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  1. Faith (Final Fantasy Tactics): Not exclusively from that game, but I find interestingly concept-wise. You see, people with high faith tend to deal higher magical damage compared to those with a lower faith because they "believe" on the mystique, but not only that, they also tend to be more "vulnerable" to magic, so a low faith user would become a great tank unit. If you even manage to get your faith down to 0 (or just get Innocent status) you're basically immune to magical damage and status (both positive and negative), it's such a cool gameplay mechanic and "lore" mechanic, because you see all those primordial and mystical creatures flying at you, or a gigantic thunderbolt going to your direction, but if you really really REALLY believe that thing that is coming to kill you isn't real, you are perfectly safe.
  2. (Probably late, but hue) You know what? Yeah, use him. "Mu EfIcIeNcY" is telling me no, but when was the last time where you could use a RNG blessed Wallace on a playthrough? I think the experience of seeing a general becoming one of your best combat-tank units is worth more than any ranking or LTC could give you. Go ahead, make him the best Wallace that any FE7 playthrough has ever seen. Watch all the wyvern lords and snipers do a simple *TINK* while you throw a Javelin back at them.
  3. Gonna share 2 new takes for this thread: 1- "Lilina" Mode for the game (a.k.a a more politic-oriented story): So I think I saw this suggestion on reddit or 4chan about a Lilina mode, where it's basically like Hector mode (new maps, changing old maps, different cutscenes and so on), but the reason why I even want to suggest this, is because how I love both the more "mystical, dragon, backstory" lore from the game, but at the same time, I also love my worldbuilding with different cultures and how the nations of Elibe are interacting with each other under the new "Disturbance of Bern" thing going on. It can be any character rather than Lilina, I just thought of her because well, she's the daughter of the Marquess of Ostia, so why not? Unless you want to have Cecila or Merlinus as better alternatives... Basically: Roy Mode: The first priority of the story is about the Dragons, the Scouring, the Divine Weapons, and having the most cutscenes related to Zephiel and Bern... because well, they're the main bad guys right? Still keeping the nice worldbuilding aspect of the story. Lilina Mode: Basically the opposite: Talks about the worldbuilding and the culture, giving more of a spotlight to the other nations rather than only Bern, having some interesting cutscenes about the interactions between each nation and their leaders and such. Still keeping the nice "mystique" aspect of the story. (I mean, they both still end the same, but the journey is different) 2- Gaiden Chapters but better: They are easily some of the worst parts of the game imo, they always have some dumb gimmick that actually is not really dangerous, just annoying, and they are very tedious to play, either because of the length of the map itself, or because of the annoying gimmick that they pull off (Looking at you Sacae Gaiden). Either make the maps shorter, or change the current objective for something else (would be a nice change of pace from only seizing eh?) Like, maybe a "Defeat the Boss" on the Armads Caverns? (he isn't on a throne btw). Or maybe a "Whack the Bolting Mage" so after you defeat 3-4 bolting mages on the Forblaze Water Temple (bolting mages should have bad stats), you unlock a way to go to the Throne Room and beat up Oates. Just some ideas I had in my head.
  4. My man, same! Although knowing GalaxyTrail, it probably will be delayed... again! But to be fair, you can see the game getting updates (the demo just got an update last month) and it actually seems that the game is being developed: the stages being completed, the overworld getting more detailed, most of the characters already have their sprites, so I trust that dev team that they will complete the game eventuallyâ„¢, maybe this year, maybe next year, but they will complete it for sure.
  5. Honestly, you fine on normal mode, FE6 is kinda hard but it's doable with anyone on normal mode, so just use anyone you feel like. If you want my suggestion, I would use Lilina, she's not a good unit by any strech of the imagination, but she's super fun to use when she gets there. And for your sake of not getting Sacae'd by above post, I would train Shanna/Thany and Tate, It's not because they are good units (or bad)... but boy, trust me, give them more experience than Sue and Shin/Sin combined, you don't want to get Sacae'd... I repeat, YOU. DON'T. WANT. TO. GET. SACAE'D.
  6. As a guy who did the same thing (play FE7 first game and FE6 second game), I kinda regret that decision, because boy oh boy, that game is frustrating sometimes. (and it became one of my favorites) I pushed through but I learned many things on the hard way (rescue and trading strats, where the ambush spawns... spawn... don't even get me started on chapter 21). I think you learn to be a better FE player with that game but most games can do that in a "smoother way", so I wouldn't mind that. Skip if you want, if you feel frustrated playing through a game, don't even bother, maybe come back later if you want to give it a second try.
  7. My name is just based on my real-life name, but I just decided to hide it a little more with a school subject "Arte = Art" And 71 is based of a character that I liked from a mexican show called "El Chavo", she's known as the "Witch of 71" and I thought she was funny in the show.
  8. Oujay is just okay, he does his job but everyone else can do what he does but better. The only real reason why you would ever use him is either A. You like his character or B. Your Dieck and Rutger died and you don't feel like resetting, which is a fair enough reason I guess. I rate him Free Armorslayer/10
  9. I'm worried if this is considered necroposting even though it's on the first page Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow: That game was great, and I wish more people talked about it. The soundtrack, the aesthetic, the disney-esque quality of animation, it's just... wonderful! Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelits of the Roses: The game is basically a SRPG, but instead, all your cards are units, which is a great concept! It's a sequel of Forbidden Memories like above post said, but nowhere nearly as grindy... It's even kinda on the easy side with some broken decks you can play with. I am still hopeful for a sequel of that game, maybe with less cards compared to the main TCG, because 3D Modelling over 9000 cards with their own animations and stuff sounds like a painful job to do.
  10. A very VERY good pre-promote in the game, simply for having a horse and staff utility imbued into it. If you can't bring anyone because they're too weak or something, just bring Cecilia, you have no idea how useful having someone that can heal with 8 mov which can also chip for your stronger units. But don't forget, chip is the last thing you should try to do with her, she's no combat unit, No sire. If there's nobody that you can heal or you are one of those "life-or-death" situations that if you don't chip, one of your units might gonna die, then go for it, if not then just go heal or do anything else like rescue or something between those lines.
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