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  1. If one if your thieves can still be used, you can have them slip a scroll into the boss' inventory to prevent unwanted critical hits.
  2. Huh... Never realized they had any real use besides countering squids. Don't fuck with dolphins. Figuratively, I mean. But also literally. Just in case any wannabe Vice Presidents are reading.
  3. JD Vance fucks dolphins? How am I supposed to connect that to Berwick Saga? Guess Simpsons will have to do, I suppose.
  4. I suppose I can see where JD Vance got the inspiration from.
  5. You're not gonna have Finn and Nanna talk? Anyway, there isn't actually anything stopping you from just spawn camping the reinforcements. Also a good opportunity to have Lifis grab some Rapiers, given how light they are. From now on Fatigue will be a concern. So it's very convenient that the Ronan gang is back, seeing how the Manster guys are probably worn out at this point. A unit gains 1 point of fatigue for each round of combat and if that value goes above the unit's max HP, that unit cannot be deployed for the next map. If a unit sits out a map, their fatigue will be set back to 0. You probably knew this already, but just like with weapon exp, staffs are handled differently. Fatigue cost is higher the higher a staff's rank is. 1 for E. 2 for D. 3 for C. 4 for B. 5 for A. Personal staffs also cost 5. Considering they generally have low HP, fatigue is a big concern for staffers. There are of course also Stamina Drinks. Now you cannot use items during battle preps, sadly. But if you place a bottle into the inventory of a fatigued unit, you can select that unit for the map. The potion will then automatically be used up once the map starts. Of course you can also just use them like a normal item during the map.
  6. You might not be able to turn every male unit into Frost, but you can turn Yubello and Wendell into him, since FE3 doesn't have unique color palettes either. Although at least they gave Merric a whole unique animation set as a Bishop.
  7. I wonder what's the deal with that anyway. Guy isn't exactly living in the countryside. So why give him a rural accent? Just because he is a commoner? Reclassing is a thing. You can turn every male unit into Frost. I suppose the difference is that FE3 is at it's worst boring. While FE12 is at it's best boring. At least FE3's dragons are fun. FE12 has nothing that is fun. Warrior Yubello is interchangeable from everyone else reclassed into Warrior. Doesn't even get a unique hair color or anything. Besides, Yubello does not actually have Fighter or Warrior in his reclass set. They are only combined once you beat the game once. And playing the game a second time is really too much to ask.
  8. It also doesn't have 90% of the cheap enemy spawns and has much better sprite work. Only real advantage FE12 has is that you can skip enemy phase. ...which wouldn't be in such high demand if the game didn't cheapshot you all the time. No, Richard is this guy.
  9. I guess you don't want to play a version of FE12 where Bantu is actually good. Big deal. The FE5 artist was also able to draw white Jesus.
  10. Weird for the translation to imply that Hermes being male makes him somehow more capable of rescuing. Was this some really awkward way to reference GBA rescuing mechanics? He just wants his leadership star back, I suppose. It most certainly highlights how piss yellow the GBA games are. Everything is yellow. The walls are yellow. The road is yellow. The grass is somehow strangely yellow. All those sprites that have very different colors from each other in Thracia are just yellow there. One of the many reused sprites is the weapon shop. On the GBA it's practically the same color as the yellow floor. Would have expected to see like a million Iron Axes in there, after all those brigands using nothing else. It's a regular weapon in Berwick Saga, at least. He is Alvis' son. He is also another member in Leaf's pity support group. Huh, never knew that. I always go through the Eastern passage and try to mostly avoid fighting the central squadron. Karin can simply snatch the villages to the West when there is an opening. I'm surprised the patch didn't cause the game to crash from trying to load a cutscene from a different map. They are all from the Gaiden. This makes it extra sadistic that Sety leads the Magi group against the central squadron if you skipped 4x. That way it's really easy to visit all the houses. But all they do is call you out for being a useless bag of crap.
  11. Isn't Curse of the Emblem also only played during the ending of Book 1 if Shiida is dead? At least I'm pretty sure I never heard it in-game.
  12. Seems Freedom Planet, aka the best and hypest game ever made, turned 10 years old today.
  13. Eyvel giving cutesy nicknames to nobility still feels really weird. This is the first game with poison, so I suppose it's not exactly buffing the damage. But poison, like any status, is permanent now until cured. He might have just gotten lucky. Generic enemies do have heavily randomized stats. They can even have extra movement. Glad this wasn't kept in Tear Ring Saga and beyond. Should be Schwarze Rosen anyway. How many nicknames does she have for Nanna? Seriously? Eyvel is in fact still immortal. And since Mareeta doesn't have the Con to capture Eyvel, Eyvel can stall Mareeta all day long. Mareeta is also moving before the other gladiators. So it's easy to use her to prevent the others from getting into melee range if you hole up at the door. They have Wrath as a class skill too. Very much a purposely unbalanced NPC class. This works both ways too, btw. So Eyvel can actually go safely for a capture herself. Not very practical given how it leaves Nanna vulnerable. But it is fun seeing Leidrick wet his pants as Eyvel swears vengeance on him. “S-Someone! Do something about that woman! She will kill us all!” ...although if I recall, this patch gives him a very downplayed reaction. Which is a shame. In any case, the rule seems to be that a unit won't retaliate against someone that they support (or was it the other way around?). Though I don't know if that holds true in case of Berserk. Gotta love how he enters the battle with a toothpick.
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