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  1. I'm playing it on Switch's NSO. Either way I had t give up on Cog of Destiny because I was lacking on restore users. Priscilla died and Canas didn't reach the required weapon rank in time. Pent was the only one whose resistance was so low that he even got hit by sleep and berserk staff.
  2. Actually I decided to play FE7 simply because from watching iron mans I picked my interest. Well, I failed in the Zephiel chapter, actually Idk why because I cleared out anything in time (I thought). However something bugs me I haven't got any promotion item for the sublords yet. I should've got one in the chapter against Vaida, right? Having restricted movement for Eliwood is lame.
  3. After finishing successfully an ironman run of FE10, I started to do a new challenge: beating FE7 on HHM with as few losses as possible After beating chapter 18 I've fulfilled this challenge yet, NO one died yet. As for the used units aside of the lords I'll prioritize on Raven, Oswin, Florina (? depending on her strength growth), Canas, Priscilla (because of Raven support) for now. Since I played this mode once yet, and this about seven years ago, my memories about this game are vague. The noticable change I remember is Cog of Destiny in which physical units in normal mode are replaced by mages which makes it become probably very tricky and long. Other than that I remember the Zephiel chapter can be a random lose, if Jaffar dies and can't work as decoy bird anymore. As for prepromoted units I definitely want to get Harken and Geitz because I remember they did A LOT in my only done HHM run. If you have any recommendations, just share.
  4. I have to be honest here it was not hard at all for me. Yes, the extended Game Over conditions in early game and carrying Micaiah through 1-9 can be troublesome, but after part 1, no chapter was really too bad. In part 3 I mainly avoided using Sothe to take any risk of dying, same goes for Micaiah and Sanaki in part 4. The run went really smoothly at the end. Also now I'm even more tempted to try ironmanning Thracia, but so many things have to be considered like the simplest things like bringing lockpicks in stuff. In general I thought it was the hardest game to ironman (maybe after maddening Three Houses because of ambush spawns) because of always taking a risk of getting hit. Also true, FE6 should be doable too due to the big cast of (not bad) units. Sadly I haven't unlocked this difficulty.
  5. Lots of names I remember actually. (posting this three months late)
  6. I don't know, if he'll ever come back, but I REMEMBER you! You were one of the first people I met here back ten years ago! a fellow FE10 fan 😄 Also Edward became mvp.
  7. After finishing an ironman run of Radiant Dawn I'd like to do more of these? Which games are mostly recommendable? I was thinking of FE8 and 9 on hard mode, but I guess there are more possible games.
  8. I didn't discover it myself but got to know it by watching a stream that enemies can also level up weapon ranks.
  9. Oh nice, congrats for beating six ironmans! Honestly the lack on movement doesn't bother me as much as the lack on weapon triangle because I memorized my playstyle of most of the chapters. For blind or unfamliar players it's still a big issue, though. Ironmanning Thracia 776 would be the most obscure to do because of its hitrates and RNG (the fact that 0% does NOT exist). Sacred Stones is definitely the most doable game for me to ironman next, once it's been added to NSO. Thank you! Edward carried me through part 3, so he claimed lot of kills. He kinda fell off in part 4, but his performance before secured his mvp status. Sadly Zihark died...despite A support with Volug.
  10. I beat the iron man run! No death in the endgame. I have to say very most of my endgame team did splendid, except for Edward maybe for having only 34 speed. However, it didn't matter, he even became my MVP of this run! First time ever happening to see Edward as #1. top 5: Edward Jill Ike Nephenee Rolf I'm proud and happy of beating this challenge in my very first attempt. I hardly doubt I'll do this challenge with other games for lacking the knowledge of these games. Pah of Radiance would be the only contender, but I don't have my copy anymore for upgrading my Wii to a Wii U. Either way it was a fun run!
  11. I pretty much agree with all of these, but Laguz suffer too much from low experience gain and also statlosses for being untransformed. Being able to counter attack is nice, though. Radiant Dawn is rather an enemy phase oriented game, at least on higher difficulties. It's really hard to kill all the enemies in the player phase, especially for the chapters of the Dawn Brigade. It's not as enemy phase heavy as in Path of Radiance, but still rather enemy phase heavy.
  12. I made it to F-3 today. I must say I played a lot worse the past days, especially 3-F was awful where I lost Heather (brought her for the hidden rescue staff which Sigrun found at the end) and Tanith. Latter loss hurt me a lot since I wanted to have a mobile wishblade user since Marcia screwed up. Part 4 went better. Didn't have much issues with the exception of 4-5 because I miscalculated the enemy's range (swamp and thicket tiles confused me). Furthermore I was short on front units. I lost Zihark, Leonardo and Reyson. Didn't matter too much for me since Tibarn and Elincia were enough to make their way to Izuka. And Rafiel is my preferred heron for the endgame. 4-1 and 4-2 worked well. My endgame team (aside of the forced units) are: Mia Rolf Soren Edward Jill Elincia Nephenee Tibarn Caineghis Nailah Aw, that's unfortunate. The first four maps and 1-9 are the maps where it's fairly easy to fail, especially in 1-9 if you have a poor Micaiah and do not know the safe spots. And yes, it has been fun so far! Aw sorry, I need to scarifice Meg by shoving Sothe in 1-5 to let him steal the master seal from the soldier. Sadly Brom's bad levels in part 2 disqualified him. He almost died in 3-5 by being totally underleveled, but he made through this!
  13. Trails Through Daybreak and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (iron man run)
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