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Eltosian Kadath

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. Oh that is fun, just like the steal command in Thracia 776 Yeah FE7 has some particularly inconsistent reinforcement rules, with strange mixes of ambush spawns, non-ambush spawns, blockable and unblockable reinforcements... Changing weapons kind of could change the RNG in the arena back in the day. There was the arena RNG bug (technically it can also happen with astronomically good luck with the charge skill (or whatever it is translated to now a days), but is fairly easy to trigger in the arena) where if the battle goes on long enough the RN string will run out, which is generally fixed by changing weapons mid arena battle to generate a new RN string in the battle. This was most notable as it would lead to levelups after the arena battle failing to gain stats evens with growth rates over 100, but the Project Naga patch has fixed this bug. Oh yeah, that is a really weird quirk of that game. I remember someone going through the effort of grinding a green Ena's strike rank up only to discover that the green and blue versions of Ena were different units and so that effort didn't transfer once she was officially recruited. Not sure if I am the one that should be counted as the one discovering it, as I am not the one playing, just someone suggesting edits, but the Conquest PME (Pick My Edits) @Codename Shrimp is doing now taught me a few obscure things about Fates, like that the debuff pots of chapter 12 bypass the enemy only Immune Status skill, and that generic units edited into Songstresses class don't have access to the Sing command.
  2. You did fine, although you can probably add two more picks if you want I do love this little bit of cheese, and otherwise like half your army is just waiting around for half the map. Lol, well lets try to fix that a little Azura as a Sky Flier with Armored Blow and Awakening (promote to Falcon Knight for one of the staff bots) Charlotte as a Wolfskin with Aggressor and Gale Force Elise as a Songstress with Solidarity and Dragon Ward
  3. Oops Although that did lead to an odd little discovery about the game here. Big Oofs, living it on the one like that even after the proc... That really was a wild ride there. Gunter as a Great Master with Live to Serve, Dual Striker, Aptitude (lol), and Warp (have fun breaking the map with that one).
  4. Fine I suppose, one of my uncles is visiting and I ended up drinking more than I should have because of that. Also welcome back, its been a while. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉 The best of motivations for losing weight 😛
  5. It depends on how quickly you are getting through the game, as supports in these older titles can take a while. As an example, the Franz-Forde support would require the two end the turn adjacent for 27 turns to go from C to B, and they are aren't exactly a slow support for this game. If you want to look at some more details, the main site has some solid information you can look up here: https://serenesforest.net/the-sacred-stones/characters/supports/
  6. That sucks, as it is walkable for most infantry classes (it just cost so much move you can never cross more than like one tile), and much to my frustration when planning my picks for last chapter, Surefooted is one of the Ballista only skills for some reason. Sorry, although I know how you feel being too slow for the pick you wanted at times.
  7. Dang, I was hoping you would use surefooted to just walk Odin across the water. I do really appreciate that little bit of design of him having low move like that. Lets see how lucky he really is Laslow as a Lodestar with Gamble and Lethality Elise as a Dark Mage with Lunge and Locktouch Charlotte as an Archer with Underdog and Nobility Corrin as a Troubadour with Shelter and Voice of Peace
  8. I will use all three depending on the situation and my whim, although I don't usually shorten names to the extreme point of your example, more things like Genealogy, New Mystery (and to be fair nobody bothers with the full name Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~ Heroes of Light and Shadow ~, and New Mystery of the Emblem is as close as I get), or Echoes, etc.. There are certainly trends, I almost always prefer FE7 over Fire Emblem, or Blazing Blade, and I am more likely to use numbers for Japanese only games, and less likely to use numbers for games after Fates (in part thanks to the weird situation of Fates arguably being any of 1-3 different games makes), but I really don't think I am consistent enough to have a real answer to the poll.
  9. One that probably counts is what got me to make an account on this forum in the first place, a bug in Genealogy of the Holy War that occurs if you kill the final boss with a unit that can canto after doing so, while triggering the event that occurs if Manfroy is still alive when Julius dies. If you are curious about my finding on the bug, I will save you the trouble of digging up the old post and quote it in the spoiler box below A more recent one would be that in Engage when a character dies, other characters related to them will have extra dialogue where they are mourning the character's death in the exploration of the map after completion (but before returning to the Somniel). I will add that characters that merely retreat after defeat (ex. Ivy, Veyle, etc.) don't get the same treatment. Another one in a similar vein, in spite of Ivy retreating after defeat, it does have a long lasting impact of the Somniel feature associated with her (the Wyvern Riding minigame) will sometimes be unmanned, and thus not allow you to play it until you trigger something that makes "time pass" in the Somniel to reset the one manning it. That is a really cool little detail to discover, and rather fitting for Ranulf's character Its an interesting detail that you get to see some of the priority for the events, as the event for him getting a kill and retreat triggers instead of the event for her being defeated and retreat triggers.
  10. It as been a little while (distracted by a lot of other things), but seeing you are back makes it the perfect time to comment on the most recent vid. 🫂 Hopefully you start feeling better soon.
  11. It kind of depends on if you just how strict you are meaning with "full plate", or if you simply mean heavily armored. It was quite common by the 16th century for European infantry to go into battle with three-quarters plate for instance, and there are a fair number of regions and time periods where full plate wasn't used in general, but the infantry were the more heavily armored group. Also its easier to lose horses than the armor you are wearing, leaving those former cavalry in full plate on foot (the Hundreds years war was particularly viscous about this at time, with accounts of the French losing more than 30,000 horse in one of their more disastrous campaigns, and numerous accounts of how successfully English archer managed to kill the French Knight's horses). While it was rarer than the more iconic lamellar, and laminar style armors, Japanese Samurai did wear plate armor, and went into battle heavily armored, although whether or not you would consider their full plate armor to be "full plate" is probably debatable, as there are some clear stylistic difference between European and Japanese style armors. I also want to emphasize that cavalry were simply not used the same way in Japanese warfare as they were in Europe, the local horse breeds were much smaller, so the heavier armored troops couldn't be their cavalry. It is said that the cavalry charge came into existence and was made obsolete in one generation due to necessity to import heavier breeds of horses coinciding with the importation (and soon after local production) of guns. What I feel works in spirit, if not the letter of this idea is the roman legion. Their infantry tended to wear heavier armor than their cavalry, although not plate armor their iconic segmetata (a laminar style armor), or combinations of chain mail and scale mail depending on the time period, and how rich the soldier was.
  12. That is a crying shame... A bit of a shame you didn't buy one for her. Alas it doesn't look like you took the funny bait of a 5 space lunge with her Alright, lets start with Odin as a Ballistician with Air Superiority and Surefooted. Niles as a Ninja with Iron Will and Seal Magic. Felicia as a Priestess with Even Handed, Even Better, Even Keel, Lucky Seven, Future Sight.
  13. If I were to guess its because of the ROM expansion necessary to get the translation patch to work. A lot of the more niche versions of emulators like this are based on versions too old to handle the larger ROM size, so if its possible to get it working, your best bet is to make sure you have the most up to date version of SNES 9x Gx. It would be worth checking if the patched ROM works on a modern computer emulator just to be sure, but it is entirely possible that it simply isn't compatible with the Wii version of SNES 9x Gx.
  14. I don't know if its too late for this, but I would prefer shift to Pegasus Knight if you do have to change it. The main reason I chose Lodestar was for the class bonuses on what doesn't have to be a promoted class, and Pegasus Knight has similar bonuses.
  15. Seeing the two trashbags is very silly, but I guess the game doesn't know how to handle the cipher only class, or... a non Azura dancer? 😛 Yeah I was expecting him to be able to shoot into at least one of the room (similar to how you can drop a freeze staff across the gap as well), and that it would make some funny shenanigans. Alas my funny plan to make Shrimpy's life just a tiny bit harder on this map by making Corrin Lord of the dance was spoiled by my slowness again. Well if Peri and Lazlow come in early enough that you can mod them already, I guess I can take a shot at one of them Lets have Peri as a Lodestar with Gamble and Death Blow. Odin be a Villager with Rally Spectrum, and Immune Status (if able, if not switch it to Rally move...although I don't actually know how the pots interact with this enemy only skill, I am legitimately curious). Azura be our other staff bot as an Astral Dragon with Lunge and Live to Serve 😛 Kaze as a Kitsune with Shelter and Amaterasu.
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