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How should smash handle the Engage mechanic?


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I know this thread seems redundant but stay with me.

I’ve seen plenty of people throw out ideas about how Smash should handle the Engage mechanic if Alear were to be a fighter. In your opinion, how should the Engage mechanic be handled? I already did an entire thread going into more depth, but I wanted to hear other people’s thoughts and feelings.

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Gonna go ahead and be a spoilsport, but... it shouldn't. I don't think we need every new character to have their own "gimmick" aspect. We've already got Little Mac's KO meter, then came Cloud's meter, Joker's transformation gauge, Hero's big list of spells, and a bunch more I'm forgetting. Honestly, I find it tiresome, as it makes each fighter more confusing than they need to be. It's something new to keep track of, beyond the mere "jump in and go" approach.

If Alear becomes a playable character, it should be their Final Smash. They should "Engage" with Sigurd and launch an Override attack clean across the stage. That's it.

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