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  1. One of my favorite manga of all time is the classic Rurouni Kenshin made by Nobuhiro Watsuki in 1994. It's main hero Himura Kenshin, is a traveling vagabond who has a dark past. He used to be known as the Battosai a ruthless killer who was nearly unstoppable with the blade, however after a tragedy he begins to change his ways so that he never kills another human again, he even carries a reverse-edge sword, which was actually found to be in existance around the Edo period recently http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/345082/scitech/geeksandgaming/rurouni-kenshin-s-reverse-edged-sword-discovered-in-old-cellar In Kenshin the sword was known as the "Sakabato" the actual recently found reverse edged sword is the Kogatana (lit. short katana). But going into the swords history isn't the purpose here. Karel as we know in FE7 (Blazing Sword) is a ruthless killer who kills for the pure pleasure of it (Kenshin did so for the side he was fighting for, but was raised in a difficult world. His style was not to take any particular sides in a conflict due to his masters teachers however) However both of them have personal events (death of a loved one and sister in Karels case) that change them for the better. Karel becomes known as the Sword Saint after being known as the Sword Demon Kenshin was the Hitokiri Battosai (Lit. Human Slayer for the first word, Battosai was made for Kenshin to my knowledge but I could be wrong) and would become a goofy, wise non killer. Good at domestic work and of course still good in swordsmanship. However his dark side does like to try to manifest itself every now and again. All in all, I just find the two characters funnily similar. Feel free to agree or disagree, I remember Severlan and I having a grand ol discussion on the topic, more than a year ago.
  2. I lost my save file. Does anyone have a link to a save file I could use to play FE7 with hardmode unlocked? Preferably a .sav or a save state. I can't seem to use .sps. Thanks.
  3. Wasn't sure whether to post this in GBA Fire emblem, Written Works, or here. I'm doing a series of fandubs for the first Fire Emblem to be released in the west to celebrate it's release on the Wii U VC in the PAL regions (for now). This series will cover Lyn's story, the game's prologue, while series 2 will cover select scenes from Eliwood and Hector's story. Given the size of a Fire Emblem cast, we have a multitude of roles of varying ranges, male and female. I'm posting here to give the project some exposure and to give more people the opportunity to audition. This is the first project I'm in charge of and, as long as you have a good quality microphone, I'd be honoured if you guys could take part. You'll be working with some enthusiastic people to make what promises to be a quality production. Here's a video going into what makes this project special: Here's a link to the audition page: http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/members/Roy-Havenstone/casting-call/Fire-Emblem---Blazing-Sword-Iconic-Scenes-from-the-first-localised-game/ Audition audio files can be posted here, in the youtube comments as a video, or sent to my via the following email addresses: roy.havenstone@hotmail.co.uk, archsage.pelleas@gmail.com If you have any questions, or if I've left something out, please let me know.
  4. Wasn't sure whether to post this in Entertainment, in Written Works, or here. I'm doing a series of fandubs for the first Fire Emblem to be released in the west to celebrate it's release on the Wii U VC in the PAL regions (for now). This series will cover Lyn's story, the game's prologue, while series 2 will cover select scenes from Eliwood and Hector's story. Given the size of a Fire Emblem cast, we have a multitude of roles of varying ranges, male and female. I'm posting here to generate interest in the project and to give more people the opportunity to audition. This is the first project I'm in charge of and, as long as you have a good quality microphone, I'd be honoured if you guys could take part. You'll be working with some enthusiastic people to make what promises to be a quality production. Here's a video going into what makes this project special: Here's a link to the audition page: http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/members/Roy-Havenstone/casting-call/Fire-Emblem---Blazing-Sword-Iconic-Scenes-from-the-first-localised-game/ Audition audio files can be posted here, in the youtube comments as a video, or sent to my via the following email addresses: roy.havenstone@hotmail.co.uk, archsage.pelleas@gmail.com If you have any questions, or if I've left something out, please let me know.
  5. So I was playing Eliwood Hard Mode on chapter 25, and then I saw this. I literally made this account because of it. There's this myrmidon here, nothing special, but the next picture is just strange. He is wielding, out of all things, a horseslayer. Has this happened to everyone or is this just some bug that I have encountered? I tried searching for it in the forums or on Google but I didn't get anywhere. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't encounter this bug until I played Eliwood Hard Mode for the first time. If this happened to everyone, I'm sure somebody would have noticed it, but for now, it's just a funny myrmidon holding the wrong weapon.
  6. It's been a very long time since I posted here. Anyway, it's come to my attention that file number 2 in my copy of blazing sword won't retain save data anymore. My friend's borrowing it and has told me the other two files will save and retain data just fine. After some detective work, I see that there could be a number of reasons why this happened. -The game's 11 years old and has been played over and over again, the flash memory might be failing. Most likely explanation, but then why are the other two files functional? -Somehow got exposed to extreme temp or static, unlikely because it was kept in a safe spot where neither of those happen -Someone corrupted the file by doing something while it was saving, possible. -It was being played on a gameboy player via gamecube. Don't think that's the cause. The other thing is that just recently I acquired the mario kart double dash bonus disc, and transfered the items to the file that ended up corrupted. It seems that so few people have done this, and it's hard to find any info about it. Could it be a coincidence? Has anyone who's done the bonus disc link before had problems? This one was my favorite FE, and another copy in decent enough shape isn't easy to come by. So opinions, experiences, etc are welcome.
  7. Dear fellow Fire Emblem fans, The first Fire Emblem game that I played was the very first one released in the US/ Europe. The game that got me interested was Super Smash bros. melee. Roy was my favorite character, and he was someone I wasn't even familiar with. When Fire Emblem was released for the first time in a language I could understand I immediately bought the game, and fell in love... Fire Emblem is my all time favorite game with Jaffar being my favorite character in this game. (Zach Fair is my all time favorite video game character) With the release of Sacred stones I was once again captivated, but let down at the same time. By the time the endgame had come along all of my characters were lvl. 20/20... Grinding was made possible, and as a result every decision I now made carried significantly less weight. Exp. could be gained unlimited. When Path of Radiance was released I was filled with joy. However after playing through the game without ever having to really think about any of the decisions that I made with once again all of my characters at lvl. 20/20 by the time I finished the game, and to top it all off the story wasn't even done... When the Nintendo DS was released I happened to have enough money to buy one with the hope that one day a Fire Emblem game would be released on the system. What a disappointment Shadow Dragon was... Due to my disappointment with Path of Radiance, and my lack of finances I decided to not buy a Wii, and let this one pass me by. When I caught wind of Awakening being released I pre-ordered the limited edition Fire Emblem 3ds XL. This is the game that I am currently still playing. (Actually the only reason I bought a 3ds, and the only game that I own on a 3ds) I'm on my first play through, (Hard/ Classic) and will not pass any (real) judgement until I've at least beaten it. Due to the possibility of grinding... (I seriously hate grinding...) the difficulty level is a joke, and obviously has nothing to do with why it is taking me so long to beat this game. I'm a very casual gamer, and the story/ game has not been able to motivate me to keep playing out of excitement for what's to come next. That, and I'm very indecisive when it comes to picking a partner for myself, and all of my other characters... I'm actually here to seek help for that... :P (And to thank whoever made the translation to Sword of Seals which I will be playing once I've finished Awakening :D)
  8. Okay, so I was wondering whether you guys prefer Kenneth's map or Jerme's map for Pale Flower of Darkness. I'm currently on my third playthrough (Eliwoods Hard Mode) and I'm almost done with the stage. Two of my three playthroughs I've gotten Jerme's map and I honestly prefer it. It may be a bit tougher than Kenneths, but you don't have to deal with all three kinds of long-distance magic constantly. Also, the Bolting is easier to get if you actually want/ use it. I suppose that is helped out quite a lot by the fact that I like Dorcas until he's level ten, and will use Raven through the end as compared to the magic users of whom I will only use Priscilla and Canas (though Canas doesn't count). I also think that it's a lot easier to get Harken in Jerme's map, and I always promote him just so I can steal his Brave Sword :D . Anyway, the other reason that I love Jerme's map is because you can take your time. There are tons of enemies, many of them promoted, but there's a spot where you can funnel them out, normally with Hector or Oswin due to their high defense stats. In fact, that's exactly what I do. I promote Hector and put him in that 2x1 area right near where you start and let all of the enemies come towards him with Canas, Florina, or Heath waiting behind him for some easier distance kills. The sheer number of enemies also makes it so that I can fill in gaps in my leveling, and get majority of my units (not Lyn because I dont have the second Heaven Seal) promoted. It is just a long stage, but fairly easy even in Hard Mode and it is earns my favor because there's no long range magic and there are tons of enemies for you to level up against.
  9. So my brother (most of you know him as "Knight") has informed me that my Fire Emblem let's play may go a little more noticed if I begin posting it on the serenes forums. I would like to point out though that I haven't really been doing anything special with this let's play other than my shenanigans, but I am open to suggestions if you guys think I should spice it up with something. So here's too your viewing pleasure, I will try to post links to new episodes as often as possible, but if you actually want to view them right when they come out then I would suggest subscribing to my youtube channel, either way, here you go: Episode 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7VrBrRYdRk Episode 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXLaldU_8-o
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