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Asking tips for some units for my ironman run.


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I like iroman challenges on fire emblem games.

Even if i often lose some unit for stupid mistake or distraction, i really enjoy playing ironman; so i decided to do run on fire emblem engage by adding some personal rule to add difficult:

- i am forced to use 3 unti i consider bad, and i need to level and avoid thier death. The units in question are Anna, Jean and Timerra.

-i cannot use any flying or mounted class after chapter 11.

-if a unit start in a mounted class i can use him/her in the joining chapter of the unit and then reclass.

-since in the early game i needed some mounted units to do something, all of them are dropped after chapter 11.

-No well allowed.

-No fire emblem heroes weapon and ring.

-I am allowed to scam some bond ring (force them to appear), but no Olwen ring.

-I am allowed to use the 3000 gold and 10 steel ingot we get automatically after chapter 4 or 5. (this resource are not indispensable, but i dont want to think too much about them)



Right now i am on chapter 19 without any death. I got back Sigurd and Leif, so it is the right moment to do some team change and Inherit some skills.

I'd like some suggestiong for Jean and Timerra from someone who have used them before.

For jean i planned to recriut in late and make him an axe fighter than a berseker (he reached lev 10 and promoted when Timerra joined) and then make him chatch up thanks to Byleth. Right now he is fine but definetly far from amazing. for the very late game i planned to make him a swordmaster with Roy so that he get 4 speed when engaged and can reach a lot 1-2 kill treshold with binding blade. But for now i wonder if it is better to make him stay as berseker (for better growth) or change his class to warrior for better fighting potential (long bow chain attack).


For Timerra, she will remain a picket. I plan to give her Leif with speed + X and def + X from lyn and ike (and maybe 1-2 dracoshield). The purpose is to have and enemy phase unit that dont die (and sometimes kill thanks to sandsotrm), but i honestly never bother too much with her so if there is a better build i am open to suggestion.

Also Def + 3 /4 or Resolve from ike?

Thanks for your suggestion, and if you are interest in how i did a chapter feel free to ask.

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I definitely wouldn't consider Timerra a bad unit, particularly on an Ironman run.  Her big problem is that she has a rocky start, but that matters much less on an Ironman once you have sufficient levels.

Timerra has bad raw stats, however Sand Storm is a disgustingly strong ability.  When you first get access to Sand Storm at Picket Lvl 5, on average it will be adding around 6 damage to each attack you make.  By the time you cap Picket at Lvl 20, on average it will be adding around 12 damage to each attack you make.  The only issue is that the damage is inconsistent.  In order to get good damage out of Timerra, you need to working to trigger Sand Storm as often as possible to mitigate the inconsistency.  That means you probably want to use a Brave Lance for her and work to get quad attacks on Player Phase.

A Brave Lance has 14 Wt at base, which is well higher than Timerra's base build.  A good chunk of her loadout should look to mitigate that.  Leif is not a terrible choice for Timerra, but she fares much better with Sigurd.  She benefits from the significant boost to build, but she also wants the extra movement since she's in a footlocked class and will primarily using 1-range weapons, and she also wants the free access to Canter since she needs to be spending her ability slots elsewhere.  She should get Spd+3 immediately upon recruitment, and can upgrade it as much as is convenient.  Now that you have Leif back, you should also consider getting her Build+3 as well to further reduce the speed penalties.  With Sigurd at a good bond level and Build+3, Timerra should be taking almost no speed penalty from a Brave Lance, and with Spd+ she should be able to quad most enemies in the game, barring thieves, swordmasters, and griffons.

Functionally, she should be able to kill a good portion of enemies with decent consistency while still having the defenses necessary to not die on enemy phase.  For a weapon engraving, there's two good ways to go.  Early on, you may want to put a weight reducing engraving on the Brave Lance to help with build issues.  Later on, you may want to switch to an engraving that gives 10-20 crit, as you're already fishing for Sand Storm procs so you might as well fish for crits as well.  However, she definitely does not want engravings that reduce weapon might, as each point of might lost translates into 4 lost damage when quadding.  So she tends to fare well with the Sigurd or Marth engravings.

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