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Codename Shrimp

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  • Member Title
    Baking Bread

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  • Interests
    Games, Math and Animanga
  • Location
    The Lands under the Sea

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. A seasick Wyvern ~ Scary Btw Jakob got rejected as well since all choices are taken^^
  2. Promoted class please 😉 Choices all already taken (06 got Keaton or Camilla reserved)
  3. I am thinking more a relay playthrough next (ie. someone plays a chapter then sends the save file to the next person). Maybe even with a twist 😉 Thraciangage when
  4. Terrorism continues Moblie Baths soon 😮 Rainbow Road? "I already did this in the first game, but gotta do it again for the new players ig"
  5. Punizan? ...and they speak human? xD she sounds fun xD Or they, as she comes with her brothers XD Ofc Haitaka makes you appear xD
  6. @Dayni 😛 Had to remove "Recruited" status (blue shield icon), then he can get it - ig only units originally belonging to your army can DV? I bet he can sing now, too 🤔 @Eltosian Kadath might be interested as well. ...is that world still standing? >googles Puni Knight/Cav? Woke agenda smh!!!11!!!!21!!!!
  7. Huh Til Feels like an oversight tbh Or they didn't want no names to have superpowers xD maybe Save editor? That's just my guess But that's how usually these stories end
  8. ~8hours, first Sophie Impressions: Alchemy is super fucking addicting - Much better than Lulua imo. That Puzzle element to try and create the perfect board to cook the perfect item in the pot is super fun - and i already liked Lulua's alchemy. What also helps here more that i am not playing as a noob alchemist xD The combat on the other hand, from first glance, seems weaker - I liked team combos in Lulua's more, with passive triggers - made figuring Party combinations and when to use abilities fun - not sure yet what to think about TP system - and i am sure the battle system will still open up. But i think Lulua's was smoother and better so far Music is good - but not on par with Lulua - I remember when i booted up Lulua and first battle i hear was Cross Wind - that was amazing. Here i already switched the main battle theme - although i still liked the rest of the music i heard so far - Spring bird is fun, and so is Atelier's music - which increases the fun factor of alchemy ofc Story/Setting i am quite interested in - atleast there're some stakes this time! And will probably end with us destroying the dream world. It's a slime xD Honestly, might just lowman with Odin/Vantage/Heartseeker/Beastkiller and play some other bonus/DLC chapter where you guys get to choose. I hate Fox hell too much man
  9. Imagine fixing your sleep enjoy what little free time you have left That's more a special situation tho - and First blood from DLC exists
  10. I will never understand alchemy XD How does one cook all that lol ALSO WHY THE FUCK DID A PUNI SUMMON A METEOR ON ME???? ????? ??????????????????????? SINCE WHEN CAN SLIMES DO THAT? I never understood why anyone even does that - not only makes the map extra slow, the narrow corridors will make you defence stance all the time - precious waste of action economy - also exp Using both sides, and making one unlock the other and vice versa, allows you to advance to your pace and to choose when to go full in in a certain area, and when to stay behind walls, and makes you make use of everyone Then again, i find defense stance to be super overrated. Ü There's exactly one space on the upper wall that you can use to go 4D chess xD Restriction: Vantage and Heartseeker on everyone xD Also min. 4 Beastkiller users it's a blast tbh If anything, new things makes it flow faster (especially if fun) before you return to your old slow af life
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