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Found 4 results

  1. Currently I'm playing FE6 and, almost reaching chapter 17, I heard about the route split to Sacae or Illia ("you go to Sacae if Sue and Shin combined EXP is higher than Tate and Shanna EXP, otherwise you go to Illia), so I started to wonder: If, before that chapter, Shin, Sue, Tate and Shanna die, all of them, what will happen? Will I go to Sacae or Illia? Or someway those chapters will be skipped and then ? And how does the game decides to which route I will go? I know it calculates the total EXP earned by the nomads and by the pegasus knights, and if Shanna and Tate's is higher than Shin and Sue's you go to Illia (otherwise, you go to sacae). But if some of them gain some EXP and then died (before chapter 17) will it count? For example, if Shin reached level 20 and then die, will his EXP be counted or does it count as 0, so to go to Sacae only Sue's EXP will count vs Tate and Shanna's to decide to which contry I will go in the route split ? And if the EXP is acounted even if the character die, then that would mean that if I kill everyone before any of them can get any EXP (somehow making sure that each of the four die in one hit, so they wont gain that 1 EXP for surviving battles) then I will go to Illia, since Tate and Shanna have higher base levels than Shin and Sue? Or the base levels doesn't count? (I think they don't, as I seen someone asking here why did they went to Sacae instead of illia since them Pegasus knight had higher level than the nomads, and someone answered that it wasn't about the base levels but only the EXP gained in game) Also, does the game prioritizes one route over the other? Like, if Both the pegasus knights and the nomads have Equal gained EXP (Or died, if dead units EXP doesn't count, because then all their EXPs would be 0), the game would have to send you to a route anyway, right? So would it be random (based in the RGN, with a 50/50 chance). or they prioritize one route over the other (kinda like like they do with Chrom potential wives in Awakening)? Before anyone starts advising on what I should do, I want to say that this is not the case for me, none of my nomads or pegasus knights had died yet. I just want to know this out of curiosity or if this had happened with anyone here (though I dont think this could happen if it wasnt on porpouse or iron man runs) Also, I want to state that English is not my first language so let me know if I wrote something in a weirdly indunderstandably way (the "inunderstandably" was on porpouse).
  2. So right now I'm at the beginning of chapter 15 with Thany at level 20/5, Shin at 20 unpromoted and Sue at 1 unpromoted, and I killed Klein and Tate as enemies because I didn't want to use them. Apparently, I need the total exp of Thany and Tate to be lower than the total exp of Sue and Shin in order to access the Sacae route (and enable me to get the legendary bow), so my question is this: If Sue and Shin's total exp is lower than that of Thany, does that mean I'll automatically go to Ilia's route, or am I shunted to the Sacae route due to Tate's death? If Ilia's route happens, it's my understanding that as Tate is dead I won't be able to access the ice spear gaiden chapter and thus the good ending. I want to access the good ending so if possible I'd like to go on the Sacae path, but Sue is too weak to train (gets one-shotted by everyone) and I have no Orion's Bolts for Shin. Is the only way to get the good ending at this point to go through the arduous process of baiting last hits with Sue and rescuing her until she reaches level 8-9-ish in the next couple of chapters?
  3. So right now I'm at the beginning of chapter 15 with Thany at level 20/5, Shin at 20 unpromoted and Sue at 1 unpromoted, and I killed Klein and Tate as enemies because I didn't want to use them. Apparently, I need the total exp of Thany and Tate to be lower than the total exp of Sue and Shin in order to access the Sacae route (and enable me to get the legendary bow), so my question is this: If Sue and Shin's total exp is lower than that of Thany, does that mean I'll automatically go to Ilia's route, or am I shunted to the Sacae route due to Tate's death? If Ilia's route happens, it's my understanding that as Tate is dead I won't be able to access the ice spear gaiden chapter and thus the good ending. I want to access the good ending so if possible I'd like to go on the Sacae path, but Sue is too weak to train (gets one-shotted by everyone) and I have no Orion's Bolts for Shin. Is the only way to get the good ending at this point to go through the arduous process of baiting last hits with Sue and rescuing her until she reaches level 8-9-ish in the next couple of chapters?
  4. I have played chapter 11A for the second time and I still don't have a good strategy to let all the Pegasus Knights of Tate's army alive to get the Elysian Whip. My problem is that I have trouble to reach Tate in time without losing any Peg. Knights. Klein will be circled by the 4 Peg. Knights so he cannot move. If I rescue Klein with Thany, the Peg. Knights would attack Thany and kill theirselfes. Further problem are Klein's NPC-archers, who will attack and oneshot the Peg. Knights. So I even have to rescue all of them. Even rescue, take and drop actions and using Lalum hasn't helped so far. In this chapter I also have trouble to protect all the villages. Mainly the village on the top right will be destroyed by a brigand, because I cannot visit it in time. Though I think a promoted unit can rush to the right. So I would ask for a good strategy to let all the Pegasus Knights alive to get the Elysian Whip in this chapter.
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