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  1. with the godly magic growths and the shitty strength growths that they have and considering the absolute shit weapons that knives are, i think that you would be better off just using magic even against high res/low def enemy units.
  2. oh, i'm sorry, i forgot that i wasn't allowed to criticize and had to be 100% in agreement with every single issue here in order to take part of this forum.
  3. thanks for the suggestion! and yes, i can only hope that I can find some gems thanks to the people here. yeah thanks, I will have to deal with this issue, and keep it at bay for as long as possible. as far as interest goes, i'm a lover of musical theater, jazz, electronic music, upbeat pop, rock, and anything experimental really. for games and movies, i tend to prefer thematic with elaborate storylines and rich soundtracks.
  4. there are all sorts of issues with emulating that many of these people may not want to deal with. especially people who are not knowledgable about computers, the internet, and emuation. and congrats on buying the games when they came out. that doesn't mean everybody should be forced to experience all the games that you've experienced. or that everybody would find the games enjoyable anyway. there's a reason why the series has been incredibly niche for most of its history. and you're ridiculous about me being defensive, since you're not attacking me in the slightest. i've played every game in the series except FE1 and 2, many of them multiple times since I enjoy to tinker with them and do some light hacking. it's just that I find the elitism in the FE fanbase exceedingly toxic and annoying.
  5. i'm pretty sure that Toriyama clocked out of the series after the Freeza saga. that's roughly around the time when their power became all talk.
  6. Because fate just loves to deal with irony. this weekend I, MusicBeat, a musician, amateur music producer, and musical lover, was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 2. If you're unaware of this disease, which you most probably will be since it's somewhat rare, it's a genetic condition that makes the person predisposed to develop tumors in the hearing nerves, among other nerves in the cranial area and spinal cord. This means that, given enough time, I will almost certainly become completely deaf. this sucks. one of my ears is essentially gone by this point. my other ear is on its way, too. there is not much that can be done besides stop or slow down their growth, because surgery is rather aggressive and can damage the ear. I will be on some medication to slow down the tumors' growths, but of course, depending on how i progress, my ear could end up becoming damaged even if the tumor doesn't grow any more. I will be having a surgery on my right ear, though, since that ear is useless now, and the tumor is large enough that it's starting to press against my brain. i will be having a brain stem implant installed so that i can have some degree of sound detection, but it will be nowhere near what my ear could do. I will also be stuck by an MRI machine for the rest of my life, since I will have to be having regular check ups done to make sure that the tumors are stabylized and aren't growing. and, to end off this thread of absolute shit, I may even end up dying young. whoop de doo. sorry if i'm being a downer, but i've kept all my frustrations to myself, and I need to vent out a bit before I go crazy. if you want to give suggestions as to what music, movies, games and such I should experience before my hearing completely goes, that would be awesome. I'm trying to make a list of things to check out, before my hearing goes to shit.
  7. Elsa willingly went through the isolation, too. she was as freaked out about her powers as her parents, and she didn't want to hurt her sister again. sure, she wanted to play and do all that, but she saw how close she got to killing off her sister, and didn't want to risk it again. it wasn't just her parents, she willingly isolated herself too. it doesn't matter whether there is two viewpoints or not. the main conflict is the same. Anna and Elsa want to have a sisterly relationship, but Elsa is freaked out about her powers so she keeps isolating herself. that makes Elsa the antagonist. and like i've said repeatedly, you don't have to be a villain to be the antagonist. and what more explanation is needed from Elsa's powers besides the fact that she can manipulate the weather and create snow golems? is there anything in the plot that warrants an explanation beyond that? no, because the movie isn't about her powers, it's about her relationship with her sister. the powers are only important in that they're the obstacle that has caused the sisters to become distant from one another. it's no different from what was done with Maleficient, or Ursula, or Jaffar, or all the other antagonists in the Disney films. They are only elaborated so far as they have to in order to solidify the plot. anything else is filler.
  8. she learns to run away from her problems and not deal with them in Let it Go. you know, the whole "i don't care what they're going to say" part. she didn't learn to love herself, because the first thing she did after singing it was build a ice fortress away from everybody else. this is pointed out very excplicitly with the reprise of "For the First Time in Forever," with Elsa outright stating that she was stupid for thinking that she could have escaped from her problems and that she truly isn't "free." and as far as development, it doesn't matter if it's basic human knowledge or not. Elsa hated herself and her powers, because she could hurt the people she loved the most with them. and it's not about love, it's about being open to love and not isolating yourself. yes, the sisters loved each other, but Elsa kept isolating herself, which was hurting their relationship. that's what the whole movie was about. and by the plot structure, Elsa is the antagonist. the conflict of the movie is literally that the sisters aren't having a relationship. Anna even has a whole musical number about how she has always felt so lonely. it's her "I Want" song. you don't have to be a villain to be an antagonist, you just have to be the cause of the conflict of the story. considering that Anna wanted to reconnect with her sister, and Elsa wanted to keep her away, we can obviously see that Elsa is the source of the conflict, until she understands that isolating herself is only making things worse. and like i said, what's the point of an explanation? the story doesn't need it. it's about as necessary as a background montage featuring the Duke of Weselton. the movies are not about them, and would ultimately be filler. the story is about the relationship between the sisters, not about Elsa's powers.
  9. what? i didn't say that elsa's development starts and ends at the same point. i said that Elsa's development starts with Let it Go, until the climax where she learns to embrace who she is and love herself and those around her. some people think that her development stops with Let it Go, but that's wrong. and what do you mean, Elsa has little defining traits? she has plenty. she is reclusive, neurotic, aloof. she has plenty of love to give, but her fears keep her away from doing so, which is literally eating her inside. this is precisely why she started losing control of her powers after the whole "conceal don't feel" mantra that her parents made her adopt. because yes, although it was first her parents idea, she also willingly decided to isolate herself. i mean, the whole movie was literally about breaking her out of this, since it's precisely what ended up causing the endless winter. because even after she decided to "let it go," she still hadn't let it go, and her actions STILL were controlled by her fears. the song is meant to have a tinge of irony. and yes, Elsa is the "villain", or antagonist as it's more correct to say, if we go by the traditional plot structure. An antagonist doesn't have to be evil to function. The movie was about Elsa and Anna's estranged relationship, and the shitstorm that it caused due to Elsa's out of control powers. Hans is a plot device, first used to bring about the falling out between the sisters that kicked off the plot, then to push the story to the climax which is when they prove that their sisterly relationship is strong enough that even after the falling out and the years in isolation they still care about each other. the story never really is about Hans. He's just there to help move the plot in the directions in needs to go. and like i said, the movie isn't about Elsa's powers. it's about Elsa and Anna's estranged relationship. the powers were the cause of this estrangement, but they're only important to the story in that they caused this estrangement in the first place. an elaboration of their source is not needed. and Elsa's parents died. you know, after the whole sequence with the sinking ship right before their funeral service.
  10. the game implies that the medallion doesn't really improve your skill all that much. i mean, at the very least Ashnard is particularly untroubled whether Petrine touches the medallion or not, since apparently he can kill her with little difficulty either way. all i can see it really do is remove all sorts of inhibitions and fears, which would make the berzerked fighter a bit more dangerous and wild. i mean, if you're berzerked to the point where you're not even considering death, you might do some crazy shit that you normally wouldn't do in your right mind.
  11. I find issues with a few of your points. on point one, if any character experienced any sort of character development and actually went somewhere, it's Elsa. Her development is actually rather surprising. People think for some strange reason that her development stops with "Let it Go," but this sequence is when her development actually starts. She goes from keeping her issues contained due to guilt and shame, to proudly telling the world to fuck off, then promptly is brought down from that when reality comes to her in the form of Anna, and finally learns that instead of concealing, she should be embracing who she is and loving herself and all those around her. as far as point three, the plot doesn't care where her powers come from. it's inconsequential, because the movie is not about them directly. it's about Elsa's struggle with controlling them. it would have been nice to know why she was born with those powers, I suppose, but ultimately it would have just served to muddle the themes of the movie. the movie works better without an elaboration on them, because they would have just served to distract from the points the movie wanted to make. and point 5, Hans wasn't even the bad guy, at least not the main bad guy. the bad guy was Elsa, albeit an incredibly unconventional one for Disney's standards. Hans was a plot device, needed to push the plot towards its climax, which ultimately was about whether Elsa's and Anna's sisterly bond was strong enough so that one would willingly sacrifice their life for the other. there was issues with how Hans was handled, and these issues can almost certainly be attributed to the tons of rewrites this movie experienced throughout its development, but overall, considering that the movie was trying to buck trends in their Disney Princess, it was ok. the third act of the movie was definitely the weakest part of the film.
  12. as far as to what the dark prince class name means for Kamui, I believe that he will be a dark prince regardless of his choice. his class name is probably more due to the circumstances regarding his birth, which I believe are a bit more complicated than "Kamui was born of Hoshido royalty." i mean, there has to be a reason why he was so readily adopted by the Nohrian royal family despite being alleged enemies of the Hoshido royal family. there has to be something that makes Kamui appealing enough to have two nations fight over him. after all, Kamui's ability to transform into that dragon thing has to mean something. yes, expect another "Robin is Grima" type of twist for this new game.
  13. Although there is nothing in particular that I dislike about them, taken all together I like the Elibe saga the least in the series. I believe that the Tellius saga has the best storyline out of the series. yes, even better than Jugdrall. Haven't bothered to play FE1, 2, or 3, and probably never will.
  14. Why? are they not allowed to enjoy the game or take part of the fanbase just because they don't want to deal with emulation? this is honestly one of the statements that most annoys me from the fanbase. it's like if people want the FE fanbase to be an exclusive club that you have to prove yourself by playing games several years old just to be admitted.
  15. i like to make my herons use them in order to shame the benched units that never see battle.
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