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About Jotari

  • Birthday 06/16/1993


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    Bring back Chameleons!

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  1. Doesn't Gilbert have that too? At least, I assume he does, because that dude has so much baggage actually trying to make him romantic sounds like it'd be a 3H length story unto itself.
  2. My opinion about it hasn't really changed since it came out. I enjoyed it. Quite a lot I'd even say. I don't think its the best the series has to offer in any department (unless you want to make manufactured controversy a series wide criteria) but it's a solid game. I'd say its biggest weakness is that each of the routes are basically the same, but, well, we're probably not expected to the play the game four times over (though if that's the case why localize it as Three Houses and put so much advertising emphasis on the three routes >.>).
  3. Shamir and Catherine are the only moral pairings for Byleth. Any of the students? That's grooming. Hanneman and Manuela? Those are your coworkers, don't shit where you eat. Rhea? She's your mother/daughter! That's incest! Sothis, that's selfcest! Cyril, do I need to call the police?
  4. I don't really want to see any of the Heroes OCs added to the mainline series m, unless it's a crossover cameo like Veronica's Engage DLC, the one exception to that is Fafnir and his brother who I would like to see pop up in a future game with a minor cameo specifically because they are meant to be actual peasants from an ordinary Fire Emblem world that were summoned to the Heroes world. So making that plot point come full circle by showing them as random villagers would be cute. For the point over all, I don't think it's anything new. The Heroes OC (outside of if the first three) have always been reasonably powerful compared to the rest of the cast. And we're still getting busted main series characters. The Emblems are probably the most desired units around now and if I need to kill anything it's one of the two breath Alears (especially male Alear) who can punch through anything.
  5. I think you can straight up steal his sword, and with him being unable to use his mounted weapons, can then capture him unopposed. Looking at the stats, he has an iron sword if 6 weight and Lifis has base constitution of 6 too. Is stealing Con > weapon weight or Con >= Weapon Weight? I know I've stolen his iron sword before but maybe I got a lucky con level up with Lifis.
  6. Speed Ring probably would since speed is used to calculate Avoid, but Strength, Defense, Magic, Resistance boosting rings probably don't. (also you shouldn't trust me for anything XD, I rarely know what I'm talking about)
  7. Is it against the rules for clerics to marry in the Fire Emblem verse? The Genealogy clerics get hitched with no apparent anxed.
  8. Double mythic OCs? Double the reason to not care. At least it allows me to build up some orbs and means the OCs are getting done meaning we can get to actual legacy characters I care about sooner (though I think I'd still rather they had given us Athos or Sephiran with this mythic and paired an OC with a main series character next time too).
  9. I've done it too, and, honestly, I find it a fun thing for the game to include. I'm likely never going to sit down and watch the static unmoving sprites talk to each other in an emotionally distant manner, but by just existing as a checklist it encourages the hunting down of all that alternate dialogue (I would have even went further with it if I was developing the game and put in an alternate scenario where Minerva returns to fight you in Macedon if you killed Maria and Dell and left Minerva alive). My friend managed to do it. At least for the first Athena one (you're right, no body is naturally seeing Horace, if they're that bad at the game they likely wouldn't have got past Lefcandith). It was his first time playing any Fire Emblem, I glanced over and was surprised to see him play chapter 6 with a bunch of replacement units already.
  10. I wish I could take it with more grains of salt because I think Yulia and Jubello is just asanine, but it seems like they've really settled in the list as official. There were some growing pains, like they changed their mind about Ulster (who was actually first named in Awakening) and Thea had the technically more accurate but silly sounding Thite for a while. But all of that was brushed off in the first two years. The list has been consistently adhered to since then.
  11. Yeah, I'm honestly a bit surprised they didn't actually make this guy a boss alongside Shiva, considering he even appears in the chapter opening. Not accurate to say he's unused though, since it clearly is used, it's just never assigned to an actual enemy. According to my notes of portraits reuse, he does show up again in Chapter 15 aka the route split chapter, but again, as a cutscene NPC with no unit using the face in gameplay. It's particularly baffling that they needed Hannibal to speak to one of his underlings and they chose to use this portrait instead of Carrion, the actual playable character you get at the end of this chapter. It's really minor, but such a missed opportunity. In a game where playable characters have such small amounts of dialogue to characterize themselves, why not put them in a cutscene where someone needs to speak? It's better than a generic face we see a whole bunch of times. Instead Carrion kind of just shows up at the end of the chapter out of nowhere. I'm only wondering this now, but, what happens if you didn't recruit Safy in 2x here? Does Finn exposit his situation to himself? Triggering them too early actually makes it very likely they'll swarm the field and kill Shiva on you. At least if you take the centre path and are creating a choke point there (I personally stole Shiva's sword to render him impudent while Safy got to him). On this subject, this is a bit of a weakness in the gameplay and story narrative integration here. You need Safy to talk to Shiva, but you can't capture Shiva and have her do that. You also can't capture Shiva bring him to Safy and then release him. Instead, capture+release=death, in terms of gameplay, despite it explicitly not being that in the narrative. Maybe it'd make it too easy to cheese such sections like this, but I think I would like it more just for how it works in terms of actual logic if you could capture Shiva and then have Safy talk to the person holding Shiva to trigger the talk command with Shiva. Maybe that would cause some issues if a unit can use the talk command on both an ally and the unit an ally is rescuing, but even if there is a scenario like that, I'm sure it could be worked around with a simple left or right trigger like with trading. Halvan, not only does he use Leif's real name, but he also identifies where they're from. It actually still is from official sources. This is like Agustus, a fan who tried to construct a more accurate translation probably about a week before the first CYL gave all these characters actual English names. It is quite clearly a retcon, but I have to say I do like this cameo. Absolutely fanserivce at its finest, it even moves Hannibal from the castle he was in in Genealogy (this is Maykov's castle in Genealogy, whom I can headcanon is the generic guy Hannibal spoke to since they didn't utilize Carrion in that role and Coulter proves generic faces aren't consistent between the two games). The chapter also is a wonderful recreation of the path between Munster and Meathe in Genealogy. It's very recognizeably meant to be the exact same area Seliph traipses down later in the game. We do later see this again with the other Munster exterior map very late in the game, but, somewhat disappointingly, the same cannot be said about the exterior of Leinster....three different times.
  12. Oh, I think you'll still only be able to get on A support by the way. Since A supports are connected to paired endings. So four B supports and one A support should be your max, as opposed to vanilla where you can get one A support and one B support, or one A support and two C supports.
  13. There's a section of Metroid Fusion where you're supposed to be in a dark room with a spotlight illuminating about 50% of the screen centred on Samus with the rest being obscured, but even on a Game Boy Advance SP with the backlight on it makes hilariously little difference and you can very easily see the full screen unimpeded. Games back then were very much designed with the hardware in mind.
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