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Hero, Don't Kill The Demon King! Chapter 2: What Once Was is Once More

Nanami Touko

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Dreams? Memories? Something in between, or altogether different?

Whatever the snatches of swirling consciousness, they were all she had. Repeating a refrain, varying with variation. Not her distant past. That was solid foundation. But what had come past stepping foot in this place, after finally having followed the chase, that was all fair game.

Confronting the red-skinned one, the font from which misfortune had flowed. Weathering the withering gaze of detached curiosity, as if wondering how the worm, crawling in the dust, had suddenly flown, without even sprouting wings.

Bewitching the watcher slave, slinking her way through the labyrinthine initial twists. Shuddering at the thought of its manyfold gaze continuing to follow her, now long out of sight.

Surrounded by golems. On trial. Judge unseen. "Justice", railed against as impersonal and unfair. Fuck you. Fuck your system. Fuck your "choice". And fuck your "verdict".

Showdown. Beatdown? Her meteors and twin-forked lightning answered by peals of amused laughter. And pain. The pain she could handle, had experience with. Growing up had been harder. Being looked down upon like this was worse.

The voices within her disapproved, but she had been insistent. The Source must be confronted. Understood. Revenge, if needed.

The eyes return. Attention torn from the lord of the realm, forced to summon tentacles to defend herself. The drain of so much magic beginning to wear one thin.

A coin, dropped. Somewhere, a metal disk, spinning bout its edge, slowing, clattering to a stop. An anguished cry of loss.

Ultimatum. Join in pursuit of frivolous fancy or... Does she regret it? The spurning? Memories shift and flow. Dreams rearrange. Events in any order.

The shell breaks. Cold air rushes against her skin, for the first time in how long? Days, months? Colder still from the liquid she is covered in. Coughing, clearing it from her lungs. Pushing herself to standing, a flitting glimpse of another moving about the room. Focus is hard, but eventually the fog fades from her mind.

Her "friends" were silent now, still hibernating most likely. Preferring not to wake them if that were possible, Susan pondered her options. The platinum blonde in front of her had finally stopped moving, settling into view, and though the sight of the hair color briefly aroused a visceral disgust, the eyes and obvious other differences hammered home that she wasn't looking at a reflection of herself, face to face with untimely white. Though, in its wake, a sinking sense of unease took her, as she wondered whether her dye had held, weathered whatever exactly the goop she'd been suspended in had been.

She didn't recognize this newcomer, obviously. Had no recollection of seeing anyone like her ever. She wasn't the demon Susan had been hunting, neither her servant, nor the weird one who had come after. If her shoulder devils had been awake, she was sure one of them would be tempting her to take her hostage at knife-point, and the other would be encouraging draping herself over the woman's shoulders before doing much the same.

Susan's internal musing was interrupted by sounds. Words. Muffled slightly, but still distinguishable enough. Cocking her head to first one side, and then the other, she tried to drain her ears of fluid that had stuck inside them. And for the moment, a small kernel of gratitude won out.

"Ishtaria, last I checked," Susan coughed again, as using her voice seemed to free up something that had settled in her throat. She took a step toward the woman, staggered a little, and reached out a hand toward a shoulder, slightly lower than her own, for balance. "And from the look of the floor and walls, this still seems to be the labyrinth, so it's unlikely I was moved after..." Susan trailed off here, trying to piece together what exactly the last thing she remembered was. To suss out what had been dreams, and what had been reality.

Susan holds position at 8,15

Present identification, huh. It was likely this wouldn't work, but maybe. Jade rummaged through her bag, and pulled out her merchant license, but she had her gun on her lap in case that didn't work out.

"I'm testing something. If nothing else, I'll keep this one out of your hair for a bit as you explore," the zombie informed the General and the others.

Jade moves to 8,38 and equips Glacial Gun

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Alarms, security measures, as if Nashwa's apprehension about the place was being proven to have been correct. A quick scan around and she could see the hooded thing emerging from below, just in time for Nessraya to warn her about them, and Seilan quickly moving to engage it with his thunder... Very long range thunder, by the looks of it. It seemed a little different than the thunder spells she'd seen in her time at the academy. "I won't have some hooded weirdos get in my way. Just try me." She wanted to sound confident, but her lack of shield and armor made her very unsure of how this was going to pan out...

Nashwa moves to 3-31, bracing herself against the coming attack.

A door with seemingly no way of opening it felt like this place must be a trap of some kind, and the soon to follow alarm felt even more like a trap, with a strange, hooded... person? falling into the room with them. It seemed somewhat dangerous... but perhaps it would be better to restrict its movement and see how it would respond to them first. "We will have to figure out how to get out of this room somehow, and this fellow does not look keen on helping us. Or would you like to state the contrary?"

Ilvira moves to 35-22 and equips the Iron Sword while waiting for whether the thing would reply.

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As the woman showed signs of life and got her bearings, Nisha watched her with some apprehension. The half-wraith nearly darted away as she reached out her hand, but seeing that she was attempting to balance herself, she stopped herself from allowing her general skittishness from taking over. A voice rang out from behind the door, along with a knock. She recognized it... Ren? That seemed correct in her head, though she had too little interaction with the oni to be entirely certain. As the egg-woman began to speak though, Nisha delayed answering him. She didn't want to interrupt just yet. What she was saying was... confusing. Labyrinth made sense enough as a descriptor for their current location, but Ishtaria? Not that Nisha was especially well-travelled, but she had never heard of Ishtaria...

"Ishtaria? Can't say I've heard of it. We were crossing the wasteland between Vaia and Hwein, when we were swallowed up by... some sort of pitfall in the sands. Must be magic of some kind... from the sounds of it, you were either taken here to this labyrinth, or got in yourself." She added, before glancing back over at the door.

"Yeah, it's me, Nisha! Is that you, Ren? I found someone in here, is anyone else with you?"


"Just don't bite off more than you can chew. We don't know what these things are capable of." Nessraya noted, as several folk started engaging their new arrivals. Her current position was fairly central to their lax formation, so she could at least pivot to either side if needed.

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Seilan attempts a zap!
Roll: 16,68
18 damage!
Seilan gains +1 anima wexp, +10 exp

"Threat detected. Engaging."

Xalrei punches the construct!
"Please provide identificati--"
Roll1: 36,54
Roll2: 8,50
20 damage!
"Thread detected. Engaging."
Roll: 38,94
20 damage!
Xal follows through!
Roll3: 47,4
30 damage!!
"Shutting downnghgnn..."
The construct crumples!
Xalrei gains +20 exp, +4 fist wexp

Agni steps on a panel and...

Suki jumped as the door next to her opened... It seemed the two had the person there handled, so she was going to explore and be helpful!
Suki moves to 31,18

"Nhhhh... No time like the present, I guess..."
Thesephine moves to 18,18--

"Miss King!?"

Lavinia idles.

"Hyah!" Getting pulled off of Xal and watching her run off to fight whatever the construct was made Tenna panic, readying healing magic and freezing in place!

Tenna idles.

Asami sighed. So she was here too. This is going to get very, very complicated... She pinched her nose's bridge, before staring at Xety. "Miz'Githon is... Probably somewhere in here. I haven't seen her roaming about, so I'm going to have to assume she must be still sealed." Asami didn't want to have to deal with either of these relics of the golden age, but there was no going back now. "I'm going to see what that security call was all about."

Asami hurries to 25,3

Down one of the darker hallways stood a figure. It had weapons brandished, but upon noticing her, it didn't rush for her, merely stared at her. "What... Are you?"

Enemy Phase/Turn 1!

Construct #1 approaches Bladen!
"Please present identification. You have one minute to comply." A feminine voice asks him for proof of identity!

Construct #2 approaches

Construct #3 approaches

Construct #4 approaches

Construct #5 approaches Taiyou!
"Please present identification. You have one minute to comply."

Construct #6 approaches Asami!
"Please present identification. You have one minute to comply."
"Something tells me even if I had it, you're far too gone to work properly..."

Construct #7 approaches

Construct #8 lays in a heap on the ground

Construct #9 approaches

Construct #10 engages Nashwa!
"Engaging hostiles."
Roll: 23,1
33 damage!
Nashwa counters
Roll: 87,5
48 damage!
"Engaging hosttiiillleleleesls..."
The construct collapses!
Nashwa gains +34 exp, +2 gun wexp!

Construct #11 approaches Jade!
"Please present identification-tion-tion-tion-tion-- to comply."

Construct #12 approaches

Construct #13 looks between Ilvira and Ayane!
"Please provide identification. You have one minute to comply."

Player Phase/Turn 2!



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"... ... ... Oh go fuck yourself whoever made this place. My name is Bladen of the Fallen but somehow I suspect that won't change anything. Now. I'm not going to attack you. Promise. Because honestly, I really don't feel like fighting. I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm annoyed. So maybe if you buzz off, and I go on my way, everyone can be happy. Or you could show me a way out of this place. That would work too."

Bladen started to move away from the construct, but as he did, he felt the floor shift under his feet, pulling him up short. 


Bladen to 41-47

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"Of all the insane things... First, the bird and Ayane, then Marina, then we get pulled down where ever the hell this is, Villkiss is having trouble and now we have these, whatever the heck they are!" Lucille kept her head on a swivel as she finally let off steam, a headache inducing combination of annoyance, anxiety, and anger. She felt like she was running again, but what other choice did she have? She couldn't burden the others with having to protect her, and Villkiss. 

At least back in this corner, there weren't any staircases or anything like where that thing had appeared from. They would probably be left alone here. There was only an oddly colored panel on the floor. Practically everything told her to leave it alone lest she summon something stupider than everything that was going on here. Villkiss, however, did not share the same reservations. She had something else on her mind. The winged horse could see her rider's turbulent emotions, and tried to turn to comfort Lucille--

"W-wait! Villkiss, don't move!!" 

--And stepped onto the switch. 

Lucille internally screamed as she started frantically looking for anything out of the ordinary. Villkiss rubbed against Lucille's shoulder. It was just not going to be her day.

Lucille to 48, 49!

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"HHrrgk!" Tundyssa took the blast of magic as well as she could, slamming her fist into the... Thing's gut in retaliation for the pain it had given her. "Dammit, these things are actually strong..." The dragon winced as she turned back towards Tenna, subconsciously relieved she was okay. Though the Thing approaching her couldn't be any good! "Get behind me, Tenna! That other one is taken care of, I think, so we're in the clear if we can take this one. I'm gonna need you to heal me, though. We'll get through this..."

Dyssa to 15, 10, stand defensively in front of the white mage Tenna.

That sounded like shouting! Sollowy picked up the pace. The thing hadn't made it around the corner yet but who was to say that it wasn't just right behind her? The voice had sounded like it belonged to the male Oni, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Anyone was better than trying to handle this place by herself...

Sollowy to 3,12

"Then we're going to find her. I'm not leaving until I see her unsealed." And neither are any of you... Xetketh followed the fox outside the after one final glance at the human she'd nearly killed, eyes coming to rest on both the fox and the... "What in Ratatoskr's name that? Are those a common sight in the world?" The fox beastman seemed to know both of her and Miz, so she was either well-informed or a historian. Asking her was better than asking the human at any rate.

Xetketh to 22,4.

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"Nashwa!" Nessraya exclaimed... the succubus had managed to fell her attacker, but the wound from it's blade looked rather severe. Moving up to her, she pressed a staff against the wound, flooding Nashwa with magic.

"Well, at least it appears to be dealt with..."

Ness to 4,31, heal Nashwa

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"I...Identification?" She rose her brow at the response. Not what she expected when she decided to rush up and wield her sword. "I am Ayane Kusanagi and this is...?" She turned to Suki and found not only was she gone but the door was open too. Something in her gut told her that being alone was not a good idea here. "Ah, wait!" She called out as she decided to ignore the construct before them and instead made a dash to the open door.

Ayane moves toward 33, 21

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Vaya? Sounded vaguely familiar, but Hwein? That was a name she'd never heard. Had a new town sprouted up? And, wasteland? That's a little harsh, isn't it? Susan had come from one, she would know. Ishtaria was something closer to an oasis, if anything. Head cocked in confusion, the wakened woman could only assume this Nisha and her friends really had been magicked here from somewhere else through a spell in some sinking sands, like she had supposed.

"I followed someone in, yes." Evasive confirmation of the closer of the pair of suppositions. "Though, this particular room..." Susan swept her gaze around, and shook her head back and forth.

Steadier now than before, she moved to try the door, which didn't budge, of course. Taking a few steps back, then, she frowned. She was somewhat loathe to wake them, but if she wanted to walk the wind, to rewarp, there was no other way for her than through the serpents' power. Sinking deliberately to the floor, assuming the familiar cross-legged pose of her meditation, Susan searched within herself. She needn't look far, the coiling power waited in the usual place, wrapped round the base of her spine. And in response to the well-practiced task, they stirred to life, spiraling upwards, towards the nerve center near the base of her skull. The ascent was agonizing, as always, but she maintained control of her breathing, her focus, and they arrived. Awoke.

It hasss been an age, a sibilant voice whispered silently in her head. You ssseek to sssedussse, insssite desssire? A second followed, its tone almost hopeful.

"No, neither," rising again to her feet, Susan curtly cut off not only that one, but its partner's inevitable counteroffer of deceit. The sound of her own voice jolted her, she'd forgotten to speak in the quiet of her mind, the long slumber evidently having thrown her off her game. I don't need the power of a Magi just yet, rather simply to tap the wellspring for more basic magics. The pair assented, no disappointment. They knew she'd use their specialties eventually. She always did. Always ended up needing to.

Feeling the magic at her fingertips, Susan wove it, willed it, walked the wind to a different part of the labyrinth, one she remembered. Or, that's what should have happened. Instead, a bout of intense vertigo, nausea, a thin stream of bile rising to her throat, not even worthy of the name vomit, managing to force a few simple acrid coughs as she fell to her knees.

The air isss thin. The everblanket sssparsse.

Your body too, lessss than before.

She didn't understand. But she also understood. She no longer had access to all she was used to. She had better be careful, work up from the fundamentals, find where it was that things cut off. Preferably from a place of safety.

Susan moves to 6,12



"This one's stuttering, how's it going with yours," Jade called out behind her, keeping the group apprised of the situation, before turning to face the construct again. "All right, I'm complying. See! Jade Persyn, licensed to conduct trade in Hwein, Vaia, and the two western provinces of Coteon." She held up her papers in case a closer look was required. "I've never actually been past Ilrios, and was there only the once, so keeping up on fees for Arcino or anything further eastward was simply not worth the fuss. If you're from Khach, I won't have anything to satisfy you, it had never really been safe for me to visit until I suppose quite recently, perhaps? Still not sure on that one, but if that's the case then you'd also be a fair ways from home, wouldn't you?"

Jade stays put, proffering her documents for perusal.

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Ah, a response!  "Yes it's me, Ren!  Err, not that I'm aware of?  I've been looking for the others, and just glad that I found you."  It wasn't his cousin nor Gabriela, but anyone was good at this point.  When she reaffirmed that someone is there with her Ren does look a bit troubled, mainly because anyone they've found before in the past has only responded with hostile intentions most of the time.  Wouldn't do to have a companion trapped with the enemy.

Yet, from what he's been hearing as he presses closer against the door, the strange presence doesn't seem to even consider attacking Nisha.  Hm, he'll keep an open mind to this for once.  But now...

"Alright, then you might want to take a step back or so!  Unless you and your current companion rather get door debris all over!" he calls out, loud enough for them ((as well as Sollowy, just a heads up)) to hear him.  Having given his only warning Ren picks up his weapon...

Ren starts smashing against the door.

"I...Identification?" she mouths to herself more than question the contraption in front of them as it asks such a thing.  Bridgit herself can't help but stay close to Taiyou, trying to figure out what is the best course of action here.  Never mind the fact that she will insist on not engaging in sudden combat...

Even when knowing that she is without proper papers at the moment, and the construct didn't even direct its attention to her in the first place, Bridgit still offered her own answer in turn.  "I am known as Bridgit Vasilia.  Sister to Roman Vasilia, former Head of the Knights of Tassion Castle.  I hail from Vaia."  She gives Taiyou and the other with them a knowing glance, as if letting them know to do the same in hopes this would appease the entity.

Bridgit, present identification to the construct

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"Whoa... thanks for the help there. I... think it was going to attack us no matter how we replied." Seilan glanced at the collapsed construct, inspecting it.

"We, ah... neutralized it. It looks pretty sturdy, though... I have no idea what these things are capable of. Still, something must have... activated it? Perhaps there's some way we can disable them, or get them to leave us be."

Perhaps that something on the ground, over there...?

Seilan to 3, 27.

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From the corner of her eye, Gabriela noticed... something lurking. With her strength being sapped from her body, and all of them falling down into an abyss, paying attention to her surroundings was already difficult enough. But now there were enemies out for their blood? She supposed Lucille felt much the same as her, using magic herself. Poor Vilkiss too, it must be in a state over the fall, not to mention the aforementioned sapping. She couldn't tell how dangerous the new foe was, but the siren felt intimidated enough to not fight it head-on. 

''So.. about that.. thing.'' Gabriela pointed at the enemy lurking in the distance. ''Perhaps we ought.. not engage? I don't feel all that great still, but I suppose that can't be helped...''

Gabriela moves back to 45, 42.

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After going through all that pain of being nearly killed by that unreasonable monster, to examining a rune that... definitely did something, but nothing Agni could tell at a glance, and that annoying alarm, he was already at wit's end.


He walked out of the room, squeezing by as he wondered what made the multi-eyed grump stop on her tracks, and getting said question answered immediately as he laid eyes to another bizarre humanoid form. "What is it now...?" He drew a long sigh, walking towards them.


Asami seemed puzzled as to what this one was, but at least it was making conversation instead of outright attacking, so Agni walked closer. "You. Tell us where this is. We're travelers on our way to Hwein, with the Demon King in our ranks. If you know a way out, tell us."

Agni to (23,4), attempt conversation.

"Huh?" Taiyou did not expect the humanoid to talk first, nor did she expected Bridgit to speak up, she looked to Bridgit and gave pause.

"Isonokami-no-Taiyou, princess of Sado." She turned to the being, and struck the floor with the base of her lance. "Let us pass."

Taiyou waits, identifies.

"I-I don't think, this is more than a veiled threat..." Fyl wasn't nearly as confident as the women, landing on the floor and resuming a cautious walk until he stood right behind Taiyou.

Fyl to (43,10).


The construct sat at the middle looked around in alarm, not making a movement out of the seat. It looked at its fingers, lifting them individually, getting the finer details of movement felt almost annoyingly bureaucratic, but the consciousness knew it was in dire need of control of this husk. "Haa..." 

Everything seemed to take ages.

It lifted its eyes to scout the floor. The seat was far enough in that she could only barely track the voices. Partially seeing the forms of their owners on the edges of its vision.

A lot was happening, it was acting out of pure instinct to protect itself. That was the first time in thousands of years that it remembered an emotion. A pressure on the conscious.

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Nashwa had expected a severe wound taking hits without armor, and a quick shot through the thing's head was enough to take it down. Her magic shells weren't letting her down yet... but Nessraya's quick actions made her teeter a bit, not having realized just how severe the hit she'd taken was. Another one of those and she'd assuredly have been on the ground instead of still standing. "T-thanks." She looked down, the influx of the older succubus's healing magic quickly getting her back into good shape, but she still held a hand over where the wound had been. Were she in her armor, she'd have shrugged off an attack like that like it was nothing. "...Damn it. I'm pathetic..." A quiet grumble at how much she seemed to rely on her equipment, one that her healer might have heard.

Finally looking back up, it seemed Seilan had taken the lead and gotten to the rune while she was lamenting her reduced ability. Nashwa grit her teeth and topped off her magazine, she'd just have to be very conscious of how fragile she currently was, or she'd be a bother to Nessraya the entire time they were fighting... if not much worse. "I think I saw another glyph toward the other end of the hallway. I-- I'll need support, if there's more of those things."

I've already accepted I need help... So why does it still feel wrong to ask?

Nashwa moves to 4-35.

Something told the tall lady that nothing they could provide would be the 'identification' this thing was looking for, if none of them were familiar with where this was. A security measure to make certain people not intended to be here would not run rampant, surely, but in this situation, that included Ilvira and all of her newfound friends. "I do not believe our names would be recognized, so-- H-hey! Must you depart so swiftly?!" Ayane bolting right past her came as a bit of a surprise, but turning around quickly revealed why she'd broken into a run, the door opposite the one they'd tried having opened and Suki likely having gone through it. Seeing as they'd abandoned the idea of confining the construct to the corner, making a break for it alongside the oni seemed like the best plan B.

Ilvira moves to 32-20.

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"I... actually agree. And if we are forced to engage, I'd rather all four of us are here. Lavinia?"

Marina ponders what to do as she backs up towards 47,44

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Nashwa is healed!
Nessraya gains +10 exp +2 staff wexp
Nessraya levels!

34	87	41	64	25	73	41	92


Ren smashes on the door!
17 damage!
The door barely holds
3/20 left

Everyone that attempted to identify themselves was met with the same response...
"Registration successful... Name not found in original database. You will be detained for questioning. Please do not resist."

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"Detained?!" Taiyou took a guarding stance, gaining indignance at the being's demands. "Tell your master to come here, or just tell us where to leave! We don't want to be here!"


"I knew it wasn't going to be worth it." Fyl sighed, his eyes looked around, hoping more of this creature wouldn't show up around the corned.

"Sorry, but we can't sit around here." Agni already had an awful vibe of the place, he wouldn't sit down and be detained by who know what demented creature runs this place. After the experience with that multi-eyed monster, he was more than done with whatever this place threw at him. "Let us through."

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This woman was... weird. All of her answers felt like she was trying to hide information, give half truths... not that Nisha couldn't understand, given she had just pulled the woman out of a strange egg, but it made her a tad nervous. And then her strange mannerisms... she looked to begin to meditate, and then soon afterwards spewed bile onto the floor.

"Look. I can understand why you're being cautious, but I can assure you I have nothing to do with whatever put you in that... thing. If you know something, hiding it isn't going to get any of us anywhere." Nisha began, as Ren announced he was going to take a swing at the door. One that seemed... reasonably effective, though it still held. Perhaps another one...

"I'm not asking you to trust me or be friends or anything, but I think we can both agree that we want to find a way out of here, right? Ren, the door shook from this side! Either hit it again, or step back so I can try it from this side!"

Nisha to 7,12


"Seilan attempted to disable ours, and it became aggressive! It's down now, but be careful, Jade!." Nessraya responded, before Nashwa's self-deprecation hit her ears. Oh dear... placing a hand on the succubus' shoulder, Nessraya gave her a light squeeze.

"You're used to fighting in heavy armour, right? Don't let it get to you... just be cognisant of that difference from here-on and adjust accordingly. We have your back."

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If you're not using someone, you're being used. As the woman who freed her began fishing a little harder for information, a saying from Susan's past ran through her head. While her behavior made sense to her, it was only natural that she must be giving off odd vibes to someone with no frame of reference. While it was certainly too late to spin back the clock and erase any misgivings before they formed, she ought to start giving her something at least, help the woman to want to trust her.

It was always easier to use people when they trusted you.

"I'm sorry, I suppose my behavior has probably seemed strange and you have many more questions than the few answers I've given," Susan turned to her left, to face the woman that had come up along her side, and began to apologize. As she did so, she found herself absently rubbing her gloved right arm with her left hand, just above the elbow. That sparked a distracting thought, and she paused, slowly opening and closing her fingers, forming and unforming a fist. Well, at least that still worked. "It's been like waking from a long sleep, part of me feels still caught in a dream, and at other times it's like, waiting for the pins and needles to go away? Physically and mentally." Her head slightly tilted to the side as she tried to gauge the reaction this had, but she didn't wait long before continuing.

"And of course, you must be right. You're obviously not with the red devil if you haven't even heard of her kingdom, and there'd be no reason for you to go to such lengths as concocting an outlandish tale of ignorance on such common knowledge for the area. Though to be sure, while she and I were at odds, she wasn't the one that entrapped me, that was the doll maker, I presume..." Susan trailed off, honestly trying to piece together which memories really did capture the final moments. A faint frown formed on her face.

"I was trying to use magic, just now. It failed, obviously. I probably should have started with a simpler spell to be honest, but I had no reason to expect this result." It was a bit of a change of subject to be sure, but an offer of goodwill explaining her behavior at least. The follow-up question came natural and obvious. A perfect way for Susan to try to gather some information herself. "Do you cast?"

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"Uh, no. These are not common... And I don't think it's going to let us through, Agni. Not without a fight...!" Ratatoskr was an old name, a very old name... It placed this Gazer back around... At least five centuries ago, if not more. What a mess, what a mess, what a mess! If it's not the humans, or Ouka, it's ancient monsters... Ugh...

Asami moves to 31,3
"I suggest running! Or you can try to kill it!"

"O-Of, of course, Xalrei! S, Sorry..."

Tenna casts Mend on Tundyssa!
18 HP healed!
Tenna gains + 20 EXP

Tenna did her best to patch up Xalrei's wounds, but despite her overwhelming strength in healing magic, she couldn't heal the damage completely... Her body's still rejecting my magic... Even in a situation like this? X-Xalrei, come on...

Lavinia moves to 41,46
"Yes, Marina. I don't know what these beings are, but if they are hostile, we're already split up from the rest of the group; a concentrated assault from all of us together would be best."

Suki and Thesephine walk into the throne room!

The mostly empty stone tiled room was oddly different from the rest of the blue and smooth chambers the both of them had fallen into... Aside from the change in tiling and the tapestries hung up behind the throne, there was, indeed, a throne, with a humanoid shape on it. Thessy pulled the necklace off and pushed her magic into it, Stholia forming in her grasp. Suki was more curious than confrontational, jumping a little when Thesephine pulled her weapon out.

"M-Miss king? Combat?" The wolf had noticed the individual seated on the throne, but they were motionless and as far as Suki's instincts could tell, lifeless...

"Just a precaution, Suki. This place is... Odd, and while I haven't been attacked yet, I don't want to let anything get the jump on me... Now." Thesephine pointed her spear towards the being on the throne, taking a deep breath. "You. What are you, where are we, and how do we get out?" If this thing was sitting on the throne, it likely had some sway here, or at least knew something.

Enemy Phase/Turn 2!

"Identification accepted. Entry not found in catalogue. You will be apprehended for safety and security. Please do not resist."
Construct #1 attacks Bladen!
4 damage!
Bladen counters
24 damage
Bladen gains +10 exp, +1 sword wexp
Bladen's res is temporarily sealed! (-3)

Construct #2 approaches
Construct #3 approaches
Construct #4 approaches

Construct #5 attacks Taiyou!
"Identification accepted. Entry not found in catalogue. You will be apprehended for safety and security. Please do not resist."
9 damage!

Construct #6 charges after Asami!
"You have not provided identification. You will be detained for safety and security. Please do not resist."
It attacks!
"Hyah! Why are you coming after me first!? Get away!"
Asami counters
2 damage
She doubles!
2 damage
Asami gains +11 exp, +2 light wexp

"Armed assailant. Dangerous. Engaging."
Construct #7 fires its magic at Dyssa!!

Construct #8 continues repairs
Construct #9 approaches
Construct #10 continues repairs

"Identification accepted. Entry not found in catalogue. You will be apprehended for safety and security. Please do not resist."
Construct #11 attacks Jade!
7 damage!
Jade counters
51 damage!
"Shutting dododowoownwngnghnnnn..."
Jade gains +27 exp, +2 gun wexp
Jade levels!

87	49	31	74	46	85	33	22


Construct #12 approaches

Construct #13 attacks Ayane!
22 damage!
Ayane loses battle tendency!

Player Phase/Turn 3!


Edited by Mel the DM
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The lifeless humanoid in the throne remained so, though it had a certain oppressive aura that was hard to ignore for those attuned with magic. It much resemblem a red-haired girl, though some of its features were clearly doll-like.

One finger lifted of its own accord, completely removed from any other movement in the humanoid construct. Another one followed. Then its eyes moved. It followed the yelp of the wolfkin, then moved back to the medusa.

"Ah..." It struggled to speak, as if it had no experience doing so. "Aaaah...."


"Gah!" Taiyou flinched at the attack, having roughly beared the attack. "Apprehend?! You will do no such thing!" Before she could react, another member struck the construct with light magic.

"I knew I couldn't trust you!"

Fyl up 1 left 1, cast lightning on Construct #5.

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Thesephine was worried, now. By its doll-like movements and lack of speech... What was it and why was it here? "I'm asking the questions... Who, or what, are you, and what is this place!?" She didn't want to have to attack this thing, but if it wouldn't respond, she had little choice to approach... If it tried to strike her, she wouldn't hesitate.

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"Who..." The construct blinked, staring at Thesephine as she started asjing questions. Its head tilted to the side, continuing to examine the medusa. Who was it, she asked. The contrust... couldn't find an answer. It was trying? That seemed to be the purpose of its jarring slight head movements, perhaps. It seemed to have an easier time pondering the second question...

"Pri... prison."

"Try to kill it is. Figures that this place is nothing but trouble." Sighing, Agni readies his tome, chasing after the construct that went after Asami.

Agni to (28,4) strikes with Main Gauche against Construct #6.


Taiyou attacks the construct with steel lance if it is still alive, otherwise moves 5 left. (Reminder that fort defense wore off.)

Edited by Xinnidy
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