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All you younger guys might want to take some advice from me. I've "been around the block" a time or two, hit a couple "home runs" if you know what I mean.

I've gotten rid of the extraneous comments in order to facilitate reading. You'll just have to imagine the awkward pauses, though. Sorry.

<Doom103> I aM tYpEiNg LiKe A gIrL

<ATTNChatOps> How distasteful.

<Kiba> lol

<ATTNChatOps> Sexist, too

<Ulyaoth> Lol

<ATTNChatOps> Chauvenist worm.

<Ayase> no Doom


<ATTNChatOps> Not everyone here is a man.

<Ayase> you

<Ayase> *raises hand*

<Ulyaoth> Guest is

<Ayase> yeah I'm a dude

<Ulyaoth> Sully

<Guest13533> what?

<Ayase> just to point that out to all the new people

<ATTNChatOps> With a girl's name?

<ATTNChatOps> How unfortunate.

<Ulyaoth> Lol

<Guest13533> yes. I am Sully, once known as Collete

<Ulyaoth> Yeah that's his gimmick

<Guest13533> And you know, I am a girl.

<ATTNChatOps> Oh.

<ATTNChatOps> ...

<ATTNChatOps> So baby, what's your sign?

<ATTNChatOps> Sagitarius? Well I just happen to be a Capricorn!

<ATTNChatOps> I heard those can go very well together

<Guest13533> my sign?

<Guest13533> taurus

<Faiya> moo

<ATTNChatOps> Oh.

<ATTNChatOps> Hey, that should work too!

<Guest13533> my birthday is 5-5

<ATTNChatOps> We're still compatible

<ATTNChatOps> If you know what I mean

<Guest13533> I know sir

<Zero_the_Hero> *yawn*

<ATTNChatOps> (crickets)

<Ulyaoth> I want to eat grass

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Lol...did you get rid of the "hoppers" in my last sentence, too?

No. I couldn't imagine why you were talking about eating grass like some donkey, though.

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