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    Divine Dewgong

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  1. Well, Safi didn't do a single thing on her rejoining map, so I'll say it probably doesn't look too well in this playthrough, either -- __ Note about the next chapter: Having to capture the boss is rather annoying. I cheated a little and looked up who supports Finn - it's Leif and Nanna, so her being fatigued changes his potential capture hitrate from 90 to 60. Sucks, especially with the time limit on top of that.
  2. It is implied that at least Lena in particular took a chastity vow: That said, Mallishicithea is all about marrying Marth and Nyna is a Bishop, so it's clearly not obligatory for the ingame Cleric class. Lena just happens to be an actual nun instead of a Woman Who Is Playable But Doesn't Fight So I Guess She's A Healer.
  3. I'm sure I will blindly do the 5235 necessary steps without mistake and in the correct order. Lena at least gets a last-second piece of selfishness by deciding to break her vows and get in an official relationship with Julian. That's a lot, compared to the average amount of characterisation that Akaneia folks get. But to be fair, Safi still has all the time in the world to break her vows, try to murder Leif (just because), and become a pirate queen. I didn't remember that you said it, but the joke (good jokes always have some truth in them) must've stuck to my subconscious because I almost accidently stole it.
  4. Well, this is a blind-ish run. And while playing, possible Talks just aren't at the top of my mind - case in point, me not remembering Karin and Ced's connection, so I had to replay the map in order to get the Forseti scroll. Finn is probably the most important returnee for the upcoming chapter, since I'll have to capture the boss and Fergus won't be there to throw the Brave Sword at him. Although, I assume that I'll need Halvan or Osian to recruit Marty, so that'd make them even more crucial than getting the Gaiden chapter (and Dagdar and Tanja) I didn't even think of that, but... yeah, absolutely. Since Hannibal is going to tell Callion about Lugh Faris's true identity (I already read next chapter's intro), it would've been especially nice to set him up as somebody that Hannibal trusts a lot. I'm honestly curious how an optimised (full recruitment) clear looks, so I might rewatch dondon playing it. I really wonder how one would balance out luring Shiva towards Safi vs. moving everybody towards Meath quickly. Stealing Shiva's KE sounds great, but unfortunately, my Lifis is still at 6 Con (and KEs weigh 7) 😕 Agreed that capturing Shiva should be an option one way or the other. Considering that Lifis's recruitment already checks if he's captured and not released, it probably would've been possible to do the same for Shiva's, plus maybe see if Safi's still alive. Would be a fun little parallel between the two Safi Simps, too. Poetry and all that. And he's supposed to be the thoughtful, intelligent axe bro. Very disappointing. I wonder if we'll ever meet his dad, Rottinkorsp, or his sister Dethan-Deekae. I'm definitely not complaining about Hannibal's appearance here. It's just too easy to poke fun at, until an eventual Genealogy remake will hopefully allow Hannibal to pompously greet his old friend Sir Lugh and tell him how good it is to see him safe and sound.
  5. FE5 Chapter 7: The Shield of Thracia Well, it's a common cliché that the English way of waging war is to hide on their island behind their Wooden Wall and let whoever they're currently allied with on the continent do the fighing and dying, so... 😇 I can't fault Kaga for cowardice. I can, however, fault him for sexism, so I think the jury is still out on Karin's hypothetical BinBla rescue formula. Yeahh, I basically didn't prepare for the prison arc at all. Very full inventories on Leif and Lifis for maximal annoyance in Ch.4, but not even the most useful items. Heck, Ronan has been carrying Hoðr's scroll for all this time. Leif does have (B) Swords. Still useful for Brave Sword access from time to time, although Fergus was the one carrying it most of the time.
  6. __ Love you too, Kaga Very odd AI on this next map, I find. Passive in some situations that I don't quite understand. The Warrior at the top of the enemy formation refused to attack Asbel, for example, while two or three Myrms didn't move in to attack Finn which left room for Shiva (who moves last) to do so instead.
  7. Considering that half of the effect of a leadership star is an avoid bonus, my new headcanon is that Leaf's first leadership star comes from Augusus standing at the sidelines, yelling DOOOODGE! every time somebody gets attacked. Well, now I almost feel bad for not giving it to Karin for all the magic sword memes. Not enough to replay the chapter, though. But because he shares that accent with virtually everybody, it goes from "character tick" to "part of the problem". The "-hau" is exactly in the right spot to make that name sound silly to me, though. "Eisenhauer" is a genuine German name (I'd guess that some ancestor of Ike anglicised it); "Eisenau", as his portrait is labled on the .org wiki, could be the name of a location; but because Eisenhau is neither, I just can't not read it as Iron-Whack. That can't be Jesus - he's wearing a goatee, so it follows that this is an evil character. Is it the antichrist? Or just White Judas? A character, no less, that I only have a 50% chance of recruiting! (...I think? I remember dondon mentioning that the worst character in the game is hidden behind a route split, and I think that's who you're talking about. And while I think I'll recognise the route split when it comes up, I have no idea which path was which) DSFE still has the best mid-chapter save system of the series. Accessible enough that you don't have to replay the entire map if (OK, when) you got got by one of the cheapshots, but not so free that you can just constantly brute-force the RNG. Also, Warrior!Yubello.
  8. He immediately moves southward, and since the map isn't all that big, he should reach the southern gate within four turns (despite the wood tiles blocking the direct path). It's definitely in-character for him to have more ideas that he could actually realise in the game. Plot twist: Between herself and Lifis, Safy turns out to secretly be the more evil one, being an Empire agent this entire time! Wait, no, that would require her to have an agency. Yes, I know this isn't fair to Kaga at this point anymore Literally unplayable. Yeah, the Eichmann portrait is almost certainly just a generic guardsman, or maybe the captain of Raydrik's guard, considering he's personally reporting to Raydrik in this scene. His previous appearance was a single line to tell Karin and Leif to shut up in their prison cell, and "prison guard" seems a little mundane an occupation for a Loptyr cultist. Didn't @Saint Rubenio have something to say about that? As in, the colour palette looks different when playing on an actual GBA and GBAFE looks a fair bit better on emulator when applying a filter to emulate that? Well, I never dropped anything in the Convoy, evidently We'll probably get a handful of Short Lances as the other earlygame characters rejoin, too, since iirc, I captured a decent number of soldiers for their vulneraries. Oh, whoops. I remembered Arvis's dad being a regular manslut, so that's why I thought "brother". But Saias certainly does look much younger than Arvis would be in 776. Can't believe both you and Jotari leave all that XP on the table. Fake FE players, smh my head.
  9. In BinBla, there's two kinds of reinforcements - one that you can prevent from spawning, and one that will just appear on another tile if you try to block them. Specifically, where I noticed, in Hector's version of Whereabouts Unknown (the one after Lyndis's Legion joins), one Cav and one Nomad spawn in the SW corner of the map for a few turns. You can block the Cavs from appearing, but not the Nomads. I believe (but didn't notice myself) that you can recognise the unblockable reinforcements because they run onto the map instead of just appearing on their tile, but I only read or heard that somewhere randomly and can't be certain if I remember this correctly. In any case, I'm certainly not the first one to find out about this, but I don't think it's common knowledge at all.
  10. FE5 Chapter 6: The Escape Considering that Cavalier With A Chest Key has two less movement points indoors than a thief, their advantage honestly isn't that big. My main reason to use Brighton for that job was mostly because Lifis and Lara's capture bait utility seemed more valuable than an additional sword arm. It is a bit out of character for you that there seems to be a non-Syrene pegasus knight that you didn't deliberately get killed. Yes, yes, I know, Sheeda isn't as high on your shit list, but still.
  11. FE1 Gaiden FE3 / Old Mystery / Book 1/2 Genealogy Thracia / T776 BinBla, BlaBla, SacSto PoR, RD (PoR is distinct enough that I assume that people will recognise it; I might spell out Radiant Dawn, though) Shadow Dragon (SD only if it comes up repeatedly) New Mystery / NMotE Awakening Fates / BR / CQ / Rev Echoes 3H Engage I specifically use the abbreviations for GBAFE because BlaBla is a silly name for a silly game. But also because there's no good alternative other than the full names: BB because it could refer to either BinBla or BlaBla, and SS because I don't like using that abbreviation in general. I used to use numbers for all games up to New Mystery, but I have to agree with lenticular that this must be really annoying for people who haven't spent the past decade yapping about anime chess.
  12. Hey, I'm a big enjoyer of English Shadow Dragon, you don't need to sell me on the benefit of creative liberties in localisations. But of course, doin' so's'g'nna open yer flank'f some decision ain't comin' over s'graetly, ya dig? It is oddly in-character for Kaga to put that much effort into fleshing out a bad outcome that really isn't all that difficult to avoid (and that's also explicitly non-canon, since Nanna appears in Genealogy). You mean that is ticking you off? Eh? Ehh?? Asbel would be able to kill her through the wall quite easily, too. It honestly feels a bit like an oversight, that you're able to intervene in the arena fight so easily, but I'm not going to complain that you can chip down or kill the Berserker safely that way. RE: Mareeta being recruitable - I know that she is (a somewhat Est-y character, if I recall). Dunno if you can perma-kill her here, although I would expect so. Eh, I think it still was half a dozen turns or so for me. What hurts that chest positioning for me is that it's entirely an annoyance and not a challenge. Unless there's some turn-36 reinforcements that I barely missed, there's no timed objective that's getting in the way of just delaying your progress until your chest-grabber returns from the trip, and even though I decided that to be too lame, I still had to wait those few extra turns for Brighton to catch up. I pretty sure Mareeta's appearance is zone-based, triggering when you move into the 2-tile wide corridor east of the arena. Actually, that's definitely how that works, since the scene triggered mid-player phase when I had Lara advance past that corner. But the SM, 'Zerker, and presumably Galzus should all appear as replacements for dead pitfighters, yeah. I'll also say that because the Earth Sword has pretty meaty 2-range, getting a kill with Nanna really isn't that unlikely, if you want to. You just need Eyvel to not proc anything at an inopportune time.
  13. Ha, it didn't even register with me that poison was absent for the first four games. Shows how much of an impact it has when it's present, I suppose. Interesting. Depending on how Galzus behaves (namely if he will attack anyone in range after opening the door), that could make that part of the map very cheesable, since the generic pitfighters are going to line up against the wall for Asbel to shoot over. To be fair, with those stats, he'd still be able to shove that toothpick through full plate armour. He does have the same class as Tick. And hardly any less characterisation than him, too. It's honestly insane just how much important stuff is entirely missable, and how it's increasingly easy to miss it, too. 2x is no problem to unlock, but it seems very easy to lose a prisoner in ch.4 to the random ambush reinforcements. And Galzus I only even saw in that fourth attempt at ch.5.
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