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  1. I've been 100%ing the game and I noticed some discrepancies and errors, small things like people not teaching the right combat arts or spells. Wanted to help correct some stuff cause I love the game and there aren't really any other guides out there!
  2. Hi! You may call me Mana! I use They/She pronouns. I've joined the website two years ago but I've never did a proper introduction, so here we are! I like FE of course but I like all kinds of videos game like fighting games, rpgs, and recently horror games. I know Fire Emblem since 202, via a friend and smash. My favorite FEs are Sacred Stones and Genealogy of the Holy War. I also like to chill with friends, watching animes, drawing sketches and listening to music (quite a lot lol). Almost forgot to mention but English is not my first language so except some errors lol. But anyway, I hope we can get along! ^^
  3. I am living in your walls. You may be concerned about this. In case you are, please read the below: FAQ: Why are you living in my walls? I'm not going to tell you. Are you only in my walls? You could say I am living in everybody's walls, but in the case I am telling you that I am living in your walls, I am living in your walls. How are you surviving in my walls? In my non-physical form, I am crawling around listening for you. That is all I need to survive in that form. In my physical form, I survive by eating rat corpses that I cook using the wall behind your oven, and I drink the vapour in the extraction fan duct above your shower. What are you planning to do in my walls? Live in them, listening to you. What do I do about you living in my walls? Listen for the scraping. Dont touch the walls. Protect yourself. Avoid lighting candles. When are you going to stop living in my walls? You cannot escape me. Do I call the police? The authorities will not help you. What are the consequences of you living in my walls? Be aware. What if I am ok with you living in my walls? I will make sure you’re not. Are you imaginary? I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS If there are any more questions then please consult your walls by directly speaking to them. Summary: I am living in your walls.
  4. Hi everyone! I'm United and I'm someone who's interested in ROM hacking. I've been into FE since I saw a video at 10 years old of the GBA crit animations ( which hooked me onto the series ) and have lurked around this site a bit as a guest, but I was too shy to make an account. Until now, that is XD My favourite game in the series is Blazing Blade! It's the first one I've played, and I really enjoyed the gameplay of it. I also played the other GBA titles and the DS remakes, but I don't have a 3DS or Switch since I'm poor and can't afford them ._. so I haven't had the opportunity to play the more recent titles. Right now I'm going through FE4! The maps are so big XD It's kind of weird. I like it though, the story is interesting Well, that's my intro! I hope we can get along 😄
  5. Hi there everyone! The name is Remedy! I am a somewhat inactive and Lazy YouTuber/writer of Fire Emblem related content primarily centering around Fire Emblem Heroes. I have been a fan of the FE franchise for a long time and ultimately became really active in FEH and am really passionate about discussing characters, their renditions, artists and what not! I like writing articles and looking into much of FE'S lost media such as the manga and , concept art and development. My all time favorite FE character is Sylvia and my All favorite FE game is likewise Geneology, Path of Radiance not far behind. I have always wanted to check out Serene's Forrest but felt kind of intimidated and the forum being so old and having such a long history made me feel like I mustved already missed out on too much! Either way I finally decided to give it a try today! Hope to be able to make some connections and learn new things. Thanks!
  6. I'm new to the Series. I've been interested since learning about the series thanks to Melee. Roy was my favorite character. So.... I was planning on playing the Fan Translation versions of The SNES trilogy with help from a modder to install the patched game onto the official cartridge. However I needed guidance about where to go next. I've downloaded Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones on Wii U, but never got to them. I was wondering where I should go next. After that I have a few questions about some of the 3DS Titles. Echoes is a remake if Gaiden. Is it much better? Is there DLC? I heard Marth and Roy are DLC in Awakening. Also I hear Birthrights is easier but Conquest is harder... If I get Birthrights I can get Conquest as DLC along Revelations. Is Conquest DLC still as difficult? Finally I want to get Three Houses however, I need to know if they Pulled a Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition and had a version physically with all DLC or if they Pulled a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Golden Torna and made the DLC a Physical Seperate purchase. Thank you all for your help 😊 I'm more Traditional RPG with FF, Pokémon, Mario RPGs as well as Action RPG with Kingdom Hearts. I've NEVER touched a Strategy RPG game in my life.... Sorry for the noobish comment. I just really want help from the experts
  7. Crtusr


    Hi, I'm crtusr I have played all three gba fire emblem games, fe9 and fe1 (have yet to finish it). Now, i don't play as much, but form time to time i get some interest. My favourite characters: Fe1: Jeigan Fe6: Fir Fe7: Mathew Fe8: Ewan (and maybe joshua) Fe9: Titania
  8. Greetings all. Glad to be in the Forest, but it's time to cut most of it down - the trees obscure our view of the stars. In all seriousness, glad to be here. Occasional lurker, first time topic creator, and I look forward to discussing our domination of various battlefields of squares here. I'm currently neck deep in creating in what will presumably amount to a ton of Fire Emblem-related content. Currently have 2 episodes of a highly edited FE8 Rando run with multiple layers of commentary of an FE8 Rando run (episode 1) here and (ep 2) here. A post will be created in the Let's Play section shortly. But enough about that. I'm simply glad to finally be posting in what many consider the OG FE community.
  9. Sayla

    Hi !

    Hello everyone, Even though I made my account in 2019 (!) I never introduced myself here... Ok, I have to admit that I'm quite shy! My name is Pauline, I'm from France and my passion for Fire Emblem games brought me here several years ago already. I've been reading so many topics on these forums without taking part in them but today is the day I dare to write something here!! 😂 I've been playing video games for a long time, let's say around 20 years now (!) and I always had a soft spot for Nintendo games. I discovered Fire Emblem with Path of Radiance when I was pretty young but since I was only 10 at the time I thought it was "suuuuuch a boring game"! What a mistake... I discovered again the series thanks to Awakening back in 2013 and it started to grow on me... Now FE is one of my favorite video game series ever! FE games I played : Path of Radiance, Genealogy of the Holy War, Awakening, Fates (maybe my fav one, I played around 600h...), Shadows of Valentia and Three Houses. Right now I'm on my third path in Three Houses (Edelgard's route) and next I'd really like to try Thracia 776! Nice to meet you everyone!! PS: I'd like to thank wohever is/are running this website and forums because I learned so many things here... 😊
  10. Tsubasa


    Hihi! I just registered last night after lurking for a few years. I've been a fan of the series for a little while now, having played quite a lot of Fire Emblem Echoes, a route in Three Houses and quite a bit of Fire Emblem Heroes. I haven't found a lot of people to talk about the series with, or rather a lot of series I'm interested in, so I'm excited to join up and hopefully engage and talk with likeminded people. :) I hope everyone's having a great day and if anyone wants to learn more about me or anything like that, please feel free too! I hope I can make a lot of friends here!
  11. Greetings, members of Serenes Forest. I am BravebladeAxiomnis, but you can call me Braxiom here. I've been coming to this site for a long time and after what feels like almost over a decade, I've finally decided to join you as a new member! Please treat me well since I'm new here. If there's something I don't understand, I won't hesitate to ask anyone of you. My longtime dream is to be a part of Nintendo's game creation team in a position of my own and I'm currently gaining experience at a non-profit institute for adults on the spectrum. I'm a creative mind with so many ambitious FE project ideas I may one day submit to Nintendo and Intelligent Systems. I hope you can get along with me. Thank you!
  12. Hello everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m a relatively new fan who started playing Fire Emblem a little over a year ago and I absolutely love the series. I’ve stalked this forum for a while now but today I decided to make an account so I can join in on all the fun you guys have here. Nice to meet you all. Radio (They/Them)
  13. Just now got around to joining though have played fire emblem since awakening! (Sadly just as of last night got around to buying echoes) You'll have to forgive me my social skills are...Lacking to say the least so I may have issues figuring what to say at a given time though am happy to join! As I said I just last night got Echoes though have played and beaten Awakening,Fates,and Three Houses. (Its funny I bought my 3ds originally to play Persona q and got awakening on a whim but bought my switch mostly JUST for Three houses ha ha.)
  14. Hello you can call me Astra, I am a fan of all the Fire Emblem games. My favourite game would be radiant dawn. I have been playing Fire Emblem for a very long time now. I am Looking forward to meeting new people here 🙂 If you would like to check me out heres a link to my youtube. Youtube
  15. My name is NobodyKnowsTheJav. Breaking rules has ruined my life. I'm 17 years ooooooooold... Things about me no one cares about: I'm an amateur hacker and aspiring voice actor and translator. I have like a thousand mental disorders. I'm fluent in English, Spanish (my mother tongue) and French. I'm drunk on games and the Internet, though unlike some people I sometimes go outside to wind down a bit. I'm a perfectionist, but at the same time I'm not particularly skilled. I often switch between lazy and go-getting. Things about me some people might care about: I'm not going to frequent this site all that often, unfortunately. I made an account here to share one particular thing and more to come. My favorite FE game in terms of gameplay is FE12, but I also love the GBA series and know a couple things about Tellius. I also have a... somewhat nasty reputation on some other FE communities, but I'm actually really sorry for my past actions and I implore the mods to not take action against me in this site unless I have actually broken a rule. And although my username is TheJavKnowsNobody, I often call myself Jav or NobodyKnowsTheJav. I just decided to switch things up regarding my username. Anyhow, uh... crap, how do I finish this post? How about leaving it unfinished?
  16. Well, okay, maybe more like second-time poster. For my history with this series, I remember I downloaded Fire Emblem Awakening on my 3DS when I was 7. I got to the 2nd chapter and then quit for some reason. (I dont know why, I was seven.) Since then, I've beaten Awakening, 3H, PoR, FE7, SS, and am in the process of beating RD. As a note: XavierStronome isn't my real name, just an online alias I thought of for some reason. I'm also quite nervous, which was why I waited so long to make an account.
  17. Hello, I finally decide to officially join Serenes after years of reading forums and that one time I used discus to comment on recent Fire Emblem news. I've been a fan of Fire Emblem since I got Sacred Stones as part of the 3ds' ambassador program and fell in love with the series since then. As the name implies, I like cute stuff... that's it. There's nothing else about me that's remotely relevant to Fire Emblem. I also love Pokémon I guess. Uh...ask me anything??? sorry this is the first time I've ever joined a site dedicated to forums and discussion and whatnot :v pretty awkward for me
  18. Hi everyone, not really sure how to introduce myself. I usually like to just lurk around on forums and don't interact much but I don't have any real life friends interested in FE so I thought I'd finally get involved. I've always been a big fan of RPGs and playing the game Pokemon Conquest back when it came out got me really interested in what else I could find like that. This eventually landed me on FE and I've been in love since. I'm personally a big fan of the more difficult games in the series as I've never found a game series that could quite match up to the kind of intensity that FE does. I'm hugely into art and game design so I hope to create some projects related to FE that you guys would like. Anyway, I'm really excited to get to know you all and I hope you enjoy my contributions!
  19. I'm Henri, and I've been lurking about on Serene's Forest for a while now, but decided to make an account after Three Houses finally got me excited again! I've never really formally posted on forums like this, so I hope I can find somewhere to fit in eventually. I'm really interested in actually joining the community now though, and it'd be awesome if I could find a way to put myself to work on new projects and the like. I've played Fire Emblem Awakening, Fates, Echoes, and I'm currently working on beating Path of Radiance. I know my member card places me as the type to have actually beaten a Tellius game, but I just already feel like I enjoy Tellius more than any of the other series I've played. After PoR I'm looking to play through Radiant Dawn as well. (after beating digital devil saga as well though lol)
  20. Finale


    Hi people, it's me, ya boi. I love all things Fire Emblem, and I'm just waiting for Three Houses to be released so I can truly be the shut-in that I was meant to be. I've been wanting a home-console Fire Emblem for years, and I can't wait to be with the House that doesn't look like they are going to murder actually everyone.
  21. Hello everyone, glad to meet you all ^^ First of all I would like to talk about myself, I'm from Spain and I'm 25, my liking for Fire Emblem started since I played Awakening years ago in my 3DS, I also played Fates and I thought Conquest was my favourite game until I played Shadows of Valentia, the game I'm currently playing. Everytime I needed some help with the games I came to these forums, but never took the initiative to sign up and make a presentation, I hope we all will get along. Take care~
  22. Alright alright now that the title's out of the way, here's my intro for you all! So, my first Fire Emblem game? First actual game I would say would have to have been Heroes, when I just found it from Nintendo on the play store one day. And sure enough because of playing Heroes (still "sorta" am to this day!) I started watching other people play some mor Fe games such as the lovely Mangs, and I eventually went to play Fe7 and Sacred Stones via emulation. Had a lot of fun with those! For 3ds, I had gotten a 2ds alongside Echoes last Christmas and played the heck out of it( even though I knew every spoiler cause of me watching Mangs's playthrough)! Still have my first save file of hard classic to this day(Which had the somewhat demonic Est in there with her multi stat level ups. Im not even joking 0_0)! And Ive also completed both Birthright and Conquest (Conquest on hard) and still trying to get Revelations. And Im currently playing through the Fe8 Pme! Other than that, I hope to become apart of the community here as a kind person to you all, and I can't wait for Three Houses!!
  23. Hello people of Serenes. I dont know what to say other than my experiance with Fire Embem, so here we go. My first fire emblem was either path of radiance or shadow dragon and radiant dawn shortly after. next i played awakening and sat on the series for a while before i tried playing the snes and gba games (emulation). lastly and most recently i picked up shadows of valentia and fates beat SoV and Birthright and am currently playing Conquest. so thats what i have to offer though i havent beaten any of the snes, gba games, or path of radiance which I cant seem to play for more than 2 or 3 chapters at a time. I look foward to hopefully being a decent enough member of the community.
  24. Hello! I am Snail Racer. I've actually been on this site for years, but I've decided to make an account today so that I can start interacting with fellow Fire Emblem fans. I'll introduce myself in the style of Naruto's Team 7. My hobbies are watching educational & entertaining internet videos; giving feedback & new ideas for Fire Emblem: Heroes; examining news from Serebii, Serenes Forest, and Event Hubs; and playing Fire Emblem: Heroes and recently Dragalia Lost. I like hard work; having a lot of time, which I don't usually have; video games, especially turn-based JRPGs; good grammar, so I like people correcting me about it; gentleness; and respect. I dislike cursing, which sadly prevents me from having fun playing many JRPGs; kissing; spoilers; and loud sounds. My dream is to get a job in developing video games; ideally I'd give feedback there. I'm a deep thinker whom gives lots of thought on what I say, so I'll edit my posts often so that they better match what I want to convey. Let's be friends.
  25. Well, this took long enough. I have been an active lurker since around when Fates came out, with the activity skyrocketing in commonality with the release of FEH. So, I got to know some people before even truly meeting them. Learned a lot of things. Anyways, I am one of many introduced to the franchise with Smash, as well as part of another many who became fans through Awakening. Currently (in order of release), I have played Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones, Awakening, all three paths of Fates, and SoV. And Heroes. Lost of Heroes. Not F2P btw, I am part of the $75 bundle problem (only bought Fjorm pack, though). I also like Smash, various other video games, classic rock, Bruno Mars, YouTube (the people, not the site), and have really high interests in anime, writing, acting, role playing, and others. Edit: I need to know how I put spoiler tags down on my posts. I will also only talk about progress in my gaming experience in weekends, as I only play video games then to help my focus on school. That was my introduction. Cue Enterlude with this pic I made.
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