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Started watching Naruto again


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I haven't watched it since 2007, back when it was airing in CN. Here in Argentina, they only aired up to about Chunin Exams (right when Naruto meets with Jiraiya), and then they kept repeating from the start. But now it's on Netflix, and I've started about 2 months ago. Naruto is about to fight Gaara, so it's almost towards the end of S3.

The series is as good as I remember it, save for very few scenes (namely in S1) that it feels a bit dated, but it's not that bad. The series does a really good job of making you feel the emotions and the thrill of the underdog story, of never giving up on your dreams. The fight with Neji was specifically a very motivating dilemma, as well as anything regarding Rock Lee.

Rock Lee doesn't give himself enough credit, I still think he claps Neji, Sasuke and Gaara. Thanks, plot armour. : D

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I also like the amount of twists in the Chinin Exams tournament, like when Shikamaru fought Temari. The fight might come off as boring from the outside, but you really have to appreciate the amount of stuff Shikamaru can pull off on her. There's also the scene when they're chasing Gaara, I'd seriously never expect Shikamaru teaming up with them, and him of all people being the one playing hero.

Then there's also how Shino really made himself get respect, going as far as to get back at Kankuro for forfeiting, which gives these side characters their time to shine.

Lastly, I'm really rooting for the old man The Third. Didn't think he'd be this powerful, and Orochimaru is always throwing low blows at him that affects him at psychological level. I was really liking the foreshadowing of the events a few episodes prior, too.

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