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Nanami Touko

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About Nanami Touko

  • Birthday 10/30/1992


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    Quebec City

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  1. "I don't think anything of yours will fit me, but some of the other women had big tits... That tiger lady might have something. Hopefully. Even a cloak would do..." She could manage if she had to, these people weren't going to try and ogle her in this situation, but it needed solved at some point. When Roxanne began to hide her cough, Krystal squinted at her, rolled her eyes, and then moved her way, slowly pulling the sheep's arm over her shoulder. "We're not leaving you here on the floor. There might be other people that don't know this is done, and you clearly done have anything left in the tank. One, two...!" She didn't want to be physical labor anything, but Miria was just as spent, and bird brain was way too small to carry her alone. "Ghhhh... Hate exercise... Come on...!"
  2. "... You'd better not, Miria." She huffed. "And you should be happy. I made sure to remember your name... Mine's Krys... mmmn... Kristin," she leaned in and whispered, leaning back on her feet with a pointed bounce. "But don't tell anyone! Anyone asks, the name's Krystal, you got that? Gawds... New faces making me care already... Ughhhhh..." She groaned and then looked down, flushing somewhat. "Right. Still wearing that stupid bastards basic bitch tastes... I wouldn't mind some better clothes... They can still be revealing, but, battle bikini isn't exactly... Tasteful."
  3. "Incoming from..." Louise narrowed her eyes. Something with the Ensign, now? Terribly reckless... She's already being terribly reckless, what could she possibly have cooked up? Mmn... but it's from Sia. I don't know who informed her of this, but... [Acknowledged, Captain.] If all Louise had to do was keep her eyes on the Ensign, she'd do it. Hopefully this wasn't the sign of a sudden heel turn... but that likely wasn't it. Kazue was too dangerous, in practical execution, to turn on them mid fight... If she was a double agent she would've done something on foot, probably killed several of them on the ship before someone could get a lucky enough shot to stop her. Curious. Eyes are on you, Ensign. Do what you will... "Sightlines established, Thunderbolt. Take care with incoming enemy fire... I'll have you covered."
  4. "You didn't need to do all of that to stop them. Don't you lie to me." Krystal bit back worse and pulled her staff away from the woman, shaking for a moment before forcing herself to turn to Miria. "And you! You've got to be more careful! You managed this whole time, what was that!?" At the least, her ire didn't hit Miria, concern on her face, letting the staff do what it needed to try and help her. "No one had to be a hero today, Gawds, why do the cool ones always try and play hero... Just live. So many people dying for nothing, just... live." She finally let her frustrations released, crying ever so gently. "So many of these people didn't have to die. So many. They just followed Kazran because he was strong... Because he told them to. Someone of them really, were, good people! Some of them cared... Just needed to make ends meet, needed to take care of their family, needed some place to live, dammit... Dammit, dammit, all because one man got so full of himself, Gods... Dammit..."
  5. Krystal wasn't sure what had happened until it was all over. The people she had hoped to hide behind were now crumpling to the ground, leaving her staring down... nothing. They were all gone. What was that all for? "What the fuck was that for!?" She was... upset. It was swiftly hitting her, how many people had just been erased, and, for what? Were there any attempts to stop the fighting? At least she'd managed to save a few, one, two lives herself, but that was... "What's the point in trying to be the better people if we just prove them right and blow them up like that? Maybe we are just beasts..." The little bird that had been tagging along with them was begging her to help, so was Miria. "Ugh." She didn't want to see anyone else die, angrily huffing her way over to Roxanne, almost smacking her in the back with her heal staff. "I hope you're proud of yourself. Live. Not gonna let myself be a hypocrite just because I'm pissed at this stupid, pointless display..." The castle suddenly shook, Lati about to send Kazran's fools on their way, attention briefly drawn to it. Several of the mercenaries ran off to deal with the situation, deciding it was best to stay here alongside Owen. "I would have informed you earlier... but I didn't want to sow confusion in the middle of something so important. We've much to talk about, but know that I am not, and will never be, anything like my father... I've lived my life in Lufiria, raised in one of its most hostile and challenging environments, brought up by people of all walks of life. If I can impart some of that onto Islexia, I want nothing more than to help you achieve it." She turned towards the man who had spat, raising her eyebrows at him. "Leave, then? If you're too stubborn to change your ways, then goodbye. You've no place here, and while enough blood has been shed, if you'd like to continue where we left off, we can add you to the pile. If you want to meet on another battlefield, I'm sure you know the way out of here. Take yourself and all those that refuse change with you... The rest of you! Those of you new, fresh, and those of you here by Kazran's will alone... Join us and see real change take hold of this country. Islexia is mired in its past. We WILL walk towards the future. Together." She placed a hand on Owen's shoulder, happy, almost relieved, to be standing next to him in this moment. "All's well that ends well... well enough, anyway." Versaris wasn't about to go running off with this... odd standoff, not until the hall was clear, but he did sheathe his blade and cross his arms. "Wonder who blew up the east hall... That was certainly magic, so no one of Kazran's, and none of the Tigers capable of such are over there... Leaving... Roxanne? Hah... I wonder what mess she's made. I suppose it's another thing for us to deal with... One, more, problem. What a day." He idly wandered towards Alriana with his eyes watching the enemy soldiers. "Looks like we got to have our share of the fun, eh? Hopefully there isn't more fun waiting for us... I've had enough fighting, for one day. Need a proper rest before I can force myself through another conflict like this... Quite the workout." Alvira shuddered under the sudden magical pressure, but Renais and Syndra were already on it, leaving her holding her magic aimed at these goons. She didn't trust them in the same way Lati and Owen seemed to, expecting them to just walk away... She was ready for any sudden movements, anyone stepping out of line or trying to be some kind of messed up hero. "Always something..." Sylmaria, she simply cried and cried, only so much as flinching as Giovanna found her, desperate arms struggling between pushing her away and hugging her, finally settling on embracing the woman in a tight grasp, claws digging into her, trying to hold her closer than anything before. "Of course I'm still alive," her voice croaked between shattered breaths, "I had to come back for you." It was the most honest Sylmaria had been in all her years, the admission breaking that facade of an Islexian, built up on the laurels of things who wished for nothing but her demise. She was alive. Giovanna was alive. Nothing else mattered... Cass had been catching her breath when thunder sounded out, and then an explosion, several people running off to see what had happened. "Hell, where's the fire...?" She didn't catch onto what had been so important. Magic and loud noises had been flying around the entire time... No point in panicking about them now, though, the sounds of fighting dying down meant only one thing in her mind. She grinned widely as she began to pour over the books in the study, finally erupting into a chuckle, almost a cackle. "Given the last sound from the main hall was thunder... You're dead, aren't you? You're dead, Kazran... My only regret is not having been there in your final moments~ I wonder what kind of face you made. M was less composed, the final ear shattering noises making her jump in place curiously following after the tall dragon man. "Rrrhhh, it's always something right at the end... Some, complication, issue, problem. But who, and why? Urghhh..." All she wanted as things grew quiet was to leave and return to her daughter. Roxanne had claimed she was alive, so... she had to see her. See that Roxanne was telling the truth...
  6. "Stand." Lati stretched her drawing arm as her wounds were healed, putting a hand on this Falco's shoulder. "No one could have helped my mother. Not when her own sister was whispering the worst into Kazran's ears... She yet lives, so if you truly wish to make it up to her, I will tell you where she rests and you may go to serve her. I've no plans on bringing her back here... Too many memories, none good, and I'll not force her to attempt new ones." She slammed the end of her bow into the tile, glaring out towards everyone that still stood. "If any of you want to try and deny my claim, do so now. I will accept any challengers, despite Falco's words. There will be change here, so much change, but we are all Islexian at heart. I know how you all work. Power worships power, and while I am not my father, I am every bit as strong as I claim. So if you wish to live the life of an Islexian, then face me, now, and make your wants known." She continued to watch them, finally shaking her head. "Good. You've all still the drive to live. For anyone that wants to stand under me, you may stay, and anything you've been made to do under Kazran, I shall pardon. The man worked in fear and ambition, and anyone that didn't listen met their end at his axe... While I'm sure some of you relished his orders, I imagine there are as many of you that felt disgust weigh heavy in your hearts. Those that will not listen, you may leave. Join Nicolas if you wish it, find some minor warlord to stand behind. I care not. Things... Things here are going to change." She turned and pointed at the man of the hour, the one they'd truly fought this for. Even if she hadn't met him in person, his hair, his poise, there could be only one. "That man is Owen Egerton Gaffney. He lords over Castle Eslcas with his sister, and they are now our allies. So are any 'beasts' in this region of Islexia... If you don't like that? Go ahead. Fight me about me. So long as I draw breath, we will NOT live like that! Like savages! Denying the lives of others over their differences... Do you not SEE? If you won't hear it from the Glacians, the Hecatians, the Lufirians, then hear it from me, your fellow Islexian-- This must END! LOOK at her!" Her eyes fell on Sylmaria, sobbing, melting, completely ruined from all of this. "They bleed. They feel. They hurt, they cry, they fight, they are ALIVE, all the same as any of us. LOOK and understand, that we are all the same. Things here will change. You're on board, or you can make yourself scarce... This is the one and only time I will say this. It will not be challenged in the future. It will not be brought up again." The message was plain as day, clear as crystal. Lati would wait, see who remained, see who left, take on any that fought... There would be tradition, and there would be change. That was how this would go. Krystal did her best to cower behind Miria and Roxanne, even as that thunder sounded out of the main hall, as the sounds of distant fighting died and only a few voices could be heard... "H-Heyyyyy! I think... I think the fighting is over! We don't have to do this anymore, y-y'know?" She spoke towards the people ahead of them, but feared their denial, no attempt to speak, even for their former ally... The horns didn't help, she was sure. "We can all, relax! Talk some! Maybe even get cuddly... W-We don't have to keep killing each other!" She still had to go back and make sure Dwight was okay... She'd dip away to handle that if they denied her attempt. She felt it was coming, anyway...
  7. "Whoa, there she goes... And already injured, ahhhh... I'll never catch up with her, geez..." Azame sighed, watching Kazue rocket off like a living projectile, Junkyard doing its best to follow along. Azame to 30,15
  8. Spells and steel met the mountain of a man. For all of his bluster, his empty confidence, he truly was formidable. He took more punishment than any one of them could've handled. Yet, despite his power, his might, how strong he'd made his body... He fell. He fell, like any other, one final bolt of impressive lightning charring the man beyond recognition... They had won the day. Lati took a deep, painful breath. Cereza's arrows had almost done what she'd wished them to do, but she remained standing. That was all she needed. "He's... He's, gone... They're both... rrrrrRRRAAAHHHHHHH!" For the first time since they'd begun fighting, Lati let out a scream that matched what she felt in her soul, the motions overflowing, elation, satisfaction, sadness, release... It was too much, as the tears began to flow, but she wouldn't crumple. Even as her legs shook, her body ached, she was still standing and she would stay standing. "Hear me you DOGS! Kazran Serdio is DEAD! He's GONE! Cereza with him, and who did it!? WE DID! Stand down! Unless you think yourselves strong enough to handle the people that killed East Islexia's most formidable warlord, your time here is OVER!" She huffed, the adrenaline rushing through her body, making her wounds ache further, but the pain kept her conscious. "My name, is Lati Serdio. I am Kazran's daughter, heir to his lineage, and responsible for both surviving his onslaught and aiding his death! This castle is mine! And I will take any challengers that would question my reign!" Versaris shot her a very curious glance, but if she'd been in cahoots with Kazran, stabbing them in the back before his death would've been the plan. "You all heard the lady," he chirped towards the nearby soldiers. "You wanna do this? I went toe to toe with your warlord and I don't have a single scratch on me. You take a swing at her, I take one at you, and I'm willing to bet my life that I swing faster~" Sylmaria well and truly collapsed, face in her hands, weeping, body giving up after having finally achieved their goal. "He's dead! He's dead...! Ahhhhhhh! He's deeaaaad!" She tried her best to quiet her wailing, but it was all, so much. Kazran was dead. Giovanna was alive... And somehow, still, Sylmaria walked alongside her. "Despite, everything... Everything! Ahhh! AHHH! I can't...! I can't, hhhhn...!" She wanted nothing more than to shut herself up, but nothing was going to stop this. It had been a long time coming. So long... Talulah pulled her hand away from her sword... She'd been about to unleash it against the man, but the mage atop the horse handled him, finally putting an end to it all... "Hahh..." She took hold of mundane steel and held it at guard for anyone that dared to approach Lati's claim. She'd explained as much on the way towards the fort, and now that they were here, in the moment... No fool would ruin it. "YEAH! Fuck you, shit bag!" Alvira was far less emotional about the situation-- in a certain sense, plenty angry and satisfied, but nothing was overwhelming her the same as others. "Who's next, ahh!? You want some of this magic, you filth!? I'll take you all down! I'm not afraid of a fucking thing! I've fought GOD, what the fuck do you think you scum suckers can do to me!?" Ice was already forming in her palms, the fury and righteousness taking over, ready to blast whoever refused to toss their weapons aside. "Come on. Ohhhh I wish an Islexian would, don't you FUCK with me right now. I got bones to pick with this country..."
  9. "Whoa--" Versaris hadn't expected the sudden pull of magic, but when he arrived at Renais' side, he understood what needed to be done. "Right... Thank you, Renais. Keep safe. You don't know just how helpful you are and have been..." He couldn't help himself, reaching out and giving her a pat on the head, before turning his eyes to Kazran... and the sword held in that archer's clutches. "Perfect." With a sudden dash, he pulled the weapon from her grasp and engaged Kazran, a fire steadily growing behind his eyes. Versaris to 20,27, trade the Silver Sword, gut Kazran The Grace of the Dead "Gosh, they're getting stale... I guess I should've followed sooner, but I didn't want anyone complaining about my cleaning up~" Kise skipped and spun through the dungeons of Kazran's keep, humming contentedly to herself as she gently cast nosferatu on the corpses, sucking up with minuscule life force remained... It tasted horrible, it felt gross, but it was energy. The more the better, no matter how insignificant... and that she got to ride it all out on the backs of these mercenaries, how perfect~ No one would question a field of dead after a battle between two proper forces! No one would suspect her. No one would chase her down... "Ahhhh, I feel like I'm going to be sick~ These bodies are so vile... But I can feel it. I'm so close, ahhhh... Tamamo, embrace me~ Your filthy daughter is so close to your greatness. So close. So close... I can feel the seventh blossoming. After all these centuries, I'm so close...~ Laaa, lalalaaaa..." She continued to twirl her way through, moving towards the stairs... Surely things would be wrapping up soon. Surely...~
  10. "Roxyyyyy... You shouldn't be so complacent~" Krystal slid a hand into her hair as she stepped up to heal her. "You might get someone after you in return... Who wouldn't wanna bounce these lovely locks?" Krystal to 31,14 and heal Roxanne Cass to 31,9 and shove Cin M to 27,11 and shove Amera "Mrah! Mrrr, I'm always zoomy... I've gotta go fast. Whenever I fight, my whole dang body feels like it's getting zapped, and I gotta let that out on folks! Mrrrrr, like this!" Amera to 30,15 and chakram the soldier "Tasha!" Alvira ran after the tiger, reaching for her light tome, but... "No, it won't be enough. Not yet... Gods, dammit... If you're still going to curse me you worthless harpy, then he's the one that's going to feel it!" A burst of ice left her palm, and then another, hoping to take the man off of his horse, permanently... Alvira to 20,25, Ice GK1
  11. This was going to work. It had to work. The people around Kazran were falling, even his beloved wretch... Which meant she had to do her part. "KazRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" All she needed was his attention, as her hand came up, and a dark energy swirled around her fingers... Nothing left her hand, no blast, no spell, but her eyes glowed, red, burning, as the cold around the man crept in and the shadows grew. "You die. You die you die you die you die...!" Sylmaria idle and HEX Kazran
  12. Cerea's arrows stung, but nothing would stop here. She was here to do this... Kazran could wait. Cereza had to go. But, first-- "taking that for the elf," she yanked the silver sword from Talulah's grasp and pulled out an arrow. "Mom, I made it... I made it, and I'm going to show these people what a real Islexian is made of...!" Lati to 19,27, trade Silver Sword from Talulah, Killer recurve into Cereza!
  13. "黙れ!!!" Kazue barked back at the comms, eyes glaring daggers towards the machine that handled communications... "YOU do not know what that damn kitsune wants of us! All we have been told is your past and that she would attack this place today, and here they are! We play her game! I will do what I must... She does not know what I aim to do and it will throw her scheme into disarray-- I will not play this creature's game!" Kazue shut off her comms completely, focusing on the enemies in front of her. She just had to break through...
  14. "What-- Hey!" Talulah was stunned by the sudden sword thrust upon her by the... elf? It was a wonderful sword, for sure, but... "What in the world...? Fie, if I must..." Talulah to 18,27, silver sword end Fighter #11 "Rrhhnn... Stupid, magic, work when I need you to...!" Sylm shook her hand, but the sparks continued to zap around it, unable to form a spell. Kazran's screaming was nothing but the final cries of a cornered beast to her. He would die all the same... "But I need you to work..." Sylm to 16,27 "Hey, Tasha, wait up!" Alvira rushes to 19,21
  15. The Kn rumbled, partly due to her charge, partly do to the return strikes from nearby machines, but none of them were near strong enough to pierce the ablative armor. "Kn, reversing thrusters for another charge!" The announcement from the battleship came in nice and clear, Selu nodding and open broadcasting her own message to the machines in close proximity. "This is Warrant Officer Sélumine Binoal, and this is your last chance to disarm and surrender, Callistan rebels! Do not underestimate the firepower of a prototype!" Selu to 5,13, ram into REM 2! "Eject, NOW!" "Like that call for surrender will ever work," Louise muttered with a groan, pushing her machine forward some. "Bright eyes to Sunrise Squad," a terribly cliché name, given the ship's own moniker, but the military loved its funny callsigns, "incoming Arde models. Looks to be light on the mobile engagement weaponry, so bait their ranges and blow them up. Snipers on the ridges... Be careful on the approach. Bright Eyes out." Louise to 29,16 "龍 が 和が 敵 を 食らう!" Kazue had her plan in mind, but that didn't mean leaving her allies high and dry, rocketing up the cliff side into one of the enemy models! Kazoo to 29,9, heat halberd into the Lancer-S!
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