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About Benishigure

  • Birthday 09/08/1997


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  1. Yup, it's possible. ....would it actually be worth sacrificing Roy to do that? I happen to have him. XD
  2. Did a few of the Training Tower missions to get enough orbs to do another pull: EIRIKA MY LOVE~~~ <333333 I've been wanting to pull her forever! I'm not even mad that she's a 4*. I WILL RAISE HER. Reinhardt was a pretty neat pull too! Then I found out that he's +Def/-Atk..... so now he's basically my tome cavalry Cordelia....... R I P I probably won't use him long term but I'm gonna train the shit outta Draug because I finally have four armoured units! I do wish it was another unit I don't have coughHectorcough but it's whatever since I can finally do the four armour unit quests now. Someone also suggested that I dissolve my freshly pulled Donnel so that another unit can pick up his Brave Lance. Brave Lance Effie anyone?
  3. So I collected my Arena rewards today. Obligatory "which 4* should I promote" post. Currently my capped 4* units are Effie (+Atk/-Res), Catria (+Spd/-Res) and Kagero (+Spd/-Atk). Other possibly noteworthy mentions, based on some of the answers other people have given me, are Nino (+Spd/-Def) and Cordelia (+Def/-Atk). All signs seem to be pointing to Effie based on what others have suggested, but her low Mov is kinda off putting and I don't have any units on my main team that can push her around to circumvent this problem. Additionally, she really doesn't like mages (duh). The other alternative is Cordelia who's pretty cool with Brave Lance but I'm miffed with her having an Atk bane. Same deal with Kagero, which is part of the reason why I shafted her the moment I got Robin. Which sucks because she carried a good number of my Arena battles early on, lol. There's also Nino but she's super fragile, plus I don't think I really need another ranged unit, now that I can swap one of my melees with Klein. Oh, yeah. And there's Tharja too I guess, who's an all neutral unit. But I have several reds already so she's whatever. So either those, or I could also just forego all that and train/promote someone else entirely, ahaha.
  4. I've pretty much lost count of how many pull sessions I've done at this point but this was my last pull before the banner change: Ayyyyy, 5* Klein and 4* Nino! And for once I didn't summon Niles when there was a grey orb! I decided to try my hand at the next banner, this was the result: A-and just when I thought I had escaped him...........
  5. No worries. I've got your last two Velouria skills up now.
  6. Your request is up. Save yourself the grinding, I've got them. I'm also guessing you're looking for Seal Defense, since Seal Resistance is from Oni Savage.
  7. @jaldaen I've got the rest of your skills up, though I only have Draconic Hex and Lethality on Velouria at the moment. She's going to come around a little slower since I'm still waiting on someone else to pick up the three skills they needed for her.
  8. Bolded skills are up. I can help you with the rest once some requests have been cleared up. These are all up.
  9. If you're using the NTR version you need to create a folder called Birthright/Conquest/fefatesSE (depending on what version of the base game you have) at the root of your SD card and copy your files in there.
  10. I swear at this point I'm inclined to believe that Niles is permanently bound to my game lmao. Just when I thought I had escaped him...... (since my last summon had one grey orb, and I ended up pulling Wrys) But hey, 4* Jakob and Olivia. Jakob is +Def, while Olivia is +Atk. Both of them are -HP which sucks, but then again after playing Fates my expectations for HP growths/caps have been jaded lol.
  11. They're hacked skills. It's possible to buy them from other castles but other than that they should be impossible to obtain under normal circumstances.
  12. Niles Niles N I L E S Just... freaking Niles. Seriously. I've done about 11 or 12 pulls now and over half of them I've gotten him, starting from my second pull. In fact, the first time I pulled him was the only time he was a 4*. All subsequent pulls were 3*. And you know what the worst part is? He's meant to be a good anti-mage unit. But my 4* Niles just happened to have a Resistance bane. >_>
  13. So, uh. Thought this might be worth mentioning. You know how a generic model usually replaces Leo's special model in the first chapter? Well in my game, instead of the generic, the model was... Kitsune Xander. If this information may be any help, Keaton is meant to be replacing Leo, while Xander is replacing Keaton himself. EDIT: Another report. I'm playing chapter 7 of Revelation and the music doesn't seem to play when facing the Berserker boss. The regular map music is fine, as is the Ablaze music that plays when battling the generic enemies. Only the boss battle seems to have no music in the background for whatever reason. Don't know if it's already a known issue or whatever. If it is, well I guess you can take this report as extra confirmation. I've never had this problem with older runs.
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