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Gecko 1.00 Dolphin codes

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Hey all! Newbie to modifying games like radiant dawn.

So, specifically im looking to mess around cheats. 

Blessed weapons, always 99 exp, always perfect levelups, etc etc. 

Problem is, the ones i have found, i can't get to work for some reason. Some work, but others dont. 

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Most of the v1.00 codes I got from here. I've tested most of them and they work.

A few things you should keep in mind:

  • When you spawn items into a unit's inventory, said item will have 0 uses and be unusable unless you use a blessing cheat on them afterwards


  • Be wary when changing anyone into the Black Knight, as whatever items and skills you give him will also apply to his Rebirth (2) self. This ended up completely screwing a hacked save I was trying to make, as I inadvertently made BK unkillable


  • If you use Quick End Chapter {Win} to skip 4-5, make sure you turn the cheat OFF before starting Rebirth (1), otherwise Dolphin will crash. ...In fact, for the most part I recommend turning cheats off as soon as you use them, since there's almost no reason to keep any one cheat on (and all cheats must be off when you boot the game, or it will simply refuse to load the title screen). Things like Inf. Movement will stay in effect until you reset the game (or game over? Haven't tried that)


  • If you're of a mind like mine to recruit additional, normally-unplayable units to the party, you will undoubtedly hit the snag that is the Rebirth (1) bug. If you have more than I think 68(?) units in the party when you start the true endgame, the game will hang and/or Dolphin will crash when attempting to load the final endgame party prep screen unless you underclock the emulated CPU at just the right moment. Very annoying bug due to this and afaik has yet to be resolved.
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