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Everything posted by IkeandMia

  1. Something tells me that if it ever got localized there'd be a bit of editing to cut down on the incestuous pairings...
  2. Aren't we all a little masochist, being fans of THIS series?
  3. My 55 hours seems but a pittance compared to some. I must redouble my efforts!
  4. I'm still waiting on my Tellius prequel starring the manliest of men Greil.
  5. I've been advocating a multi-gen FE6-7 remake for years now. It already even has an Avatar-like character, so it would be pretty easy to rework.
  6. I'd guess I'm Tharja minus the creepy stalker bit. Generally unenthusiastic about everything except the very few things that interest me.
  7. The only thin that really disappoints me with the game is that I feel the antagonists are rather weak. Other than that I adore the game, and am willing to make concessions for the "laziness" in certain areas due to the sheer amount of content that would have been necessary to full flesh out all the support options. I'm torn on whether or not this is my favorite FE game. Gameplay wise it's the clear winner in my opinion. I'm not sure if this cast of characters is my favorite though. I think I still prefer both the FE7 and Tellius crews to these guys, though it isn't a bad cast by any means.
  8. Since the mythology of Tellius deals with what amounts to the creation of intelligent life I'm willing to imagine the Tellius games being the first in the timeline, happening a looooooong time before any of the other games. Give it a few millenia and all those other continents that got swallowed by the great flood could've reemerged and became the continents we know from the other FE titles.
  9. Grima's Back would make an awesome Smash stage.
  10. Chrom/Lucina tag team ala Ice Climbers. Makes sense to emphasize them fighting as pair due to the Pair Up mechanic.
  11. Honestly I think the most forgettable character (despite the game trying to insist Kellam is forgettable) is Stahl. Since he seems to probably be the most "normal" character in an army full of schtick slinging nut jobs. I honestly forget Stahl exists half the time.
  12. Yeah I will say that none of the antagonists in this game ever gave me a feeling that they were gonna wreck my face like some of the other guys in this series have. Gangrel has no business sharing the "Mad King" title with a swirling vortex of chaos like Ashnard, for example. Gangrel went down like a punk. Batou from Ghost in the ShellWalhart actually managed to accomplish a few things and you got the sense his underlings were genuinely afraid of him. Validar just makes me lol...how can anyone take this guy seriously as a legitimate "king" of Plegia with that look? And openly worshiping the embodiment of utter darkness and destruction? C'mon now. At least killing a deranged version of yourself was kinda interesting. I absolutely love everything about this game except the antagonists, seriously some of the weakest in the series to date in my opinion.
  13. I'll be completely honest, hearing someone say FE7 is the worst FE game from the 6-13 span is legitimately one of the worst opinions I have ever heard about anything, ever.
  14. Oh the cross game supports that could have been. LutexSerra supports have been a dream of mine for years.
  15. Whenever Chrom dies it goes in super duper ultra mega slow motion as his corpse flies through the air, just to rub it in. On an unrelated note, I've always found so devious the way the enemy would hit you and leave a unit with like 2 HP, then of COURSE the AI proceeds to move all of the irrelevant across the map units and saves the killing blow to your guy for very last. IS you bastards.
  16. Are we trying to slate all the FE games together into one timeline? If so, we can probably put Tellius safely as the first series, as it actually involves the physical creation of the world and the first appearances of intelligent life.
  17. Nothing yet to quite match the horror of my Lyn getting nailed by a 12 and an 8 consecutively 20 turns into Cog of Destiny and dying but this game certainly feels a lot more single RNG than others I've played.
  18. Ike x Micaiah? Eh, i've seen worse ships. Though I betcha can't guess who I ship there.
  19. Noire is quickly becoming my favorite character the more of her I see, though overall I think I still prefer the 1st gen.
  20. It makes me kinda sad; while Mickey isn't my favorite character ever I don't hate her nearly as much as most. Oh well. I really dig Lyn's new poofy scarf thing.
  21. I got Ashnard as my first PoR Spotpass lol. Micaiah's new portrait bugs me. The blatant cleavage seems a bit forced.
  22. Ike is so badass he doesn't need your fancy sword beams. Just HURL that sucker.
  23. It's like a complete diceroll for me when it decides to work. I have three Sacred Stones characters right now.
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