Jotari Posted September 16, 2023 Share Posted September 16, 2023 (edited) Fire Emblem Heroes has just celebrated having 1,000 units in it, which is a pretty big number. Course, Heroes being Heroes, we know it isn't remotely close to that number as like 35% of Heroes units are alts. But it probably makes one wonder, or at least it makes me wonder, how many Fire Emblem characters are there? The largest collection of Fire Emblem characters is Choose Your Legends, which features 1024 entrants...but a lot of those are duplicated from the Archanea and Tellius casts. My count is 870 unique entrants in CYL as CYL counts unique entrants (ie Marth's votes are collected but Merlinus's are not). But we all know that CYL doesn't have every Fire Emblem character on it. There are a lot of minor characters (and some decently major ones) who are not on Choose Your Legends. And of course, Engage's entire cast won't be on it until next year. So, counting up all the characters in Fire Emblem, no matter how minor or major, what result do we get? 1,759, give or take. Getting this number was not as simple as going to the wiki and counting the number of character pages, as there are a lot of characters that are so minor the wiki doesn't have pages for, like the random children (that have names, and something close to personalities) that are captured in Thracia. In some cases I even created character pages on the wiki for some characters kind of deserved them. Give or take requires some clarification, as Fire Emblem, being the series it is, has a lot of wiggle room when considering what is or isn't a character, or whether one person is one character or two characters, and in one case whether multiple people are one character or many! So here is a list of the exact criteria used. Spoiler *Only characters mentioned or referred to in the games are counted. For example, Marth's grandfather isn't counted even though he has an official name, but Anri is counted because the games actually refer to Anri. This is mainly so I don't have to count a bunch of Manga OCs and guidebook characters (though I did count the Binding Blade Manga characters since they are referred to in Binding Blade via their weapons). The one exception I've made is counting Rigel I, because Zofia I is actually mentioned in Shadows of Valentia and it felt weird to count her and not him. *Characters are only counted once regardless of their disguises, altered minds or if they've aged. Awakening Tiki and Archanea Tiki and even TMS Tiki are just Tiki. This also applies to all Annas. *Characters with split personalities only count if they have physically different bodies ie Ashera/Yune, Anankos, Robin/Grima. Veyle and Evil Veyle are the one character, for example. *Different genders of the same characters are counted as the same. *Only the Cipher characters from Shadows of Valentia are counted. The others will be counted if they ever get into an actual video game. *The Four Winds (except Mauvier) are classed as different from the four Hounds given they have different names, slightly different designs and different backstories. *The Agarthan characters and their disguised counterparts are counted separately, given all of their disguised counter parts are based on actual people referenced by other characters. Similarly, Lif and Thrasir are counted even though they are future versions of Alfonse and Veronica, because the historical figures also exist (and presumably look like that). *Because they actually do have names, Genealogy Arena units, DS replacement units and Fates capturable units have been counted *Unnamed characters performing a role like Vendor or Armorer are grouped together as one character, but named characters performing that role, like Danniel or Aimee, are counted separately. *Even though the Thracia characters can become the Deadlords, the Deadlords are still counted as separate characters, since they actually predated most of those characters and also appear in Awakening. *Theoretical characters like King Lima I - III are not counted, in the same vein, Emperor Gair is only counted once *Assumed family members are not counted. For example, Micaiah's father/Misaha's son must have existed, but since he is never named, seen or directly referenced, he is not considered a character. On the contrary, even though Chrom's father is unseen and unnamed, he is still a character since people talk about him and he indirectly effected the plot. A character simply mentioning they have a parent alive or dead is not enough, there needs to be something marginally more specific so we can say who they are in some capacity. *Even though he actually is multiple people, Legion is only counted once...counting Fire Emblem characters is weird. *Generic monster characters like Risen Chief or Deathgoyle boss are not counted. The exception to this is the Fire Dragon at the end of Binding Blade because it actually is something of a character fans can refer to, being the freaking final boss. *I don't know what the deal with Arval and Epimenides is, but they talk to each other and that's enough for me to count them separately *Definitely ficitonal characters like what Jade writes are not counted, but mythic, possibly fictional characters like Nada Kuya and Shanty Pete are counted The most controversial inclusions would definitely be the Fates capturable (non boss) enemies, the Shadow Dragon replacement units and the Genealogy Heroes units. All of which have no dialogue. That being said, they do have names, do appear in battle and players can form some emotional attachment to them, so I counted them. Is this list under this criteria exhaustive? No. I'm definitely missing a lot of Fodlan characters. Specifically the unseen mothers of the playable cast that characters write letters to and can say something about, but I don't know which characters have only plausible hypothetical mothers and which ones have actual mentioned mothers that we can say something about as characters, and I'm not checking the entirety of Three Houses's and Three Hope's script to find out. I think I'm pretty comfortable in saying that somewhere in the range of 1,800 characters is accurate though. I keep remembering minor characters all the time. It's not uncommon for me to wake up in the middle of the night mentally shouting "The Elder of Arcadia" or "Lena's Grandfather". Oh, yes, of course, the actual list. Here it is on a Google Sheet with character portraits beside to identify who everyone is (that has a character design). And for those of you who don't want to bother leaving this page, here is the list of 1,759 unique Fire Emblem characters (red is for characters without an English name). Spoiler 1 Abel 2 Abyme 3 Abysskeeper 4 Acheron 5 Adele 6 Adrah 7 Adrienne 8 Aegis Dragon 9 Aelfric 10 Aenir 11 Aesha 12 Agony 13 Aias 14 Aida 15 Aimee/Larabel 16 Aion 17 Akane 18 Akihiro 19 Al 20 Alcryst 21 Alder 22 Alear 23 Alec 24 Alen 25 Alessio 26 Alfonse 27 Alfred 28 Algol 29 Alm 30 Almedha 31 Alois 32 Alphand 33 Altena 34 Altina 35 Alucard 36 Alva (Genealogy) 37 Alva (Thracia) 38 Amalda 39 Amber 40 Amelia 41 Amid 42 Amy 43 Anankos (Bad) 44 Anankos (Good) 45 Anaximandros 46 Andreas 47 Andrey 48 Anguilla 49 Anisse 50 Anje 51 Anna 52 Annand 53 Annette (Fates) 54 Annette (Fodlan) 55 Anri 56 Anthony 57 Antony/Pindus 58 Apostol 59 Aran 60 Arden 61 Ardri 62 Ares 63 Arete 64 Argentum 65 Arion 66 Ariyoshi 67 Arlen 68 Armorer 69 Arran 70 Artemis 71 Arthur (Fates) 72 Arthur (Jugdral) 73 Artur 74 Arval 75 Arvis 76 Asaello 77 Asbel 78 Ash 79 Ashe 80 Ashera 81 Ashnard 82 Ashunera 83 Askr 84 Astolfo 85 Astram 86 Astrid (Fates) 87 Astrid (Tellius) 88 Asugi 89 Asuka 90 Athena 91 Athos 92 Atlas (Jugdral) 93 Atlas (Valentia) 94 Auffle/Chasia 95 August 96 Augustus/Parnon 97 Aurelius/Kofinas 98 Aurum 99 Aversa 100 Ayaha Oribe 101 Ayra 102 Azama 103 Azelle 104 Azmur 105 Azura 106 Bachus 107 Baldack 108 Baldr 109 Balmer 110 Balthus 111 Balthus Step Mother 112 Balthus' Half Brother 113 Balthus' Mother 114 Banba 115 Bandit 116 Bandol 117 Banfig 118 Bantu 119 Baran 120 Barath 121 Barigan 122 Barknin 123 Baron Barnabas 124 Baron Dominic 125 Baron Gillingr 126 Baron Martyn 127 Baron Mateus 128 Baron Muller 129 Baron Ochs 130 Baron Pryderi 131 Barry Goodman 132 Barst 133 Barth 134 Barthe 135 Bartre 136 Basilio 137 Bastian 138 Bathys 139 Batta 140 Batu 141 Bauker 142 Bazan 143 Bazba 144 Beatrice 145 Beck 146 Belf 147 Benny 148 Bentheon 149 Beowolf 150 Beran 151 Berkut 152 Berkut's Late Mother 153 Berling 154 Bernadetta 155 Bernard 156 Bernd 157 Bertram (Fates) 158 Beruka 159 Beyard 160 Bias 161 Binks 162 Blacksmith 163 Blaiddyd 164 Blake 165 Bleg 166 Bloom 167 Bloom Dragon 168 Boah 169 Boey 170 Boies 171 Bone 172 Bool 173 Bord 174 Bordeaux 175 Bors 176 Boshimas 177 Boucheron 178 Bovis 179 Boyce 180 Boyd 181 Brady 182 Bragi 183 Brakul 184 Bramimond 185 Bramsel 186 Brave Axe Lady 187 Breguet 188 Brendan 189 Brian 190 Brigand Boss 191 Brighton 192 Brigid/Eyvel 193 Brigitta 194 Brom 195 Brook 196 Brunnya 197 Bruno 198 Bryce 199 Brzak 200 Bucks 201 Bug 202 Bunet 203 Burton 204 Byleth 205 Byron 206 Cadros 207 Caeda/Shiida 208 Caeldori 209 Caellach 210 Caesar 211 Cain (Archanea) 212 Cain (Thracia) 213 Caineghis 214 Caldas 215 Calf 216 Calill 217 Callum 218 Calney 219 Cameron 220 Camilla 221 Campari 222 Camus 223 Canaan 224 Canas 225 Candace 226 Canis 227 Captain 228 Carjiga 229 Carlyle 230 Carrion 231 Carrion's Father 232 Carrion's Mother 233 Caspar 234 Cassita 235 Cassius 236 Castor 237 Catalena 238 Catelena 239 Cath 240 Catherine 241 Catria 242 Cecil 243 Cecilia 244 Ced (Crusader) 245 Ced (Playable) 246 Celica 247 Celine 248 Cerberus 249 Cervantes 250 Chacof 251 Chad 252 Chagall 253 Chalard 254 Chan 255 Charlot 256 Charlotte 257 Charon 258 Cherche 259 Chiaki 260 Chihiro 261 Chikaomi 262 Chilon 263 Chloe 264 Chouten Sawafuji 265 Christof 266 Chrom 267 Chrom's Father 268 Chulainn 269 Cigyun 270 Cimbaeth 271 Citrinne 272 Clair 273 Clanne 274 Clarine 275 Clarisse 276 Claud (Jugdral) 277 Claude (Fodlan) 278 Clement 279 Cleobulus 280 Clive 281 Codda 282 Cohen 283 Coirpre 284 Colho 285 Colm 286 Conomor 287 Conrad 288 Conrad's Mother 289 Constance 290 Convoy Manager 291 Cord 292 Cordelia 293 Cordula 294 Cormag 295 Cornelia 296 Cornelius 297 Corrin 298 Coulter 299 Count Charon 300 Count Duval 301 Count Ordelia 302 Count Rowe 303 Craft Dragon 304 Creidne 305 Crotor 306 Crusher Dragon 307 Cuvuli 308 Cynthia 309 Cyril 310 Daccar 311 Dactyl 312 Dagdar 313 Dagon 314 Dagr 315 Daichi 316 Dainn 317 Daisuke 318 Daisy 319 Dakova 320 Dalen 321 Dall 322 Dalsin 323 Dalton 324 Dalvin 325 Damas 326 Damian 327 Danann 328 Daniel 329 Daniela 330 Danomill 331 Danved/Devdan 332 Daphnel 333 Dara 334 Darin 335 Darios 336 Dark Dragon 337 Darros 338 Dart 339 Dawn Dragon 340 Dayan 341 Debias 342 Dedue 343 Deen (Jugdral) 344 Deen (Valentia) 345 Deimne 346 Deirdre 347 Dejanira 348 Delphi, Sky God 349 Delthea 350 Denning 351 Desaix 352 Desaix's Double 353 Desmond 354 Dew 355 Dewy 356 Dexa/Divri 357 Dheginsea 358 Diamant 359 Diarmuid 360 Dice (Archanea) 361 Dice (Jugdral) 362 Dieck 363 DiMaggio 364 Dimitri 365 Distler 366 Dithorba 367 Djur 368 Dolofonos 369 Dolph 370 Dolth 371 Dominic 372 Donnel 373 Donovan 374 Dora 375 Dorcas 376 Dorothea 377 Dorothy 378 Dory 379 Douglas 380 Dozla 381 Draco 382 Dragon (Blazing Blade) 383 Draug 384 Dryas 385 Dua/Ida 386 Duadexa/Movri 387 Duessel 388 Duke Gerth 389 Duke Ifan 390 Duke Seliora 391 Duma (Jugdral) 392 Duma (Valentia) 393 Durban 394 Durthon 395 Dusk Dragon 396 Duvall 397 Dvorak 398 Dwyer 399 Eagler 400 Echidna 401 Eda 402 Edain 403 Edelgard 404 Edsel 405 Edward 406 Effie 407 Eibel 408 Eichmann 409 Ein 410 Eir 411 Eirika 412 Eisenau 413 Eitri 414 Elbert 415 Elder of Arcadia 416 Eldigan 417 Eleanora 418 Elen 419 Elena 420 Eleonora Yumizuru 421 Elffin/Myrddin 422 Elice 423 Elimine 424 Elincia 425 Elise 426 Eliwood 427 Elliot 428 Elm 429 Elmar 430 Embla 431 Emereus 432 Emil (Jugdral) 433 Emil (Tellius) 434 Emma 435 Emmeryn 436 Emperor Ionius IX 437 Ena 438 Ephidel 439 Ephraim 440 Epimenides 441 Equus 442 Eremiya 443 Erik 444 Eriko 445 Erinys 446 Eriu 447 Erk 448 Ernesta 449 Erwin Fritz Gloucester 450 Est 451 Ethlyn 452 Ethnia (Earth Goddess) 453 Etie 454 Etzel 455 Eubans 456 Eva 457 Eve (Engage) 458 Eve (Jugdral) 459 Ewan 460 Excellus 461 Ezra 462 Fado 463 Fae 464 Fafnir 465 Faldarius 466 Farber 467 Farden 468 Fargus 469 Farina 470 Fate 471 Father MacGregor 472 Faye 473 Febail 474 Fee 475 Feh 476 Felicia 477 Felipe 478 Felix 479 Ferdinand 480 Fergus 481 Fernand 482 Fightmonger 483 Filat 484 Finn 485 Fiona 486 Fiora 487 Fir 488 First Exalt 489 Fisher 490 Fissure Dragon 491 Fjalar 492 Fjorm 493 Flaer 494 Flame Dragon 495 Flavia 496 Flayn 497 Fleche 498 Flora 499 Florina 500 Fogado 501 Fomortiis 502 Forde 503 Forneus 504 Forrest 505 Forseti 506 Forsyth 507 Fotla 508 Framme 509 Franz 510 Fraus 511 Fred 512 Frederick 513 Frey 514 Freyja (Fates) 515 Freyja (Heroes) 516 Freyr 517 Fritz 518 Frost 519 Fuga 520 Fumi 521 Funke 522 Furia 523 Gail 524 Gair 525 Gaius 526 Galle 527 Gallus 528 Galzus 529 Ganglot 530 Gangrel 531 Gant 532 Garcia (Sacred Stones) 533 Garcia (Valentia) 534 Gareth 535 Garon (Fake) 536 Garon (Real) 537 Garret 538 Garrick 539 Garth 540 Gashilama 541 Gatekeeper 542 Gatrie 543 Gautier 544 Gazack 545 Gazak 546 Gazelle 547 Gazzak 548 Gecko 549 Geese (Elibe) 550 Geese (Jugdral) 551 Geitz 552 Geller 553 Genny 554 Geoffrey 555 Georg 556 Gerald 557 Gerik 558 Gerome 559 Gerrard 560 Getz 561 Gharn 562 Gharnef 563 Gheb 564 Giffca 565 Gilbert 566 Gilliam 567 Gisela 568 Glade 569 Glanz 570 Glass 571 Glen 572 Glenn 573 Gloria 574 Gloucester 575 Godfrey von Riegan 576 Goldmary 577 Gomer 578 Gomez 579 Goneril 580 Gonzales 581 Goran 582 Gordin 583 Goro 584 Gotoh 585 Gouber 586 Grado 587 Grainne 588 Graph 589 Gray 590 Grégoire von Varley 591 Gregor 592 Gregory 593 Greias 594 Greil 595 Gretel 596 Grieth 597 Grigas 598 Grim Dragon 599 Grima 600 Griss 601 Gromell 602 Groznyi 603 Guerrero 604 Guinivere 605 Gullveig 606 Gunna 607 Gunnthra 608 Gunther 609 Gustav (Heroes) 610 Gustav (Thracia) 611 Guy 612 Gwendal 613 Gwendolyn 614 Gyral 615 Haar 616 Hachio 617 Hades 618 Hafedd 619 Haitaka 620 Hajime 621 Halcyon 622 Halvan 623 Halvan's Sister 624 Hana 625 Hannah 626 Hanneman 627 Hannibal 628 Hanon 629 Hans 630 Hapi 631 Hardin 632 Harken 633 Harmein 634 Harold 635 Hartmut 636 Haru 637 Hasmarn 638 Hassar 639 Hausen 640 Havetti 641 Hawk 642 Hawkeye 643 Hawks 644 Hayato 645 Hayden 646 Heath 647 Heather 648 Hector 649 Heddwyn 650 Heim 651 Heimler 652 Heintz 653 Heior 654 Hel 655 Helbindi 656 Hellene 657 Helman 658 Helmut 659 Heltsok 660 Hendexa/Voras 661 Hendrik 662 Henning 663 Henriette 664 Henry 665 Heppner 666 Hepto/Foloi 667 Hermina 668 Heste 669 Hestia 670 Hetzel 671 Hicks 672 Hideaki 673 Hidetora 674 Hierarch 675 Hilda 676 Hilda (Fodlan) 677 Hilda (Jugdral) 678 Hinata 679 Hinoka 680 Hiroe 681 Hiromi 682 Hiroyuki 683 Hisame 684 Holland 685 Hollstadt 686 Holst 687 Homasa 688 Homer 689 Hood 690 Hoor 691 Horace 692 Hortensia 693 Hotaru 694 Hrid 695 Hubert (Fates) 696 Hubert (Fodlan) 697 Hugh 698 Hyacinth 699 Hyman/Reynard 700 Iago 701 Ice Dragon 702 Idunn 703 Ignatius (Awakening) 704 Ignatius (Fates) 705 Ignatz 706 Igor 707 Igrene 708 Ikanau 709 Ike 710 Ikona 711 Ilios 712 Ilse 713 Ilyana 714 Imca 715 Indech 716 Indra 717 Ingrid (Fates) 718 Ingrid (Fodlan) 719 Inigo 720 Innes 721 Iote 722 Ippei 723 Irma 724 Isadora 725 Isaiya 726 Ishtar 727 Ishtore 728 Ismaire 729 Istvan 730 Itsuki Aoi 731 Iuchar 732 Iucharba 733 Ivy 734 Izana 735 Izuka 736 Jackson 737 Jacobi 738 Jade 739 Jaffar 740 Jagen 741 Jahn 742 Jake 743 Jakob 744 Jamil (Awakening) 745 Jamil (Valentia) 746 Jamke 747 Jan 748 Janaff 749 Jarod 750 Jasmine 751 Javarro 752 Jean 753 Jeanne 754 Jedah 755 Jeffers/Othrys 756 Jeorge 757 Jeralt 758 Jeritza/Death Knight 759 Jerme 760 Jerome 761 Jesse 762 Jetz 763 Jill 764 Jiminez/Pelion 765 Jin 766 Jinpei 767 Jiol 768 Jisment 769 Jitaro 770 Jorge 771 Josh 772 Joshua 773 Jubel 774 Jubelo 775 Judah 776 Judith (Fates) 777 Judith (Fodlan) 778 Julia 779 Julian 780 Julius 781 Julius/Merenta 782 Juno 783 Juphiel 784 Justinian/ Kypariss 785 Kabul 786 Kaden 787 Kaede 788 Kagero 789 Kagetsu 790 Kaim 791 Kaledin 792 Kalpa Dragon 793 Kamui 794 Kamura 795 Kana 796 Kanade 797 Kanae Urabe 798 Kanatz 799 Kannival 800 Kanon 801 Karel 802 Karin 803 Karla 804 Karline 805 Kasatai 806 Kashim 807 Kasumi 808 Katarina 809 Kayachey 810 Kaze 811 Kazuki 812 Kazuma 813 Kazunari 814 Ke'ri 815 Keaton 816 Kehela 817 Keimos 818 Keith 819 Kel 820 Kellam 821 Kelles 822 Kemal 823 Kempf 824 Kenneth 825 Kenshi 826 Kent 827 Kento 828 Kezhda 829 Khozen 830 Kieran 831 Kilma 832 Kimaasri 833 King Kilvas 834 King of Almyra 835 King of Aurelis 836 King of Valla 837 Kiragi 838 Kiran 839 Kiria Kurono 840 Kirsten 841 Kishuna 842 Kite 843 Kjelle 844 Klaus I 845 Klein (Elibe) 846 Klein (Jugdral) 847 Kliff 848 Klimt 849 Knoll 850 Komachi 851 Konoe 852 Konrad 853 Koromo 854 Kostas 855 Kotaff 856 Kotaro 857 Kris 858 Kronya 859 Krosroy 860 Krouffer 861 Kruge 862 Kudoka 863 Kuen Tarachino 864 Kumagera 865 Kurth 866 Kurthnaga 867 Kutuzov 868 Kyle 869 Kyza 870 L'Arachel 871 Lachesis 872 Ladislava 873 Laegjarn 874 Laetitia 875 Laevatein 876 Lahna 877 Laim/Verno 878 Lambert 879 Lamia 880 Lamine 881 Lana 882 Lance 883 Lang 884 Lanvega 885 Lapis 886 Lara 887 Larcei 888 Largo (Jugdral) 889 Largo (Tellius) 890 Larissa 891 Larum 892 Laslow 893 Latonia 894 Laura 895 Laurent 896 Laverton 897 Lawson 898 Layla 899 Laylea 900 Lazley 901 Leanne 902 Lee 903 Legance 904 Legault 905 Legion 906 Leif (Fodlan) 907 Leif (Jugdral) 908 Leila 909 Lekain 910 Lena 911 Lena's Grandfather 912 Lene 913 Leo 914 Leon 915 Leonard (Fates) 916 Leonardo (Tellius) 917 Leonie 918 Leopold von Bergliez 919 Lepus 920 Lester 921 Lethe 922 Letizia 923 Levail 924 Lever/Cynthus 925 Lewyn 926 Lex 927 Liam 928 Lianna 929 Libra 930 Lif 931 Lifis 932 Lightning Dragon 933 Lilina 934 Lilith 935 Lillia 936 Lima IV 937 Limstella 938 Linda 939 Linde 940 Lindon 941 Linecock 942 Linhardt 943 Linoan 944 Linoan's Father 945 Linus 946 Liprica 947 Lissa 948 List 949 Liza (Archanea) 950 Liza (Jugdral) 951 Llewelyn 952 Lloyd (Elibe) 953 Lloyd (Fates) 954 Lobos 955 Loki 956 Lombard 957 Lombroso 958 Lon'qu 959 Lonato 960 Loog 961 Loptous 962 Lorazieh 963 Lord Fugue 964 Lord Rion 965 Lorenz (Archanea) 966 Lorenz (Fodlan) 967 Lot 968 Lotte 969 Lotz 970 Louis (Engage) 971 Louis (Jugdral) 972 Louisa 973 Louise 974 Lowen 975 Luccia 976 Lucer/Gramos 977 Lucia 978 Lucina 979 Lucius 980 Ludveck 981 Ludwig (Fates) 982 Ludwig von Aegir 983 Ludwik 984 Lugh 985 Lukas 986 Luke 987 Lulu 988 Lumel 989 Lumera 990 Lundgren 991 Lute 992 Luthier 993 Lykke 994 Lyn 995 Lyon 996 Lyre 997 Lysithea 998 Mabel 999 Macbeth 1000 Macellan 1001 Machyua 1002 Mackoya 1003 MacLear 1004 Macuil 1005 Madeline 1006 Madelyn 1007 Madoka 1008 Mae 1009 Maera 1010 Maggie 1011 Magnus 1012 Magorn 1013 Mahatma 1014 Mahiro Tsurumi 1015 Maiden 1016 Maijin 1017 Maiko Shimazaki 1018 Makalov 1019 Malice 1020 Malledus 1021 Malshark 1022 Mamori Minamoto 1023 Mananan 1024 Manfred 1025 Manfroy 1026 Mannu 1027 Mansel 1028 Manstein 1029 Manuela 1030 Maraj 1031 Marcelus 1032 Marcia 1033 Marcus 1034 Marda 1035 Mareeta 1036 Margave Edmond 1037 Margot 1038 Maria 1039 Marianne 1040 Maribelle 1041 Mariccle 1042 Marilyn 1043 Mario 1044 Marion 1045 Marisa 1046 Marisha 1047 Mark 1048 Marla 1049 Marlon 1050 Marni 1051 Marquess of Araphen 1052 Marquis Erebus 1053 Marquis Vestra 1054 Marral 1055 Marta 1056 Martel 1057 Marth 1058 Marty 1059 Mary 1060 Masahiko 1061 Massena 1062 Massigli 1063 Mathilda 1064 Matthew 1065 Matthias Raoul Gautier 1066 Matthis 1067 Maurice 1068 Mauvier 1069 Maxime 1070 Maykov 1071 McCloy 1072 Medeus 1073 Medusa 1074 Meg 1075 Melady 1076 Meng 1077 Merach 1078 Mercedes 1079 Merlinus 1080 Merlock 1081 Merric 1082 Merrin 1083 Messenger 1084 Metodey 1085 Mia (Sacred Stones) 1086 Mia (Tellius) 1087 Micaiah 1088 Michalis 1089 Midia 1090 Midir 1091 Midori 1092 Migal 1093 Mikasa 1094 Mikhail 1095 Miklan 1096 Mikoto 1097 Mila 1098 Millet 1099 Miloah 1100 Minerva 1101 Minori 1102 Mirabilis 1103 Miranda 1104 Miranda's Father 1105 Miria 1106 Miriel 1107 Misaha 1108 Misha 1109 Mist 1110 Mitama 1111 Mitan 1112 Mitsuru 1113 Miyabi 1114 Mizuki 1115 Momiji 1116 Monica (Sacred Stones) 1117 Monica (Three Houses) 1118 Monke 1119 Moore 1120 Mordecai 1121 Mordred 1122 Morgan (Awakening) 1123 Morgan (Binding Blade) 1124 Morianne 1125 Morion 1126 Moro 1127 Morrigan 1128 Morristan 1129 Morva 1130 Morzas 1131 Mostyn 1132 Moulder 1133 Mozu 1134 Muarim 1135 Mueller (Jugdral) 1136 Mueller (Valentia) 1137 Muhammad 1138 Muirne 1139 Munnir 1140 Murdock 1141 Murray 1142 Mus 1143 Musar 1144 Musashi 1145 Muspell 1146 Mustafa 1147 Muston 1148 Mycen 1149 Myos 1150 Myrrh 1151 Myson 1152 Myu 1153 Naberius 1154 Nada Kuya 1155 Nader 1156 Naesala 1157 Naga 1158 Nagi 1159 Nah 1160 Nailah 1161 Nal 1162 Nanaki 1163 Nanna 1164 Nanoha 1165 Naoise 1166 Naomi 1167 Narcian 1168 Nasir 1169 Natalie 1170 Natasha 1171 Naunu/Kalon 1172 Navarre/Nabarl 1173 Nazarl 1174 Nealuchi 1175 Nedata 1176 Nehring 1177 Neimi 1178 Nel 1179 Nelson 1180 Nelucce 1181 Nemesis 1182 Nene 1183 Nephenee 1184 Nergal 1185 Nichol 1186 Nietzche 1187 Nifl 1188 Niime 1189 Nikalaf 1190 Nikias 1191 Nikita 1192 Nil 1193 Niles 1194 Nils 1195 Nina (Fates Captuable Unit) 1196 Nina (Fates) 1197 Ninian 1198 Nino 1199 Njorun 1200 Noah 1201 Nobu (Fates) 1202 Nobu Horinozawa 1203 Noire 1204 Nolan 1205 Nomah 1206 Nombry 1207 Nord 1208 Norne 1209 Norris 1210 Note 1211 Nott 1212 Novala 1213 Nowi 1214 Nuibaba 1215 Numida 1216 Nyna 1217 Nyx 1218 O'Neill 1219 Oates 1220 Oboro 1221 Octu/Giona 1222 Od 1223 Odesse 1224 Odin 1225 Ogier 1226 Ogma 1227 Oifey 1228 Old Hubba 1229 Oldwin 1230 Oleg 1231 Oliver 1232 Oliver's Replacement 1233 Olivia 1234 Oltoph 1235 Olwen 1236 Omozu 1237 Ophelia 1238 Orlo 1239 Orochi 1240 Orridyon 1241 Orson 1242 Orton 1243 Orun 1244 Oscar 1245 Osian 1246 Osian's Father 1247 Oskar (Fates) 1248 Oskar (Warriors) 1249 Osmond 1250 Oswald von Riegan 1251 Oswin 1252 Otr 1253 Otto 1254 Ovis 1255 Ovo 1256 Owain 1257 Owend/Delos 1258 Pablo 1259 Pain 1260 Palla 1261 Pallardo 1262 Pallardo's Double 1263 Palman 1264 Palmarch 1265 Pamela 1266 Pandreo 1267 Panette 1268 Panne 1269 Papilio 1270 Pascal 1271 Patricia/Anselma 1272 Patty 1273 Paul 1274 Paulus 1275 Peddler 1276 Pelio 1277 Pelleas 1278 Pent 1279 Penvo/Athos 1280 Peony 1281 Perceval 1282 Percy 1283 Peres 1284 Peri 1285 Perne 1286 Peter 1287 Petra 1288 Petra's Father 1289 Petra's Grandfather 1290 Petrine 1291 Pheros 1292 Phila 1293 Philip 1294 Phina 1295 Pinet 1296 Pinkley/Skarpa 1297 Pittacus 1298 Pizare 1299 Plumeria 1300 Porcus 1301 Priam 1302 Priscilla 1303 Pugo 1304 Puzon 1305 Python 1306 Quan 1307 Quatro/Aenos 1308 Radd 1309 Radmin 1310 Rafal 1311 Rafiel 1312 Raigh 1313 Raimi 1314 Rainbow Sage 1315 Raith 1316 Rajaion 1317 Ralf 1318 Ramon 1319 Randal 1320 Randock 1321 Randolph 1322 Randy 1323 Ranulf 1324 Raphael 1325 Rath 1326 Raven 1327 Raydrik 1328 Rebecca 1329 Reginn 1330 Reiden 1331 Reina 1332 Reinhard 1333 Reinhardt 1334 Reissmann 1335 Rejek/Ithome 1336 Ren 1337 Renault 1338 Rennac 1339 Renning 1340 Reptor 1341 Reyson 1342 Rhajat 1343 Rhea 1344 Rhys 1345 Rickard 1346 Ricken 1347 Riddell 1348 Riegan 1349 Riev 1350 Rigel I 1351 Rikard 1352 Riku Suzumoto 1353 Rinea 1354 Ring 1355 Rinkah 1356 Rintaro 1357 Rip 1358 Rita 1359 Riva 1360 Roark 1361 Roartz 1362 Robert (Thracia) 1363 Roberto (Archanea) 1364 Roberto (Thracia) 1365 Roberts 1366 Robin 1367 Robin's Mother 1368 Rodan 1369 Roddick 1370 Roderick (Archanea) 1371 Roderick (Fates) 1372 Rodine 1373 Rodrigue 1374 Roger 1375 Roland (Elibe) 1376 Roland (Fates) 1377 Roland (Jugdral) 1378 Rolf 1379 Rolf's Mother 1380 Romeo 1381 Rommit 1382 Romy 1383 Ronan 1384 Ronan's Mother 1385 Rosa 1386 Rosado 1387 Rose 1388 Roshea 1389 Ross 1390 Rowan (Warriors) 1391 Rowin (Genealogy of the Holy War) 1392 Roy 1393 Ruben 1394 Rudolf 1395 Rufus 1396 Ruger 1397 Rumei 1398 Ruri 1399 Rutger 1400 Ruud 1401 Ryan 1402 Ryoma 1403 Saar 1404 Saber 1405 Saburo 1406 Safy 1407 Saias 1408 Sain 1409 Saizo 1410 Sakura 1411 Salamander 1412 Saleh 1413 Salem 1414 Samson 1415 Samuel 1416 Sanaki 1417 Sandima 1418 Saphir 1419 Sara 1420 Saul 1421 Sawyer/ Cholomon 1422 Say'ri 1423 Saya 1424 Scarlet 1425 Scathach/Ulster 1426 Schaeffer 1427 Schmidt 1428 Schollan 1429 Scipio 1430 Scott 1431 Seadall 1432 Sealen 1433 Sean 1434 Seazas 1435 Sedgar 1436 Seeker 1437 Seforia 1438 Seimetol 1439 Seior 1440 Seiros 1441 Selena (Fates) 1442 Selena (Sacred Stones) 1443 Seliph 1444 Selkie 1445 Selphina 1446 Senghor 1447 Senno 1448 Sephiran 1449 Septimus 1450 Sera 1451 Sergei 1452 Serra 1453 Seteth 1454 Seth 1455 Setsuna 1456 Severa 1457 Shackal 1458 Shade 1459 Shahid 1460 Shamir 1461 Shamir's Lover 1462 Shanna 1463 Shannam 1464 Shannan 1465 Shanty Pete 1466 Shanty Pete 1467 Sharena 1468 Shark 1469 Sheena 1470 Shez 1471 Shez's Mother 1472 Shield Dragon 1473 Shigure 1474 Shiharam 1475 Shinobu 1476 Shinon 1477 Shiro 1478 Shiron 1479 Shisiel 1480 Shiva 1481 Shizue 1482 Shura 1483 Siegbert 1484 Sigrun 1485 Sigune 1486 Sigurd 1487 Sigurd's mother 1488 Silas 1489 Silque 1490 Silvano 1491 Silvia 1492 Simia 1493 Simon (Fates) 1494 Simon (Fodlan) 1495 Sin 1496 Sitri 1497 Skrimir 1498 Slater 1499 Slaver 1500 Slayde (Jugdral) 1501 Slayde (Valentia) 1502 Slayton 1503 Sleuf 1504 Snow Dragon 1505 Soan 1506 Soldier 1507 Soleil 1508 Solon 1509 Sombron 1510 Sommie 1511 Sonia 1512 Sonya 1513 Sophia 1514 Sophie 1515 Sorane 1516 Soren 1517 Sothe 1518 Sothis 1519 Stahl 1520 Star Dragon 1521 Stefan (Fates) 1522 Stefan (Tellius) 1523 Stella 1524 Sternlin 1525 Storm Dragon 1526 Subaki 1527 Sue 1528 Sully 1529 Sumeragi 1530 Sumia 1531 Surtr 1532 Suzume 1533 Suzuran 1534 Sven 1535 Sylvain 1536 Syrene 1537 Tailtiu 1538 Takanori 1539 Takumi 1540 Tamaki 1541 Tana 1542 Tancred 1543 Tanith 1544 Tanya 1545 Tarba 1546 Tashoria 1547 Tatarrah 1548 Tatiana 1549 Tauroneo 1550 Tauroneo's Wife 1551 Tauroneo's Younger Son 1552 Teodor 1553 Teronda 1554 Teru Gojyuin 1555 Tetchie 1556 Tethys 1557 Thales 1558 Tharja 1559 The Destrier 1560 The Faerie 1561 The King 1562 The Marksman 1563 The Ogre 1564 The Queen 1565 The Savant 1566 The Skylord 1567 The Sorceress 1568 The Titan 1569 Thea/Thite 1570 Thelma 1571 Theobald 1572 Thief 1573 Thief (Genealogy of the Holy War) 1574 Thoril 1575 Thorn Dragon 1576 Thorr 1577 Thrasir 1578 Thrud 1579 Tiana von Riegan 1580 Tibarn 1581 Tick 1582 Tiena 1583 Tigris 1584 Tiki 1585 Tiki=Waifu 1586 Timerra 1587 Tina 1588 Tine 1589 Tirado 1590 Titania 1591 Tobias 1592 Tobin 1593 Tolstoy 1594 Tomas (Archanea) 1595 Tomas (Fodlan) 1596 Tomenami 1597 Tomihiko 1598 Tomoe 1599 Tormod 1600 Torton 1601 Torus 1602 Totchie 1603 Touma Akagi 1604 Travant 1605 Trec 1606 Trevick 1607 Triandra 1608 Triesta 1609 Trim/Ossa 1610 Tristan 1611 Troude 1612 Truman 1613 Tsubasa Oribe 1614 Tyler 1615 Uhai 1616 Ukyo 1617 Ulki 1618 Ullr 1619 Unil/Zas 1620 Ursula (Elibe) 1621 Ursula (Fates) 1622 Uther 1623 Vaam 1624 Vaida 1625 Vaike 1626 Vaja 1627 Valbar 1628 Validar 1629 Valter 1630 Valtome 1631 Vander 1632 Vanessa 1633 Vasto 1634 Veld 1635 Velezark 1636 Velouria 1637 Vendor 1638 Verona 1639 Veronica 1640 Veyle 1641 Veyona 1642 Vicscount Gideon 1643 Victor (Awakening) 1644 Victor (Jugdral) 1645 Vigarde 1646 Vika 1647 Villager 1648 Vincent 1649 Virgil 1650 Virion 1651 Viscount Albany 1652 Viscount Brennius 1653 Viscount Burgundy 1654 Viscount Elidure 1655 Viscount Enid 1656 Viscount Fenja 1657 Viscount Gideon 1658 Viscount Hymir 1659 Viscount Kleiman 1660 Viscount Lochin 1661 Viscount Mateus 1662 Viscount Menja 1663 Viscount Siward 1664 Vladek/Kythnos 1665 Volke 1666 Volkhard von Arundel 1667 Volug 1668 Volzhin 1669 Vyland 1670 Wagner 1671 Waldemar von Hevring 1672 Walhart 1673 Wallace 1674 Waltz 1675 Ward/Wade 1676 Warren 1677 Weismann 1678 Wendell 1679 Wenzel 1680 Wieklin/Lyrkia 1681 Wil 1682 Wilhelm Paul Hresvelg 1683 Willow 1684 Windham 1685 Wire 1686 Wiseman 1687 Wladis/Lakmos 1688 Wolf (Archanea) 1689 Wolf (Genealogy of the Holy War) 1690 Wolf (Thracia) 1691 Wolff 1692 Wolfgang 1693 Wolt 1694 Wrys 1695 Wymp/Dirfys 1696 Wystan 1697 Xaizor 1698 Xalbador 1699 Xander 1700 Xane 1701 Xavier 1702 Xemcel 1703 Xenon 1704 Xestu/Kerkis 1705 Yamato 1706 Yarne 1707 Yashiro Tsurugi 1708 Yatsufusa 1709 Yayoi 1710 Yeardley 1711 Yelena 1712 Yen'fay 1713 Ylgr 1714 Ymir (Archanea) 1715 Ymir (Heroes) 1716 Yoder (Archanea) 1717 Yoder (Elibe) 1718 Yogi 1719 Yohei 1720 Yoichi 1721 Yoriko 1722 Yukari 1723 Yukimura 1724 Yuliya 1725 Yuma 1726 Yunaka 1727 Yune 1728 Yuri 1729 Yvette 1730 Zagam 1731 Zagan 1732 Zaitan 1733 Zakson 1734 Zane 1735 Zanth 1736 Zaom 1737 Zawana 1738 Zeffren 1739 Zeiss 1740 Zelestia 1741 Zelgius 1742 Zelkov 1743 Zelot 1744 Zephia 1745 Zephiel 1746 Zero 1747 Zero Emblem 1748 Zeus 1749 Zhara 1750 Zharov 1751 Zihark 1752 Zinque 1753 Zofia I 1754 Zola 1755 Zoldam 1756 Zolton 1757 Zonta 1758 Zugu 1759 Zyle (okay, actually I lie, this had nothing to do with Heroes celebrating 1,000 characters, I was already working on this list before that and it seemed a convenient way of tying it in). Edited October 20, 2023 by Jotari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lenticular Posted September 16, 2023 Share Posted September 16, 2023 Impressive work. And let's see: 17 main series games - 3 remakes + 1 TMS + 1 Heroes = 16 games. (Not counting the Warriors games, since they don't offer many original characters.) 1759 characters / 16 games = 110 characters/game. Assume an average of 30 chapters per game (I haven't counted, but that feels like it's probably around about accurate). 110 characters/30 chapters = 3.7 characters per chapter. Yeah, when you account for recruitable characters, bosses, and other random characters that show up, that seems around about the right ballpark figure. I spotted a couple of errors/omission when looking through this. Do you want to hear them, or are you just in a state of "it's done, I don't care, it's good enough"? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jotari Posted September 16, 2023 Author Share Posted September 16, 2023 (edited) 46 minutes ago, lenticular said: I spotted a couple of errors/omission when looking through this. Do you want to hear them, or are you just in a state of "it's done, I don't care, it's good enough"? It's never done, so shoot. Meant to say in the OP that any additions are welcome. Edited September 16, 2023 by Jotari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lenticular Posted September 16, 2023 Share Posted September 16, 2023 13 minutes ago, Jotari said: It's never done, so shoot. Meant to say in the OP that any additions are welcome. Two that I noticed: you have Catalena listed twice, and you don't have Maya listed (Raphael's sister, who is named and who he talks about in multiple supports). Also, you have Devdan and Danved listed as the same person even though they're obviously different. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jotari Posted September 16, 2023 Author Share Posted September 16, 2023 19 minutes ago, lenticular said: Two that I noticed: you have Catalena listed twice, and you don't have Maya listed (Raphael's sister, who is named and who he talks about in multiple supports). Also, you have Devdan and Danved listed as the same person even though they're obviously different. I added Catalena a second time because I looked and looked and just couldn't find her. I even checked to see I had added every Radiant Dawn boss because I was so surprised I missed her. Guess I just didn't miss and I'm just blind. My code for checking if the same name is there twice should have caught that. Ah yeah, I recall Raphael talking about his sister a lot. Like I said, Fodlan is going to be my weak point as there are so many unseen (and unfaced 😕 ) characters. Ignatz parents are ones I've considered adding since they are important, but they kind of come as a group the whole time instead of any individual traits. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lenticular Posted September 16, 2023 Share Posted September 16, 2023 20 minutes ago, Jotari said: Ah yeah, I recall Raphael talking about his sister a lot. Like I said, Fodlan is going to be my weak point as there are so many unseen (and unfaced 😕 ) characters. Ignatz parents are ones I've considered adding since they are important, but they kind of come as a group the whole time instead of any individual traits. Yeah, there are bound to be a fair few Fódlan characters who slip through the cracks. Thinking about it now, here are a few more: Crest Scholar. Unnamed, but has a face and a fair bit of dialogue. From Marianne's paralogue. Mysterious Teacher. The one who hangs around in Abyss. Possibly there are other Abyss characters too, but that's the only one I could remember the name of to check. Christophe. Named but never seen (by way of being dead). Ashe's adopted brother and Catherine's former friend. Hilda's father. Comes up a few times. In supports with Claude and Lorenz, and in Hilda's paralogue. I'm sure there are more, but those are ones that come to mind right now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jotari Posted September 16, 2023 Author Share Posted September 16, 2023 (edited) 4 hours ago, lenticular said: Yeah, there are bound to be a fair few Fódlan characters who slip through the cracks. Thinking about it now, here are a few more: Crest Scholar. Unnamed, but has a face and a fair bit of dialogue. From Marianne's paralogue. Mysterious Teacher. The one who hangs around in Abyss. Possibly there are other Abyss characters too, but that's the only one I could remember the name of to check. Christophe. Named but never seen (by way of being dead). Ashe's adopted brother and Catherine's former friend. Hilda's father. Comes up a few times. In supports with Claude and Lorenz, and in Hilda's paralogue. I'm sure there are more, but those are ones that come to mind right now. What's annoying about the first two is that they have character designs but I'm not even going to bother googling to see if I can find them -_- Christophe is actually decently important for a dead character. Good cath. I've called Hilda's father Lord Goneril rather than just Hilda's Father. Though he probably is referred to as a Duke or count or something somewhere that would be more accurate (hell he might even have a name, the Three Hopes parents that make appearances actually do even though CYL refers to them by their titles). But where four are added three are lost as I've just noticed I've counted Laslow, Odin and Selena when I shouldn't have. Edited September 16, 2023 by Jotari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanty Pete's 1st Mate Posted September 16, 2023 Share Posted September 16, 2023 10 hours ago, Jotari said: but mythic, possibly fictional characters like Nada Kuya and Shanty Pete are counted "Possibly fictional?" That be mutinous talk right tharr! Why, when ol' Shanty Pete gets back (he went out for some cigarettes, I swear), he'll be stringing ye up and flaying ye alive! But I'm sure you forgo- 10 hours ago, Jotari said: Mia (Sacred Stones) Yes! Hahaha... Yes! Super impressive list, by the way! I'm curious, though - if Gatekeeper and Abysskeeper are counted, then should "Mr. Backup" - the soldier who appears alongside Abysskeeper in several chapters - be counted as well? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jotari Posted September 16, 2023 Author Share Posted September 16, 2023 (edited) 9 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said: "Possibly fictional?" That be mutinous talk right tharr! Why, when ol' Shanty Pete gets back (he went out for some cigarettes, I swear), he'll be stringing ye up and flaying ye alive! But I'm sure you forgo- Yes! Hahaha... Yes! Super impressive list, by the way! I'm curious, though - if Gatekeeper and Abysskeeper are counted, then should "Mr. Backup" - the soldier who appears alongside Abysskeeper in several chapters - be counted as well? Abysskeeper is there purely because he's on CYL (and he's on CYL purely because Gatekeeper won). Otherwise I would have Abysskeeper merged with Gatekeeper (and maybe I still should). Edited September 17, 2023 by Jotari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saint Rubenio Posted September 17, 2023 Share Posted September 17, 2023 (edited) I can't believe Heroes hasn't added fan favorite Fire Emblem character, Shanty Pete, yet. Not bad, not bad at all, but unless you're using different translations for their names that I'm just not finding, I believe you may have missed one group of characters: Noah, Trec and Zelot's former mercenary comrades. Off the top of my mind, I believe there are two known unseen Ilian boys, Sieks and Grant. They're mentioned once or twice each in Noah, Zelot and Trec's supports with one another. Edited September 17, 2023 by Saint Rubenio Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jotari Posted September 18, 2023 Author Share Posted September 18, 2023 4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said: I can't believe Heroes hasn't added fan favorite Fire Emblem character, Shanty Pete, yet. Not bad, not bad at all, but unless you're using different translations for their names that I'm just not finding, I believe you may have missed one group of characters: Noah, Trec and Zelot's former mercenary comrades. Off the top of my mind, I believe there are two known unseen Ilian boys, Sieks and Grant. They're mentioned once or twice each in Noah, Zelot and Trec's supports with one another. No, not a different translation. They were overlooked. Though translation does bring an interesting idea. Shanty Pete doesn't exist in Japanese. So how many characters there are can actually change with the language. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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