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  1. This is a follow-up to SciresM's post from several years ago. Someone else has probably figured it out already, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so I'm posting it just in case. I've also posted this on FEUniverse. As you probably know, Kris gains bonuses to their base stats and growth rates depending on your choices for their past, present, and future during avatar creation. This data is stored at 0xEF80 in the decompressed FE12Data.bin in the form of 15 rows of 16 bytes each, where the first 8 bytes are the base stat bonuses and the next 8 bytes are the growth rate bonuses. The usual stat ordering (HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, Res) is used. The rows correspond to the past/present/future choices; in order, they are (Past) 0 Noble's child 1 Orphan 2 Farmer's child 3 Clergy/Priest's child 4 Merchant's child (Present) 5 Beautiful/Beauty 6 Diverse/Diversity 7 Strong/Strength 8 Kind/Kindness 9 Wise/Wisdom (Future) 10 Honorable 11 Recluse 12 Truth-seeker/Enlightened 13 Humanitarian/Humane 14 Rich/Wealthy The growth rate bonuses are encrypted in a similar way to the character/class growth rates. The decryption function is located at 0x2049814 in the DS RAM; it uses the same lookup table as in SciresM's post, and the index is computed as index = (encrypted_growth_rate - (0xB7 ^ (0xE1 * ((row_index ^ 0x7B) - 9 * growth_rate_index)))) & 0xFF This information isn't super useful since it only applies to Kris, but it could be used to edit these growth rates if someone wanted to do so.
  2. Hello, I'm new to the whole sharing personal made content with the outside world kind of thing, but I've been wanting to make an FE hack since the first time I played Fe7 like legitimately 20 years ago. I remember barely being able to even understand it, let alone the more complex side of it, anyway! I thought I'd try my hand at making my own, I have a grand idea in mind (who doesn't though) but I'm making this hack as practice. I've been using the "FeBuilderGBA" and I have a decent understanding of how it works so far, I've been frequenting the online manual for it. I've played most of the big and great hacks out there, and I really want to make my own. I have seen a lot of greats ideas on here over the years but the usual reply to most of them is: "Not enough work done, basically a concept, no one will help you" etc, which I completely understand. So I have went through and rebalanced all classes, all individual characters, items, even gave every item a description (kind of always bugged me how every weapon didn't have a description, even a basic one would have made me happy) so I did that, I also implemented the skill patch which is LOADS of fun to me, I always thought skill were so cool when I first played Fe8, but let's be honest, they're a bit underwhelming. Slayer is nice, but really only necessary on Draco Zombies/Cyclops, I finished 3 full cohesive maps and the dialogue that goes with those (also wow, rewriting all that dialogue is TEDIOUS) anyway I'm rambling again, my point is I've reached a dry spell, but not in ideas, but rather mechanical application. Now before anyone thinks (Oh boy, here we go again, someone wanting someone to do the hard work for them) that is entirely untrue. I just need help with some things that are probably very small things to a lot of people I'm sure. I'm looking for someone that can hop into a discord call with me and let me show them some things I've done hands on. I have a full length hack in mind by heavily altering the base story, nothing over the top, it'll FEEL like Fe8 but much harder and refreshed and from a different perspective. Kind of like a mix of Fe6 and Fe8 story, like how the plot unfolds, that might sound silly but it works in my head, and I could explain much more but this has already become a longer post than I wanted and I'm probably gonna disinterest some people purely from the rambling. On a side note I did create one rough portrait on my own, it's Cordelia's portrait but for some reason some of the color washed out, I must have clicked the wrong "transparent" color when I imported it, but the rest are from NickT's community sprites I found in the Fe Repo bin download from Klokinator. Honestly they're just placeholders for now, it makes me feel more motivated not to see all the vanilla Fe8 portraits, so I picked some that were closer to the characters I'm imagining, with the exception of Knoll, man I love him, he's hands down my favorite character in all of Fe8! I used a couple animations as well from the Fe Repo and I absolutely will give all due credit for those, I just need to go back and check who they were made by exactly. So I'm looking for a partner, specifically someone that can help me line up events, I kind of understand how they work, but as we all know seeing YouTube videos fixing something SIMILAR isn't exactly the same, and I'm not asking for anyone to hold my hand, I know everyone values their time and I appreciate that. I'm simply looking for a little nudge, and possibly a full-on partner. I have a long story of this game typed on my phone's notepad so I could send it to whoever is interested through discord on my phone. I also have some screenshots showing some of the small fry things I've done, but there's a lot I didn't screenshot yet, like complete class skill paths, individual character skill paths, stat reworks, class reworks, most classes have a 3 way split promotion instead of just 2, allowing for a huge level of variety. I would also LOVE for someone to play test the first few chapters for me, I've only done the first 3 so far, if someone wanted to do some bug testing, notice any spelling errors, glitches etc, that maybe I missed, I like to think I'm pretty thorough but no one catches everything. If anyone wants to see something specific just ask and I'll gladly share a screenshot asap. I'm not sure what kind of things to show on a general layout of screenshots so I took some of things that I think liven up the game. Omg this is such a longer post than I wanted if you read this far thank you, you are an Unsellable/Unbreakable S tier weapon with custom animation and stat boosts, my friend. Also if anything sounded sarcastic or entitled I'm sorry, text doesn't convey tone very well, I'm actually not either of those things. I just type overly formally sometimes and it comes across as.... well, you know. But I am nice, I promise! Fastest/easiest way to get ahold of me is Discord, my Discord is: magic#6740 Please don't hesitate to ask me anything, I'm looking for any and all feedback! Thank you! TLDR: I made a hack, need some mechanical hands on advice in real time, IE speaking, screen sharing etc. Also for those of you in the more lucrative side of skill sharing, I am willing to discuss financial compensation, particularly for portraits. ALSO! I apologize if this post is in the wrong place, I think it's right though?
  3. Current version: 3.0 Video Tour FEATURES Edit every character's class, inventory, and stats Edit the convoy's contents Edit both armies' silver and gold marks Remove or add units, including bosses and other normally un-recruitable units Remove or add items in the convoy Dark and light theme Open source! The GitHub page can be found here Notes on some features: HOW TO USE KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS OTHER IMPORTANT INFO
  4. I made a simple editor that allows changing class, stats and inventory of a unit which can be found here: https://github.com/vince11/FESOV-SaveEditor/releases You need to use FEST to decompress the save as I have not added it in the code. Instructions: Dump save file using a save manager (e.g. JKSVM) Make a back up just in case Use FEST to decompress the save file to get "Chapter_dec" file. https://github.com/RainThunder/FEST Run program, Click File -> Open, select the decompressed file and edit stuff Once finished, Click File -> Save and compress the file using FEAST Note: Item changing will work best if each unit has an item. You can only edit a unit's item if they are holding something. Sometimes if a unit is not holding an item it accesses the item of the unit below them (not going to break your save file) You need the DLC loaded to access dlc items/classes Max stats of the unit does not scale with the class as I don't have data for it, so max stats is the max stats https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-valentia/characters/maximum-stats/ (Cipher characters' max stats are just placeholders) Thats All!, I am not very good at coding so feedback would be appreciated.
  5. Well, since I have been kinda bored of engage, I decided to fire up FE4 for the first time in like 10ish years, problem is the game has that real obtuse individual pools of money per character thing, and trading is even more obtuse. I spent the better part of three hours fiddling around with memory values, but I cannot get the money value to stay locked at 99999 (what I am assuming to be the maximum) I kinda just want to bypass the money issue when it comes to "trading". Does anybody have a set of infinite money codes for the entire cast? Thanks very much.
  6. Hello Serenes, it's been a minute. I've mostly only been lurking in the discord. But after Awakening's been around for nearly an entire decade... I got very nostalgic about how this game led me to meeting my wife. And I remembered the RAM hacking I did with the character table in 2015 to modify supports without modifying the ROM. These were soon lost to time because the Spider Exploit Action Replay method stopped working after 3DS firmware got upgraded as well as people transitioning to New3DSs as well as the nicer and bigger New3DS XL. I've been rehacking my stuff again on Citra to bring it back from the dead as well as actual hardware using the CTRPF Action Replay. Because I don't want these to be lost to time (it was a pain rehacking my code since I don't remember what it does in 2015) I asked Vincent where to be able to put this stuff that ISN'T Discord. They told me the Awakening forum has been quiet for a while so it's fine for me to double post and stuff for archival purposes. I think these work for Gateshark as well? I will not link to these but you generally need Luma3DS specifically the fork by Nanquitas. Video Showcase of codes: Fire Emblem: Awakening (JPN) [Action Replay CTR-PF/Gateshark]: Fire Emblem: Awakening (JPN) [Citra]: Fire Emblem: Awakening (JPN) [Citra No Spotpass data]:
  7. Please... anyone... I've been trying for a very long time of not finding any resources... it's been an obviously frustrating journey to anyone This was the best I felt relieved to find: But my Dolphin ended up crashing, possibly because I may not be fully grasping how to do memory editing, I haven't touched this stuff until literally a week ago. Please can anyone help a noobie out... Maybe just explain what I need to do in dummy terms and I can probably go back to this other thread and piece everything together
  8. Hi, I'm using Nightmare to make a hack for FE4, and thought I might as well make some classes better. I was wondering if adding weapon types to a class (such as Axes to Sword Knight or Staves to Prince) would cause any issues? I don't mind if animations look janky so long as they don't cause the game to not function.
  9. Check included image to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.
  10. Hello fellow Fire Emblem amateurs! I've been doing some researches on the subject, and I can't find a goos answer to it, my question being, How to patch a rom on mobile phone? I'd like if some one who had that experience could help me out, I have already played some hacks before (Void's;TLP...) on PC, but now my studies are more demanding and I'd like to play only on my mobile phone. I hope this wasn't ask before, because I couldn't find anything. I thank you in advance for your answers.
  11. Hello all! I have been playing Awakening for a while now and was wondering if such a code exists that can make support grinding easier to obtain between characters. Would be nice since grinding is a pain in the ass and consumes a lot of time. I played FE Fates and I know that kind of code exists there. Also, just for kicks and giggles, is there a code that can enable me to attack my own teammates? Again, Fates has it's own version. I know how to read and understand basic ASM, and I can debug using IDA Pro + Luma 3DS, but it's very difficult to know what to look for without a reference of some sort, or "function/symbol map" as some people call it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! UPDATE: As of a few days ago, I've found both codes that I needed to find, so no need to keep this post here. I'm not sure how I can delete my own posts, so if anyone knows how, I would appreciate it. Thanks!
  12. I'm going to make it clear that the only reason that I delved into FETwiddler was because of a save data corruption, so I went "fuck it" and delved into stuff. Omega Yato in Birthright, alongside adding Gunter. But apparently I allowed units to learn enemy-only skills, and well... Omega Yato on Birthright. After some testing stuff out, I was able to get unshadowbanned by straight up removing my save data and not equipping beast/corrin/azura/enemy only skills since my castle is able to be visited by others. I'm still a little curious and confused on how the Shadowban works entirely, since all I know is that it can be reverted by removing the offenders and updating data, the aforementioned illegal/enemy only skills, and that's about it. Apparently, the check starts when you save or update data. However, I'm still at a loss on how it works full-scope. I now know that adding units like Gunter or items like Omega Yato are a huge no-no, it's just when it comes to items to be sure. Forging some items that can't be forged results in a shadowban, yeah? Some people say that the shadowban is permanent, others say that it can be reverted if offending stuff is removed, and I don't know what to believe at this point. I am so sorry if I look dumb for this, but honestly? I'd rather be dumb than get shadowbanned over and over again. So here are two questions I have. How exactly does shadowbanning work, alongside what causes it, and why do I no longer receive feedback even after it's revoked? The former is something that I do want to know to understand it better. As for the latter, I can only assume that it was because of the shadowban. I've even tried the 5-Minute Trick, except it didn't work. People can still visit my castle though. I thought that this wasn't a thing lately, even in 2022. But since this happened, it's most certainly still there. If adding an enemy-only skill like Dragonskin gets you thrown into Va- ...you get the idea. As in getting thrown into banland, then how come stuff like this has happened before? I still remember a time that a castle had two Kanas, and one Corrin had a Falchion despite it being impossible, and yet nothing happened. Even if this may have already been answered, I'd still like to get a better understanding on how shadowbanning works so I can at least try to avoid it as much as I can in the future.
  13. Hello! I've never posted on the forums before but I didn't quite know where to ask this, and I couldn't find an answer online. Does anybody know if there is a word limit to the supports in Awakening? I've been working on a few and I got a bit into writing the S Support of Lissa/Sumia, and it equaled out to about 2k words all together. However the game seems to suddenly line wrap and end the Support after about 700 words, or about 80 A presses(Counted them manually) Does anybody know if the game has a limit? or am I doing something wrong in the script? I've attached it for anybody interested. Thank you for your time! ใ‚นใƒŸใ‚ข_ใƒชใ‚บ.bin.lz
  14. Hey, all! I'm sure this has been asked before, but I couldn't find an answer by searching the forums, so I thought I'd ask here. In FE7's class table, there are three classes directly after eliwood, hector, and Lyn's lord classes, but before their promoted classes. These classes use the map animations from the unpromoted, but use the names of the promoted. Is this extra data (and thus safe to overwrite with other classes), or does this serve some extra function in the game? Thanks!
  15. hi folks, I'm gonna teach you how to insert portraits into FE4 so here's a step by step guide, pay attention class 1. First thing you need is a portrait, and the size of Jugdral saga portraits are 48x64. For this tutorial I'll use a picture of my furry kitten OC, Lamia. EDIT: Consult this post later on in this topic about a palette fix required for portraits as a very important first step: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=43520#entry2683698 2. In order to format it correctly for insertion and to make the mouth movement accurate, this is what it needs to look like: It's much the same as GBA portrait insertion, although that's automated now Here's a guideline to where the mouth is replaced: Follow these above examples in order to prepare it for inserting. Once you have it correctly set up, save the portrait as a .BMP image type, as a later step requires it. 3. Download this makeshift ROM file (don't worry it's not an actual game, just a placeholder thing to help portrait setup): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sRawpsb7M0UJHDd7DjQ5Qs4MI9JTCpo1 The above ROM is set to be just the right size to fit your portrait. Grab your favorite SNES graphics editor (YY-CHR, Tile Layer Pro, etcetera) and check for the Import Bitmap feature, choosing your portrait. The editor should be set to SNES, 4BPP. Once it's in, make sure you actually DO have 16 colors, and that the FIRST color in the palette is the background (black in this image). Don't worry about correcting the colors in the editor, since you'll need to adjust the palette of it in the ROM itself. If all 16 colors are registered but the background is using the wrong color (this happens to me in TLP), save it as an SMC and use YY-CHR's color-swapper tool for a quick fix. If you have trouble getting all 16 colors in (like, one or two are missing) then convert the BMP to a 16-color format with something like a GIF editor/animator like GIF Movie Gear. It will save BMP files to the minimum amount of colors, while preserving said colors unlike MSPaint. Once you have it set up, save your portrait as an SMC file (SNES ROM). This will make it ready to compress. 4. Speaking of the compressor, this is what you need: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oGKii9yT5Y3weA__l-dqPEZS-frGF3wp Contained within is a compressor for FE4 (and also FE3 but I don't have data on that) along with a readme. You don't need to have your portrait in the same folder as the program. If you have your SMC file of your portrait ready, all you have to do is drag your portrait's ROM onto the 'old' or 'new' FE4 compressor. I think the only difference really is that the newer one uses slightly less space, but I kept both of them in the zip in case of errors and whatnot. This will create a yourrom.BIN in the same folder as the file you dragged onto it. This BIN contains your compressed portrait data. 5. Refer to this data I stole from the FE4Binary collection: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yFCE-AASWIUxg0zlSO3mQhuRxFjWcZdM This contains all of the addresses of portrait data in the (headered) ROM. The numbers counting up are the reference, which is then used in the Portrait Pointer Editor in Nightmare. 00 is Sigurd, for example. The first address is the location of the compressed data. Sigurd's portrait is at A67B5. Now, open your portrait's BIN file in your hex editor of choice and copy all of the data. Find a portrait you want to replace (Sigurd in this guide), make sure you don't overwrite the next portrait, and replace one portrait's data with your own. Now, save the ROM, and open it up in your emulator to check if it loaded properly. 6. If you're successful, now's the time to change the palette. The second number in the portrait data list is the palette; Sigurd's is at CAA00. With this, all you have to do is figure out what is colored by what, and change it to the appropriate 256-color byte pair. Each single color uses 2 bytes. I personally use GBA Color Picker in order to match the colors as close as I can. To make a certain color in the palette more visible, I recommend setting one color to FF00, which turns it into a bright red, making it way easier to detect and find out what color it needs to be. Additionally, make sure that when adding your colors, the two bytes are switched around in the ROM. 7. After toiling around with that, along with all the testing and reloading, you should slowly see your portrait come to life within the game itself. 8. Eureka! Enjoy your inserted portrait.
  16. First of all, I'm sorry if this isn't the best place to post this. I'm new to the forums, (I've lurked for a long time but never posted anything) so if I should put this somewhere else just let me know and I'll move it. Thanks. So I decided I wanted to try modifying FE4 in nightmare, and there are several things I want to do. However, I'm not sure how to do them, or even if I can at all. I'm going to try and think of as many questions as possible so that I don't have to update every time something new occurs to me. First of all, I want to make all of the Holy Weapons, with the exception of Gungnir and Loptyr, usable by the player. However, I want to do it in a somewhat realistic way. As in, I don't want a character to just randomly have the Helswath or Valflame in their inventory right off the bat for no reason. That's where the tricky part comes in. Messing with Holy Blood and inheritance is easy, but the game doesn't even give you the Holy Weapons that no one in your party should be able to use, for obvious reasons. So, this question has 3 parts. First, can I make it so that the minibosses will drop their holy weapons? For example, Langbalt with the Helswath in chapter 5? I went into his character data and tried to make it his dropable item, but it doesn't seem to be an option. If I'm able to do this, can I make it sellable, just in case the wrong character kills him? And if I'm not able to do these things, is it possible to put it in the proper character's inventory after the boss is dead? If someone could direct me to a way to do any of these things, I'd be very grateful. And that's all I can think of for right now. If I run across any other issues, I'll update. Thanks in advance. EDIT: I should probably mention that if I have to use a program other than Nightmare, I'm willing to do that. Keep that in mind.
  17. Hey, all! I'm currently hacking FE4, and I had a few questions that I wanted to see if anyone can answer. I have pored over the threads containing all the tools and info from Lamia and others (such as this thread here: https://forums.serenesforest.net/index.php?/topic/39603-lamias-fe4-stuff/#comments ) and there's been a lot of useful information! However, I do have some specific issues that I haven't been able to find answers to yet. If anyone has the time and know-how, I was wondering if you could give me some advice? ๐Ÿ™‚ 1. Using the Broken weapon slots to implement new weapons. Lamia included a broken weapon editor and indicated that it can be used to consolidate broken weapons in order to free space in the item list. I tried doing so by having each of the weapon ranks refer to the A rank broken weapon. This causes the game to always crash when a battle is initiated. Any idea on how I should be doing this? 2. D rank patch The sword skill patch works just fine with the Project Naga translation, but the D rank patch does not (regardless of whether there's any other patches other than Naga on top of it.) Has anyone played around with this and found a way to make it work? It just crashes my game when used, similar to the broken weapon issue. (And yeah, I did make sure that the area it specified in the readme was blank before patching, and it was without me having to do anything, so that's not the issue. Right now, the only thing I can think of would be to apply the patch to a clean rom, and THEN put project Naga on top of that and painstakingly implement all the other changes I've done on top of that. But, eh... I'd rather not.) 3. Editing enemy Stats, skills, etc. I can't find any way to edit enemy data AT ALL besides the enemy editor modules, which really only allow you to change their class and inventories. How have others gone about this? Hex? 4. Text editing I haven't experimented with Lamia's tools yet on this front, so I'll try that first. But in the meantime, is there any specific advice people could offer for text editing in FE4? Thanks so much! EDIT: 5. Also, being able to edit max stats for classes would be just swell! kthxbye!
  18. I've been looking at SRPG studio, and it looks really cool and I'd like to try doing stuff with it. However, 70$ canadian is pretty dang steep for a hobby. Do you people think it's worth a splurge? Or if it's worth waiting for a sale? Thanks for all answers.
  19. Hi all, I recently got into the Fire Emblem series thanks to Byleth getting added to Smash, and I decided to start with FE1 for the NES! Absolutely loved it, but a lot of the text in the translation I used was either garbled characters or just... strange ("Daros became sail," for instance). While I'm sure there are more accurate translations somewhere out there, I also wanted to try getting into the world of hacking myself. However, I can't find any resources on actually learning how to romhack (at least not for NES), or the guides are so old that half the links they provide are dead. Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?
  20. Just gonna make one thread about all of my questions, including future ones, because boy I have a lot of them๐Ÿ˜ 1-Changing the items you get from talk events Ex: changing the Silver Sword Alvis gives to Sigurd to something else. 2-Battle animation pallettes. I can't find a clear way of changing the unique pallettes. You don't have to answer both questions. Anything helps!
  21. Hello there, I recently started getting into hacking FE1 just out for curiosity. I just wondered how Pointers in there work exactly since I couldn't find a single one. I looked up in the internet and found this way for NES Pointers: Take the offset, subtract 10, delete the first number so you get a 2 bytes number. Flip the bytes and look for them in you game. As I mentioned I couldn't find a single one. Not for the menus, not for the text so I feel, like I need a bit help on this.
  22. So a friend and I are making a hack and in that process, we thought of some OP weapons that we wanted to make difficult to get, and so we wanted to put a level requirement on them like "Pale Flower of Darkness" or "Four Fanged Offensive" in Fe7, and couldn't figure out how to do so. If anybody knows how to do that, or at least knows if it is impossible in FEBuilder GBA, any help would be appreciated.
  23. TL;DR: Save editing is indeed possible for Shadows of Valentia, but it's a little more complicated than that. So as we all know, SoV just recently was released in Japan, and was leaked even before the official JP release. Not much research has been done into saves, but theoretically, if it's anything like Fates, a save editor should be simple, right? Wrong. For some reason, IS decided to switch up the way saves were written, making them generally a headache to decipher. Here is what has been figured out about the saves so far: Items: Character Editing: To be added later Post any save editing discoveries you've made here as well!
  24. Apologies, I did my best to search the forum for a solution before asking a previously resolved question, but I am trying to figure out how to implement a feature I've been digging through both FEbuilder and the rom for patched Midori, and have yet to figure out A. how to split magic and strength or B. how to implement growths for stats like movement and Con (a la Midori/FE4) in an FE8 hacked rom Any answers are appreciated, even if it just "lol, can't be done in FE8, get nightmare and FE7, scrub" Thank you!
  25. As some of you might know, I am working on my hack Fire Emblem: Traitors Tale. It has been dead for some time, but I have come back to it. Last time I asked for help i waited 10 minutes and gave up, don`t worry, I learn from my mistakes(and suspensions). Returning to the original topics, I need to know how to make custom portraits. Could anyone lend so help?
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