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Doctor Robert

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Everything posted by Doctor Robert

  1. The first time I saw Excellus, I thought, "Gee, I wish we can stick that pompous Ursula-clone's head on a pike!" That is, the Ursula from Little Mermaid bizarrely reminded me of her and thus I though, "girl." But, then Aversa attacked Chrom and let slip the little eunuch's true nature and I was like, "Oooooh... okay." Funny story indeed. For Libra, I had the advantage of playing FE7 a hundred times prior and so I recognized the trope of "womanly-man" in a second. I originally thought Lucius was a dude in FE7 when I first played (when I had only the in-game portrait to look at) and then I wondered about his gender afterwards before people referred to him as a dude in-game. It wasn't until later when I saw the artwork and fan-art that I found out how allegedly feminine he is... XD I think Libra's more manly than Lucius. In my mind, when the two are asked if they're a girl, Libra would go, "Pfft. I'm a man, loser," and then fight urges to axe the person whist Lucius would go cry in the corner or something... I think Libra has (still) an advantage of not having 10 years of fanfiction supporting girliness... Meh, I got off topic! Bad me! Excellus is a dude, a very girly-eunuch-dude. Basically, a new spin on an old FE trope. :3
  2. "Roy: You know that little voice people have that tells them to quit when they're ahead? You don't have one! Seliph: Well just... wait, you have a little voice in your head? Roy: ..." Sorry and apologies, that just came into my head when I read that bit. And I had a flashback to a movie I saw a million years ago. Anyways, great concept and story, I look forward to more.
  3. You speak as though there's some cosmic law against the revision of a NaNo... I will agree that the initial draft would be in varying stages of unreadable but if it's worth fleshing out and editing... it's worth reading; be that sooner or later. As I said before, I do have a serious novel that takes up most of my time and so NaNoWriMo has a purpose; it's an opportunity for me to explore a new world and write something else... like a vacation in writing almost. As for whether or not I'll keep them... results have varied. The point being it has a purpose for me and some of the texts are keepers and so I participate. You clearly have no time for such trivialities, however. You must have a large lot of time in order to write and/or an endless well-spring of creativity and inspiration; most definitely you've a great deal of focus with your work if you are able to work so diligently over a great deal of time. I really envy that last bit because I'm in need of a two-bit crapshoot contest every November in order to complete a creative thought in a form of text longer than a few pages. Alas, I should probably quit writing and jump myself off a bridge someplace because I am such a waste of atoms... Alas twice, for the world is not so perfect... and tossing yourself over a bridge is soooo cliché these days...
  4. I suppose I don't have to either but I make the time for it. It's letting out a concept over a relatively short time and that's good to find out whether or not said concept works. If the concept works I can edit from there or whatever... But if by shit you meant NaNo novels are too quickly made in order to be any good... I can see that. You obviously have a more meditative way of writing and I respect that. I've been working on my "serious" novel for five years. Honestly, the writing exercise of NaNo has been invaluable toward the sharpening of my skills as a writer and that at least is worth honoring, I suppose. But saying something is shit just because it was made in a month of binge writing is a bit... generalized (and mean). Besides, how can you say something is shit if you've never quite done it? (Okay, so we're all guilty of something like that...) Hm... I believe I'm now obliged to judge you a "troll" but I'm shortly reminded that people who call others "trolls" on the internet are afraid of alternative opinions... 'Course I can't have that, I'm way too nice...
  5. Well that's the thing, it's a challenge to shovel that stuff out quick. It's one of the most accomplished feelings in the world when you finish. So... Transformers/Fallout Crossover? >:P
  6. I'm not sure about that one... I mean if he abandons her before they kill the Dark Duke, isn't that somewhat of a jerk move? (Baring the fact that she's his only friend) And if he does so afterwards, wouldn't that make the whole conflict pointless? "We defeated the crazy evil supernatural cop who was after you. Now shove off!!" Lol, I'm being silly... I have been considering the name Damian for the boy... Is that too cliche? ...Anybody? Well, you learn something new each day. This is why I made this topic!! In fairness, the opening premise does seem slightly like Gormenghast... but I think there's more than enough differences for me to be happy. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Thank you all for replying. You've been most helpful indeed.
  7. I had a feeling using the word "child-abuse" would be too strong... lolz. Maybe I should tone that aspect down a bit (or just forget the idea of physical abuse); the dad was to be mainly an enigma but always let the son know how disappointed he was. It's a loveless relationship in purpose. Makes the son's relationship with Sarah more meaningful and his motivation to "liberate" her from first being "imaginary" and then from the Dark Duke more clear (because she's the only person who's bothered with caring about him). That said, the father doesn't have to be "evil" quite, just a general jerk to his kid. Yes, "Dark Duke" is mostly a working-name. I should come up with something more unique, though I like the idea of him being a Duke. Basically, he's a supernatural policeman; he is duty-bound to catch Sarah and bring her back to the Afterlife. He's prepared to level entire cities in order to find her. He's a spirit, almost a tool, a personification of a desire for a dark sort of justice with one purpose (to catch people who came back from the afterlife). That said, he does enjoy his "fun" or killing lots of people; this means more for the afterlife. He's a servant of the Afterlife in general but also a lackey of the darker of the more powerful spirits there. The idea of the Dad becoming the Dark Duke is... intriguing. As the Dark Duke is a spirit and not a person, it stands to reason that he'd go and posess somebody in order to complete his mission... Very doable... Muhahahahaha!!! *rubs hands together* Although now that I think about it, combining the roles may be cliche because, at least, in Peter Pan the idea was that Cap'n Hook and Mr. Darling (the dad) were basically two manifestations of the same character. Ignore Disney's money-grubbing sequel because Disney sucks and would throw away this notion...
  8. The site keeps track of your progress and tells you exactly how many words until you finish and also a rough estimation of how many words you should type per day. If you keep up a good pace start to finish it's 1667 words a day. For me, because I guess I'm better at description than dialogue (or I have been in the past), each "novel" ends up being about 100~115 pages... Those are MS Word 8 1/2 by 11 pages, though. I guess in a book formating you're looking at a 150~200 page book. It depends on writing style but I guess that could be considered either a short-ish novel or a long novella... Isn't it awesome?!
  9. Hello, So, every November there's a competition on the internet called National Novel Writing Month. You can find them here. They are an awesome bunch. This will be my fifth year competing; essentially the challenge is to write 50,000 words in one month. I've accomplished the 50k deadline three out of four times but I more use it as an exercise now to get a novel idea out onto virtual paper. Obviously a contestant can't start the novel itself until November, but they can do brainstorming and prewriting and research and all the other things they taught us in middle school (and ended up doing little of). I have some basic plot ideas, setting, and a pair of characters: Setting: An Earth-like planet (in that the people are humans who breathe oxygen+nitrogen, have the same gravity, and eat the same sorts of plants and animals that we do) in a Steampunk/19th century level of development. The countries are named differently but have similar cultural feels to Earth countries (eg. one of the main characters is from a country that's 65% England-like and 35% Germany-like). The world's civilizations are just arising out of a dark age that began 300-some years ago. Essentially the world was previously at a technology level 100 years more advanced than the present but a great cataclysm made civilization fall (most likely a Great War but there may be a natural disaster/supernatural disaster element as well). Most of the world is unexplored by the various nations, each one consolidated on Australia-sized continents (though some may be bigger) and separated from the others by Pacific-sized Oceans (the planet will probably be bigger than Earth but still feel like Earth). Characters: Main #1: The son of an extremely wealthy Baron and airship tycoon and his (more or less) trophy wife. From birth, the boy's father wants him to be groomed as a perfect successor. The boy lives from birth in a big ancient castle deep in the country-side and is forbidden de-facto to leave. Though his dad is a control freak who has ridiculous standards, he's delegated most of the tutoring/training out to various stern old specialists. The tutors are unfriendly and impatient and though the boy struggles to meet his father's expectations, he only embarrasses the man, which turns into fury, which turns into child-abuse. His mother is no help. She's something of a Marie Antoinette and is so stuffy and cooped up (not to mention being unable to speak the same language), she rarely remembers she has a son. He is forbidden to play with anyone his age (though there's no one around to play with). His only friend is one that he thinks is imaginary; his father's psychologists have tried to purge his mind of her and so he's kept her a secret since he was about 7. He's nearly 13 when his entire world is thrown topsy-turvy... (I'm open to name suggestions for this chap. I want him to be named something traditionally English or German. I was going to go with Edward, but I realized that there's at least three steampunk-ish things I know of with an Edward as the main character... so that's probably out.) Main #2 (I'm almost sold on naming her Sarah... is that too cliché?): Main #1's "imaginary friend." Sarah appeared to him around the age of 5 and stayed at his side for years thereafter. She was the only thing keeping him going for a long time. When he was almost 13, he found an ancient ritual that could "bring imaginary friends to life." The ancient magic worked and Sarah became a flesh and blood girl Main #1's age (just as he had imagined her for so long). However, this change of events revealed something about her: She wasn't just an imaginary friend. Sarah had lived an entire life before the above mentioned Dark Age. Her soul/spirit had an attachment to this world despite her moving to the afterlife; she wanted to come back and found somebody to spend a second life with. But, their happy ending was not to be (not yet at least) because bringing Sarah back would cost a terrible price. Plot: A boy has lived a stuffy existence inside his father's castle with few joys in life. His only friend is named Sarah and she is imaginary; he desperately wishes her to be real. As he grows older, he finds an ancient magic ritual for bringing "imaginary friends" to life. He finally performs the ritual and succeeds, but finds the price of bringing back the dead quickly. A supernatural figure called "The Dark Duke" follows Sarah into the world, slaughtering the boy's family and setting his castle ablaze. The boy and Sarah run for their lives, stealing an airship and flying as far from the Dark Duke as possible. Though they are able to stay ahead of the wicked enforcer, the boy realizes with maturity that he cannot run from the Duke forever. Sarah formulates a plan and they ready themselves for a final confrontation with their foe... So, I realize this is way too long to read.... But I'm hoping some of you braved these paragraphs.... please? Those of you who did: Is this too cliche? What can I do to improve it? Am I ripping off things that I'm ignorant to? I don't know a lot of anime/manga, to be honest. I'm hoping that, as FE fans on an FE forum, you'd know more about manga and anime. Any advice/thoughts/hateful tirrades would be most helpful and welcome. Thanks.
  10. Greetings, totally coming into this after just skimming the thread. (I read all the juicy parts, though) Magical time travel seems to be inprecise, obviously based on Laurent's support. Judging on what each kid character is doing when the Sheperds show up, my guess is Morgan probably arrived last, like within a few minutes prior to Chrom and company showing up, and Laurent probably arrived first... But I digress. I'll put my reckoning in perenthesis's but if there are no paren's, that means I'm going mostly from appearance and mannerisms (not quite precise, true, but it's all we've got to go on at this point). Parent Characters Ages at the onset of the Plegia War Chrom: 17 (He was very little when his dad died and does remember Emmeryn's early years as Exalt, which to me could be 2 onward) Lissa: 15 (Was too young to remember her parents, so she's got to be at most 17 and at least 15) Fredrick: 29 Sully: 17 (was childhood friends with Chrom, yes, I know that's vague) Virion: 29 Stahl: 18 Vaike: 17 Miriel: 25 Sumia: 17 Kellam: 18 Donnel: 15 (younger than Lissa, born later in the same year ) Lon'qu: 19 Ricken: 13 Maribelle: 16 Panne: 23 (by looks, dunno how long Taguel live) Gaius: 21 Cordelia: 18 Soviet Gregor: 40 Nowi: 1000-something (as stated in game (Yay! Canonical age!!!) Libra: 27 Tharja: 19 Anna: Immortal (okay, so she could not be immortal, but you never know) Olivia: 16 Add 2 years to above for the second bit of the story Cherche: 23 Henry: 21 Say'ri: 24 Tiki: Roughly 3000 (but who's counting, right?) Basilio: 40ish (Could be as young as 40 or as old as 60 in my eyes) Flavia: 35ish (35 is a tentative minimum, really) Gangrel: 37 (assumed to be King during Chrom's Dad's war with Plegia, so that would have made him 21 based on this figure) Walhart: 50 Emmeryn: 26 (was most likely 9 at her father's death, add 15 to that and she was 24 during the Plegia War and now two years older... Most concrete age asside from Nowi's) Yen'fay: 36ish (he's white haired, but that could just be early greying and/or his natural hair color. He does strike me as being the *much* bigger bro to Say'ri, however) Aversa: 28 (says she's 8 years older than Chrom...) Priam: 26 The Kid's Ages Lucina: 18 (I want to say 24, really, dunno why... But she comes from a messed up future of doom, she's more mature than normal) Owain: 16 Inigo: 19 Brady: 17 (I knew a lot of kids in HS who looked as beat up as he does, lol) Kjelle: 16 Cynthia: 16 Severa: 17 Gerome: 19 Morgan: 14 Yarne: 17 Laurent: 20 (He's at most 2 years older than Lucina, having arrived 3 years before her and being at least a good year younger in their timeline (you think Miriel would fight heavy with baby??)) Noire: 15 Nah: Around 20 (she says she was about Laurent's age in their supports, though it's probably not likely for her to have arrived as early as he did) The kids are a confusing bunch... Keep in mind I haven't *quite* played the whole game, nook and cranny and all, but I'm supporting my characters as fast as I can, you know.
  11. Thank you very much indeed, m'liege Marth. XD

  12. So, you can only have 20 DLC/Spotpass characters at a time. I find that a little low, but in all reality, that's almost as many characters you get in any given Fire Emblem anyway, so I suppose it's not all that bad. Now, that in mind, what is your dream team going to be? Here's mine: FE1/3/11/12 Marth Caeda FE2 Arum Cellica FE4/5 Celice Leaf FE6 Roy Lilina Wolt Lugh Lleu (or Ray or Rei or The-Scary-Emo-Twin-of-Lugh) Sophia Zephiel (He is awesome) FE7 Eliwood Lyn Hector Nino Nergal FE8 Lyon FE9/10 Ike ... Yeah, you can tell my tastes are biased. I've only played FE6, 7, 8, and 11 so a lot of these characters I really don't know outside of the terrible fanfiction at FanFiction.net (okay, maybe it's not ALL terrible XD). And also, most the characters I liked from FE8 aren't listed and FE11's characters were a little bland (and I won't get to know them better in the vastly superior sequel because the vastly superior sequel was never released in this country T_T ). Also, I like these games for the characters, so that's influenced my decision beyond their sheer might as units. I like the idea of putting families together and all. eg: Nino and her sons get to hang out now, same thing with Roy, Eliwood, Lilina, and Hector. Oodles of fun. Okay, really, I need to stop babbling. I'd also like to ask what your character wishlist is. Though it's highly unlikely they'll let us have any more characters from previous games than they already are shelling out (gotta give this current game's characters some sort of chance, you know), I'm still curious. Here is my list again: FE1/3/11/12 Gordon Ryan Yumina Yubello Michalis Camus/Sirius/Zeke/that guy who you thought was going to join but died and instead was in the next two as a playable character Gotoh FE4/5 ... (Sorry, haven't played these!) FE6 Chad Hugh Cath Guinevere Murdock FE7 RAVEN!!! (the epic character MUST appear, he MUST!!!) Ninian (as a Manakete!! hehe, now I'm really thinking wishfully) Nils ERK!! (I like Erk, okay) Canas (Canas was awesome) FE8 CORMAG!! (not as epic as Raven, but more than epic enough to be the most epic character in that game...) Ross Amelia Ewan (trainees are awesome) FE9/10 Still waiting for the official list... so I'll wait on this So, feel free to list your dreamteam and your wishlist. XD
  13. Wow, Fire Emblem is doing feverishly well, all things considered. Eh, Nintendo will exist well past our lifetimes in one way or another. Because, the ones who rule over us have noticed that they can get a sizable percentage of Earth to do whatever They want with the help of a certain cartoony Italian plumber. Besides, there needs to be at least SOMEBODY pushing out games without [spoiler=Obscene!!]hookers and tits and blood. You know, for the kids and stuffs. [spoiler=Another thing...](And between me and my phone, I'D rather be the one who's smart.)
  14. Oh yes, I can already see the millions of Marth♥Marth♥Marth fics that'll saturate Fanfiction.net... Personally, I think they'll just be good friends. In seriousness, though, I think 16 year old Marth would be pissed that 19 year old and 21 year old Marth didn't end up as manly as he would've hoped. Now that's just silly.
  15. I should, shouldn't I? Hmmm... maybe I will. How interesting... This opens up a whole other bunch of possiblities for fanfiction. Marth meets himself from two other time periods... Muhahahahaaaa! *retreats to his secret lab* Thank you for the information, btw. lol
  16. I think I know what SpotPass is... kinda. I don't have a 3DS yet... and the very obvious reason for that is because currently the only game on 3DS I'd be remotely interested in would be Fire Emblem: Awakening. (talk about obsessive.. .) But my big question is... How does SpotPass work in this game? How does one connect to SpotPass exactly? Another thing that's interesting and catching my curiousity: Is SpotPass Marth the same as DLC Marth? Can we have both? I know this game hasn't even been announced in my backwater country yet ... but still, if anybody has any idea what I'm talking about I'd be eternally grateful.
  17. And a great deal of time totally did not pass between the times the Doctor could get away to this place... >.< "Hmmm, this new learning amazes me, Sir Belvedere. Explain to me again how sheep's bladers may be used to prevent earthquakes..." - King Aurther to Sir Belvedere on the road to Camelot In all fairness, I knew not the term, but knew the concept all too very well. Interesting... and I do try very hard to make my characters believably human. Although in the case of fanfiction, the humanity of said characters is already laid out. In that case, all I need to do is elaborate. ... You're cute. Ah, but how young do you suppose I am, good sir?? And thank you all for welcoming me. I feel most welcome, for this is a welcome place to feel welcome. In the spirit of welcomeness, I say Your Welcome, although I'm not welcome to believe I said that term properly and may have exhausted my welcome with the welcomeness of that term.
  18. I'll assume that means no dirty stuff or senseless deaths for characters? Well, I think the worst I've ever done is a Science Fiction AU story, I'll proceed under the assumption I'll be fine. Seriously, though, I write stories as an escape into the fantastic, not as... you know... some sort of sick *stuff* you see from time to time. I know a lot of people just love their yoai/yuri when it comes to Fire Emblem, there's a lot of it over on Fanfiction.net. Thus, I should tread lightly when I say I'm kinda sick of yoai/yuri. It's really *not my cup of tea*, so to speak, but even if I was, the shear saturation of it is overwhelming. Oh yes, and I should say that I have an extremely dry sense of humor... unless I'm talking about something I feel strongly about (which I would say before going into it "seriously" or "I'm serious"). But most of the time, yeah, very dry sense of humor... DR
  19. *Reads sign* ... *scratches head* ... *clears throat* Behold, it is I! Doctor Robert! Mortals tremble before meh!! ...Okay, maybe not... Not yet, muhahahahahaha!! Well, I'm a Fire Emblem freak like the rest of you (I'm certain), and it's nearly the only video game series I'm really into. Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda just seem a little too superfluous, a little too normal. I like stuff that's obscure and less known, it appeals to me. I've played FE7 and 8 on the GameBoy and FE11 on the DS (I'm still rooting for the release of FE12 in my Country, seeing as it's vastly superior to it's predecessor). I've also *cough*cough* *cough* FE6 through extrodinary means. Because Ima like that and Nintendo didn't exactly make it fair for me, me being unable to read Japanese and they being unable to release the sequel to a game I played legally in my backwater country... ( ) If I were in Fire Emblem, I'd be in a GameBoy one ('cus they be my favorite) and I'd start out as a Mage Mercenary (equiping Swords and Anima magic) able to promote to a Sage Hero (adding Axes and Light magic). But yeah, I'm sure you're all thinking that's rather vain (also impossible given the particulars of the coding of the said games), but I can dream, can't I? I write a lot in real life. I'm working it into being part of my career. But, as an exercise and for fun, I write a whole crap load of Fanfiction about these folk from these games. Fire Emblem is rather unique in that the characters are actually interesting and very easy to write about, even the ones with only bit parts; part of the reason why I like it so much. You can find me over in fanfiction.net if you feel inclined. But I'm here to talk about Fire Emblem, maybe some politics about it, maybe some about my favorite characters and stuff about these games. I'm sure that's what we're all here for. I'll see you all soon, I'm certain, DR
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