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Diovani Bressan

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Status Replies posted by Diovani Bressan

  1. Heya! I just added you. You'll know it's me, cause I'm always running my +3 Michalis

    1. Diovani Bressan

      Diovani Bressan

      I am not a huge fan of Astra. The 150% of damage is good, but 4 cd is not that good and depending of the opponent, the extra damage will not be that great (for exemple: deal 3 normal damage, 9 with astra). I use Aether on my Marth, so he will always do special damage and also heal. With Steady Breath, he can bait foes and trigger Aether faster, and with swordbreaker he can avoid problems like Ayra or Brave Celica. Drive Spd and Drive Atk seal are used to boost Marth's Falchion support.

      Flashing Blade would work pretty well with my Marth, but I prefer keep FB in my Soren. He is +Spd and he has 38 Spd right now (he is +5), and he will get + 6 spd from his Wind's Brand when used at full potential, and also +5 spd from Marth. He is a good mage bait, because I gave him Distant Def, and with Wind's Brand he can reach +12 Res during enemy's phase (+19 if we consider the +2 from Marth, and +5 from Lucius because he is his ally support and he also has Spur Def/Res 2), and if he take enough damage, he will trigger Desperation in player's phase. I also gave him Aether, but it's was more for Arena.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Heya! I just added you. You'll know it's me, cause I'm always running my +3 Michalis

    1. Diovani Bressan

      Diovani Bressan

      That's good to read. My Marth is +Atk/-Res. I still want a +Atk/-HP one, so he will have a better bulk.

      What is the skill set you use in your Marth?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Heya! I just added you. You'll know it's me, cause I'm always running my +3 Michalis

    1. Diovani Bressan

      Diovani Bressan

      Yay! I accepted you friend request. Nice Michalis you have! I hope my Marth can help you in future Rival Domains/Grand Conquest, because I know your Michalis will be part of my Brigades.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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