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Rate the Unit 9: Chloe

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2.1.) mention the diffculty on which you rate the unit 

2.2.) what classes your unit went through, what skills they had and so on; don´t consider obviously suboptimal builds.

2.3.) no DLC rings, no non-unit DLC bonuses

2.4.) no grinding in skirmishes

2.5.) no rng abuse (no resetting for bond rings)

2.6.) cooking is allowed

2.7.) ratings to be given in the format X/10

2.8.) if it isn´t mentioned above, it´s fair game

2.9.) no "Kagetsu exists and obsoletes Lapis, 0/10", explain your rating



Unit: Chloe

Class: Pegasus Knight

                     Lvl   HP    STR   MAG   DEX   SPD    LCK   DEF    RES     BLD

Bases:          6     26      8       4        13       13        10      5        9        5

T. Bases:      6      5       3       2         6        4          7       2        2        1

Growths:      /     75     25      35      40      55        25     30     25       5


Personal Skill:  If a male and a female ally are adjacent within 2 spaces, unit deals +2 damage during combat.

Innate Proficiency: Lance

SP: 300


Support Bonuses:

C    Hit+10, Avoid+5
B    Hit+10, Critical+3, Avoid+5
A    Hit+10, Critical+3, Avoid+5, Dodge+5
S    Hit+10, Critical+6, Avoid+5, Dodge+5


Tools and mo stats:

Engage Numbers - Google Tabellen

Average Stats - Fire Emblem: Engage (FE17) (triangleattack.com)


Rating: 9

Next unit on Monday

Edited by Imuabicus der Fertige
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Normal Difficulty, First Playthrough, Unfinished Playthrough, currently at chapter 18.

Chloe is one of two early-game units that remain very useful even into the late game. Early game, Chloe is the group's only flying unit, and being the only flying unit in the early game, she has something that later flying units lack: access to Emblem Sigurd before chapter 10. Throughout the early game, I often went back-and-forth between Louis having Emblem Sigurd and Chloe having Emblem Sigurd, depending on whether a high-mobility tank or a really high-mobility flying unit was the better choice for a given map. 11 movement that ignores most terrain, a brave lance and a ridersbane on a fast unit, and momentum increasing the power of her first attack by up to 10 every turn meant that Chloe was almost unstoppable when engaged with Emblem Sigurd.

Just before chapter 10, I made sure to have Louis and Chloe each inherit a skill from Emblem Sigurd that I figured would help them the most: for Louis, that skill was Canter. For Chloe, that skill was momentum. Once she promoted, momentum meant an increase in the power of her first attack every turn by up to six, and it usually was six thanks to her being a really useful flying unit. This meant that, even though I promoted her to Griffon Knight and her strength didn't improve much, she was still capable of defeating most enemies in one turn.

Another thing that helps Chloe greatly is that she does not have much in the way of competition: Ivy and Hortensia are magical fliers that fulfill different roles as a result, so Chloe's only real competition is Rosado. I can't say how Rosado compares to Chloe, since I didn't use Rosado outside of the chapter where he's recruited.

Now, in the late game, my Chloe is struggling a little. The problem is her build: I don't think I've seen it increase once outside of when she promoted, so she is still weighed down by most lances. She has high enough speed that she will double most enemies if weighed down a little, but a number of useful lances weigh her down a lot. I suppose that could've been mitigated by Emblem Leif, but I gave Emblem Leif to Anna. However, even with this drawback, Chloe is still very useful.

She is a good candidate for the Erika & Ephraim Emblem... I think; I still don't fully understand how this emblem works. But Chloe does make good use of wind sword.

Overall, I would give Chloe a 9/10. She's one of only a few early game units who will always remain useful, and early access to Sigurd and Leif means early access to inheritable skills that can mitigate her few weaknesses as a unit (momentum from Sigurd for attack, or build+4 from Leif for her low build).


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I forgot to mention this last time, but my rating is based on maddening difficulty with fixed growths.

Chloe is honestly blessed with many strengths and few weaknesses. She's the only natural flyer you get in the early game and one of the few who can get into a strong combat class without needing a second seal (Wyvern Knight and Griffon Knight are both solid classes for her for the entire game).

She does want some other early resources, like an early master seal and using an emblem ring to farm a good amount of SP, but every potential combat unit wants those and Chloe makes a pretty good case for deserving them. She starts off with competent stats, meaning she doesn't need to be babied as much as units like Clanne or Anna, and her stats when trained up are fairly comparable to some of the powerhouses you get later on.

Speaking of said powerhouses, even when you get several prepromotes after chapter 10, Chloe can keep up with them statswise (in terms of offensive stats at least) and she has the advantage of being able to obtain skills like Canter, Sword/Lance power, or even just basically any proficiency she might want. I personally love using Lyn on a fast flyer, because it means I have a mobile unit who can double and kill annoying enemies like wolf knights and sword masters who can be very difficult to effectively kill otherwise, but even with just a regular bond rong she can double and one round a good amount of more average enemies. While she isn't a paragon of bulk, she can usually survive a hit or two, and her great speed means she won't get doubled and has some good avoid.

Basically, one of, if the best investment targets for you early on. In maddening, you don't really have units who can stay great at combat without any serious investment (forged weapons, good skills/emblem rings), so Chloe basically hits top of the list there. I should mention though that she's perfectly replacable on any team. Units like Lapis, Clanne or Anna can do roughly the same things in the mid game, just at a higher startup cost. And Kagetsu and Merrin can do the same thing once you get the right emblems.

All in all, I'm giving Chloe a 9/10. Easily one of the best units of this game, but not someone you'll dearly miss if you start using other units instead.

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It’s just like a fairy tale as we can discuss Chloe. Also she’s voiced by the same girl that currently voices Minnie Mouse. I see what the casting team did there.


Anyways, Chloe along with Louis who we will talk about later, joins you turn 1 of chapter 4. Unlike the other units that you have that are pretty low leveled, she is at a high enough level where her base stats are appropriate for this part of the early game. Even for maddening standards these are good base stats to have. 8 strength and 13 speed is enough to ORKO a mage with a slim lance in her joining chapter. This is how you make a good first impression.


This kind of highlights the problem I personally have with Engage is that as soon as one character joins, someone else who basically does the same thing with a similar starting class over shadows the one that came before. But having said that, spoilers but not really, Chloe is one of the best early game units to invest into. She can take more than 2 hits during combat, she doesn’t get doubled and she can double in return. If you bring her speed tonic, it can allow her to double enemies with a iron lance which definitely a positive.


Sigurd and Marth emblem early on does wonders for her as this will either allow to either hold her own against axe users or she can zip across the map and catch up to enemies that are far away. Canter changes how you play the game for a lot of characters and Chloe is no exception. She also can afford to get lance/sword power early on pending on what you have in mind for her. Her strength and magic growth may not be the highest but she is so versatile in a way that she can do well as either a Griffon Knight (particularly a levin sword variant), Wyvern Knight or even a Mage Knight. Any of one these allows her to further contribute as the game goes on which makes her a good candidate for a early master seal.

Chloe even makes an interesting candidate for a Martial Master. There is a reddit post about how to achieve that if anyone wants to check it out.


She also likes Lyn, Erica if you like Lance Agility or Gentility. Even Hold Out is good for her in case she needs to survive enough rounds of combat to get away and get healed. There are plenty of ways to get Chloe online here and certainly worth your time training. She’s definitely somewhere in the top ten best units in the game. Her combat might begin to fall off late game if her growths don’t kick in. But there is no denying how useful she really is as a combat unit. 9/10 for me. She’s great. The ideal early game flier that can help carry your army.

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Lvl 20 Griffin Knight (Lance) stats for Chloé:
52 HP, 22 Str, 20 Mag, 33 Dex, 38 Spd, 17 Def, 22 Res, 25 Lck, 8 Bld, 6 Move

Wimpy Str/Mag/Def, meh Bld, but acceptable everything else and amazing speed.  The Bld means she's eating a 4 point Spd penalty from a Silver Lance +3, or an 8 point Spd penalty on a Flame Lance +3.  (Hey, this is one of the nice thing about Celiné from last time...  tomes are definitely better than the Flame Lance.)  Of course, you're frequently hefting the Flame Lance against Generals or Great Knights, and Chloé will still double just fine in such cases.


Chloé is one of the two most important early game recruits.  Archers are not THAT common on the early maps, and they're avoidable where they do exist.  Meanwhile Chloé provides unmatched flexibility in sniping troublesome targets with her very reliable doubles.  She makes a great Emblem user, too, since you can get the bonus stats & Emblem ability wherever you need 'em with her good flying movement.  Considering that using a Second Seal pre-promotion isn't great and only done in a few exceptional cases (custom Jean, physical Clanne), Chloé will have a monopoly on the flying niche for a shockingly long length of time - C11/12.  (In fact, if you're keeping to "canon" classes, there just aren't tons of natural flyers - just Chloé, Ivy, Hortensia, & Rosado.)  And while her passive is finnicky to set up, it's usually pretty easy to guarantee for boss fights where you'll tend to fight in a big cluster of units, some of which can be the target of romantic fanfiction, and a damage bonus is the kind of passive she wants.

Chloé does have one problem, and it's not insignificant: her mixed Str/Mag build really doesn't keep up for inflicting damage.  This is a fixable problem, though.  First off, Celiné was generally thought to be at least usable last time, and you can just quietly transition Chloé into a support staffer on the backlines who flies, like some weird physical Hortensia variant.  You can also give her Eirika, the Emblem of cutting through defenses that also packs a Mag boost, which Chloé's staves & Flame Lance appreciate.  You can also just roid up and give her Roy or the like late enough to fix the meh Strength.  You can also have just given her stat boosters early secure in the knowledge she'd be usable the whole game through.  Anyway, she's usable later but feels more like a "balanced" unit that requires playing to her quirks rather than a great one.  This is a quite weak criticism, she's still great.

Chloé gets an 8/10.

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So, here's my personal experience of using Chloé (on Hard difficulty). I started using her when she was first recruited, and she pretty quickly became my best unit. Then she carried on being my best unit. Then she became so much my best unit that I had to start using her less often just so that she wasn't taking too much experience away from everyone else. Then she never stopped being my best unit. Then the game ended.

Now, what I don't know is how much of that performance was due to her inate qualities as a unit and how much was due to luck, favouritism, or similar. I know that I gave her Lyn, which probably helped her out a ton, since everyone is better with Lyn, but beyond that I couldn't say.

What I do know is that she has some definite advantages. As one of the few early-game units who are worth sticking with long term, she's in an excellent position to be shown early favouritism, which can catapult her from good to excellent. She's also well positioned to inherit skills from the first 6 emblems. If you want any of those skills (eg Canter) on your units, then you need to either use an early-game unit (many of whom are bad), or you have to wait for Chapter 17 or later. There's also the eternal "how do you weigh availability" question. Which doesn't have a satisfying answer, but her availability is great. And she's an excellent unit for all the time that she's available.

I'm well aware that this might not be an objectively defensible rating, but I can't really go off anything other than my personal experience, and under that particular metric I'm going to give her 10/10.

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(Hope it's ok to bump this slightly-old thread; i'm new and haven't been sure if/when to jump in, but I think I have a couple interesting notes that haven't been said yet, so hope the late post is ok!)

I've completed the game once on maddening with Chloé as a griffin knight, and have finished chapter 12 on maddening with Chloé as a mage knight. 


I agree with what's already been said about her availability and her early game prowess, so I won't go into that much :). As mentioned, Chloé shines from ch4 to ch10, is one of the best early-game investment targets, and can keep up through the rest of the game as well or better than anyone else pre-10.

People have also pointed out that there are other characters that can fill her flier role later on. Alear, Lapis, Clanne, Fogado, or even Framme, when cross-classed to griffin knight have *very* similar stats to griffin knight Chloé at the same internal level (several trade off 1 speed for 1 strength).

But Chloé has a few important advantages over the many other speedy, mediocre-strength units:

  1. Access to A-rank lances in Wyvern Knight. Représailles is a very strong weapon: a high-damage, low-weight lance that's perfect for a high-speed flier with low bulk. And it's offered by the well for free after chapter 6, likely just a bit before Chloé is ready to promote.
    1. If you're using griffin knight this matters less, because the class inherently has A-rank access. Griffin knight Chloé gets easy access to Brionac late-game, while her competition does not. But Brionac, while great, is likely less unit-defining than Représailles, as you only have it for a few chapters.
    2. If you're using the Heroes DLC weapons this doesn't matter much, as Fólkvangr can fill a similar role and is available to Lapis or Alear in Wyvern Knight
  2. Amazing HP growth (75: tied for third highest in the game). This makes her much bulkier than competitive early speedy units as a griffin knight.
  3. Medium-strong magic growth (35). In the early-game. This gives her access to late game levin sword or Eirika arts builds (which benefit from her speed and personal skill), but it also gives her a very strong mid-game option: mage classes, specifically mage knight.

Mage Knight Chloé:

I think the community might be sleeping on magic Chloé Mage a bit, since she's so good at her original role. But magic is really strong in Engage, and Chloé's better strength growth shores up one of her largest weaknesses (low strength growth in a strength class). In my opinion mage knight Chloé is even stronger than flier Chloé (but flier Chloé is also a very good unit, of course).

My Chloé technically had two griffin-knight level-ups after getting a master seal but before having access to second seals, but for simplicity I'll assume promoting and second sealing Chloé to mage knight directly from lance flier 10, as it's a simpler progression with almost identical stats.

At level 1 mage knight (internal level 9; that is, promoted & second sealed from level 10 lance flier), Chloé's fixed-mode stats (from https://fe17.triangleattack.com/average_stats ) are:

Lv.	HP	Str	Mag	Dex	Spd	Def	Res	Lck	Bld
1	29	9	10	16	16	6	11	10	7


That's a tad low for magic (2 below Céline at ilevel 9, though she'll catch up to, or 5 below Citrinne, who she won't on magic). But at her speed, with a bond ring or emblem she can double almost every enemy at this point in the game, and enemies often have weaker resistance than defence.

Let's compare Chloé to Pandreo, at internal level 16, which is Pandreo's starting internal level (from my understanding, fe17.triangleattack.com shows ilevels for promoted units one level lower than how the game actually calculates experience gain). Chloé compared to an immediately reclassed mage knight Pandreo have the following stats:

	Lv.	HP	Str	Mag	Dex	Spd	Def	Res	Lck	Bld	Skill?
Chloé	8	35	11	15	19	20	9	15	12	7	Chaos Style
Pandreo	1	35	9	15	18	20	8	20	11	10	


Her major weakness compared to Pandreo on join is missing 3 build. For the first 4 levels, Chloé has Chaos Style, making up the build difference with Pandreo for a bit. Or Chloé has easy access to a fairly cheap Build+3 from Leif before chapter 10. (She can still also get canter or another skill with SP books; there aren't many better targets of SP books early game.) She has slightly lower bulk than Pandreo on join, but much better bulk growths that catch up.

In contrast, her advantages are: 5 higher magic (~1 higher magic by endgame), 10 higher speed growth and a 4 higher speed maxiumum (35 speed at endgame vs Pandreo's 31) , earlier access to Chaos Style, earlier access to Canter, earlier ability to start snowballing, and arguably a strength growth for the occasional extremely high res enemy.

While I haven't reached it yet this run, here is their stat comparison around endgame, assuming an ilevel of 41 (which may be a tad high, but both have a lot of snowball potential):

Lv.	Lv.	HP	Str	Mag	Dex	Spd	Def	Res	Lck	Bld	Skill?
Chloé	14	47	19	30	28	35	19	27	20	8	Chaos Style
Pandreo	7	47	11	29	28	31	14	40	20	12	Chaos Style


Almost identical, but with higher build instead of higher speed, which means that unlike Pandreo, she has the option of using a lighter tome or taking Build+3 to be able to double faster enemies (such as level 26 hero reinforcements, which have 36 or 28 speed depending on the weapon. Chloé can double the axe heroes naturally with chaos style, or the sword heroes with an emblem/bond ring that gives at least +2 speed). Both will survive a single hit from the final boss, though Chloé will have slightly better bulk for other enemies.

These don't necessarily maker her better than Pandreo, but they make her and Pandreo competitive for the best fast mage in the game (Anna is also competitive for this, but takes much longer to get there than either Chloé or Pandreo).

In my run, after chapter 8, I gave Chloé Mage Knight, build+3, and a crafted engraved Bolganone. She proceeded to kill around half of the units in each of chapter 9, 10, and 11. A lot of that is from the favouritism, but Chloé is one of the best units to favour early game.

While this does require some investment in her, it's arguably not more than any other unit wants. Basically every strong offensive unit in Engage wants a second seal (with exceptions for Citrinne and Ivy), a good weapon, an emblem (or fantastic bond ring). Chloé needs a master seal, which later units don't need, but every early game unit needs a master seal to be good, and Chloé is one of the best targets for an early one. Chloé given those standard resources can be competitive in performance to every unit in the game (also given the same resources).


Chloé is one of the best units in the game, but also notably can be one of the best units in the game in many different builds, so she can fit well into many varieties of teams, depending on their needs.

She has weaknesses, but any unit does (even Kagetsu isn't good at magic, despite being better at physical damage). But her advantages are some of the best Engage offers, in a wide variety of roles/builds.

And for that, I'd give her 10/10.

Edited by Aria Belacqua
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Chloe is a fun, genuinely great unit in Fire Emblem Engage.  Right from the moment you get her, she is doing great things.  In Normal or Hard she's going to keep doing great things for your entire run.  She is so fast and so versatile that you can not only rely on her but build her in a variety of interesting ways.

Maddening drags Chloe down somewhat but I really like the points that Aria Belacqua and lenticular made above so I would like to echo them.  Among your early game units, you have a number of them that are serviceable and can easily turn out great with favoritism.  Chloe is already great and a little bit of favoritism will see her remain great and useful for the rest of the game.  The return you get for investing an early seal, an Energy Drop, or some forges is phenomenal.  Engage does a wonderful job of showering you with new, immediately usable units for the whole game and Chloe can stand the test of time even as your roster shifts with each new wave of recruits.

Her main issue ends up being a lack of damage in the mid-to-late game.  Chloe has a number of good ways to solve this problem.  An early Energy Drop will keep her in the running for much longer than she would otherwise be.  The Eirika emblem leverages her great speed.  Ultimately, you want to do something with her magic stat.  Barren and Aria Belacqua mention Levin Swords above and that's my preferred solution.  Upgrading her to a Griffin Knight with swords instead of lances gives her a high damage magic option without suffering under the oppressive weight of the Flame Lance.  Mage Knight Chloe is also fantastic and a great dark horse option if you are willing to part with her status as a flying unit.  I can't bring myself to do that but it is probably her best build for raw power and scaling into the lategame.

Maddening Rating: 8/10

In a game with an ever-shifting roster, Chloe is a pillar of stability.  She takes very little investment to fly alongside you from the moment you meet her to the credits on any difficulty.  She is fun to experiment with and you can do some really funny meme builds with her on lower difficulties with classes like Martial Master.

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  • 2 months later...

Hard mode, casual (does this matter?):

Long story short, she spend the entire game as Griffin Knight, focusing on dodging. I gave her represailles (whoever that lance is spelled) with 40% avoid engraving.

For the first half of the game, she was drifting about 80-90% avoid chance. After I regained Marth's ring, she learned avoid+20, which pushed her into 100% avoid for the reminder of the game. She was not hit once, since then, and ended up with rating of 241, the highest in my entire army (for reference, Alrear ended with 202). No stat boosters at all. Thanks to Eirika emblem, her dmg. was fine, although she couldn't ORKO even with doubling, save for mages and archers.

She was absolutely MVP of my team. If only I predicted we lost the first rings, I'd have grinded her SP to get avoidance earlier, That would make her unhittable.

Rating: 9/10 (being able to consistently keep 100% avoid cannot be overstated. Why does it matter if she needs two rounds of combat to kill most enemies, if she can just stay there and dodge forever?)



Edited by Alef Zero
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