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(FE5) Stealing apparently ignores the speed buff from Forseti


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Sorry if this is common knowledge but I had no idea it was a thing, and couldn't find it mentioned anywhere even after digging around various forums / websites (including the calculations page for FE5 here on serenes forest). I've been replaying FE5 again recently and got to the final chapter with a really annoying deployment order. After spending forever in preps, I decided the best odds I had was having Ced just dodge a 40% hit from Porcus/Zwolf, but to my surprise instead of attacking Ced he stole a 1 use warp staff I left on him just in case it came up, despite Ced having 36 speed with Forseti equipped. It's not a super important detail (I think this is the only way this can come up in the vanilla game?) but it seriously caught me off guard and I thought it was funny.


thracia c25 steal p1.png

thracia c25 steal p2.png

thracia c25 steal p3.png

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