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Everything posted by AwesomeSauce

  1. Most likely knows what a computer is.
  2. Admittedly, it's more often than not correct. Likes the only FE game to make me cry.
  3. Probably doesn't know my middle name.
  4. Banned for knowing about a character that I don't. (Stocke?) I actually guessed it was Shulk, but couldn't tell Lucina. I am ashamed.
  5. Banned for me being unable to tell what your Picture is supposed to be.
  6. Grima. Why do you think? WCWY hate to have to break the news that their puppy died to?
  7. Wait, can we do them if they are pre-established characters from another franchise? Like, Henry x Cynthia (from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl)? I probably won't do that, but just for an example. (By the way, i'm definitely going to submit one or two.)
  8. I would be a soldier. Just in the middle of a lot of generic soldiers. Just have someone with a sense of humor talk to me. Humorous person: Oh joy, another soldier. Me: What, am I too generic to have you talk to me? That's class-ist. Person: What? You can talk? Me: Yeah...? Of course I can speak! Most of my comrades you just killed didn't have time to speak. Person: Oh... Me: Yeah... Well, I hated them anyway. Can I help you kill them? Person: Uhh... okay? Class: Soldier (obviously) Lv: 3 H.P.: 23 (80%) Magic: 4 (15%) Strength: 14 (75%) Speed : 16 (60%) Skill: 17 (25%) Luck: 16 (60%) Defense: 13 (40%) Resistance: 4 (38%) Someone should make a hack with all these characters.
  9. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. That's a real word, by the way.
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