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About TheJavKnowsNobody

  • Birthday 09/02/2002


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  • Interests
    Videogames, some board games, writing stories, drawing doodles
  • Location
    Spain (but the S isn't silent)

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    New Mystery of the Emblem

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  1. Thanks for the feedback. I've added some "cosmetic" touches (trees, the path, more natural cliffs) and some modifications of my own (more breathing room at the start, a wider bridge, both an armory and a shop that aren't too off the beaten path, since the map is meant to be a light gauntlet). There's also some space between cliffs that could be used for secrets only certain units can access. Anyway, I think this map turned out better than the only other one I've made, which has more thought behind its concept but is a bit rough. i swear maps won't be the only thing i post
  2. Greetings! I'm currently working on the first hack I'll ever release. This is not my first rodeo when it comes to hacking (I've been making FE6 and FE7 hacks for my own enjoyment since early 2018, and I know my way around FEBuilder) but I'd say I'm still fairly inexperienced, as I still don't know some of the more technical stuff. So, what's this hack going to be? A comedic, jokey, slightly gimmicky one full of references to everything and a very thin plot (the basic premise for most of the hack is that the lord is sick of some guy's guts, so he sets out with his army on a crusade to kill him). There's a certain focus on humor, but I also want it to be a bit more than a joke stretched too thin by trying to give it fairly decent gameplay. So far, I have a good chunk of the 28 planned maps conceptualized, and about two maps that are more or less implemented. For the most part, the maps have a fairly clear design philosophy behind them, instead of being stuff slapped together. The hack will have 69 units, most of which have unique prfs and skills. I'm trying to avoid making an enemy-phase focused game by jacking up enemy offenses to respectable levels while nerfing their defense and resistance slightly. I'd rather keep some of the hack's more specific details (see: characters) until it's officially announced and I've made some progress.. As for the exact help I'd need? Well, it's mostly graphical (palettes, animations, making maps look good...), musical (I can insert midis and tracks from other games just fine, I just need to know how to loop them and learn how to use midi editors), related to events (cutscenes, map conditions/events...), gameplay-related (when it comes to units I think I can make them fun and varied even if they're not well balanced, but I don't trust my map design skills as much). I wouldn't mind having to commission someone for music or animations (because that's a thing), though it might be a bit impractical. If you have any questions or want to help, just ask me! For now, I'll leave you with this map layout I want some feedback on: (yes, the file name is named bitches. Let's not talk about that.)
  3. https://forms.gle/qLnMRvokxZRpcj6RA Gen 1. https://forms.gle/tdNdnKGn9D4zJ6987 Gen 2. https://forms.gle/HtiN992xFFnAR8tYA Substitute Characters. https://forms.gle/QfeqdnNUcHBWksv86 NPCs and Antagonists. This will be the last one for now. Would you be interested in spinoff surveys?
  4. https://forms.gle/EJ1ro5qkgmjFAVHz5 Playable Characters, Part 1. https://forms.gle/FMWu9p7ahZgeUwdj9 Playable Characters, Part 2. https://forms.gle/wqp96B6N3665qzxaA NPCs and Antagonists Here we go, it's Thracia!
  5. https://forms.gle/a2ZVNDPMU32mtdJZ9 Playable Characters, Part 1. https://forms.gle/KB8ujZvAuuH6Ahyf8 Playable Characters, Part 2. https://forms.gle/96gY8btwD8ZcmKhK7 NPCs and Antagonists
  6. https://forms.gle/kkuEvngWXoQY1rQXA Playable Characters, Part 1. https://forms.gle/Trc927EsGD3h6CjX9 Playable Characters, Part 2. https://forms.gle/J2TeVspMK2X2reVV9 NPCs and Antagonists
  7. The link to the Playable Characters Part 2 poll won't embed, but if you copy and paste it into your browser's search bar it should work just fine. Not sure what happened.
  8. In case the embed doesn't work for whatever reason, here's an important note: While the gap between surveys has been cut in half, voting still lasts 36 hours. If you're familiar with the Tellius games and weren't around when their survey was first posted, you still have time until tomorrow (8/3) at 5:15 AM GMT-4 to vote. Anyway, Playable Characters, Part 1: https://forms.gle/rHnGGXEzPHN3SRi68 Playable Characters, Part 2: https://forms.gle/Lq5UtUpoiZ5wiy526 NPCs, Antagonists: https://forms.gle/539YhC7fS5bfvczK6
  9. Sorry for not posting in a long time, but here is Tellius! I wasn't dead, I was just taking a break. https://forms.gle/7DrvqgpZoydWaTy56 Playable Characters, Part 1 (debuted in FE9) https://forms.gle/4YytvmkF7maWt5vFA Playable Characters, Part 2 (debuted in FE9) https://forms.gle/nDyvXyFaqiY6ZRJK9 Playable Characters, Part 3 (debuted in FE10) https://forms.gle/KhpavRzBKhctQicM8 (PoR NPCs that are playable in RD, bar some antagonists) https://forms.gle/LFSu1XayHVC6zhVr6 (NPCs and Antagonists.)
  10. The moment no one has been waiting for. https://forms.gle/L6WpAVJGunWaWpBw9 - Playable Cast, Part 1 (FE1) https://forms.gle/ZCVq8hQwyBRHQhq39 - Playable Cast, Part 2 (FE1) https://forms.gle/TTE7tb5qChPh9y9s5 - Playable Cast, Part 3 (FE3) https://forms.gle/eFD7eN2FDBTXvr6t9 - Playable Cast, Part 4 (BSFE and remake-exclusive characters) https://forms.gle/G24qmG1emsbMCvvM6 - NPCs, antagonists and misc
  11. The other moment you've been waiting for, if two hours late. https://forms.gle/sNEiXDVYwxeBKtC88 Playable Characters, part 1. https://forms.gle/TjuHFT4Qwj8psVYQ9 Playable Characters, part 2. https://forms.gle/9qzctyK2rT25J43P8 Second Generation. https://forms.gle/qJoypZSP5aaMKUyJ6 Antagonists and Misc. Characters
  12. Fates: the moment you've been waiting for. Characters that are available on Birthright and Conquest + Fuga: https://forms.gle/5HLSqnJswETTacsNA Birthright Poll: https://forms.gle/3t2BNAU4QhUNw1dQ7 Conquest Poll: https://forms.gle/prrcyUqMqE9S99AV9 Children Poll: https://forms.gle/E1mp9yydfF3LwZPc8 Antagonists and misc. characters: https://forms.gle/JzmPGV9wgJJmScMu5
  13. A day and two hours late, but here is the SoV poll. I won't hurry much in the making of this survey since this is a fairly casual thing. Alm's Path: https://forms.gle/cvNoNVpPhNW8TQ6f7 Celica's Path: https://forms.gle/erzGgg8a25ZwGbGz8 DLC characters, Antagonists and NPCs: https://forms.gle/QsZKa441YL9txaBe8
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