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Everything posted by SapphireFalconWing

  1. here's a comparison if you look closely they look the same.
  2. maybe they went to the Same barber LOL!
  3. maybe it's how the sprite looks also the face has the same look as Benoit with the army haircut.
  4. the armor unit looks like Benoit.Also there's glasses puppeteer guy.
  5. he's with Leon together with zero.
  6. they did so I'm hoping no connections to previous games besides amiibo the look alikes and Odin "quotes" of course.
  7. I really hope this not the case which most likely won't happen the game should have its own lore.
  8. most likely no one will get cut since we pretty much have the entire roster for all smash games besides snake (for obvious reasons), pichu and young link (which might as well be added at this point since it's no harm 'optional') and of course the Ice climbers will return in the next game.
  9. speaking of promoted class I found this from a past thread I figure people might have an idea of Kamuis promotion. http://serenesforest.net/forums/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-15313-0-82293300-1433172963.png
  10. I agree since the seriousness turned up from the info and ad trailer!
  11. Kamui so far looks like an interesting character so far and their combat looks cool with the swords shown, half shifting and transformation as for stats most likely the return of assets and flaw.
  12. They're more colors in this game so there's that, also at least the builds for male Kamui is a MUCH better improvement over awakenings.
  13. Supports more my castle buildings and the new characters shown in the info trailer.
  14. oh nice! I'd like Ephraim and Eirika of course Ephraim on foot and Eirika original design.
  15. especially since his final smash is the exact same as marth/lucina....
  16. Now that we know that Roy most likely get an amiibo from another post. What other characters do you think should have unique models in FE if?
  17. he didn't seem rude what he meant was that in awakening they didn't have full out models while in this game they will.
  18. They'll most likely release him in a wave with the other DLC.
  19. I wonder if his Sword of seals will have a cool Fire effect long range.
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