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Diovani Bressan

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About Diovani Bressan

  • Birthday 06/20/1995


  • Member Title
    Just vibing.

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  • Location
    Leicester Alliance

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Three Houses

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  • I fight for...
    Order of Heroes

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  1. Would be very bad for Nidavellir if Fafnir was the Mythic this month, while Nidavellir himself is a normal hero without even a prf skill.
  2. BoaFerox told me that they have been using the Black Fangs music for the Quieting Hands in the story, since like Black Fangs they are also a group of Assassins.
  3. Yeah... I already expected this to happen. Honestly, I may summon on this banner because I lack all the Green units, and only have Loki from colorless. Looking good to me.
  4. At least Caellach is next for the refinements, so he will be getting his Prf Weapon next month.
  5. Glen can be quite tanky... as long he has allies in his range. Without them, he is nothing! @GuiltyLove Nice clear! Looks like you had no problems taking Glen down! Btw, looking forward to the Hall of Forms this month? Planning to get an updated Forma Valentian Est?
  6. Nidavellir being a normal hero brothers me so much. Not even an unique Special or Passive skill.
  7. I went with both Panette and Pandreo because they are siblings, and they could make something out of it for the Forging Bonds.
  8. The gear emblem detail too, in the chest's cords.
  9. I could see something like Rearmed/Attuned Timerra, Fogado, Panette and Attuned Nidavellir, with Pandreo as 4* insta-demote, happening.
  10. Limited Hero Battles for July 2024: LHB Eirika - Awakening GHB Castor - Blazing Blade (no dancer allowed) LHB Male Byleth - Judgral BHB Lapis & Citrinne - Echoes (no dancer allowed) LHB Male Alear - Heroes
  11. Thanks! At first I would use Celica's Ring to grant warping to one of the Marths, but that Emblem effect feels like cheating. I prefer to use Caeda to support them.
  12. Finally, with the help of Caeda, the Marths were able to defeath the Demon King and the White Sage in one turn:
  13. A new Tempest Trials+ Series is coming, titled "Past King, Future Queen"! The curtain rises on Past King, Future Queen, a series of events focusing on the story Reginn and another! Plus, story elements that feature Special Heroes chatting will be released on the 4th day and 7th day after the event starts! The bonus allies of this TT+ are: Dedue's skills at 5★ Lv 40: A servant to Dimitri who is loyal to all ends, including along the shores of Askr's ocean. Appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Anchor Axe+ (Might: 14 | Range: 1) Unit and target ally swap HP. (Neither can go above their max HP.) Pavise (Cooldown: 3) Reduces damage from an adjacent foe's attack by 50%. Solid Ground 3 Grants Atk/Def+5. Inflicts Res-5. Even Def Wave 3 At start of even-numbered turns, grants Def+2 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.) And the Sacred Seals are: * Description for the enchanted version of each sacred seal * Def/Res Snag 3 If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets unit, inflicts Def/Res-6 on nearest foes within 4 spaces of both unit and target through their next actions. Atk/Spd Rein 3 Inflicts Atk/Spd-4 on foes within 2 spaces during combat. The next event in the series, titled Past King, Future Queen 2, is scheduled for Ver. 8.8.0. Because the story of Past King, Future Queen is told through a series of events, you will be able to view the story on the Tempest Trials+ event page after the event is over, even if you didn't participate in it.
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