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Everything posted by CapnStix

  1. Ooooooh, you got me. Betcha know my SSN, while we're at it. It's almost like guns ARE the problem. But they aren't.
  2. Because they're functionally retarded, like Obama, but that doesn't stop. Oh no sirree. Not for "progress", good feels and social justice. To even think that fairness was, is and will be worse than equality of opportunity is a crime coming from the antifa "fuck white people they need to die" party. When you masquerade as the thing you're supposedly against, it's fucking delicious. Irony is not their strongsuit. Ethnic cleansing, aka gassing jews, is that mentally deficient leftist mind set, firing on full cylinders. You "never go full retard", capiche? That, llke Nazi and Marxist ideals, are all "for the working class" is disgusting, as it only makes dull and rich people to happy. Guess what, neither have guns. Neither have a protected freedom of speech guaranteed by their country. That's hilarious. Just like putting planned parenthood centers in urban areas. Hindsight is a curse, I swear.
  3. Beautiful. Proving your ignorance by self-admittance. Works every time. People say Nazi and fascist a lot. Doubt they know the means. Same with my favorite word. A word, which a few letters off of a racial slur. The word, like every word, only holds power over the weak. Case in point; only a niggard would not question their education.
  4. Ones like Himmler. Collectivism. As in, we're all the same. Which is identity politics. Y'know, "no true citizen" kinda stuff. Collectivism is Marxism and all forms and variations of Marxism are bad. I mean, Venezuela going socialism and then everyone but the uber rich being in poverty.
  5. If reality is shit post, then I loathe what you live in, Raven.
  6. It can easily be argued that it isn't as important as you claim. It probably IS, but it's also likely that it might not be. We have Marxism teaching children, on top of "you are special". That isn't a recipe for success. Especially the colleges. Can't be mean there. You realize, once you detach yourself from group think, that feeling isn't important. I mean, at all. That's why "toxic masculinity" is a thing. Because being a man is bad and being a woman is good. As it stands, as well as history supporting this, don't go to college. Leftist ideals made the Nazi party. They are dangerous. And as such, it'd be child abuse to subject your children to this. Letting children believe non-binary people are real, and that gender is a spectrum (hint: They aren't)? I'd rather leave my future children with a Catholic priest.
  7. America IS superior to every country. No holds barred. Not even close. America is miles ahead in everything but "gender laws" and education. White people aren't any better, on average (though it can be argued), than every other race. But our countries and cultures? Miles ahead of besides Japan. The waifu age is upon us, my friends. Speaking of, Japan is homogeneous. Most people are Japanese ethnically, in Japan. As in not white. But no one complains that Japanese people are a racist hellhole. How come it's only not okay when whitey does it? Everyone is equal in America. Yet regressive idiots still chant for more affirmative action. As in, are openly racist. Black people are strong, but they need help. Same with women. America hates wah-men now. Yup. We live in a fresh hell. But hey, social justice is sooooooooooooo totally good. Good thing, because sarcasm is violence in Australia. "misgendering" people in Canada and Britain can easily land you in jail. Because of non-existing "hate speech". Let's curtail freedom to be you in exchange for protecting feelings. Of less than 5% of the global population, on "trans" rights alone.How anyone can champion that, is beyond any logical and sane person. It's about being nice? That isn't fair, though. Equality of Opportunity is good. Of outcome is regression. Societal suicide. All because bad person use gun so gun are bad.
  8. We have more homicide than every western nation? Oh, you pure, innocent child...who told you that? Same person who said "1 in 3 women will be raped in America"? Hoooooo boi, no wonder. We have beta cucks trying to destroy America as it should be outta spite because their ideas are fucking stupid. Just like feminism. Yet here we are, you vomit propaganda because educashun said so. No one I know does violent acts of crime, they're all white, again not the point, and own guns. Most, also, hold Judeo-Christian values. The correct values, mind you. Because not doing whatsoever you want is socially desired. If your belief is not, fundamentally, capable of integrating...then maybe you're the problem. Just maybe. The fact you trust FOX is indicative of your dishonest, amoral regressive brainwashing is effective. It only takes 20 to 50 years to achieve this. Point is, guns aren't bad. The user is or isn't on a variety of factors. Fear mongering is insidious. Legacy Media, MainStream Media or MSM, like comrade Lemon, is trying to decide what's allowed to be thought. Not said, but THOUGHT. They want to disarm America so they can take over. Sounds crazy? I wish I was making it up. To paraphrase a CNN anchor "it's not the democratically elected president who decides what truth is, oh no, that's OUR job." I kid you not, fake news, and commies, are trying to kill America. It's so Orwellian, any remaining real American would and should be rightly pissed. You're only thinking what they want you to. They want you to get rid of guns so we can't resist. Progress is a cancer, just like Social Justice and Feminism. Because ideologues, verifiable dangerous to American way of life people, don't like America. THey hold no fealty, swear no allegiance to it.We have less, actually, homicide than every other country in the developed and undeveloped world. All because 1A and 2a. Do change that, even if it makes people feel good, is destruction of America. It's already happening in Europe. Muslim people come into places with no guns? Muslim people break the in groups laws. En masse. Despite multiculturalism fails. Every. Sngle . Time.
  9. Yadda yaddi yadda, nice to meecha and all that good stuff. Hope you and I get along swell, hear?
  10. I'm right, but is that so shocking? Sweden has stringent gun laws. Crime, especially from Muslim individuals, increased. Yeah, totally the tools fault, not the ideology nor the person. A cursory google search will corroborate my responses. If you believe guns ARE the problem...I pity you, just like white people acting towards people of "color". Sociology is a fun course. We want, as in white people, want to be seen as nice. That's why we have white people who want to "limit" guns. Black people, Middle Eastern people, etc, in white majority countries, want to be respected. Now hold on, respect is earned. Not given. You don't deserve respect just because we exist. To want to help people of "color" means, deep down, you see them less than your in group. AKA white supremacy. What has this to do with anything? Not much, but it's important, regardless. The point? Less Guns+less mental health support+they vs them identity politics=more crime across all groups. Hilarious, then, when more violent acts of crime occur in urban populations, because of a multitier toxic hate ideology wants to be hateful assholes because they lost the American Civil War, under the guise of "inclusion and diversity"...Oh yes, the blue, racist party who can't get over slavery ending, who lie to people of "color" that the other side will murder the shit outta them, thus the only safe place is with them...Party of "tolerance", my ass, yes? To what end, you ask? Glad you asked, human person. Simple, to weaponize ethnic minorities, and children (not the point), against the side that ended slavery. I wholeheartedly denounce their moral superiority, en masse. So, without further adieu, people and "progression" are to blame, not guns. And I know, I'm a racist and a xenophobe, and a transphobe...Except naw fam, that's empirical data, put in simple terms. Maybe next time, we can end "wage gap", "male oppression" and other feminist insane bullshit. Just maybe. Because you should know, the greatest of intention leads to mass suffering. "humanitarianism" isn't moral, don't @ me with your stupid ideas. Because I'm immune to anti-American bullshit.
  11. Wait a sec, are you THE Tables from the GameFAQs forum, @Tables? Does the name ZenTen mean anything to you? That's a lot of information, I'll keep it in mind. Also, Topsy-turvy on Celica. Yay! or Nay! ?
  12. I don't care. "socially undesirable" that's stupid. Guns aren't any less undesirable than walking. Oh, and Islam? Truly the mother of all bad, regressive, no brain ideas. Ever. In human history. No smart person would want Sharia Law, especially if they were a feminist or egalitarian.
  13. Again with the pathetic "guns are bad" rhetoric. I've already addressed your point. You just haven't realized it yet. No control. Fuck how Europe or Australia do it. This is America, home of the free. America is also the best country in the world. I don't view fake news, sorry. The news channels and some sites do this. It's sickening. They only report what fits their stupid, little progressive agenda. But that progressive stuff...it doesn't work. Redistribution doesn't work. "inclusion" only separates people. Free health care isn't free. "birth control", aka abortion, is legitimately murder. That stuff is wrong. This globalization is the problem. Can't have hostile people, we can't take over. Betcha Soros is behind this anti-America, anti-gun bullshit.
  14. Diversity isn't a virtue. Not in the "hire less x group and hire more y group". Just like affirmative action. Meritocracy goes out the window for that inclusivity and diversity toxicity. The best person for the job, not based on skin color. So we should control guns? Why? The "showroom loophole"? There's no loophole to legally obtaining firearms. "no one needs an AK to hunt" so? Let the badass hunt with his AK. Even though fully automatic firearms are prohibited from being sold in America. AR-15? Semi-Auto. Like a handgun. "silencer" nope, not a real thing. They mean suppressor but I am anal about technicality. Consider it a strength, I do. If not that, then because danger is scary? And guns are dangerous? Screw everyone because a few crazy people used the dangerous thing to harm people. Okay there, Mother Theresa. Guns are equally capable of harming and helping. There was a shooting in Texas this year. It didn't go fatal because of a "good guy with a gun that totally doesn't exist" happened to be near. That man is a real hero. We should arm all who are capable and mentally sound, not punish everyone for total failure situations that happen. That's only making the problem worse. And no, the gun criminal is the total failure. That's just mean. If guns are bad, how come America has the best military, by far? It's an unspoken law that "he with biggest stick wins". Without America, who knows what the world would be like. I can tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, the state of the world would be far worse off.
  15. The California people put fines on people USE plastic straws. The wokeness makes me wanna die, but whatever...It's always far-lefties who want guns gone. "think of the children"...But I don't care. I will never risk jail again. Unless freedom is being eroded for emotions sake.
  16. You guys don't understand. Clearly. "control guns" is a euphemism. We haven't "controlled" knives yet. And the government can't get away with that. It's literally tyrannical to "control guns" because they're dangerous. Guess electronics should be controlled, too. Same with lighters. If it can hurt someone, let's get rid of it. That's a disgusting world view. See how crazy that is? If we judge based on feelings, we'd be a socialist country, or Canada. Take your pick. Traditional values trump "progression". They form the moral compass of a nation. We can get in trouble for saying Merry Christmas, now. All for diversity. Whoever started the "diversity is good" thing should be shot. Hell, there's too much diversity, but almost no diversity of thought. "diversity" is also code for "freedom FROM speech", because inclusion or some other bullhonky. America is a Christian nation. But we can't have that. Why? Because it makes us look good? Pfft, not even close. No one gets help from "inclusion". Just how people work. They'll have to kill me to even limit guns. Limiting guns is why Germany is in trouble right now. Can't hurt the immigrants, I guess. Because we're "all the same race"...Fuck that. White people are white, black people are black. Both races are equal in America. More white people end dead by cops than black people, but you only hear about black people dying. Yet there's a "police brutality towards black people" in America epidemic. Every dead black person was breaking the law. Resist arrest. They made their decision. All because white people are bad, cops are bad. Because guns are bad. Definitely not the individuals, black or white. Definitely the guns and the cops. That's a stupid movement, like ANTIFA and BLM. Tools aren't the problem, it's the people. Maybe instead of blaming the tool, try blaming the dumb ass who used the tool. Not too difficult to do, I hope. This is why we need more NRA. Limiting guns only benefits criminals. It punishes good people. Because feelings. Because weak people want freedom and reality gone. That's why gun control is bad. Because it erodes freedom. Look at many dictatorships. No citizenry with guns. Only the party decides what can be said. Just look at Venezuela. It went socialist and now the middle class are poor. They have to line up for food and the like. All because "we gotta be nice to everyone". And what resulted from forced altruism? Venezuela. If you limit guns, you choke freedom. End of discussion. We "live in a pretty tyrannical country"? Where? Anywhere where you can AND will be jailed for "hate speech", which is protected BY freedom of speech. Count Dankula went to trial, over a pug doing a Nazi salute. That's not freedom. That's tyranny. Operating purely on emotion is tyranny. Want out? Stop being a damn slave to your goddamn feelings like a fucking weak person! Fair isn't bad. Giving special treatment because "me-so-gyny" and "system racism" is bad. You only want that because you're afraid of being seen as a coward. Plain and simple. Sometimes, helping is bad, especially on a national level. Deal with it.
  17. Topic. Fates may have a bad story, to some, but no one can deny how great the OST is. My favorite is Warriors, though. The Warriors OST always gets me pumped up.
  18. Isn't Anna basically a money grubbing troll? I find that interesting. Definitely more fun then the Frederick's or "I AM LOYAL " people, if you ask me.
  19. But feminism IS cancer. Want equality of the genders? Then call it equality. I'm an egalitarian because feminism is bad now. There's no patriarchy. Men don't succeed just because they happen to be a man. The Wage Gap and Pink Tax have been debunked to hell and back, by women AND men. Abortion is murder. The baby has different from the mother. The baby can feel pain. So the mother doesn't want it? So put it up for adoption instead of deciding "this doesn't deserve to exist". But what about rape? That's less than 1% of all women in America. It's not 1 in 4. To believe that would be straight up evil. Her body, her choice. Sure, but same to the baby. Hitler killed Jews just because he disliked them, and we condemn that. Point is, being pro-choice, a feminist, anti-gun...It makes you selfish. In reality, we punish selfish people. Same with criminals. We don't punish tools, we punish the idiot. Come in illegally? You're gonna be deported, if you unlawfully enter a country. You aren't allowed to enter just because you want. There's rules. Follow them, or be punished. The shooter died? He clearly was punished. I don't know if some higher power was involved, but justice triumphed. Death Penalty is moral, you know? Mass shooter kills 20 people. They are no longer human. And, just like barnyard animals, shouldn't and don't have the same rights as the rest of us. Same with rapists. They willingly deserted/gave up their human rights by raping and/or murdering. It's moral to save a human over an animal. Humans can cure cancer, or end world hunger. A dog, cat, bird, etc. can't.
  20. Name one country where someone wasn't jailed for "hate speech". I'll wait. Why do you wanna ban guns, huh? Because they are kill? So do cars. Your entire argument is based purely in emotion. Freedom doesn't care about feelings, and neither do I, when it comes to basic human rights. Do guns walk and oppress people? Do guns decide to kill people? No. They're just as dangerous as cars. The car isn't a living being. We ban guns, we ban every basic human right, and become a tyranny. And that is unAmerican. You can virtue signal all you want, but that doesn't work on me. I don't automatically believe "survivors of sexual assault" just because they are a "victim". Doing so says "every accused person is guilty unless PROVEN innocent". This is America, the most free country in the world. Hate America? Don't go. Just like with entertainment. Don't like, say, Goblin Slayer? Don't watch it. Yes, there's a rape scene in the first episode. But hating the entire show because of one scene is like hating The Cosby Show just because Bill is in it. That's unjustifiable, and irrational.
  21. That's your defense? Constitution means naught then. Just let everyone do what they want, because the constitution is just a piece of paper. Guns will never be controlled in America, like or not. So, calling a black person the n-word is a verbal threat now? What else is bad, rating people you've never talked to before based on appearance?
  22. CapnStix


    Emulation is free. I condone emulation, my guy. Especially with great games.
  23. Hasn't happened to me. Mayhaps the PS4 is not a private browser. If a hacker wants to see my information, let 'em, I say. Same to governments. I've nothing to hide, so no biggie.
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