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Of miscreants and their immature behaviors

Lord Glenn

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Disclaimer: This applies to about 5 FESSers. Out of like 60. Figure it out guys.

I'll say this right now: This ONLY applies to members who came over here from FESS. Members who have been here at SF need not worry, as this doesn't affect you directly.

It's come to my attention that several members from FESS have, within the past week or so, started causing... issues that are detrimental in nature. I won't explicitly name names, because, honestly, you all know who you are. And, quite frankly, I've already had enough of the shit that's been going on.

While some of you have become more compliant after getting hammered upon by the staff here, I'm going to make this brutally clear: I want all of the trouble to stop, and I mean right now. I don't care if you think you're being blunt and extremely honest, because, you could at least give a damn about your posting attitudes and habits. You are going to conform to the standards which Serenes Forest has and you're going to stop acting like children and internet trolls. Otherwise, you'll be gone, plain and simple, because, frankly, it's getting to the point where even I don't want you here. Regardless of how well I may have known you or tolerated you on FESS, your behavior is unacceptable, and it needs to change right now. This isn't FESS, and this isn't your playground to toy around with people and act in a childish manner.

The staff will be keeping a close eye on all of you until you show that you can behave like mature individuals, stop acting like dicks to everyone, and simply grow up. (Or you're banned from the site, which ever would happen to come first.)

Edited by Jyosua
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Well said. This is the kind of behaviour I'd like to see from the staff.

I was frankly getting bored, because y'know, even trolling gets old.

and prancing about gloating about how you piss ppl off and troll and are happy about it and giggle about it is just pathetic

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>> This ONLY applies to members who came over here from FESS. Members who have been here at SF need not worry, as this doesn't affect you directly.

So only douchebags from FESS are trolls and not douchebags from SF? I mean yeah, if someone's causing trouble you ban them, but you act as if everyone who's not from FESS is perfect and divine and only immigrants from FESS can possibly cause trouble. Being a dick should be an offense, not being a dick from a certain website. That's discrimination and it makes for unhappy internets.

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>> This ONLY applies to members who came over here from FESS. Members who have been here at SF need not worry, as this doesn't affect you directly.

So only douchebags from FESS are trolls and not douchebags from SF? I mean yeah, if someone's causing trouble you ban them, but you act as if everyone who's not from FESS is perfect and divine and only immigrants from FESS can possibly cause trouble. Being a dick should be an offense, not being a dick from a certain website. That's discrimination and it makes for unhappy internets.

In case you haven't been paying attention, the only real "dicks" around here are the people who have come from FESS.

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>> This ONLY applies to members who came over here from FESS. Members who have been here at SF need not worry, as this doesn't affect you directly.

So only douchebags from FESS are trolls and not douchebags from SF? I mean yeah, if someone's causing trouble you ban them, but you act as if everyone who's not from FESS is perfect and divine and only immigrants from FESS can possibly cause trouble. Being a dick should be an offense, not being a dick from a certain website. That's discrimination and it makes for unhappy internets.

if you read lord glen's post hes saying that only ppl who recently came over are causing trouble.

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>> This ONLY applies to members who came over here from FESS. Members who have been here at SF need not worry, as this doesn't affect you directly.

So only douchebags from FESS are trolls and not douchebags from SF? I mean yeah, if someone's causing trouble you ban them, but you act as if everyone who's not from FESS is perfect and divine and only immigrants from FESS can possibly cause trouble. Being a dick should be an offense, not being a dick from a certain website. That's discrimination and it makes for unhappy internets.

SF Natives do have their fair share of trolls, you guys simply outweigh them currently. Congratulations.

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SF Natives do have their fair share of trolls, you guys simply outweigh them currently. Congratulations.

So say that you won't tolerate either group. There's no reason we should be yelling at FESS trolls and not SF trolls. We should be yelling at both of them, amirite?

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if you read lord glen's post hes saying that only ppl who recently came over are causing trouble.
In case you haven't been paying attention, the only real "dicks" around here are the people who have come from FESS.

To be fair, we do have quite a few unruly members.

And that's a silly thing to say, since I've seen a lot of dickery from SF members. ;3

I'm not trying to justify anything, but I do know that a few members get upset when a select few FESS seem to assert that they are more intelligent. 3:

That being said, there's been a lot of outright flaming by both sides in FFtF, which I feel should be addressed ASAP.

Edited by Itsuki Koizumi
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So say that you won't tolerate either group. There's no reason we should be yelling at FESS trolls and not SF trolls. We should be yelling at both of them, amirite?

I already yelled at them. They know who they are, as we've already address them several times before.

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So say that you won't tolerate either group. There's no reason we should be yelling at FESS trolls and not SF trolls. We should be yelling at both of them, amirite?

Does this ring any bells?

I just came. Your thrilling post has rocked me to the core. Your excellent prose and outstanding mastery of the English language, as well as your ability to churn out such amazing work at this rate, has placed you in a position no American writer could even dream of reaching. You clearly must be of divinity. I hold my penis eagerly, awaiting your next installment.

Yes I did flame at you at that topic and I am equally bad as you in that sense. Fox the mod told both of us off.

Basically this forum treats all members fairly and equally.

Edited by Mad Sage
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To be fair, we do have quite a few unruly members.

Indeed. And we should work against those unruly members and not just unruly members from FESS. We're all on SF now, there's no reason we should discriminate and only punish those from a certain website. Because, you know, that's a friendly atmosphere to be in when everyone who's a part of Group Y and not Group X gets punished despite being of equal vice.

I'm not trying to justify anything, but I do know that a few members get upset when a select few FESS seem to assert that they are more intelligent. 3:

Spoilers come up with a counter-argument if someone's trying to outlogic you. If it's just a flamebattle, then, well, no one gives a fuck.

That being said, there's been a lot of outright flaming by both sides in FFtF, which I feel should be addressed ASAP.

Because everyone from FESS is the devil and is trying to hurt the utopia we have here at SF.

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Does this ring any bells?

Yes I did flame at you at that topic and I am equally bad as you in that sense. Fox the mod told both of us off.

Basically this forum treats all members fairly and equally.

I'm not saying Fox is doing something silly. I'm saying Lord Glenn is doing something silly. Fox can keep on rocking on. Lord Glenn should strive to rock on as deftly as Fox.

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Because everyone from FESS is the devil and is trying to hurt the utopia we have here at SF.

Huh? I didn't say anything like that, so placing bullshit words in my mouth is outrageous. This might just be what they're talking about.

What I did say was that BOTH sides were outright flaming each other, and that that problem should be adressed.

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I'm not saying Fox is doing something silly. I'm saying Lord Glenn is doing something silly. Fox can keep on rocking on. Lord Glenn should strive to rock on as deftly as Fox.

It's funny you should say that because I fully agree with Lord Glenn on this one. SF had its own share of trolls, but they aren't causing as much problems from what I can see, and they're being dealt with equally anyway.

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Huh? I didn't say anything like that, so placing bullshit words in my mouth is outrageous. This might just be what they're talking about.

What I did say was that BOTH sides were outright flaming each other, and that that problem should be adressed.

I was agreeing with you and showing how stupid it is that the two sides are flaming each other. Stop being so testy, you'll make sad Judas sad.

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I was agreeing with you and showing how stupid it is that the two sides are flaming each other. Stop being so testy, you'll make sad Judas sad.

Gah. My mistake. I thought you were mocking my statement with yours. >_< Sorry.

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It's funny you should say that because I fully agree with Lord Glenn on this one. SF had its own share of trolls, but they aren't causing as much problems from what I can see, and they're being dealt with equally anyway.

So yell at trolls, not just trolls from FESS. FESS has a lot of members here who are contributing quality posts, there's just a few douchebags such as me who are cocksuckers and are just the odd man out. FESS has good members, SF has good members. FESS has cocksuckers, SF has cocksuckers. No reason to discriminate, mannn~

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Because everyone from FESS is the devil and is trying to hurt the utopia we have here at SF.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Five stars out of five.

I'm fully aware that there are trolls on both sides. Both sides has their undesirables. But the fact remains that the undesirables who have come from FESS are much, much worse than those that are here. People like Blacken, Mad Fredlin, and even yourself, as quoted in Mad Sage's post, are much worse than any SF member you will find.

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I'm not saying Fox is doing something silly. I'm saying Lord Glenn is doing something silly. Fox can keep on rocking on. Lord Glenn should strive to rock on as deftly as Fox.

Then what are you trying to say?

Alot the problems that have occurred have been members like you in the first place.

Why do you think Lord Glenn created this topic in the first place. He didn't want to mention individuals so he referred those members as FESS.

I am not saying members at SF are completely innocent and sin free. But just recently it has been a minority of members from FESS who have been causing a problem.

Its bothering you since your one of them.

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So yell at trolls, not just trolls from FESS. FESS has a lot of members here who are contributing quality posts, there's just a few douchebags such as me who are cocksuckers and are just the odd man out. FESS has good members, SF has good members. FESS has cocksuckers, SF has cocksuckers. No reason to discriminate, mannn~

did you not read Fox and Jyo say that the people on SF are being taken care of also? Its just the fact that they dont go to insane lengths like in the topic last night having a 5 paragraph rant calling ppl cocksuckers for liking someone's "shit drawings" THAT AND 90% of the trolling from SF members, are in FFtF. NOT in constructive threads.

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