So I'm in a curious predicament here. Playing through the entire series for the posterity of this forum made me realize something about my opinions on the games: When it comes to Fire Emblem, I have absolutely no overlap between games I love for their story and games I love for their gameplay. No game in the series ever exceeds "okay" in both categories for me. The only exceptions are Birthright and Conquest, and only if you include "so bad it's good" as "loving a game for its story".
And if I have to choose (which I do, see above), I'll pick gameplay over story every time. Of the three games in the series that have my favorite stories, 7 is the only one I have any desire to play again any time soon, because the gameplay, while deeply flawed in many ways, has a lot of appeal to me, especially when I'm in a more casual but not quite mood. 4 is just too much of a slog and 9 just gets too simple and is too long. It'll be ages before the story will be enough of a draw to bring me back to either on their own.
Meanwhile games like Engage and Fates bring me back despite their terrible stories, because when I'm not in the mood for them, I don't have to deal with them.
Is it weird that I can have that attitude about a franchise I claim to be my favorite of all time? Yes. Can I justify it in any intellectual or emotional way? No, not at this moment. It's been eating away at me ever since I finished marathoning the series. But Fire Emblem is the sort of series I love in spite of its flaws, and in one case because of them.