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Crows n Murder

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  • Interests
    - Actually getting good at Fire Emblem
    - Splatoon
    - Manga, mainly shonen and whatever-the-hell-Inuyasha-is

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. Granted, but it's so in-depth that no-one understands it and not even internet guide writers can be bothered to work it out and the actual, official, physical guide is sold at one one-day event in Japan that wasn't marketed for millions of dollars. I wish that a new game is released and it doesn't flop (ha! Try to get around that one!)
  2. When it comes to the divine paralouges, is there a good order to do them in? Obviously, Tiki's comes first, but after that you have free rein. I always seem to do Veronica's after that, but afterwards I'm unsure. I know that they scale based on what chapter you're on, so the levels of all the enemies should be the same, but some of the maps are bigger, and they all throw gimmicks at you, but some seem more irritating than others. For example, I got the dlc during a second or third ( I can't quite recall) playthrough and I went back to my (beaten) save and did the paralouges, and after beating all the others Camilla's was still tricky. Maybe it was because everyone was in promoted classes so got less exp? If it is, then maybe I'll be okay if I do them when I first unlock them. The question still stands, though; is there an optimal order? (this is for a maddening playthrough. I suppose it matters less on lower difficulty.)
  3. Loss, for someone shall post after me soon enough.
  4. I was wondering, how does the game choose what you get as choices at a vending machine (or a restaurant, for that matter)? Complicated charts listing who benifits from what are all well and good, but I can't seem to find the actual probabilities (just 'muscle drink ex = rare). Do we even know? Is it just a grey area? With the amount of money you get late in the game, is their any value to repeatedly buying drinks to try to get a better choice?
  5. Well, my good sirs, I hate to interrupt, but this battle is as good as mine!
  6. Enjoy. I think that was a link. Hopefully It works, eh?
  7. Mamorin-Style Curry, feat. ridiculously vauge instructions because I can't remember what brands she uses and the show cuts off before she actually cooks: Ingredients: -Pre-cooked rice -Packaged Curry Stuff of which the brand I cannot recall Method: 1. Mix the ingredients. 2. Put it in the microwave. 3. Cook it for as long as you feel like; this bit isn't shown.
  8. Thankyou for explaining (^-^) Their are so many buttons in the reply-text box thingy that I kind of get overwhelmed. Yep. Eyeball buttons sure are scary. I just don't want to go pressing stuff when I don't know what they do... which is probably why I had so much trouble figuring out illusory Daiba Studio's LCD screen puzzle when the genreral consensus seems to be that the puzzles in Tokyo Mirage Sessions are easy. Anyways, thanks!!!!
  9. I can ask questions here, right? I'm new, scared, and want to know how to use spoiler tags. Speaking of things I don't know, is their an efficient way to search for things? I don't think trawling through every post on this site is humanly possible, but I don't want to ask so many questions I annoy people... (・・;)
  10. This totally isn't an attempt to win, without even knowing the prize. Nope. No way.
  11. Hello, strange denizens of the forest. I, Crows n Murder (certified Henry enjoyer) am certainly not here to cast curses on people or carry out a ritual to summon Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem x Splatoon or get a Fire Emblem splatfest. (Now I think about it, I'm basically a squid out of water (I mean, technically ink, but (so many brackets! How fun!))) I am here instead to borrow your genius builds and... well... ask questions. I promise once we get past the bit where I gift you a risen hand, I'll be nice! If I offend you, sorry, I sneezed and my other self is mean. The first Fire Emblem game I played was engage, and I'm currently trying (and failing) to beat it on maddening. At Florra Port (I bet I spelled that wrong. Sorry!), I let Ivy and Zelestia die, was going to reset, forgot, and saved over my Pre-battle file. I gave up on that save very fast, so I'm on Chapter 7 right now. I have also beaten three houses, awakening, tried to drag myself through birthright (which isn't going well), got stuck on shadow dragon, tried to beat sacred stones then got sidetracked (by tokyo mirage sessions of all things), and beat all but Hector's bit of blazing blade. I tried, guys, I swear. (If you cringed at that... I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!) (Edit, I guess) I don't have pronouns because I played too much Engage and absorbed some dark emblem fell dragon juice. Guess that makes me a creature of darkness.
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