Frost: Perfect Winter (Green Tome / Flier / Water Blessing - Pair-Up/Duel Effect, +3 SPD)
35 HP (-) / 38 ATK (+) / 33 SPD (+) / 14 DEF (-) / 34 RES (+) - 149-151 BST
(+10 stats at neutral): 39 HP / 42 ATK / 37 SPD / 18 DEF / 38 RES
Base Kit:
Weapon: Blessed Svaerkaldt (14 MT/2 RN; Grants +3 RES; If unit is within two spaces of an ally unit; grants +5 ATK/RES during combat. If unit's HP ≥ 50% and unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack.)
Special: Iceberg (3 CD, Boosts damage by 50% of unit's RES.)
A-Slot: RES Superiority 3 - At start of combat, if unit's RES >= foe's RES, grants ATK/SPD/DEF/RES+4 during combat. (This will include Combat buffs such as Bonds, Spurs and Drives to the calculation; also Inheritable).
B-Slot: Quick Riposte 4 - If unit's HP ≥ 50% and foe initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack. (Inheritable)
C-Slot: Enfeebling Chill - At start of turn, if foes within 3 columns centered on unit have RES ≤ unit's RES-3, inflicts -7 SPD/RES through their next actions. This will also nullify Adaptive Damage effects through the foe's next actions. (Exclusive)
Designed primarily to be a mixed-phase magic user; capable of unleashing pain on the Player Phase with a PRF and at the same time, laughing at mages during enemy phase. Enfeebling Chill; while a little similar to Yune's Chaos Named; functions more like a souped-up SPD/RES Ploy to nerf the enemy's SPD and RES stats for more doubles or preventing the enemy from doubling and making them more prone to magical damage; and nullifying the adaptive damage effects allowing this flier mage to even tank dragons if needed.