
  4. Dhalsim
  5. Rose
  6. Rolento
  7. Alex
  8. Ibuki
  9. Yun & Yang
  10. Dudley
  11. Oro
  12. Hugo
  13. Makoto
  14. Gill
  15. Seth
  16. Rashid
  17. Menat
  18. G


Edited by Perkilator
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Chun Li's Spinning Bird Kick presents a serious problem for Smash. Because the move conceptually fits as a side special but if we have the down charge True Input then it will override her actual, assigned Up Special depending on what the player was just doing in the air. If Chun Li jumps offstage to D-air someone or do some funky Parry-based interception, that potentially stores a charge input that can turn your upcoming recovery attempt into a Spinning Bird Kick beneath Smashville. Or an attack that sends you sinks you further from the ledge if it is the EX version described in the video (You didn't mention the attack's recovery application in the OP, but calling it 'EX' implies it's the spin in place version). It's also a problem if she's the one recovering and wants to incorporate a fast fall to throw off the opponent's edgeguard, or use her D-air to pogo past an opponent. With Terry it's never a problem because his Rising Tackle (same input) was assigned as his Up B. It's never wrong to do that version of the move since you want the improved I Frames and distance. It's also just conceptually strange to have a recovery move be worse at recovery when performed "correctly". 

So the solutions that come to mind are to either remove True Input Spinning Bird Kick when in the air, make a tough choice between it and Tensho Kicks for her Up B, or just assign it some other True Input like quarter circle forward. But all of these feel like icky choices.

There's also one oversight that is screaming to be addressed. Sakurai and Capcom would never put Ken and Chun Li into the same game, with that specific Super, without letting us recreate Evo Moment #37. They would even go to the trouble of swapping out Ken's existing shoryu final smash for the SF3 one that was used as a punish. But having that super as her Final Smash means that it is (like any final smash) unblockable and unaffected by counters. I would keep it unblockable, but make it uniquely parryable with a shield release so that players would be encouraged to give it a shot. Technically a nerf, but I don't think anybody cares deeply about the gameplay balance of final smashes to begin with, and it isn't that much worse of a move when given a weakness that is so risky to try exploiting. 

I would also consider giving her a triple jump. Chun Li has had a lot of archetypal identities over the years, but her Versus game appearances tend to drop the charge motions and make her a mobile air fighter that can jump repeatedly for longer strings or faking out your approach. She's worn a lot of hats. Kind of a stance character in SF6 which is new territory. 

Edited by Zapp Branniglenn
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1 hour ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

Chun Li's Spinning Bird Kick presents a serious problem for Smash. Because the move conceptually fits as a side special but if we have the down charge True Input then it will override her actual, assigned Up Special depending on what the player was just doing in the air. If Chun Li jumps offstage to D-air someone or do some funky Parry-based interception, that potentially stores a charge input that can turn your upcoming recovery attempt into a Spinning Bird Kick beneath Smashville. Or an attack that sends you sinks you further from the ledge if it is the EX version described in the video (You didn't mention the attack's recovery application in the OP, but calling it 'EX' implies it's the spin in place version). It's also a problem if she's the one recovering and wants to incorporate a fast fall to throw off the opponent's edgeguard, or use her D-air to pogo past an opponent. With Terry it's never a problem because his Rising Tackle (same input) was assigned as his Up B. It's never wrong to do that version of the move since you want the improved I Frames and distance. It's also just conceptually strange to have a recovery move be worse at recovery when performed "correctly". 

So the solutions that come to mind are to either remove True Input Spinning Bird Kick when in the air, make a tough choice between it and Tensho Kicks for her Up B, or just assign it some other True Input like quarter circle forward. But all of these feel like icky choices.

There's also one oversight that is screaming to be addressed. Sakurai and Capcom would never put Ken and Chun Li into the same game, with that specific Super, without letting us recreate Evo Moment #37. They would even go to the trouble of swapping out Ken's existing shoryu final smash for the SF3 one that was used as a punish. But having that super as her Final Smash means that it is (like any final smash) unblockable and unaffected by counters. I would keep it unblockable, but make it uniquely parryable with a shield release so that players would be encouraged to give it a shot. Technically a nerf, but I don't think anybody cares deeply about the gameplay balance of final smashes to begin with, and it isn't that much worse of a move when given a weakness that is so risky to try exploiting. 

I would also consider giving her a triple jump. Chun Li has had a lot of archetypal identities over the years, but her Versus game appearances tend to drop the charge motions and make her a mobile air fighter that can jump repeatedly for longer strings or faking out your approach. She's worn a lot of hats. Kind of a stance character in SF6 which is new territory. 

Feedback addressed. 👍

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I made a Chun-Li moveset once, but I'm having trouble finding it. I agree that she should totally be in Smash, as not only one of video gaming's leading ladies alongside Samus Aran, Lara Croft, Tifa Lockhart, Shantae, and Bayonetta, but as the female face of the fighting game genre.

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