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Everything posted by XavierStronome

  1. Banned because I already did that.
  2. Banned because this is no time to get sentimental. We got to get the bread, gamers!
  3. I have a fear of heights, so I guess another language it is. WYR spar with Ike or learn all types of magic with Pent?
  4. Miss! *summons max strength boyd to beat up the poster below*
  5. Banned for not knowing how to make them but asking someone else to make them instead of searching it up on Google.
  6. Banned for not recognizing my rather awesome beatboxing skills
  7. Banned for esjiiihwmsksjajaj291i::×,@,(×jjwiwjqx>×]92\€2♤¡jdjw
  8. Banned for being the man above the slaughter
  9. *it does 4 damage* *Procs Aether with Ragnell on the person below*
  10. Uh.. Class name: Piercer Promoted class Weapon types: Bow and Lance No growth bonuses (pre awakening) Promo bonuses: From archer: +3 HP, +2 STR, DEF, +1 SKL, SPD, +4 LCK From soldier: +2 HP, +1 STR, +2 DEF, SKL, +3 SPD, +4 LCK Infantry Mov: 6 (7 in PoR) Class line: Archer/Soldier -> Piercer
  11. we wont complete this by the end of 2099 35,745
  12. Unfunny meme man is resigning cause I'm out of good videos and also they were dumb (except for the dorcas patch)
  13. From now on I will be the poster of dumb meme videos
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