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[FE7] Yep. We got another Auction draft here.

Wen Yang

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1. This draft is for 4 players.

2. Hector, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use.

3. Bartre and Karla are drafted as a pair.

4. Geitz and Wallace are drafted as a pair.

5. Marcus is banned after Chapter 20.

6. The game will go through LHM + HNM.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25.

3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. These chapters may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter.

4. Other units may do as they please without penalty.

5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.


1. Matthew is free for Chapter 11.

2. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x.

3. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 16.

4. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items.

5. Lyn and Wallace are free for LHM.


Kopfjager - Sain 400, Lyn 100, Harken 15, Raven 25, Fiora 140, Lucius 140, Wil 1, Farina 38, Hawkeye, 141

Eclipse - Renault 1, Kent 425, Isadora 200, Batre + Karla 1, Jaffar 50, Heath 175, Erk 148

Esme - Lowen 215, Geitz/Wallace 15, Eliwood 110, Guy 35, Priscilla 90, Pent 145, Louise 10, Rath 60, Matthew 180, Dart 140

Ein - Florina 620, Legault 55, Rebecca 41, Dorcas 60, Serra 60, Vaida 45, Oswin 19, Canas + Nino 100

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I think we agreed to Marcus being free until Chapter 20 or so!

EDIT: 19xx can be visited, too. Sheesh, that came up earlier!

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Prologue - 5/5

Hooray for Lyn surviving by the skin of her teeth!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn       Lord       2.33  17   5    8    9    6    2    1

Chapter 1 - 5/10

By using Kent as bait, I was able to have Lyn run over to the boss and rearrange his face. This ended with most of the map dying on turn 5 EP. Not that I'm complaining!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn       Lord       3.83  18   5    8   10    6    3    2
Kent      Cavalier   2.13  20   6    7    8    2    5    1

Chapter 2 - 6/16

Again, not much to see/do here. Kent got the boss kill, Lyn got whatever he and his amazing base Strength couldn't finish. . .which was a lot.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn       Lord       4.53  18   6    8   11    6    3    3
Kent      Cavalier   3.43  21   6    8    9    3    5    1

Chapter 3 - 5/21

Kent and Lyn run amok. Lyn's gonna need some new weapons soon. . .

C'mon Kent, I know you can be awesome!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn       Lord       5.23  19   6    9   11    6    3    3
Kent      Cavalier   5.59  23   6    9    9    3    5    2

Chapter 4 - 7/28

Not like I can do anything to influence the turn count. Went a bit conservative towards the end, because Kent finally gained Strength.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn       Lord       6.03  19   7   10   12    7    4    3
Kent      Cavalier   7.10  24   7   10   10    3    5    2

Chapter 5 - 4/32

Lyn managed to 2RKO the boss. Everything else was self-explanatory, I think.

Forgot stats.

Chapter 6 - 5 + 4/41

I wanted that Robe! Matthew opened the first door, Kent got the Key and took the second one, then Lyn got a crit and Erk ran on the switch, killed the archer, and ended the map.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn       Lord       7.61  19   7   10   12    8    4    3
Kent      Cavalier   7.93  24   7   10   10    3    5    2
Erk       Mage       2.67  17   6    6    8    4    2    4

Chapter 7 - 6/47

This would've been the same if I dropped Lyn wit Florina, BUT I wouldn't have gotten Erk so damn strong. . .unfortunately, I forgot to take stats. Erk was front and center, dodging hits. That's all I really remember.

Chapter 7x - 5/52

Erk's job was to be as irritating as possible with Fire. I'm glad I had Lucius buy an extra Fire! Kent ran around randomly before finishing Eubans, and Lyn helped out where she could. Nils was busy~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn       Lord       9.12  20   8   11   13    9    4    4
Kent      Cavalier   9.15  33*  9   11   12    3    5    3
Erk       Mage       5.48  19   8    8   11    4    2    6
Nils      Bard       1.80  Base everything

Chapter 8 - 5/57

Erk downed the Pure Water Kent picked up earlier, tinked the mages, then calmly got the Lancereaver. Kent dropped Lyn on turn 1, thanks to Nils. They proceeded to massacre everything.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn       Lord      10.40  21   8   12   14   10    4    4
Kent      Cavalier   9.62  33*  9   11   12    3    5    3
Erk       Mage       5.82  19   8    8   11    4    2    6
Nils      Bard       2.01  15   0    0   13   11    5    5

Chapter 9 - 4/61

Erk is ridiculous. Lyn remembered how to dodge, and killed Eagler that way. Forgot stats.

Chapter 10 - 11/72

Kent got just enough experience to promote in front of Lundgren and do some chip damage (he was at 10.08). He also nommed the Energy Ring, which should help him greatly. Erk got the kill, with Nils assisting him. Erk is underrated. SERIOUSLY underrated.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn       Lord      12.11  23   9   12   14   11    4    4
Kent      Paladin    1.11  36* 13*  13   13    3    7    5
Erk       Mage       9.02  21  10   11   13    7    3    7
Nils      Bard       3.31  16   0    1   14   11    5    5
Wallace   Knight    12.14  Thanks for the crest!


Lyn - That's kind of a meh Lyn, but it was enough.

Kent - I had problems getting him experience towards the end, but he got some awesome levels. I think he'll be fine.

Erk - He's scary. It's like Kent without a horse that hits RES. . .and hasn't promoted yet.

Nils - Forever helpful!

Wallace - A little bit of distraction, and that's about it.

Edited by eclipse
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Moved Lyn up towards the mountains and had her finish the level.

8 turns because LTC is for chumps and chumpettes.

Chapter 1

I used Kent and Sain and forgot to write down the amount of turns because I'm attentive. I THINK it was 6. Either way +8.

Chapter 2

Sain usage GOOOOOOO! 8 turns +4

So... That's 34 turns I believe. Nice.

Slowly but surely I'll get around to playing this. Seems like fun so far.

I feel bad for anyone who thought I'd actually try to LTC this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm so late, blegh. Oh well, at least I can finally start now.

~ Prologue - 6 Turns

Not too difficult. Lyn nearly got KO'd by BATTA DA BEAST but she survived and managed to kick his ass.

~ Chapter 1 - 7 Turns

Sain and Kent are no-no's so I solo'd this map with Lyn. Nothing too exciting aside from a lucky strike by the boss dude, but other than that I'm A-OK.

~ Chapter 2 - 8 Turns

Yet another Lyn solo! The bandits were a piece of cake and Glass is now Broken Glass. Also, FUCK YEAH MANI KATTI!

~ Chapter 3 - 8 Turns

Lyn did swimmingly once again! She's getting really great level ups... I kind of regret not trying to spend my points on her, but oh well, I'll make due with I've got.

~ Chapter 4 - 7 Turns...? (Not sure how survival chapters work to be honest.)

moar lyn solol

~ Chapter 5 - 9 Turns

super duper pooper scooper moar lyn solol

~ Chapter 6 - 14 Turns

Oh god, 14 is terrible... Well, at least I get use some units other than Lyn. :I

~ Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10 - 8, 8, 11, and 15 Turns

Nothing special in these chapters aside from a near-death experience Matthew had while facing Lundgren. Yup!

~ Chapters 11, 12, 13, 13x, 14, and 15 - 9, 14, 14, 4 (Because I used Serra. :<), 11 and... none for 15 because it's a survival chapter (I think that's how it works.)

Wow! These were actually really fun. Matthew is proving to be ever-so-useful and so is Hector. Eliwood and Lowen are turning out great! In fact, Eliwood is STR blessed! :D

I could've saved 4+ turns on chapter 12 but those stupid peggies kept me on a goose-chase because they were trying to get to the fort to heal themselves. Ugh, just my luck. Um, anyway, the other chapters weren't very crazy so I'll just say I did some normal stuff to beat them. :I

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  • 4 weeks later...

Clearing out old drafts, one at a time.

Chapter 11 - 8/80

Eh, ask me if I care about getting 7 turns on this chapter.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       3.93  21   9    5    6    3    9    1

Chapter 12 - 5/85

Bartre wasn't completely useless?

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       6.34  23  11    7    6    5   10    2
Marcus    Paladin    1.90  Base everything
Bartre    Fighter    2.11  Base everything

Chapter 13 - 6/91

Hector whiffed the boss on turn 5. I got a couple more projectiles, as well as Guy.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       7.20  24  12    7    6    5   11    2
Marcus    Paladin    2.73  31  15   16   11    8   10    8
Bartre    Fighter    2.65  Base everything

Chapter 13x - 7/98

Hector holds the north by his lonesome, while Marcus goes to get the village. Bartre's pretty good so far. Keep it up~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       9.07  25  13    9    7    6   13    2
Marcus    Paladin    2.93  31  15   16   11    8   10    8
Bartre    Fighter    3.50  30  10    5    4    5    4    1

Chapter 14 - 8/106

I had to go shopping, and chase Erk across the map to recruit him. Also, Bartre gained Speed again.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord       9.83  25  13    9    7    6   13    2
Marcus    Paladin    3.26  32  15   16   11    8   11    8
Bartre    Fighter    5.78  32  10    6    5    5    4    1
Erk       Mage       9.91  21  10   11   13    7    3    7

Chapter 15 - 7/113

Erk is awesome, and Bartre gained Speed again.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      10.11  26  14   10    8    6   14    2
Marcus    Paladin    4.26  33  16   17   11    9   11    8
Bartre    Fighter    6.55  32  11    6    6    5    4    1
Erk       Mage      11.00  22  11   11   15    8    3    8

Chapter 16 - 7/120

Kent, Erk, and Bartre storm the middle, while Hector picks off what he can. Free Lyn means I can grab the Heavy Spear. Marcus was bored.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      11.36  27  15   10    9    6   15    2
Marcus    Paladin    4.38  33  16   17   11    9   11    8
Bartre    Fighter    7.70  33  11    6    6    5    4    1
Erk       Mage      12.81  22  11   12   15    8    4    9
Kent      Paladin    1.84  36* 13*  13   13    3    7    5

Chapter 17 - 10/130

Erk and Bartre got the latter's crest. Kent and Marcus obliterate things. Hector calmly walks towards the boss, because I can't be arsed to lug him around. I heart Erk.

Marcus, gain some Speed!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      12.19  28  16   11    9    7   15    2
Marcus    Paladin    6.19  35  18   18   11    9   12    8
Bartre    Fighter    8.46  34  11    7    6    5    4    2
Erk       Mage      14.22  23  13   12   15    9    4   10
Kent      Paladin    2.71  37* 13*  13   14    3    7    5

Chapter 17x - 4/134

Marcus handled the pirates, while Kent somehow handled Damian. Bartre trained a little up north, and Erk and Hector helped clean up after Kent. Managed to snag the Sleep staff.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      12.86  28  16   11    9    7   15    2
Marcus    Paladin    7.75  36  18   19   12    9   13    8
Bartre    Fighter    9.32  35  12    7    6    6    4    2
Erk       Mage      15.97  24  14   12   15   10    4   11
Kent      Paladin    3.59  38* 13*  13   14    3    7    6

Chapter 18 - 3/137

Everything that opposed me died. To Erk. And maybe Marcus.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      13.37  29  16   12    9    8   16    2
Marcus    Paladin    8.62  36  19   20   12    9   13    9
Bartre    Fighter    9.32  35  12    7    6    6    4    2
Erk       Mage      16.72  25  15   12   15   11    4   11
Kent      Paladin    3.90  38* 13*  13   14    3    7    6

Chapter 19 - 5/142

Kent and Marcus bumrush before they hit Uhai with the Horseslayer and Longsword, with Erk using Torches as necessary. Hector and Bartre guarded Merlinus. Bartre gained Speed again. Erk is amazing.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      14.50  30  16   12    9    8   17    3
Marcus    Paladin    8.78  36  19   20   12    9   13    9
Bartre    Fighter   10.64  36  13    7    7    6    4    2
Erk       Mage      17.33  26  15   13   15   12    4   11
Kent      Paladin    5.16  40* 14*  15   14    3    7    8

Chapter 19x - 6/148

Kent and Marcus bumrush, with Marcus occasionally hauling Hector. Erk guarded Merlinus, and Bartre got the village. Bartre gained Speed again~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      15.05  31  17   13    9    8   17    3
Marcus    Paladin    8.98  36  19   20   12    9   13    9
Bartre    Fighter   11.05  37  14    8    8    6    4    2
Erk       Mage      17.90  26  15   13   15   12    4   11
Kent      Paladin    6.76  41* 15*  15   15    3    7    9

Chapter 20 - 6/154

Promoted Bartre, so he'd stop gaining levels.

Kent and Marcus bumrush, with Marcus occasionally hauling Hector. Erk got me a Silver Bow (money~!), and Bartre killed what he could. Delayed a turn so I could kill Legault for Barrier. Erk staff spam shall commence soon enough!

Bye Marcus~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      16.23  32  17   13    9    9   18    3
Marcus    Paladin   10.44  38  19   21   13   10   14   11
Bartre    Warrior    1.45  40  15   10    8    6    7    5
Erk       Mage      19.03  27  15   14   16   12    4   12
Kent      Paladin    7.92  41* 15*  15   16    3    7   10

Chapter 21 - 4/158

The usual rush to the boss, with Kent making a detour to grab the Elysian Whip. Eliwood did my grocery shopping for me. Killed enough things to promote Erk at level 20. . .hey, stop looking at me like that. . .

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      17.03  33  17   14    9    9   18    3
Bartre    Warrior    1.99  40  15   10    8    6    7    5
Erk       Mage      20.00  28  15   15   16   13    4   13
Kent      Paladin    8.99  42* 16*  15   16    3    7   10
Ninian    Dancer     3.61  16   0    1   14   11    5    5

Chapter 22 - 5/163

I don't mind taking an extra turn, because Erk got some staff experience in. Erk and Kent charged through everyone, while Hector recruited Heath and Lyn recruited Rath for giggles. Got the Brave Axe, too~! Bartre continues to gain Speed~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      17.49  33  17   14    9    9   18    3
Bartre    Warrior    2.42  40  15   11    9    6    7    5
Erk       Sage       2.32  33  17   16   17   13    7   16
Kent      Paladin   10.31  44* 16*  15   16    3    9   10
Ninian    Dancer     4.11  17   0    1   15   12    5    6
Isadora   Paladin    1.49  Base everything
Heath     W. Rider   7.71  Base everything

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This is getting too long, so I'm gonna split it.

Chapter 23 - 6/169

Heath and Erk went into the desert to train. Pent was a mini-Erk. . .or was it the other way around? Regardless, I had two strong Sages in the desert, and that made my life much easier. Everyone else kept Merlinus safe. I got the Body Ring, Ocean Seal, and Filla's Might.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      18.07  34  18   14   10    9   19    3
Bartre    Warrior    2.77  40  15   11    9    6    7    5
Erk       Sage       4.22  33  19   17   18   13    7   17
Kent      Paladin   10.47  44* 16*  15   16    3    9   10
Ninian    Dancer     4.52  17   0    1   15   12    5    6
Heath     W. Rider   9.47  30  13    8    8    7   10    1
Isadora   Paladin    2.06  28  13   13   17   11    8    7

Chapter 24 - 2/171

Erk was danced to a fort, and it was funny. Managed to buy me some reavers before the chapter was out.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      18.60  34  18   14   10    9   19    3
Bartre    Warrior    2.77  40  15   11    9    6    7    5
Erk       Sage       5.34  34  20   18   19   14    7   17
Kent      Paladin   11.24  45* 16*  15   17    3    9   10
Ninian    Dancer     4.72  17   0    1   15   12    5    6
Heath     W. Rider   9.48  30  13    8    8    7   10    1
Isadora   Paladin    2.30  28  13   13   17   11    8    7

Chapter 25 - 7/178

Probably could've done this a turn sooner, but eh. I got some good levels. Isadora murdered the south, Erk was dropped to the east, and everyone else did their best up north. Kent forgot how to dodge. Bartre gained Speed again~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  36  19   16   12    9   20    4
Bartre    Warrior    6.05  44  18   13   10    8    7    6
Erk       Sage       8.92  35  22   19   19   15    8   18
Kent      Paladin   12.60  46* 16*  16   17    4    9   10
Ninian    Dancer     5.33  18   0    1   16   12    5    7
Heath     W. Rider  11.20  32  13   10    9    7   11    1
Isadora   Paladin    4.56  30  13   14   18   13    9    7

Chapter 26 - 11/189

Defend chapter. Not much to say here, except that Erk seems to be a higher priority target than Isadora.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  36  19   16   12    9   20    4
Bartre    Warrior    7.44  45  19   13   10    9    7    6
Erk       Sage      10.38  36  23   19   19   16    8   19
Kent      Paladin   13.45  47* 16*  16   17    4    9   10
Ninian    Dancer     6.03  19   0    2   17   13    6    7
Heath     W. Rider  14.53  34  14   11   12    8   13    2
Isadora   Paladin    5.35  31  13   15   19   13    9    7

Chapter 27 - 8/197

I wanted Bolting, so I promoted Heath. Turns out this was a Good Thing.

Chain-rescued Ninian after I got my Bolting, while the rest of my team made its way up north. Once the snow cleared, lots of stuff died. I had Ninian use Ninis' Grace on Heath, so he could tank the archers in the room before Kenneth. Once that was done, I had Isadora weaken Kenneth via Silver Sword, then Heath finish. Hector was danced to the throne.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  36  19   16   12    9   20    4
Bartre    Warrior    8.16  45  20   13   10   10    8    6
Erk       Sage      12.04  37  24   21   19   17    8   20
Kent      Paladin   13.79  47* 16*  16   17    4    9   10
Ninian    Dancer     6.98  19   0    2   17   13    6    7
Heath     W. Lord    3.89  40  15   14   16    9   15    4
Isadora   Paladin    6.30  32  13   15   19   13    9    7

Chapter 28 - 15/212

Torch spam~! Erk hit D staves on this map, so I took the time to Torch everything. Everyone ran towards Nino. Erk's Torch range was more than enough to illuminate Ursula, who died so fast it wasn't funny. Afterwards, illuminated and killed Maxine for giggles. Got all the treasure. Erk is now halfway through C staves, because I broke the Torch staff here (not like there's any other foggy maps I can use it on). It should be pretty obvious who got the boss kills.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  36  19   16   12    9   20    4
Bartre    Warrior    8.60  45  20   13   10   10    8    6
Erk       Sage      13.62  38  24   22   19   17    8   20
Kent      Paladin   16.27  49* 19*  16   20    4    9   11
Ninian    Dancer     8.29  21   0    3   19   15    6    9
Heath     W. Lord    4.87  41  15   15   17    9   15    4
Isadora   Paladin   10.06  35  13   16   22   13   10    7

Chapter 28x - 20

Well, that was a nice distraction. Heath killed off the wyvern reinforcements. Sonia ate a crit from Erk. Onwards~!

Bartre got a crapton of Speed, and a perfect level. This might not be as stupid as I feared.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  36  19   16   12    9   20    4
Bartre    Warrior   11.30  48  22   14   13   12   10    8
Erk       Sage      16.85  40  26   23   20   18    8   21
Kent      Paladin   17.41  50* 19*  16   20    4    9   12
Ninian    Dancer     9.60  22   0    3   20   16    6    9
Heath     W. Lord   10.80  47  18   19   21   12   16    4
Isadora   Paladin   13.95  38  13   17   23   13   10    8

Chapter 29 - 11/223

Drop Erk in the middle, and watch stuff die. Heath snagged Warp. Vaida went shopping. Bartre gained Speed. All was right with the world.

Erk is epic. Kent is pretty damn good, too. Heath is amazing, Bartre's surpassing my expectations, and WTFisupwithIsadora'sStrength?

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    G. Lord    1.00  39  19   18   15    9   21    9
Bartre    Warrior   13.35  50  23   15   14   12   10    8
Erk       Sage      20.00  42  28   24   23   18    9   22
Kent      Paladin   20.00  53* 20*  18   21    5    9   13
Ninian    Dancer     9.60  22   0    3   20   16    6    9
Heath     W. Lord   14.77  50  19   23   23   12   18    5
Isadora   Paladin   16.12  40  13   18   24   14   10    9

Chapter 30 - 8/231

I. . .don't think I need to explain what happened. . .

Jaffar wasn't deployed on the last map. Whoops.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    G. Lord    1.22  39  19   18   15    9   21    9
Bartre    Warrior   13.35  50  23   15   14   12   10    8
Erk       Sage      20.00  42  28   24   23   18    9   22
Kent      Paladin   20.00  53* 20*  18   21    5    9   13
Ninian    Dancer     9.60  22   0    3   20   16    6    9
Heath     W. Lord   16.29  52  20   23   23   12   18    5
Isadora   Paladin   16.12  40  13   18   24   14   10    9
Jaffar    Assassin  15.20  36  19   27   24   10   15   11

Chapter 31 - 11/242

Grabbed everything of note, and used a Bolting charge to make sure my units weren't put to sleep. I think I forgot to update Hector's level, but updated his stats. Whoops.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    G. Lord    1.22  41  20   20   15    9   22   10
Bartre    Warrior   15.17  52  24   16   14   13   10    8
Erk       Sage      20.00  42  28   24   23   18    9   22
Kent      Paladin   20.00  53* 20*  18   21    5    9   13
Ninian    Dancer     9.60  22   0    3   20   16    6    9
Heath     W. Lord   17.64  53  20   24   23   13   19    5
Isadora   Paladin   16.80  40  13   18   24   14   10    9
Jaffar    Assassin  16.65  36  19   28   24   10   15   11

Chapter 31x - 5/247

Jaffar and Hector took this time to give me more money.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    G. Lord    4.47  42  21   21   16    9   23   10
Bartre    Warrior   15.18  52  24   16   14   13   10    8
Erk       Sage      20.00  42  28   24   23   18    9   22
Kent      Paladin   20.00  53* 20*  18   21    5    9   13
Ninian    Dancer     9.60  22   0    3   20   16    6    9
Heath     W. Lord   17.64  53  20   24   23   13   19    5
Isadora   Paladin   16.80  40  13   18   24   14   10    9
Jaffar    Assassin  17.52  37  19   29   24   10   16   11
Karla     Swordity   5.00  LOL

Chapter 32 - 11/258

Staff spam was the order of the day. That's what took so long. . .and. . .

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    G. Lord    8.14  45  24   23   18   10   24   15
Bartre    Warrior   20.00  55  27   17   15   15   10    9
Erk       Sage      20.00  42  28   24   23   18    9   22
Kent      Paladin   20.00  53* 20*  18   21    5    9   13
Ninian    Dancer    11.14  23   0    3   22   18    6   11
Heath     W. Lord   20.00  56  22   25   23   13   21    7
Isadora   Paladin   20.00  43  14   18   25   16   11   10
Jaffar    Assassin  20.00  39  20   30   24   10   16   12
Karla     Swordity   6.13  29  14   22   19   16   11   12

Chapter 32x - 2/260

Turn 1: Erk uses Hammerne on Physic, and hits A staves. Nils plays, and Erk warps Jaffar in front of Kishua. Jaffar swings and misses.

Turn 1 EP: Pray.

Turn 2: Erk uses a Physic charge. Jaffar assassinates Kishuna.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    G. Lord    8.14  45  24   23   18   10   24   15
Bartre    Warrior   20.00  55  27   17   15   15   10    9
Erk       Sage      20.00  42  28   24   23   18    9   22
Kent      Paladin   20.00  53* 20*  18   21    5    9   13
Nils      Bard      11.24  23   0    3   22   18    6   11
Heath     W. Lord   20.00  56  22   25   23   13   21    7
Isadora   Paladin   20.00  43  14   18   25   16   11   10
Jaffar    Assassin  20.00  39  20   30   24   10   16   12
Karla     Swordity   6.13  29  14   22   19   16   11   12
Renault   Bishop    16.30  Bleh.

Light - 6 + 2/268

Boots to Athos, two Goddess Icons to Kent, Speedwings and Body Ring to Hector, Body Ring to Erk so he can double stuff while holding heavier things.

Part 1: Door Keys and the Unlock staff get some love. Swordslayer and Filla's Might makes Lloyd miserable; Bolting proves its worth by smacking Kenneth and Linus. Nergal went down to Athos (EP), another Athos, and Brave Lance Kent on Filla's Might.

Part 2: Athos and Hector (who doubles) get the job done.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    G. Lord    8.44  45  24   23   20*  10   24   15
Bartre    Warrior   20.00  55  27   17   15   15   10    9
Erk       Sage      20.00  42  28   24   23   18    9   22
Kent      Paladin   20.00  53* 20*  18   21    9*   9   13
Nils      Bard      12.14  24   0    3   23   19    6   11
Heath     W. Lord   20.00  56  22   25   23   13   21    7
Isadora   Paladin   20.00  43  14   18   25   16   11   10
Jaffar    Assassin  20.00  39  20   30   24   10   16   12
Karla     Swordity   6.13  29  14   22   19   16   11   12
Renault   Bishop    16.80  Bleh.

Edited by eclipse
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Now, one last thing. . .

Hector - That wasn't bad at all! He pulled enough speed late in the game so I could have him double with Armads. That is an insane Skill blessing.

Marcus - Why does he behave when I have to ditch him?

Bartre - Early promoted so he wouldn't gain so many levels. Did his job well enough, and got a good amount of speed, to boot. That's above average offensively, below average defensively.

Erk - MVP and then some. He got a lot of speed early, so he was able to feed himself. His Magic is through the damn roof, with Skill not far behind. That's technically HP, Speed, and Defense screwed, but whatever. He held his own nicely, and hit A staves at the right time.

Kent - He's Skill and Luck screwed, but who's counting?

Heath - Caps? What caps? Was really fast, and that's what I was looking for.

Isadora - She was Strength-screwed, but it didn't seem to affect her much, as the rest of the team had ridiculous offense.

Jaffar - Skill blessed and Speed screwed. . .but it didn't matter, because he assassinated both Limstella and Kishuna.

Karla - Uh, thanks for the Victory or Death help?

Renault - Did some minor healing and hit something with Aura. That's about it.

Overall - Erk and Heath were awesome, Bartre surprised me in a good way, Kent was okay, Isadora was a bit of a failure, and Hector was very amusing. I don't regret this at all.

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