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Found 2 results

  1. Recently I've been needing a fix of a new SRPG similar to FE on PC, I've already played Tactics Ogre, Triangle Strategy, XCOM, and Vesteria Saga and was wondering if anyone here in the forest knew of any other titles that would scratch this itch for me. Just to be clear I'd prefer a game closer to FEs style than anything else, so keep that in mind please.
  2. I’m at the post-end part of chapter 5, where you get introduced to fighting the Black beast monster at Chapter 5, and for the first part, I was able to chip down the first shield of the Black beast with my main core team (Cav Dimitri, Theif Female Byleth, Soldier Sylvain, Fighter Dedue and Mage Annette), with the various gambit uses, such as Disturbance, Assualt troop. However, what I find that I have trouble in this trouble is my units dodging the special monster attack (I believe it is called Thorns of Ruins?) that manages to hit Dimitri and F!Byleth the hardest, leaving them with less than half HP and since i only have one healer on my team and I try not to use too much of my physic uses (which is Mercedes and I could only recruit Marianne for this chapter mission, but she only has heal and not physic to heal my frontline team). How can I quickly get rid of the shields of the monsters that are intact, and to chip down the monster’s health when it is dazed before it recovers and the shields regenerates , without overusing my gambit uses or getting Dimitri and Sylvian killed (since they have the monster effectiveness combat arts along with Dedue) and using up all my Divine Pluses? Also, some of my units only have a certain amount of authority level, and there are some units that are in my BL house that haven’t managed to get the required authority level, so not all of my units have gambits that they can safely use in the post-end of chapter 5. Any advice or suggestions on which battalions are best effective against the Black Beast and which gambits should be linked? Please and Thank you. Also, sorry for the long, convoluted explanation. First time playing on hard classic of an FE game.
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