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Obviously, killing human is regarded as univerally immoral.
Obviously, it sure as hell is not. Never in human history has the killing of one human being by another been immoral in and of itself. Circumstances matter, as far as the law and any credible codified "morality" are concerned. Edited by Blacken
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I'm talking to you.

But seriously, Cows are high in intelligence. They even get excited when they solve intellectual challenges. Just because they're big creatures with few real defensive capabilities doesn't make them dumb. It makes them vulnerable.

Irrelevant: your first claim was that cows are more intelligent than dogs.

Also, "Solve intellectual challenges"? The fuck?

You still haven't met a cow.

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I have difficulties, like for example, I don't kill bugs, wheather if it's too annoying or not.

And the size and/or intelegence doesn't matter, I would get the same effect on killing an insect or a human, judging by size or intellegence just doesn't seem right.

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