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Saint Rubenio

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About Saint Rubenio

  • Birthday 02/16/1999


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    Endgame Ready What?

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    Frost for CyL!

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    New Mystery of the Emblem

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  1. Gee, I wonder which one of these is the throwaway bossman. ...It's none of them. That guy's portrait is never used for a unit ingame. Jumpstarting another of Kaga's proud traditions: Having a whole bunch of unused portraits but resorting to recolors and reuses for reasons beyond all but himself. In my experience? Mostly just stall a bit until Finn can get Safy overthere. Dere he is. Beardman once more. Sadly just an NPC in this game, but that's okay, because we got another beardman coming that you are most certainly going to recruit. Raydrik has a very flexible facial hair policy. His only demand is that nobody surpasses his own. You can say that again. We won't see the guy again for a long, long time. I mean, even down to her design she's literally just a colorswapped Lena. Shiva is one of the most boring members of his archetype ever. Just stick with Macha, she's cooler. Clearly Lleu. All jokes aside, the implication is that Leif left the room and went to wherever the three amigos were waiting (hence Hannibal's "bring them to the prisoners") and Hannibal didn't join them until afterwards when he appears again. Of course, this is all played out so clunkily that it genuinely does look like the morons just instantly blew ol' Lugh's cover. Remember when I said Coirpre is possibly better in this game than the one where he's actually playable? That warp staff does more than Coirpre himself does in FE4 lol Let us not forget that CyL also mistranslated Murdock and Niime despite FE7 giving them official names. I'd take the underpaid intern's name list with a grain of salt, at least until the characters were officially added to Heroes. And the names confirmed, because why would they bother doing any more research? There's money to be made from selling scantly-clad JPEGs! D E I D M A N N
  2. ...Cock... Fuck. Welp. Now he can make a spiritual successor on PC!
  3. Yeah, this is the correct option. When it comes to these route splits people get so hung up on which one is the "best" one. The game can be finished both ways, let's just allow the new players to follow their hearts. Also you need to use the units I tell you to use.
  4. Have you considered that FE3 doesn't have Frost, though. Sure, I'm fine with that. I mean, I've been making fun of names like Tirado and Ostia for years. Mock away, I say. Too bad there isn't a fist-fighting class in this game, so you can't kill him with an iron fist. Neither's ideal but I'd sooner take the cheapshots than snooze-inducing difficulty. With FE3 I'm working on second-hand information but when I've been told by sources I decently trust that the game is barely less of a snoozefest than book 1 (half of which I breezed through without reading the numbers) on top of knowing the whole story (and don't even like it) and the UI making me want to throw myself out of a window, there's just not much motivating me to do anything with the game. Also, Warrior!Yubello.
  5. I would love to, but when that's basically the only advantage of the version... Unfortunate.
  6. v1.13 released! Removed a mercenary from chapter 2 to make Valter less likely to fly east and get murdered before the player can do anything about it. I can’t believe this has never been reported. Swapped Orson’s vulnerary for a concoction in chapter 5x to hopefully make him less difficult to keep alive. Reverted Orson’s luck nerf. The flavor of him having the lowest luck in the hack is funny to me but it also made him take 1% crit chances in chapter 5x, so uh. Sorry 'bout that.
  7. Well, his own short fling as a leader ended in spectacular failure, he's in a rather fragile state of mind and Augustus clearly knows his shit. Plus, think of that sweet, sweet leadership star! Gameplay-story integration dictates the star indicates Augustus's strategy chops! I mean, I'd argue the magic ring on Asbel is if anything a waste, but hey, this is your run. You couldn't have known, nor should you fret over little things like this. I'm just here to tell you which units you must use to appease me in particular. I always forget this face is technically the Truman face (or I guess Tolman) because he's the first to get it. Yeah, see, Zyne may be more iconic because his face is very funny but this guy right here comes close to the septuplets' reign of terror. He loses to Zyne by having only 5 twins instead of 7, but unlike Zyne, only two of those are recolored. There's three dudes that are just, this. They're also the most plot-relevant of the five, which is... very strange, but hey, who am I to judge. His name is literally Hicks. Nah yeah, Hicks is not amazing, but I love him anyway. In my first run he did a ton of work in the next chapter over, and then he popped off and capped every stat with barely any scroll interference. E swords is very annoying though. Imagine asking Kaga not to create problems for himself and then create contrived, unclear solutions for them. I mean, legit, the only thing Asbel wants is a master seal. Giving this to him would be a complete waste. Staffi is even worse - the only thing she'll ever need is enough staff rank to use warp. Light magic in this game is extremely rare - I mean "rarer than FE1 axes" rare, and with universal 20 caps and pure waters that raise magic, promoting healers is tantamount to throwing a master seal away, let alone the paragon manual. ...It really would be best on Marty, to be honest. It's just a corruption of Eisenhower. Just another part of Kaga's whole "name bossmen after figures of the World War II people" shindig that led to there being an irrelevant bossman named Goebbels in Berwick Saga. That and I have beat neither version of FE3, nor am I likely to in the near future. I wouldn't be quite as harsh, but honestly, they really should've kept the Archanea Chronicles artist on for the Jugdral duology. Look at that delightful artstyle. Even with the very limited portrait space they managed to give each of them a different vibe. I truly appreciate when you can tell a character's personality just by looking at their portraits. They even got Jesus Christ! Yeah, they had to do some color-correction to compensate for the lack of backlight on the GBA. If you look at the GBA library the games are majorly very bright - if they had used more drab colors like this game's, on the original hardware it would've been impossible to see anything outdoors.
  8. I apologize for the updates in quick succession, but this one’s kinda important. I was going to put this in the previous patch but there were a couple kinks that needed to be ironed out. v1.12 released! (Hopefully) wrapping up the experience gains arc: The hack’s EXP formula has been changed. Getting down to brass tacks, this shouldn’t affect most units - The main effect is that Lyon now has actual unpromoted experience gains. Previously it was in a “close enough for me” state. Big thanks to ATHATH, who graciously did the heavy lifting on this! I simply took the solution they provided to me. Added a guide entry unlocked at the end of chapter 5 noting that the hack only uses master seals to avoid any confusion.
  9. v1.11 released! Raised Joshua’s luck so he’s less likely to die from a random crit. Lowered a chapter 4 merc’s skill by 1 so Caellach isn’t immediately at risk of dying from a random crit.
  10. Eyyy, The Roger! Good to hear from you. Yeah, I've been keeping busy haha. If you end up trying this out, I hope you enjoy it!
  11. Yea but I'm dumb and tend to forget I can just send a cavalier with a chest key so I send the thief instead and take ten hours Of course, of course. I'm just pointing it out because the villain dialogue is one of my favorite parts of the translation. While it doesn't quite save Raydrik or Veld from their massive issues, it was a valiant effort. I've done my share of Tick puns. It's just a fun name to pun with. I have no idea, FE3 is not the game I'm most familiar with. Could certainly be.
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