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  1. Sony? In my Nintendo forum? Why, yes, and allow me to tell you why: It is because this game... ...isn't COD... ...or anything else made by EA, for that matter. Quite on the contrary. It is... ...ready when you are, game... FIRE EMBLEM ON P S 1 Okay, that was a lot less epic than I thought it'd be. Well, anyway! Remember me, anybody? I'm-- ...what do you want now, game? What in the world is this? I haven't even pressed anything! Oh, okay, it's playing itself, I see. Who even is Imperial? Well, in any case, back on topic. Remember me, anybody? It is I, Saint Rubenio, self-proclaimed worst tactician ever and part-time universe destroyer and mass genocider. A year ago, I played FE12 and it was horrible! Then I played FE6 and it was probably the worst run of that game that anyone's ever had the audacity to record and publish on the internet. I have decided that the time has come for me to return and crash yet another train repeatedly until it turns into an indescribable wreck of massive proportions, leaving behind a myriad of orphans, widows and other, similarly depressed people. With any luck, it won't be quite as terrible as FE6. Bring on the questions that nobody will ask, but I will respond to anyway! Ruben, rules. Rules, right. In my first LP, I broke every single one of my self-imposed rules, and in my second LP, I outright forgot to make any and just sort of made them up as I went. Let's see if we can do this right this time around, shall we? - For starters, obviously, this is an ironman run, which means I am only allowed to reset when the game forces me to via game overs. If anybody dies before the game over, they will be used during that chapter, but will be killed off / benched for life afterwards. - On the matter of resetting, I'd like to make one exception: since this game doesn't allow for simple formation editing (instead going for the clumsy old "move people's names around to move them on the map!" system), I will allow myself to reset at the very beginning of the map, before making any moves, so that I can arrange the formation to my liking. - All deaths will be counted, with one exception, which I will explain if it happens. Suffice to say, if it does happen, it really won't be much of a death at all. - While I will be using Warp, outright warpskipping is, for the most part, disallowed. Once again, there is an exception, this time because I don't think I have the heart to face that chapter without warpskipping. We'll talk about it when we get there. - Narron is banned Dude, I don't even know who you are. What's all this talk about destroying the universe? Should I call the cops? Please, don't. The truth is, in my past 2 LPs, I sort of winged a fanfic to go with the main story. Initially it was only a lame self-insert, but it started to evolve until I completely lost control of it. I will continue the story in this LP, so if you haven't read my other LPs, you might be a little lost. Don't worry, though, I'll try to keep things understandable enough, even if I will be referencing my past works (if I learnt anything in my FE6 LP, it's that I cannot stop myself). Ruben, what is the Leteena event? That question is mostly directed at people who already know the game, but here's a quick recap: the Leteena event is shit. The long answer is: the Leteena event is bullshit. You need more? Fine, I'll humor you. See Xavier? Well... not quite that terrible, but it's up there. The only purpose it serves is to make the player's life more miserable, and as we know, readers like to make the LPer's life miserable (at least my readers liked it a lot in the past), so please, vote away. Will we get to choose things for you to do? For the most part, I'll use any units I want, and in the event of alternate chapters, I'll show both and go with whichever run I like better. However, there are some pretty big decisions in this game that I will let you vote for. As well, you are free to suggest units for me to use, as I don't really have any preferences. Hopefully, you won't choose something ridiculous, like Narron. Or Narron. What is your stance on spoilers? I don't like 'em, so please, if you want to talk about things that haven't happened in the LP yet, put a big fat spoiler alert first and keep the content hidden within spoiler boxes. Of course, I already know pretty much everything, but surely somebody won't, so think of the children. Your last LP took ages to load every time. How will you handle things this time? Tear Ring Saga is about three times more text-heavy than FE6 or 12, so I'm going to change things up a bit: instead of just dumping a thousand screenshots of text in every update, I'll do what professional LPers do and write the dialoge manually with mugshots and all. For clarification's sake, I shall be using my trusty old Barlowe portraits to speak my mind during dialogue. This might change down the line, so don't take it as gospel. Or anything else on the OP, for that matter, if my last LPs are anything to go by... What will be the schedule for this LP? Like last times, there'll be none, and like last times, it'll probably change over the course of the LP, likely for worse. I'll try to have an update out within 3-4 days of the last, more often than not, but I am currently studying a programming course right now (shut up, you care), and in a couple weeks I have The Week (you know the one, that which has exams every single day because teachers are bad at organizing and coordinating) and Smash Ultimate comes out on top of that and I want to see if Luigi has really been nerfed to oblivion, so things might change. Man, I picked the worst possible time to start this, didn't I? Off to a great start, I see... and just you wait until you see the first chapter, which I've already played. There are six enemies, for crying out loud, and things already went as badly as they could've possibly gone! Why me...? Ruben, why don't you like Narron? I used Matthis in FE12. And Wade in FE6. Let that be the answer to your question. Now, before I finish up the OP, allow me to put a DISCLAIMER here for everyone to see: this LP will feature profanity, blood and gore, black humour and probably unhealthy amounts of character deaths. Viewer discretion is advised, because God knows I won't be able to be discreet. With all that out of the way, and without further ado, I think it's time for the tears to begin flowing as I fail terribly to be good at Tear Ring Saga! ...ergh, in a few days. See you then!
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