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I think I'm the last one?


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Hm, maybe we should have Arab writing as the title. Seems more interesting that way. Well, IMO anyway.

Ah that would be weird o.o

Yep, that's me. I will change back soon.

Yeah I prefer Nightmare.

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Well, I knew about you because I was browsing these forums long before I signed up. :lol:

الجبهة الشعبية للبعث العربي


Ah that made it alot more worse :blink::blink::blink:


Edited by Mad Sage
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Well, I knew about you because I was browsing these forums long before I signed up. :lol:

Ah I see now. Well in any case, welcome. Saudi Arabia is a wonderful country, I lived there for seven years before moving back to Iran.

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One does not simply avoid the terrorists.


Heh, this should be fun. Racist comments aside, I hope you have a good time here. I doubt you're the last one though.

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I thought they didn't let terrorists join here. :[

They don't allow terrorists in high secuirty areas but they get there anyway. ;)

One does not simply avoid the terrorists.


I am terrorists. I have more AKs and C4 then you could possibly ever use.

Heh, this should be fun. Racist comments aside, I hope you have a good time here. I doubt you're the last one though.

A bit of racism is funny from time to time. :unsure:

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This is, in my opinion, absolutely fantanstically radically fun.



Damage Ratio: 2.0

Items: Sticky Bombs, max.

Stock: 5 or more.

How to play:

You are Allah. Your job is to go boom, and take people with you. Take a bomb and throw it at your enemies! Before they blow up, run away! If they get you first, get them. Run into them and eutger suicide bomb them, or stick on on them, and make your escape! First one dead wins loses! Your only weapon is that sticky bomb, and nothing else. ALLAH!!!!!!!

It's very fun, and don't forget to shout when the bombs go off on someone. This game works best on the Mushroom Kingdom, or several custom stages, like a BrawlBall arena.

Apparently you haven't seen this.

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I don't think Saudi Arabia is as bad as some people do but it's not a nice country. :(

Oh well, I thought it was awesome. I lived in Jeddah for seven years, and have been travelling there for short periods of time after moving to Iran. I'm in love with that country.

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Apparently you haven't seen this.

I've been on much more racist forums (including ones where people actually thought that killing muslim people is okay, like IRL) :lol:

Why I would agree


Didn't know they had Internet there. Welcome to the forest. Don't smoke or you'll burn the place down.

charred desert suits me just fine.

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