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Found 13 results

  1. She makes the best warrior in my opinion for anyone who uses bows more than axes. I have chrom on her with speed/dex 5. (2nd skill not learned yet). Over 40 speed and dex and close to 50 str is nutty. Plus with her personal skill, in combo with Chrom's crit damage and surprise attack you are looking at a crazy killer. And getting the 30 magic radiant bow damage while engaged is really nice. All of this can be done as a sniper (sniper may actually be better overall for crit) but I found warrior just looks better and has better growths/melee weapon access. Plus having the back up range with long bow is really nice. (Not to mention as a back up Robin backup attacks can't miss) so it is just free added damage. Look at what you made me do! Proceeds to throw axe in sky and slam it on my enemy's skull
  2. Recently, I have a nice challenge in my head: Build all the unite in the game in hard mode, that means that I have to maximise all there stars, gives them the best class possible and the best skills possible. For the maximized stat, I already complete 25 of the first 36 character (I will also do the DLC character when they will be available) and for the class I am not sure if I give them the best class since the majority of them have their canon class, I precise that I didn't buy any skills since I am not sure what skills is the best for each character so if someone has already made this challenge or if someone can help me with the build of the units it would be really great thank you ^^.
  3. Note: I've never used a site like this before, apologies if I (somehow) mess up. Hello, I'm looking for help with what build / class path I should go with for Female Byleth on the AM route. This will be my first time trying to seriously play / finish the game, and I'm at a loss for what I should do with her. I've planned out nearly everyone else's builds, but I can't think of anything concrete for Byleth. Originally I planned to go Merc / Archer > Assassin, but I'm not so sure anymore. She's pretty good with bows, and ideally I'd like to keep that in her build, but I'm open to all suggestions. Thank you in advance.😊
  4. Hello, everybody. I am currently doing a Lunatic Conquest run (chapter 12) with a +Mag/-Lck Corrin for a Malig Knight build. I'm thinking about getting Draconic Hex at lvl 15 as a Nohr Noble and training my tomb skill level in the meantime. But most likely scenario is Heart Seal right when she promotes. Promoting to Wyvern Rider right now with no magic options feels kinda weird, but let me know your opinions. Also, Jakob's kinda been pulling Corrin's weight as a Paladin. Corrin doubles, but she doesn't net more kills than Jakob already does (S+ support). Thanks in advance!
  5. Hello again! This time I've come to tell you about Rinkah, the ever overlooked unit. While people praise Silas in BR for being tanky and dealing damage (and having mobility) or Oboro for these same reasons, they also say Rinkah is bad because her offence (namely strength) sucks, especially her base of 8 and her base speed of 8. She's level 4 at the beginning of the game. She has Silas' level 6 base def, 15% more def growth, Silas' base spd, 5% more growth, +2 magic with 20% more growth, their personnal skills make their strength 12 (Rinkah) and 14 (Silas) with 8 base and 15% less growth for Rinkah vs 11 for Silas, while Rinkah's personnal gives her 6 base magic just by giving her an HP tonic at the beginning of the chapter and she keeps it for the whole chapter unless you abuse heals on her, meanwhile Silas stays at his base. Silas has elbow room, giving him +3 str/magic, but it's nothing Rinkah can't get, since marrying her with Silas/cavalier talent Corrin gives her elbow room too (and marriage seals are much less used than heart seals), so now with 2000 gold she has +7 str/mag just by using an HP tonic each chapter (150 gold per chapter won't ruin you, be honest with yourselves). Now if you wish to give her another reclass into diviner, she grabs mag +2, now gaining 9 points of magic alongside seal res (3 skill slots until there, 7 str 9 mag without a single str/mag level up), although at the cost of 2000 gold. Silas would have to marry a diviner to get that, but she can befriend Orochi and not force her to go cavalier/oni 3rd class. As a promoted unit, she can take luna from Silas marriage, reducing ennemy's res to bits while Silas still struggles to activate vow of friendship for +3 damage/def (meanwhile she has his VoF def without any skill in her base class in a few level ups with 65% def growth, she might even have 12 def at level 6 while Silas still has 10+3 with VoF). She can also abuse armored blow for 0 damage as an oni/blacksmith on PP, while Silas will still take damage with it as a great knight against promoted ennemies. She can grab lancebreaker, quixotic, rend heaven, tomefaire. So she can get a full passive damage boost build (Fiery blood, elbow room, mag +2, tomefaire) with situational skills (armored blow, rend heaven/luna, quixotic, lancebreaker, pavise, also quixotic makes luna/rend heaven and pavise's activation rate skyrocket with +15% while 30% ennemy hit is totally laughable considering the damage they'll do to her as a paladin/GK/oni savage/blacksmith/basara with her 45% personal def growth carried into any class and her 16 pre-promtion level ups + post promotion). Meanwhile Silas needs to marry to get lancefaire for bolt naginata/any lance to be really strong, he has 10% less personal magic growth in a base class with 0% magic growth for bolt naginata to be of any use, 0 personal magic base and scrolls/parchments are a waste on him, + he can't get seal res alongside mag +2, rend heaven, quixotic and tomefaire, his spd growth is 10% lower than Rinkah's in any class with equal base spd and no base class/promotion access to tomes to train it or keep it in, and tomefaire is a waste on him. ------ So, Silas vs Rinkah: - Silas personal def is 2 points higher than Rinkah, but he is 2 levels higher than her and has 5% less growth (don't forget he has 50%, and here it's 50% vs 55% in the cavalier class or 65% in base class, nearly 2 points per 3 level ups, so 8-10 points at level 20 for her vs 7 for him on average, and less RNG praying for Rinkah's def level ups). His magic ability is way lower than hers, his only worthy 1-2 range weapons can't double attack, let ennemies double him very often (-5 spd, letting him at 3 spd at base LOL at level 6) so he's locked to 1 range forever or to bench-level speed still forever even if RNG blessed. - Rinkah has: real 1-2 range options, with stat boosts on top of it (scrolls/parchments), a world worth of skills to make up for low growth still better than part of the physical cast's magic, 2 activable skills for choice, death blow if you want this subpar skill useless outside PP, she makes any magic weapon she has access to godly with her +9 damage (11 magic at base with those skills), any scroll/parchment like horse spirit godly with her +14 damage to it in lategame and still +9 before that, and she can abuse pavise alongside being bulletproof physically. Now her nodamageness outdamages most of the cast in the magic dpt as well as staying on par with them in physical damage. Don't forget her awesome skill growth that will skyrocket in anything else than oni blob, lancebreaker making her tome wielding even more OP since shuriken/daggers don't reach 1 damage against her for most of the game past the first few levels, well, you have a brick wall, with good to godly offence depending on the ennemies she faces but always a way to deal with any of them (seal res, luna, quixotic for procs), good enough speed in any class (especially out of oni savage, +1 base spd and +5% growth in diviner), and all that without a stat booster, her personal skill being the easiest to trigger in like the whole cast since it requires nearly nothing, while Silas has to put Corrin into danger zone to trigger it. Oh, I forgot one point, since she barely takes any physical damage without PU, most ennemies will just stand there like sandbags as long as she's in the way to other units. With pavise she doesn't really fear magic anymore, and one seraph robe should let her be the real thing for the whole game. Maybe your talismans should be given to her to let her draw every magic unit at her and kill them like they're nothing in PP (if she didn't autokill them in EP that is...). Horse spirit Rinkah with this build is just bonkers. You think it's a lot of investment? She can be a cavalier as soon as level 4 and grab elbow room at level 5 and she will already have +7 hybrid damage, and luna already makes her OP alongside seal res, diviner is just making her the most tanky mage in FE history (or so I think), and her ability to have +9/+14 effective magic makes her laugh at Saizo's magic growth. And for PVP you can always max stats her so she has +12/+14 damage on top of capped mag, and maybe horse spirit boost if you use it. ------ Give me only one non Ryoma/Xander who has physical bulk, high activation rates, high hit rates, high hybrid damage, every weapon access alongside magic, with a build with a -faire, pavise for magic tanking, and all that while being fast enough to double most ennemies and horse spirit boost easing the spd requirement to do so, with 2 of the best hybrid classes speed/def cap-wise (basara 31 base max spd, oni chieftain 30, basara 30 def, oni 36), and all that without needing to PU to get any of these stats, not only staying relevant for the whole game, but being better as the game goes on (stats-wise and skills-wise). All this with lancebreaker and ninja access if she ever wants to go that way in the end (shurikenfaire replaces tomefaire, +2 spd from shurikens, effective weaponry and magic weapon) or for duplicate if you have to chokepoint 2 areas at the same time. That's wright, except a def blessed magic MU, nobody can do that. Hayato has non existent skill, no cavalier access outside MU marriage, and shaky tanking stats/ Orochi has low speed, nonexistent physical bulk/ Silas can't access oni savage and diviner at the same time and has nonexistent magic base/growth/ Xander lacks spd and res and can't go magic any time soon for better offence, since most ennemies have higher def than res it's a pity/ Odin is too shaky and needs a DLC class to fix him ASAP (one without magic) and he can't get any useful faire except maybe in axes but berserker isn't the best class to go through if you go hybrid build and he can't get a -faire alongside elbow room (+ no free damage personal skill) unless you make him a swordsmaster but his magic stat will suffer, and his bulk will be awful, and as a dark knight his speed will be unusable past midgame. All these require PU bonuses to even be good/great (no PU Xander is just a powerful tank, he won't double trash ever and his res is far from anything good, alongside no rightful king-like skill for him to abuse pavise, and he can't get quixotic without loosing sword efficiency so his personal weapon goes to waste because lancefaire or tomefaire doesn't help him a lot in his good classes). ------ That's all for Rinkah's niche. As you see it's quite the skillset, and only 1 way to get it (marriage + friendship), but it singlehandedly recks the competition as it blows away one stat attackers by being good physically AND magically, offensively AND defensively, and letting many final classes accessible for whatever you prefer (if you're fine with 32 max def, Rinkah can stay basara for +1 spd over oni chieftain, but if you prefer 38 max def over 1 spd and 5 skl, then she can go back to oni chieftain, don't forget pavise activation rate depends on skill and basara gives her 10% growth whereas oni gives 0). BTW, I wonder why IS made Rinkah's skill cap -2 while she has 50% PERSONAL skill growth and 4 personal base skill, one of the best in all routes...especially for a hard hitting base class unit. I'd trade 2 def cap for 2 skill cap in oni any time, dat base and dat max...
  6. I've seen a lot of people talking about units they want in the game but not necessarily how they'd like to see them built. So I figured I'd make a thread about how you would build them! I didnt see a thread like this already made but if there was please let me know? So I'll start. Queen's Guard: Lucia Naturally she'd be a red infantry sword, with lower HP and defense than Mia. Where she'd shine is her above average speed and resistance, making her a rather rare sword mage killer as she'd be capable of avoiding being doubled and her high res means mages would have a hard time one-rounding her. Her generally lackluster attack from in her base game is offset by a high magic stat, so those would be balanced to give her a decent attack stat in Heroes. I'm not really sure what weapon to give her, but she may start out with a Wo Dao+ or something similar, mostly because I'm not sure if she should get a personal weapon. Her special would be Astra Skill A: Death Blow or Spd/Res Bond Skill B: Desperation or Dull Ranged Skill C: Queen's Guard - if a flier ally within two spaces is attacked, grants ally Atk, Spd, Def, and Res +3 Bear in mind that this is just for fun and so they don't have to be perfect. I just thought it would be enjoyable to see everyone's ideas :)
  7. So i was thinking of building my Merric I 5 stared him and his IVs are Spd+ HP- which is perfect and i got all of his skills so i was wondering How should i Build him? also he's going to be in my Mystery of the Emblem team with Marth, Linde and Gordin
  8. I wasn't really sure if this belonged in the Pokemon group or not so I'm putting it here. Pokemon Insurgence is a fanmade pokemon game that's really cool and I decided to pick it up to pass some time! My question is for people who have played it. I want to use a team of Deltas for my playthrough. What would you consider the best ones? My starter is Delta Bulbasaur and I like a well rounded team. Right now I have Bulbasaur, Pikachu, and Nidoran but I'm the type that likes to use special pokemon if they're available in a playthrough, so... any recommendations? If it helps, I don't do competitive, just playthroughs so just deltas to make the playthrough better would be nice. Thank you!
  9. NOTE: I will post the builds at a later time. for now, I have stats and a long description. Siegbert: Future King Siegbert has managed to extract himself from his Father's shadow and stand on his own 4 legs, trading away the defensive, Distant Counter Siegfriedfor an offensive, Swift Sparrow 2 Dark Greatsword. Compared to his father Xander has slightly lower defense and Resistance, and significantly reduced health, but slightly increases his Attack and shoots his speed through the roof, being the fastest cavalier to date. His massive power lets him break through and kill nearly every Red unit lacking Wary Fighter, whereas a special proc from Draconic Aura or Dragon Fang let him bust through a significant portion of blue units. With Swift Sparrow 2 in his A slot, he reaches 58/43 Atk/Spd offenses at neutral, allowing him to double any unit with less than 38 base speed. Most importantly however, he is mounted, capable of initating with the range of an infantry mage/archer to improve his offensive niche, and grabbing Hone Cavalry for a mind-blowing 64/49 initiation offense, allowing him to kill just about anyone who isn't wielding Swordbreaker/Wary Fighter, or an incredibly bulky blue. He pays for it however with painfully mediocre HP for a melee unit, and an utterly destructive resistance stat, with only Fredrick's 14 losing to his 15. His mediocre health may let him easily activate Desperation, but his awful Res results in a magic user needing a mere 34 magic to 2HKO him, or 43 for Green mages, a stat every single optimized magic tome reaches. This makes it dangerous for him to rest in the range of any Blade-Tome user when in Desperation range, and the range of Blue Mages, Blue and even Red Dragons are simply off limits to him at all times as he can never reliably take hits from any of them except an unbuffed Blarblade Odin, and he cannot kill either Adult nor Young Tiki on initiation without dying to Quick Riposte. Siegbert is only summonable at 5-stars. However, he has a boosted BST that brings his stats to the level of a lower-BST Infantry unit. Similarly to Sigurd, this gives him a boost in Arena, as he has both that and an exclusive weapon to boost his weighting to that of any usual legendary infantry such as Lucina or Seliph. Overall Pros/Cons Base Kit Builds (Heavily WIP) Legend Bold = Reccomended for build Italics = Distinctly Suboptimal yet possible for build Underlined Bold = Necessary for build Desperate Move (General Offense) Usage: General-Use, Deadly Initiator (Aim to initiate combat, risking life for more likely kills), Endurance(Becomes significantly more capable of killing as time goes on) Our Other Boy (Galeforce Offense) Usage: Arena Offense(Excelling either at point score or at killing meta units) , Safe Initiator (Aim to initiate combat, surviving the fallout almost assuredly alive), Penny Pincher (Budget Offense) Usage: Extremely Cheap (3-4* inherits only, <= 3 inherited units) Deadly Initiator (Aim to initiate combat, risking life for more likely kills)
  10. So with the new release of sacred seals forge i saw the possiility to forge a "Phantom speed 3" which gives you +10 spd in comparison to another unit so does it make it pretty broken? Imagine a brave weapon user (Reinhardt for example?) with watersweep 3, he have a pityfull speed of 15-21 but with a +spd IV (who will ever do that) so 21spd + Horse buffs (27spd) and the sacred seal utility (+10) he reaches a total of 37spd (or 34 for neutral spd)! (Of course a 40+10 reinhardt is even better) Since watersweep requires only unit spd>1 he can safely poke a lot more of unit with DC or cancel green mages counter attack (like julia's low speed about 38 at her most with L&D3) Anyway it was a build i though of but i dont have the material for it nor want to build it Please tell me if any of you guys tried it, virtually it seems very strong so i would like to know the real results thx PS: -If reinhardt doesnt even oneshot an enemy at his first double strike there might a problem lol, basically i just suggested a useless build -We all know that reinhardt's damage potentiel will be reduced by alot because of magic deflect -This build idea example was set on reinhardt but of course you can use it on other units
  11. This is under major overhaul. How do you go about planning builds for your characters for Arena? These are my general build processes, but they need a lot of improvement and streamlining so critique is much appreciated. Hopefully, this will also help players who have trouble figuring it out how to build their own units. Disclaimer: Here is arcticsilverfox's calculator that is required for this process; it is based on Andu2's calculator which you can also use. You can also use the calculator to experiment with your own ideas. The introduction covers general game play philosophy and a little bit about my play style. It is not necessary to read it, but you will have a better understanding of the build process. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — This section's information is pending deletion/revision/overhaul to be incorporated into the above section. Before building a Player Phase unit, you should decide what kind of Player Phase unit you want to build. Player Phase builds are divided into two main categories: high Spd builds and low Spd builds. High Spd builds are your regular Player Phase builds that utilize an A skill that boosts both Atk and Spd and the B skill is usually Desperation. Low Spd builds consists of one shot builds, Brave builds, and Special spam builds. Here is the build process for Player Phase units: Here are my build processes for maximizing wins and minimizing losses on Enemy Phase. I do not enjoy planning these as much since they do not suit my play style as much. Here is the build process for Enemy Phase units: Here is the build process for Enemy Phase survival units: What do you guys think? Are there any flaws or things that I overlooked? Obviously, my build processes are not able to give you cool builds like Medic Lucina, Medic Linde, Galeforce Lyn, Wings of Mercy Hector, or Wings of Mercy dancers/singer; that takes creativity and creativity does not sprout from static formulas. You can also check this same guide on fireemblemheroesforum.com in this thread. The formatting there looks less "wordy" so it may be easier to read. Edit Log: Wishlist: — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - BEGINNER POINTERS - - - Here is a list of pointers. Not a big fan of most beginner guides since they fail to mention important concepts and drone on about obvious stuff. If there is anything you think is too obvious on here, please let me know so I can remove it. I do not want new players reading about things they already know about; it wastes their time. —<>—<>—<>— Before you start doing anything, please read these. —<>—<>—<>— Rerolls Natures DO NOT SEND HOME FREE UNITS!!! —<>—<>—<>— Here are pointers for general housekeeping right after the tutorial. —<>—<>—<>— DO NOT COMPLETE CHAIN CHALLENGES ON NORMAL DIFFICULTY!!! Positioning Units at the Start of the Map Upgrade Castle Upgrade Barracks Skip Animation —<>—<>—<>— Playing the game. —<>—<>—<>— Grand Hero Battles Team Composition Ranged Versus Melee Units Player Phase Versus Enemy Phase Combat Use Dancers/Singer/Assists Skill Inheritance Merging —<>—<>—<>— Here are some other pointers. —<>—<>—<>— Online Resources Common Abbreviations/Jargon This section is still under construction. I will add more pointers when I encounter something new players should know.
  12. So since I have yet to see this spelled out anywhere, Name a class, then name another class that can effectively dispatch the former- assuming both units have maxed stats and weapons. I've noticed a maxed out swordmaster with 150 avo, 69 spd (while paired) still ends up being outgunned by daggers/shuriken. While normal units would have 0% hit chance, master ninjas that dont even have maxed stats are somehow able to achieve around a 60% hit rate. This is WITH the swordmaster having shurikenbreaker and (I think) without the master nin having swordbreaker. Does the weapon triangle advantage really give THIS much of an advantage? Im not sure if i have the correct cause of this phenomena, and I may be exaggerating the hit rate a bit, but regardless I've seen some hit rates that dont really make sense based solely on stats. Thoughts? This was posted with 5 vs 5 multiplayer in mind. Not castle battles.
  13. I blew up the "Improving the Genealogy Path" thread with this and it was suggested I come over to the Hackers sub ... before we get started, I'm very comfortable with building software from source in a *NIX environment and hopefully you are too. OK, now to the nitty gritty - I haven't even made script changes to the patch, I'm just trying to build it vanilla in a SLES11 SP2 Linux environment. First issue - fe4p/fe4p.c, the #define macro for row and col vars doesn't like to compile. I manually moved it inline and I can compile this OK.The next big issue is in making the fonts. s11sp2:~/FE4/fe4transsrc # make menufont ... ./fe4enc newfont.bin zfont.bin gmake[1]: *** [zfont.bin] Segmentation fault If I run this command through GDB I see the issue is here: Compressing... 3.3% Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x08048d6f in FindMatch (bestmatch=0xbffff514, readahead=0x8061239 "\347\271\ב\177\221o") at lz77.c:80 80 if(*match != *readahead || So I tried to fake this by using the Windows fe4enc.exe I've seen floating around by manually generating a zfont.bin from the newfont.bin included in the source package. I had to do this for another font file as well. I eventually got an .ips (yay!) but when I loaded it, everything was messed up in the game (boo!). OK, starting over. "make spotless" then just did a "make". All goes well until gmake[1]: Entering directory `/root/FE4/fe4transsrc/dcenc' ../bin/65816 -c -hi dcenc.asm ... [entering second pass] assembling code at $91FAB0...finished at $91FBD3. *** glibc detected *** ../bin/65816: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x08063b20 *** ... Soo... Has anyone successfully compiled this from source in Linux to make a working .ips ? Anyone know why you'd make script, or make dump?
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