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About Armagon

  • Birthday 07/23/2000


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    Xeno fan and expert

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    Video games, anime/manga, certain Western shows, movies (especially Kaiju).
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  1. Not even the leaders of Europe's far-right parties would be saying shit like this. Firis-shadowing.
  2. It is complete. And the best part is that they can't get rid of him. The ticket is locked in. The only way Vance is dropped from the ticket is if Vance himself chooses to. Admittedly, Trump will do his absolute best to make that happen. "Date Everything is coming to all platforms, including Switch, "soon". Described as a sandbox dating simulator, your character is given a pair of magical glasses that makes their entire house come alive — which somehow leads you to fall in love with household items like a computer, a basket, and obviously pets."
  3. He was there but instead of going into the building, he brought out a couch and put it on the shore.
  4. Couch fucker, dolphin fucker, yeah it's over for this guy. I could try this. Big hand. But it's moreso that the action screen is the touch screen. If it was like Kid Icarus Uprising, then it'd be no issue.
  5. "Instructions for Patching Apply Patch using the xdelta command line: xdelta.exe -d -s (old_file) (delta_file) (decoded_new_file) old_file should be a copy of Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks US/EU depending on patch delta_file is the patch (zelda_spirit_tracks_dpad.xdelta) decoded_new_file is the filename after patching" If it was a simple drag and drop i'd do it but it's command prompt stuff that i'm too lazy to do. Yeah for the longest time, i put off on playing the two games because of the touch screen. Or rather, the main screen is the touch screen so you have your hand getting in the way. The d-pad patch is a work around but a lot of the game is still dependent on the touch screen. Moving blocks, charting course. Using items is the only thing that actually kinda works, the boomerang has more versatility in these games than in any other except maybe Tears.
  6. >Phantom Hourglass sucks (did the first two dungeons and the game's just flat-out boring) Oh well but let's start Spirit Tracks, maybe some things are improved >Loads up the d-pad pre-patch rom >anti-piracy triggers (you can't progress the tutorial) >Turns out i have to get a specific d-pad patch that i have to apply myself Guess i'm not playing the game then. Not going through the effort of applying a patch myself for a game that i estimate to have a 40% Armagon Enjoyment rate. Nintendo, remake the DS Zelda games with actual proper button controls and my life is yours. Anyways who makes a patch that doesn't get rid of the anti-piracy? That's like the bare minimum a patch should do my guy. It's true. It does slow if you experience actual new things (the 10 days i spent in Spain were the longest 10 days i had in a while) but those things don't come all that often. That was me with Metroid Dread for a full year.
  7. @Saint Rubenio looks like we might not get that third game.
  8. Republicans so incompetent they gonna shut down the government the month before a Presidential election. There's nothing wrong with Sophie 1's narrative, the problem is that the gameplay is pretty boring if you're at all familiar with the series. It's kinda like Xenoblade 1. Good to start but doesn't offer much on replays or if you've played another game in the series. Yeah this is the Mysterious gimmick. It's pretty addicting once you get the hang of it, though I'll warn you that this game has a few years ahead of the other Mysterious games. The puzzle alchemy sucked in Sophie, is fine but kinda wonky in Firis and only really properly shined in Lydie & Suelle (but maybe I need to replay Firis to get a second opinion). Sophie 2 carries all the improvements and experiences of the team after that. A more personal take on that idea
  9. The birthday haul: Two of the greatest games of all time and Monster Hunter World. Being real tho, Fairy Tail will probably be a guilty pleasure and I look forward to World being my first Monster Hunter game (how good is the single player?). Cars 2 is gonna be peak, I know. And thank you all for the birthday wishes! Tbf I think anything that's marketed as sugar free is kinda a scam. The sole English term (cloud status) on that bar: "just making sure we don't fit in". Anyways have fun! It's that more or less. Veggies mixed into a sauce. The trick for me is that I hate the texture of a lot of veggies. Makes me gag. I hate it. But if I don't notice it, I'm cool.
  10. Thanks y'all I can also do veggie sauce. The trick is for me to not notice the texture.
  11. I am now 24 years old Ayesha doesn't tell you shit 80% of the time, which is pretty bad when it's a game with a time-limit. Sophie 2 you could jump in and it's very good but you'll get a bit more out of it after playing Sophie 1. The problem is playing Sophie 1. Ryza 1 is the weakest of the trilogy but it's solid. So for once America has a unit of measurement that the rest of the world follows. You should of course still exercise anyways. A guy who sits in a chair all day burns roughly the same amount of calories as a tribal hunter gatherer, the difference is that the hunter gatherer is burning up energy for something, while the guy who sits in a chair all day burns up the energy for nothing. Of course i hate most veggies so my solution is to simply reduce my portions. I've also been eating more fish. Tuna i've always eaten but i'm eating salmon and i think cod too.
  12. About two months ago I was clocking in 200 pounds. I put in the work three weeks ago and now I'm at around 194. Just 9 more pounds to lose before I reach my goal and stop being overweight.
  13. Is there a reason why something that lasted that long suddenly fell out of favor? Was it simply just the passage of time?
  14. Oh yeah, looking like Dems made the right play Trump is scared. A President can't go on to be Vice President so yeah wouldn't happen. Is funny tho. All I know is that whoever her running mate is will be the whitest man to ever white.
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