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Found 17 results

  1. This is a follow-up to SciresM's post from several years ago. Someone else has probably figured it out already, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so I'm posting it just in case. I've also posted this on FEUniverse. As you probably know, Kris gains bonuses to their base stats and growth rates depending on your choices for their past, present, and future during avatar creation. This data is stored at 0xEF80 in the decompressed FE12Data.bin in the form of 15 rows of 16 bytes each, where the first 8 bytes are the base stat bonuses and the next 8 bytes are the growth rate bonuses. The usual stat ordering (HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, Res) is used. The rows correspond to the past/present/future choices; in order, they are (Past) 0 Noble's child 1 Orphan 2 Farmer's child 3 Clergy/Priest's child 4 Merchant's child (Present) 5 Beautiful/Beauty 6 Diverse/Diversity 7 Strong/Strength 8 Kind/Kindness 9 Wise/Wisdom (Future) 10 Honorable 11 Recluse 12 Truth-seeker/Enlightened 13 Humanitarian/Humane 14 Rich/Wealthy The growth rate bonuses are encrypted in a similar way to the character/class growth rates. The decryption function is located at 0x2049814 in the DS RAM; it uses the same lookup table as in SciresM's post, and the index is computed as index = (encrypted_growth_rate - (0xB7 ^ (0xE1 * ((row_index ^ 0x7B) - 9 * growth_rate_index)))) & 0xFF This information isn't super useful since it only applies to Kris, but it could be used to edit these growth rates if someone wanted to do so.
  2. I've been messing around in excel with character growth rates and how to easily add them together or maybe even compare. I decided to share it here with others who might find it somewhat useful. I'm definetly not the first to post something like that here. Shout out to Niko-Jynnx since his sheet helped me a bit in creating mine and probably recommend using his, since his is far more elaborate and contains much more info. Mine sheet is (at this point) pretty basic one. It show base growth rates of characters and classes and on the third list is a calculator for what those number will be together. It even works with Jean's passive, which gives double class growth rates (at least that's what I have read on this forum, how his passive works). I also added color distinction for growths. In Classes and Character tabs its based of the highest and the lowest growth in the column. In Calculation tab its based of the top = 100. (Some characters are able to reach higher than 100, but it stays green.) Except for Build, where its again based of the highest growth rate for build. In future I will probably add more, like calculation what stats character gonna have with fixed growth rates at what lvl (That feature probably already is in Nikko's sheet.), bonus from Tiki's bracelet, other passives and so on. (That feature probably already is in Nikko's sheet.) Any feedback on what would you want added, or what I missed is welcome. I'm uploading here two types of document since I did it in Libre Calc. So the second one is in the Excel format and should be working correctly. How the calculator works if its unclear: Tabs next to "Character" and "Class" have drop down list, just select character and class from there and results should show you final growth rate. FE Engage Growth Sheet.ods FE Engage Growth Sheet.xlsx
  3. So, cross referencing across 3 or 4 different pages to see all the different stats, growth rates, abilities, masteries, and whatever else has been a huge pain in the ass. So I decided to put it all together into one big chart. I also did a little write up about Advanced Classes and Master Classes to go with it over on reddit. If you find this helpful, maybe give it an upvote for visibility. I know the chart is going to help me a lot in planning my future runs, so I hope it helps other people. [EDIT: The chart is now complete with all DLC characters and classes! If anyone spots any mistakes, let me know and I'll fix it up!]
  4. So..I've been looking at characters growth rates and..I'm quite surprised on how abysmal most of his growths are (his ''good growths'' take a 40% and the others are on 10%-30%), specially in Str(20%). I've thought all this time that he was going to be the villager of 3H, meaning that he would get insane growths but bad bases. Does he got a skill similar to Aptitude or something? (Again, like always, keep this free of spoilers or put spoiler tags)
  5. I started playing Radiant Dawn for the second time to fully experience the game and somehow my Micaiah has capped speed at Lv. 18. I actually noticed how disgustingly slow she was on my first playthrough and then checked her speed growth rate, which is only 35%. She starts with 7 speed, which means 13 out of 17 level ups gave her speed. The RNG Gods have blessed this playthrough or perhaps they might have cursed me elsewhere...
  6. Having trouble figuring out the difference between character and class growth rates? The Fire Emblem wiki lists some characters' growth rates as higher or lower than the growth rates of their class (sometimes significantly).
  7. Hi! Blurb I have been working on providing more useful growth rate information, specifically the deviations of each character's growth rates to the average growth rates in the respective Fire Emblem title they appear in since that type of information truly demonstrates how useful a character is in proportion to other characters. This means that you no longer have to manually compare all the growth rates to one another and judge what you think is best. I am open to criticism as I would like this information to be as accessible and useful to the Fire Emblem community as possible! Furthermore, if you would like to help with the project and get access to the spreadsheets, just join the Discord server and we can discuss further from there! Links Discord: https://discord.gg/HpfK7EP If you are interested in providing input and working on this project together, simply click the above link and tag @Prospect#6861 once in the server, to get started! Spreadsheet: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AiqDxSufSqcggssD_Io1RZAWs_ip3w If you are just interested in seeing the spreadsheet click the drv link above. You are allowed to copy the spreadsheet and edit it yourself how you see fit! Roadmap Add all expanded growth rates for the 3DS and Virtual Console Fire Emblem titles. Provide interactable graphs to visualise data effectively. Include character profile pictures for easier glancing and analysis. Fix and finalise personal formatting for data. Changelogs 18/06/2018: Addition of Basic Graphs Open Release Format Adjustments General clarity Fixes Removal of Unnecessary Information Base growth rates have been included The base version of Awakening is complete. Aptitude was added to Mozu.
  8. Hi, i started playing path of radiance, i just ended 11 chapt, my ike is 3 exp short to 20 lvl (don't ask anything, i just like him) And his stats look like this... 31 HP 7 Str 7 Mag (Amazing) 16 Skill 16 Speed 12 Luck 13 Def 8 Res ...should i be worried about him?? Of course i'll give him at least one energy drop but do you think that is enough xd?
  9. So, I opened up the Nightmare modules for FE11 and poked around in them again, and was swiftly reminded of why I stopped to begin with. The stat values given in the editor don't make any sense and don't seem to correlate with the values listed online in any meaningful way. I was wondering if anybody here had the "key" to converting stat and growth values between regular, comprehensible numbers and whatever bizarre cipher the numbers are hidden behind in the editor. Thanks so much for your time!
  10. Hi there. A few weeks back, I documented the growth rate cipher for Fire Emblem Awakening. Apparently, FE12's growth rate cipher was also undocumented. Let's fix that :) As an example, I will be using Marth's growth rates. Note: Much of this is copy/pasted from my awakening growth document, but this was documented by loading FE12 in No$GBA's debugger. Also note: decrypt_class_growth(classdata_ptr, enciphered_growth_rate, growth_rate_index) is at 0x2049418 when FE12 is in RAM. decrypt_unit_growth(unitdata_ptr, enciphered_growth_rate, growth_rate_index) is at 0x2049280 when FE12 is in RAM. Unit Growth Rates Growth rate data is stored, enciphered, as a sequence of 8 bytes, in the usual stat ordering (HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, Res). Marth's growth rates for example, are the highly inscrutable `D1 E3 6C E1 F6 2E 15 49 98`. The conversion process is both simple, and fairly complex. To lookup the growth rate for the stat at index N (zero-indexing), we perform the calculation INDEX = (ENCIPHERED[N]- (0x57 * ((CHARACTER_ID ^ 0x3E) - 3 * N) ^ 0xF5)) & 0xFF; GROWTH_RATE = LOOKUP_TABLE[INDEX]; Where LOOKUP_TABLE is the following lookup table, found at 0xF408 in FE12Data.bin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kay, there's basically no chance that was clear. So let's do the calculations, to make it a bit clearer. Suppose we want the HP growth rate. That's stat 0. Enciphered[0] is 0xD1, and Marth's character ID is 0, so we calculate INDEX = (0xD1 - (0x57 * ((0 ^ 0x3E) - 3 * 0) ^ 0xF5)) & 0xFF = 0xEA. The value in the lookup table at index 0xEA is 0x32, or 50 -- Marth's base HP growth rate. Suppose we want the Lck growth rate. That's stat 5. Enciphered[5] is 0x2E, and Marth's character ID is 0, so we calculate INDEX = (0x2E - (0x57 * ((0 ^ 0x3E) - 3 * 5) ^ 0xF5)) & 0xFF = 0x22. The value in the lookup table at index 0x22 is 0x50, or 80 -- Marth's base Lck growth rate. Class Growth Rates As with unit growth rate data, class growth rate data is stored, again enciphered as a sequence of 8 bytes in the usual ordering. Marth's base class is Lord, which has enciphered growth rate `32 C7 C4 B3 D8 46 21 06`. The conversion process for class growth rates proceeds much like the unit growth rate -- the formula is just different. We perform the calculation: INDEX = (ENCIPHERED[N]- (0xB3 * ((CLASS_ID ^ 0x9D) - 7 * N) ^ 0xDB)) & 0xFF; GROWTH_RATE = LOOKUP_TABLE[INDEX]; Where LOOKUP_TABLE is the same as it was for unit growth rates. Again, walking through the calculations for Lord: Suppose we want the HP growth rate. That's stat 0. Enciphered[0] is 0x32, and Lord's class ID is 0, so we calculate INDEX = (0x32 - (0xB3 * ((0 ^ 0x9D) - 7 * 0) ^ 0xDB)) & 0xFF = 0x16. The value in the lookup table at index 0x16 is 0x28, or 40 -- Lord's base HP growth rate. Suppose we want the Lck growth rate. That's stat 5. Enciphered[5] is 0x46, and Lord's class ID is 0, so we calculate INDEX = (0x46 - (0xB3 * ((0 ^ 0x9D) - 7 * 5) ^ 0xDB)) & 0xFF = 0xB1. The value in the lookup table at index 0xB1 is 0x00, or 0 -- Lord's base Lck growth rate. Hope this is clear, feel free to ask any clarifying questions, and have fun playing around with growth rates!
  11. Hi there. As you may, or may not know, growth rates in Fire Emblem: Awakening are stored enciphered, so as to prevent easy datamining of growth rates. As far as I can tell, the deciphering process has never been documented before. Let's fix that, shall we? :) As an example, I will be using Lissa's growth rates. Unit Growth Rates Growth rate data is stored, enciphered, as a sequence of 8 bytes, in the usual stat ordering (HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, Res). Lissa's growth rates for example, are the highly inscrutable `20 BC AA D5 74 39 E8 BD`. The conversion process is both simple, and fairly complex. To lookup the growth rate for the stat at index N (zero-indexing), we perform the calculation INDEX = (ENCIPHERED[N]- (0x63 * ((CHARACTER_ID ^ 0xA7) - 0x21 * N) ^ 0xD9)) & 0xFF; GROWTH_RATE = LOOKUP_TABLE[INDEX]; Where LOOKUP_TABLE is the following lookup table, found at 0x4001C in GameData.bin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kay, there's basically no chance that was clear. So let's do the calculations, to make it a bit clearer. Suppose we want the HP growth rate. That's stat 0. Enciphered[0] is 0x20, and lissa's character ID is 4, so we calculate INDEX = (0x20 - (0x63 * ((4 ^ 0xA7) - 0x21 * 0) ^ 0xD9)) & 0xFF = 0x50. The value in the lookup table at index 0x50 is 0x23, or 35 -- Lissa's base HP growth rate. Suppose we want the Lck growth rate. That's stat 5. Enciphered[5] is 0x39, and lissa's character ID is 4, so we calculate INDEX = (0x39 - (0x63 * ((4 ^ 0xA7) - 0x21 * 5) ^ 0xD9)) & 0xFF = 0x56. The value in the lookup table at index 0x56 is 0x41, or 65 -- Lissa's base Lck growth rate. Class Growth Rates As with unit growth rate data, class growth rate data is stored, again enciphered as a sequence of 8 bytes in the usual ordering. Lissa's base class is Cleric, which has enciphered growth rate `11 A6 E5 D2 CF 01 67 A6`. The conversion process for class growth rates proceeds much like the unit growth rate -- the formula is just different. We perform the calculation: INDEX = (ENCIPHERED[N]- (0x23 * ((CLASS_ID ^ 0x46) - 0xF1 * N) ^ 0x78)) & 0xFF; GROWTH_RATE = LOOKUP_TABLE[INDEX]; Where LOOKUP_TABLE is the same as it was for unit growth rates. Again, walking through the calculations for Cleric: Suppose we want the HP growth rate. That's stat 0. Enciphered[0] is 0x11, and cleric's class ID is 0x35, so we calculate INDEX = (0x11 - (0x23 * ((0x35 ^ 0x46) - 0xF1 * 0) ^ 0x78)) & 0xFF = 0x50. The value in the lookup table at index 0x50 is 0x23, or 35 -- Cleric's base HP growth rate. Suppose we want the Lck growth rate. That's stat 5. Enciphered[5] is 0x01, and cleric's class ID is 0x35, so we calculate INDEX = (0x01 - (0x23 * ((0x35 ^ 0x46) - 0xF1 * 5) ^ 0x78)) & 0xFF = 0x7F. The value in the lookup table at index 0x7F is 0x00, or 0 -- Cleric's base Lck growth rate. Hope this is clear, feel free to ask any clarifying questions, and have fun playing around with growth rates!
  12. Hi guys. First time posting here. After looking around for awhile, I couldn't find any calculators for Fates akin to the awesome Awakening ones we were all using. So a few days ago I decided to create my own. Here is v1.0: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A2dEo3SbwtgLKlQiRyfjHl48xUomB5bZozh5FFuK1GI/edit?usp=sharing To use it, either copy it into your own Google Drive or download it and open in your favorite spreadsheet software. In the pink fields, type whatever they ask for and, voila!, you have the character's growths and max stats. I plan to add more to the calculator in the future (as you can see on the documentation page), but I figured this was the crux of what most people would like a calculator for anyways. Let me know what you think and how I can improve or expand the calculator! And please don't redistribute it without giving me credit. Cheers!
  13. Hey! Just a few questions to those of you who've played the game: how easy was it to maximize relevant stats for units at 20/20? At what levels did characters begin to maximize their stats, and are there characters that weren't able to max any stat? For optimization purposes, did you guys have to resort to buying tons of expensive Eternal Seals? By all means I don't require a comprehensive list or answers to all questions; just naming whatever comes to mind is great! Thanks in advance!
  14. Hey everyone ^^ First of all, this is my first time creating a topic (doesn't mean I'm new to SF though, most of the time I'm here, watching silently ^^) So, I just finished calculating the growth rates for my characters in my Conquest campain, and I'd like some thougts/advices ^^ Note that the growths are calculated for the characters in the classes I defined, but they aren't always they're final classes! For example, MANY characters are GK or Heroes, but while Hero can be a good final class and has also over-average skills, I use GK for the sole purpose of getting the skills, which are excellent (and passing them to the children)... Waiting for your advices! ^^ --> Growths and pairings in the attached files
  15. I never really understood why they kept this hidden. Its very useful information that we'll end up getting anyways.
  16. Hey guys! As many of you know, a very important mechanic in FE5 and FE3 Book 2 is the ability to actively influence the growth rates of units by having them carry crusader scrolls (or star shards in FE3's case). If exploited, this mechanic can turn units with moderate or even bad growth rates to actually useful units. However, whenever I find myself playing either FE5 or FE3, I tend to forget the exact base growths of most of my units and/or the exact bonuses granted by items (especially some that influence multiple stat growths), therefore having to look them up. This is more evident in FE5's case where the inventory has 7 available slots, therefore allowing for more complex combinations of scrolls. Furthermore, the way that crusader scrolls function may not be immediately obvious to those new to the game. So this gave me the idea of building a tool that would automate these computations and would also allow any user to keep track of these computations easily, without having to lookup or even remember anything. It's nothing too fancy really, just some html, css and a bit of javascript coding that gets the job done. Please allow me to demonstrate. Let's pick Marty (the man whom Dagda loved) as our test subject: Upon selection, the calculator displays an output that consists of three parts: the character's modified growths, the character's chances to cap each stat and his average stats (many thanks to Sara. for suggesting this addition). Modified Growths: The first part details the unit's modified growth rates under the specified set of crusader scrolls. Of course, if you select no scrolls, what you'll see is simply the unit's base growths. Regarding the displayed data, the unit's starting class is also shown along with his growth rates, in case someone wants to compare between units of the same class. Now, as it becomes instantly obvious, his Str, Skl and Spd are downright horrible and should be tampered if we want him to have a fighting chance. Let's load his inventory with a bunch of scrolls: Whenever a new scroll is added or removed, the output table changes appropriately to reflect his current growth rates. In order to be able to instantly tell which growths have been modified and in what way, growth rates that have been increased are colored green, while growth rates that have been decreased are colored red. Additionally, you are able to view the bonus modifiers granted by each individual scroll by simply having your mouse cursor hover above it. That way, there's no need to remember the exact bonuses granted by each scroll when planning your strategy. If the user wishes to view a summary of the exact bonuses on any particular stat, he can again hover his mouse over the corresponding cell of the output table. Finally, if a growth rate becomes negative due to the effect of crusader scrolls, the calculator treats it as zero (please see: http://old.serenesforest.net/general/growth.html for details). This is shown below for Marty's Mag when he's equipped with the Noba scroll. Chances to Cap: The second part of the output details the character's likelihood to cap each of his respective stats. This is similar to the "Chance to Cap" data listed in the Path of Radiance section of serenesforest (see: http://serenesforest.net/path-of-radiance/characters/chance-to-cap/). Furthermore, as far as I'm aware, no such data are currently listed for Thracia 776, so this calculator might as well provide you with a fast way for computing those. What's more, these chances will automatically change as you change the equipped scrolls. Notice that since we're capable of instantly tracking how the "chances to cap" change for each stat, it is somewhat easier to determine which combination will benefit your units most (based on what scrolls you possess and what you aim to do). Average stats: The last part of the output consists of a series of tables containing estimates for the character's average stats, for a specified set of crusader scrolls. Of course, the very first row contains the selected character's base stats. Stats that have reached their respective caps, will be distinguished by flashing like this: Similarly to the previous tables, the average stats tables are also updated everytime you either select a different character or change scrolls in the inventory. For a different set of scrolls, Marty's predicted average stats become: Promotion gains can also be viewed instantly by hovering your mouse above a cell containing a stat name for each promotion (starting class is excluded). The next image shows this for Marty's Str when promoting to a Warrior. Of course, if the inventory doesn't contain any scrolls, the average stats displayed will be identical to the ones found here: http://serenesforest.net/thracia-776/characters/average-stats/ Here's an example of this using Evayle: What do you guys think? Would it be of any interest/use to the community? Any suggestions are welcome. The application can be downloaded from GitHub: https://github.com/Sharpshooter23/FE5-Growth-Rate-Calculator Feel free to play around with it or to read through its source code.
  17. I've been playing through the GBA games, and something occurred to me that makes me curious: How do those promoted non-boss enemies get the stats they do? [spoiler=Examples] The base stats listed for the promoted classes don't really match for the levels shown (too much HP, for one), and as the second image shows, promotion gains aren't a factor either. So perhaps they gain a different amount of levels compared to their non-promoted counterparts. If that is indeed the case, does anyone know how many levels that is, exactly? Do they "promote" at Lv. 10 or the next-closest opportunity and grow from there? This isn't really crucial or anything. I'm just wondering if anyone on here knows of the inner workings on this.
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